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Fantasea Show


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2 years ago, 4 of us went to the show: 3 Thais + 1 chubby farang.

Chubby farang was bored and not impressed. The animal acts seemed cruel. The show is targeted at the middle aged and elderly that would probably find a Carnival or Costa Cruise exotic and that have never seen a Cirque de Soleil show or Chinese acrobats perform. No comparison to the latter and it seemed like amateur night at times.

1 Thai fell asleep 1/2 way through. He started snoring and we started giggling.

1 Thai thoroughly enjoyed himself

1 Thai, of very nationalist sentiment provided a canned TAT statement on the wonders of the land blah blah, but I noticed he was busy texting his girlfriend throughout the entire show (so I don't think they take telephones if one is discreet).

The food was horrible. It was bland and looked like left overs 3 days old. I was the one asking for chili and I am not a fan of spicey food.

1 guy had severe gastric upset the next day and we assume it was from eating the food. 1 other reported mild bowel upset. 1 guy can eat roadkill with impunity so who knows. I avoided a couple of the seafood dishes that they ate and was spared the diarhea.

My assessment: If its raining and one has nothing to do, ok, its a nice way to kill a few hours. Just remember where you parked or join the bus.

I would not suggest Fantasea to a friend.Do not eat the food as it is a disappointment and poor value.

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Well I suppose it is nice to see that people are easily pleased. The show is like a visit to the latest Mall. WOW. The lights. The size. The crowds. The spectacle. The vast emptiness of anything significant.But as an old artist said in Malaysia: the temples and theatres are empty. Everyone is in a Mall. So if you love all that is a Mall, you will love Fantasea.

It's funny you should say that. I was at Central yesterday, doing a bit of shopping, and 30 elephants, came running past, then loads of acrobats and performers came tumbling through!!

Just like Fantaseas it was. :blink:

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2 years ago, 4 of us went to the show: 3 Thais + 1 chubby farang.

Chubby farang was bored and not impressed. The animal acts seemed cruel. The show is targeted at the middle aged and elderly that would probably find a Carnival or Costa Cruise exotic and that have never seen a Cirque de Soleil show or Chinese acrobats perform. No comparison to the latter and it seemed like amateur night at times.

1 Thai fell asleep 1/2 way through. He started snoring and we started giggling.

1 Thai thoroughly enjoyed himself

1 Thai, of very nationalist sentiment provided a canned TAT statement on the wonders of the land blah blah, but I noticed he was busy texting his girlfriend throughout the entire show (so I don't think they take telephones if one is discreet).

The food was horrible. It was bland and looked like left overs 3 days old. I was the one asking for chili and I am not a fan of spicey food.

1 guy had severe gastric upset the next day and we assume it was from eating the food. 1 other reported mild bowel upset. 1 guy can eat roadkill with impunity so who knows. I avoided a couple of the seafood dishes that they ate and was spared the diarhea.

My assessment: If its raining and one has nothing to do, ok, its a nice way to kill a few hours. Just remember where you parked or join the bus.

I would not suggest Fantasea to a friend.Do not eat the food as it is a disappointment and poor value.

I guess it's like anything. If it's not your cup of tea, then you're not going to like it. Tickets to the FA cup final at Wembley, wouldn't mean anything to someone who doesn't like football.

This thread has about 95% of people saying they enjoyed it, you really can't argue with those figures.

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2 years ago, 4 of us went to the show: 3 Thais + 1 chubby farang.

Chubby farang was bored and not impressed. The animal acts seemed cruel. The show is targeted at the middle aged and elderly that would probably find a Carnival or Costa Cruise exotic and that have never seen a Cirque de Soleil show or Chinese acrobats perform. No comparison to the latter and it seemed like amateur night at times.

1 Thai fell asleep 1/2 way through. He started snoring and we started giggling.

1 Thai thoroughly enjoyed himself

1 Thai, of very nationalist sentiment provided a canned TAT statement on the wonders of the land blah blah, but I noticed he was busy texting his girlfriend throughout the entire show (so I don't think they take telephones if one is discreet).

The food was horrible. It was bland and looked like left overs 3 days old. I was the one asking for chili and I am not a fan of spicey food.

1 guy had severe gastric upset the next day and we assume it was from eating the food. 1 other reported mild bowel upset. 1 guy can eat roadkill with impunity so who knows. I avoided a couple of the seafood dishes that they ate and was spared the diarhea.

My assessment: If its raining and one has nothing to do, ok, its a nice way to kill a few hours. Just remember where you parked or join the bus.

I would not suggest Fantasea to a friend.Do not eat the food as it is a disappointment and poor value.

I guess it's like anything. If it's not your cup of tea, then you're not going to like it. Tickets to the FA cup final at Wembley, wouldn't mean anything to someone who doesn't like football.

This thread has about 95% of people saying they enjoyed it, you really can't argue with those figures.

100% of those people are not from a country where you can see a cirque du soleil show for cheap.

The show is not boring at all, but it's nothing spectacular.. It's just a show a little above what an high school could do(if you forgo the animal cruelty acts) None of the dancer are synchronized, none of the Trappist are even close to being synchronized or doing the same moves, some people are 10secs off key in every scene. Some of them are moving slowly and nonchalantly as if they just want their $ and to go home.

It's clearly a very amateurish show, for all the money they make and all the daily shows they've had, they should be a lot better if anyone cared.

You dont need to be snobish to see what i have just described, it'S not like a douche bag with a baguette talking down about the latest adam sandler movie. These guys are really amateurs and the entertainement might be worth 500baht tops.. especialy seeing that the 3hours waiting period only leaves you in options: Buying Crap, Eating crap, buying more crap, overpaying for crappy unbeatable games. Only free thing is the few animals you can see for "free". I literally loled at the 30baht for 2baht worth of fish food.

My 1600baht personally would of been better fit for a 1500 baht home cooked steak(if such exists) and a 20baht dumb ass comedy rental and a 30baht beer lao.

Signed with love:

Someone who's seen a ton of affordable circus acts from real athletes who've been training 8hours a day since they were 10 and went to circus school and also a few amazing cirque du soleil shows which were cheaper than fantasea and offered more freebies.

ps: i was still entertained a little and was able to appreciate it even though i knew that those guys there were animal abusers. Just have to remind yourself, you're seeing an overpriced community college show.

Edited by notbritish
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100% of those people are not from a country where you can see a cirque du soleil show for cheap.

What are you talking about? Everybody in this thread is from Europe, America, or OZ, the same as you and me. They all have access to circuses!

If you read 'GeriatricKid's post, you will see that some Thai people,(who are the ones who may never have been able to see a cirque de solei) were the very few people, who didn't particularly like it. Which is the exact opposite to what you have just said.

You didn't like it, that's your prerogative. You can't tell everybody else that they shouldn't, when quite clearly according to this thread, they do.

Edited by Logician
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Does anyone have any idea just how much abuse the elephants must endure to be made to do those treks?

Read the reviews on Tripadvisor if you really think your idea of entertainment is seeing captured animals in unnatural positions like the elephants and tigers in glass cages. Please note Thailand has NO animal welfare laws.

There are both good and bad reviews here. The bad ones are pretty bad.

Edited by LivinginKata
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Food is crap but the sho is great. They do change it fro season to season. Last time I went the Siamese Twins were mute. I tell people that there is lots to lear about Thailand at the show! The various pre show events are geographical and tghere for represent the various cultures of Thailand.. the history of Phuket alone is great. A good pre show activity is to visit the musuem just east of Victory Monument.. Greatg Stuff!

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My link was removed as it violated rules..sorry but please go on travel review websites and read the reviews.

Here is the latest one for Fantasea

“Absolute Waste of Time”

1 of 5 stars

Date of review: Apr 13, 2011 - New

Unless you are a historian and a lover of bad performer, tacky carnival stalls and bad food, avoid this place. Personally I love theater and musicals but within 10 mins was completely bored. The animals are poorly treated in small enclosures and I wouldnt be surprised if one day the elephants threw a tantrum and stormed the crowd. Loud music...

and another one not in favour.

“animal abuse”

1 of 5 stars

Date of review: Jan 29, 2011

can't give it more than one star after seeing the animals on the grounds of fantasea.

Tigers in a small enclosure with no trees or rocks just glass to be gawked at. Our poor cockatoos in such an unatural setting were perched looking sleepy and drugged. A pelican in a tiny glass enclosure has lost most of it's feathers and looked so distressed, (these birds fly 1000's of miles for crying out aloud). The elephants look sad, made to perform like circus freaks, pooing on the ground as they perform, probably payback. The show would be so much better without the animals, it didn't need them. The baby tigers looked skinny and starved, couldn't get enough of that milk they were feeding them while tourists got their photos taken with them, probably the only time they get fed. We cried and couldn't enjoy the show after seeing all this animal abuse. Thank goodness we didn't go to Phuket zoo it's supposed to be even worse!!!

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Queue logician : "wow fireworks, wow explosions, wow people flying around"

Another very poorly thought out, and highly inaccurate post from 'notbritish'!

Read the thread again and you will see that I've barely given an opinion on the show itself. I actually think it's worth seeing but wouldn't rave about it.

I have only commented on the general consensus, of the posters in the thread, and how you have remained in the minority throughout. Even with a poster desperartely trying to post bad reviews from other sites, your opinion is still in the minority.

Although you write English O.K, your comprehnsion of it, seems highly dubious, most of the time!

Anyway, strange that you've replied to a couple of my posts in this thread, when I'm on your banned list. What happened, did you miss me?

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