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I have a CAT CDMA usb dongle for my internet connection. A while ago when I was in the lokal Cat telecom office I saw a device that would deliver wireless internet without being connected to the computer. Just a 1*6*8cm metall box with a powercord. I went back the other day to buy it(3900,-baht), but they are sold out.

And they have no clue when they will get a new supply.

So my question is:

I have a D-Link wireless router laying around. Is there in some way possible to connect the router to my desktop and use it to share the connection from the usb CDMA dongle.

Any help is welcome.




doubt your Dlink will work. You need a wireless router that support EVDO. There is 3G router selling at local online shop and it costs about 2500THB. Do search online.

I have a D-Link wireless router laying around. Is there in some way possible to connect the router to my desktop and use it to share the connection from the usb CDMA dongle.


Go into network places, right click on the CAT CDMA connection and select properties >> sharing >> allow other users to connect using this computers internet connection (summat like that)

You will have to switch of the DHCP on the router as the desktop will want to set IP's, I gave my router a fixed ip in the same range as the desktop assigned.

totster :D


The OP may not be aware that this will work fine only as long as he leaves the desktop machine turned on. It wont work if the desktop is turned off. So the desktop should be set to power down the monitor after x minutes but not to go into standby or hibernation modes at all.

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