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Why Do All Thai'S Get Labelled The Same On Thaivisa When Not All Thai'S Are The Same


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The guy or gal that queue jumps at 7-11 doesn't get blasted by me because they are Thai, they get it because they are jerks with a sense of entitlement :)


And usually Thai, as are most people I see every day, but if you want to talk about percentage of jerks per nationality, don't get me started on the G............ :ph34r:

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If this was an Expat forum in America for Thais we would all be talking about the fat, lazy and arrogant Americans.

There are, on Pantip, and some Facebook groups.

Fat definitively, lazy not really and arrogant neither. But a lot of stories of crime, especially in the Los Angeles area.

But mostly they exchange tips about shopping and restaurants

Edited by JurgenG
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I try to make excuses for EVERYONE'S bad behaviour, no matter what nationality they are. I didn't grow up in their environment so I don't know what troubles they are dealing with. It is THEIR problem, not mine. Why should I waste any time worrying about anyone else? I can only control my OWN life and in doing so I try to treat everyone better than I get treated myself That way my conscience is always clear.

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Hmmm, gimme a second to ponder that.. :blink: Okay, got it :whistling:. Possibly for the same reason all Americanz, Auzziez, Kiwiz, Britz, Scotch, or ______ <-(insert your favorite nationality here), get labeled the same way.

It's far easier to lump people into broad all encompassing categories, like say by nationality, than parse out their perceived short-comings person by person.

Sheesh, where’s the fun in that? ;)

Remember; "You can paint a wall WAY faster with a broad brush than a narrow one", although personally I prefer to use a paint-roller in my generalizations of Thais and foreigners for maximum coverage! :D

BTW: I AM most definitely an "equal opportunity discriminator" :o I discriminate against ALL people equally without regard to race, creed, color, or any other set of parameters. :)

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1. Not all posters bash on Thais. Just as many are Thai-lovers, and more are middle-of-the-road posters where they like some things about Thailand and don't like some things about Thailand.

2. While unfair and inappropriate, people as a whole, not just posters here, often generalize on Thais, Chinese, Americans, Brits, Aussies, farangs in general, fat men, bald men, weight lifters, skinny men, western women, Thai women, fat women, bargirls, older foreigners in Thailand, English teachers, Muslims, Palestinians, Israelis, NATO, people who meet on internet dating sites, red shirts, yellow shirts, Issan Thais, police...should I go on? It is a natural state of the human condition. It doesn't do individuals justice, but it happens.

3. In a corollary to "If it bleeds, it leads," people don't jump on to post that they had a normal drive home from work, had a normal meal, and watched tv. They tend to post when something happens, and often it is anger which motivates more to post than something good or humorous. Having someone break into your house is more apt to lead to a new thread on TV than when someone chases you down with the cell phone you left at the table where you had lunch.

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When I was a young man in my twenties I thought most Aussie men were boors. That is because of ALL the ones I came in contact with. They were mostly young, rough men who were world travelers, and were trying to get by with low funds. Canada is an easy place to visit if you are part of the Commonwealth, and it's a "sucker" when it comes to travelers who want to exploit the "system". And, the young Aussies on the take certainly knew how to exploit our system. They used our resources and slipped out the back door without paying.

Then, I married an Aussie women and went to Australia on a yearly basis. I saw an entirely different type of person in the typical Australian male. There were a LOT of really nice men... besides the lovely "Sheilas". I've had similar experiences with other nationalities and It tends to cloud your thinking.

It was the same with many Americans I met who came to Canada, and who thought they could just buy anything and everything their heart desired. They were entirely different from the ones I met when traveling in their country. They were the most friendly people I had ever met... including the Canadians. The only other country with such friendly people were the Kiwis. By contrast the Brits and French were stand offish and not too friendly at all until you got to know them better.

Edited by IanForbes
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3. In a corollary to "If it bleeds, it leads," people don't jump on to post that they had a normal drive home from work, had a normal meal, and watched tv. They tend to post when something happens, and often it is anger which motivates more to post than something good or humorous. Having someone break into your house is more apt to lead to a new thread on TV than when someone chases you down with the cell phone you left at the table where you had lunch.

True, of course. But one of the most entertaining and longest threads was about a bloke eating his breakfast day after day at a place inside the Emporium. It was dozens and dozens of pages long and led to the rarest of events-- a ThaiVisa initiated mass prank.

And for the new ones among you, google is your friend.

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3. In a corollary to "If it bleeds, it leads," people don't jump on to post that they had a normal drive home from work, had a normal meal, and watched tv. They tend to post when something happens, and often it is anger which motivates more to post than something good or humorous. Having someone break into your house is more apt to lead to a new thread on TV than when someone chases you down with the cell phone you left at the table where you had lunch.

True, of course. But one of the most entertaining and longest threads was about a bloke eating his breakfast day after day at a place inside the Emporium. It was dozens and dozens of pages long and led to the rarest of events-- a ThaiVisa initiated mass prank.

And for the new ones among you, google is your friend.

Ah, yes, that infamous thread. Just goes to show that even in posting about generalities, you can't be too general! :)

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Other than your first sentence, I tend to agree with you. However, all topics have a life of their own and you can usually learn something from them. That alone makes them a valuable addition to a forum. Otherwise a forum will into something tedious and boring with such stimulating subjects such as... "Where can I buy a pizza or Padt Thai in Bangkok?".

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Classic! Couldn't do a better caricature if I tried. (especially like the bitterness and hostility towards not only Thais but anyone who doesn't despise them. Nice touch. ) By the way...

A generalization is a generalization in the sense that it's generally true.

That may be the definition for some (and not surprised that it is yours) but I tend to go more with the ones that go more like this:

a written or spoken comment in which you say or write something very basic, based on limited facts, that is partly or sometimes true, but not always, or when someone generalizes by using such statements

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This is a really stupid thread and most of the replies are equally stupid.

You've just told us all a great deal about yourself with that post.

While some stereo-types might often fit, they certainly shouldn't make a person so bitter.

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If this was an Expat forum in America for Thais we would all be talking about the fat, lazy and arrogant Americans.

Assumptions towards any such Thai-community forum in foreign places. If you were aware of the countless of Thai-language forums that derive themselves here in Thailand, you might recant your critique. Instinctively, most Westerners will be geared towards like-cultural and English-kinship forums.......as if they were the only type of forums that existed.

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same reason why all farangs are the same stupid buffaloes.

most people are unable to express a balanced view.


The smart arse condescending apologists are just as bad as the chip on their shoulder characters that come on here to slag off Thais. They are all bigots in their own way, unable to understand anothers opinion and too blinkered to offer a balanced view. ....... and so predictable.


I think you would do well to be more sympathetic to your fellow bigots.

I am pleased to have tolerant prejudices, rather than liberal bigotry


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If this was an Expat forum in America for Thais we would all be talking about the fat, lazy and arrogant Americans.

We still seem to spend a lot of time talking about fat, lazy, arrogant Americans... do fit Americans feel left out?


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Its simple, most intelligent people do not need to go labeling a certain type of people things to make themselves feel better about themselves. It is just a human behavior that if we feel insecure, we need to bring others down to boost your confidence.

So the members who are usually screaming the loudest and really not that bright in the first place and will resort to all sorts of silly remarks and even made up stories to get other to back slap each other. That's just human nature I guess.

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Its simple, most intelligent people do not need to go labeling a certain type of people things to make themselves feel better about themselves. It is just a human behavior that if we feel insecure, we need to bring others down to boost your confidence.

That's a bit of a generalisation isn't it?

Nice cap.

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Its simple, most intelligent people do not need to go labeling a certain type of people things to make themselves feel better about themselves. It is just a human behavior that if we feel insecure, we need to bring others down to boost your confidence.

So the members who are usually screaming the loudest and really not that bright in the first place and will resort to all sorts of silly remarks and even made up stories to get other to back slap each other. That's just human nature I guess.

I believe it might be in our nature. Cultural competition and one upsmanship, looking down on one another, comparing cultural character in a superlative manner. Age old.....and not limited one particular societal order.

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