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PM vows to hike minimum wage

By Sodchuen Limkriangkrai.

BANGKOK APRIL, 10 2011 (NNT)- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejajijva said in his weekly show “Confidence in Thailand with PM Abhisit” that negotiations had been made between the government and employers to raise the minimum wage in order to adjust the national economic structure for equality in society. Meanwhile, the minimum wage in Thailand is considered to be lower than the Philippines.

The minimum wage has weakened the national economic resulting in insufficient quality in labor performance when facing the country issues, which the Ministry of Labor is currently working on improving the labor performance, considering more in line with wage labor efficiency. The idea is that if the money in the hands of the public increases, then they would be able to cope with the crisis of rising consumer prices. The rate would be up by 25 percent in two years; the prolonged period of adjustment is due to the concern over entrepreneurs.

As for the rise in consumer prices due to the increased cost of production of soybean oil and milk,the Prime Minister reiterated that the government would make the changes in line with the prices in market. As for the fertilizer cost, the cost of production has also been increased while the Ministry of Commerce is working on measures to help consumers.


-- NNT 2011-04-10 footer_n.gif


Depends who you ask about minimum wages as labour department seems confused. The issue on hand is the PM makes a populist promise, with virtually no downside. If he loses - he does not have to pay, if he wins, the public pays!

Thaksin did it as well but more outlandish. Every village would get Baht 1M. No downside. He won, he used taxpayers money. They got it, they distributed and all the villages went out and bought mobile phones. Who owned the phone company?

The difference here is at least the PM's promises does not line his own pockets.


How much is the minimum wage ?

Generally 200 baht a day or approx £3.80....... not alot for driving buses, digging holes, driving dumpsters

What do you mean, generally. Min wage is min. wage, am I wrong?


What do you mean, generally. Min wage is min. wage, am I wrong?

Minimum wage is not the same in different regions of the country.


elections ...

gf sister getting paid 150 baht working on new roads... pitful that the boss pays them that and its in sisaket


Vote buying has started . Note no mention of this over the last 2yrs. So it is the Junta way of buying votes without using their own money

"Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva first floated the idea of a 250-baht minimum wage in June (i.e. 2010, rubl). In an address to Board of Trade members, he urged business leaders to think “out of the box” about ways to improve income distribution to promote social reconciliation."


From December, 2010:

"THAILAND: To raise daily minimum wage from January"


Plus one from December, 2009:

"Cabinet approves new minimum wage raise"


Even older, but probably under the late k. Samak, from May 2008:

"Thailand raises minimum wage by 4.6 percent"


And just for the fun of it a PTP campaign promise, from the 22nd of December, 2010:

"If it wins the mandate to form the next coalition government, Pheu Thai will strive to hike the minimum wage to Bt300 a day and guarantee a starting salary of Bt15,000 a month for university graduates."


Vote buying has started . Note no mention of this over the last 2yrs. So it is the Junta way of buying votes without using their own money

"Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva first floated the idea of a 250-baht minimum wage in June (i.e. 2010, rubl). In an address to Board of Trade members, he urged business leaders to think “out of the box” about ways to improve income distribution to promote social reconciliation."


From December, 2010:

"THAILAND: To raise daily minimum wage from January"


Plus one from December, 2009:

"Cabinet approves new minimum wage raise"


Even older, but probably under the late k. Samak, from May 2008:

"Thailand raises minimum wage by 4.6 percent"


And just for the fun of it a PTP campaign promise, from the 22nd of December, 2010:

"If it wins the mandate to form the next coalition government, Pheu Thai will strive to hike the minimum wage to Bt300 a day and guarantee a starting salary of Bt15,000 a month for university graduates."


As long ago as that ? WOW I don't suppose he was even thinking about elections then was he ,


As long ago as that ? WOW I don't suppose he was even thinking about elections then was he ,

Politicians thinking about elections?? ... Shock!! Horror!!

It isn't quite the same as Thaksin's promise to make everyone rich in 6 months, is it?


As long ago as that ? WOW I don't suppose he was even thinking about elections then was he ,

Politicians thinking about elections?? ... Shock!! Horror!!

It isn't quite the same as Thaksin's promise to make everyone rich in 6 months, is it?

vote buying with other peoples money . Now he wants the poor to support the regime that killed their sons ,brothers , mothers ,daughters , fathers grandchildren on the streets of BKK


vote buying with other peoples money . Now he wants the poor to support the regime that killed their sons ,brothers , mothers ,daughters , fathers grandchildren on the streets of BKK

You're talking about k. Thaksin and the UDD leaders, I presume? Don't worry, k. Thaksin didn't know them, not necessary with cannon fodder.

To get back to the OP and my reply with a long list of occasions the minimum wage was increased. It's a recurring item on every bodies agenda, government, opposition, labour organisations, etc., etc.

As for 'poor supporting the regime', with a tax-free bracket of 100,000 THB and possible deductions you are not really poor when you contribute via government tax-income :ermm:


vote buying with other peoples money . Now he wants the poor to support the regime that killed their sons ,brothers , mothers ,daughters , fathers grandchildren on the streets of BKK

You're talking about k. Thaksin and the UDD leaders, I presume? Don't worry, k. Thaksin didn't know them, not necessary with cannon fodder.

To get back to the OP and my reply with a long list of occasions the minimum wage was increased. It's a recurring item on every bodies agenda, government, opposition, labour organisations, etc., etc.

As for 'poor supporting the regime', with a tax-free bracket of 100,000 THB and possible deductions you are not really poor when you contribute via government tax-income :ermm:

So people minimum wage are not poor ? Dear me

have you been drinking by any chance?


Got to be good for the people....the line below from the OP explains why it is necessary.....

"The idea is that if the money in the hands of the public increases, then they would be able to cope with the crisis of rising consumer prices"


vote buying with other peoples money . Now he wants the poor to support the regime that killed their sons ,brothers , mothers ,daughters , fathers grandchildren on the streets of BKK

You're talking about k. Thaksin and the UDD leaders, I presume? Don't worry, k. Thaksin didn't know them, not necessary with cannon fodder.

To get back to the OP and my reply with a long list of occasions the minimum wage was increased. It's a recurring item on every bodies agenda, government, opposition, labour organisations, etc., etc.

As for 'poor supporting the regime', with a tax-free bracket of 100,000 THB and possible deductions you are not really poor when you contribute via government tax-income :ermm:

So people minimum wage are not poor ? Dear me

have you been drinking by any chance?

Depends on definition, my dear chap. Would have to check what the Thai governments considered 'poor' over the last one/two decades. I assume it's adjusted regularly (inflation corrected?) like the minimum wages.

As for 'have you been drinking', if the contents of my post suggest this, I'm afraid there may be a few other posters around who had more than a few. IMHO of course :D


vote buying with other peoples money . Now he wants the poor to support the regime that killed their sons ,brothers , mothers ,daughters , fathers grandchildren on the streets of BKK

You're talking about k. Thaksin and the UDD leaders, I presume? Don't worry, k. Thaksin didn't know them, not necessary with cannon fodder.

To get back to the OP and my reply with a long list of occasions the minimum wage was increased. It's a recurring item on every bodies agenda, government, opposition, labour organisations, etc., etc.

As for 'poor supporting the regime', with a tax-free bracket of 100,000 THB and possible deductions you are not really poor when you contribute via government tax-income :ermm:

So people minimum wage are not poor ? Dear me

have you been drinking by any chance?

Depends on definition, my dear chap. Would have to check what the Thai governments considered 'poor' over the last one/two decades. I assume it's adjusted regularly (inflation corrected?) like the minimum wages.

As for 'have you been drinking', if the contents of my post suggest this, I'm afraid there may be a few other posters around who had more than a few. IMHO of course :D

so what you are saying is you are lost & dont know what the thread is about. .Maybe you should retrace your tracks when you wake up. Shouldn't you be cooking your fellas super B)


vote buying with other peoples money . Now he wants the poor to support the regime that killed their sons ,brothers , mothers ,daughters , fathers grandchildren on the streets of BKK

How else do politicians fund their elections promises? Are Thaksin/PTP funding their promises for minimum wage increases to 300 baht per day and 15,000 baht per month for graduates out of their own pockets. I suppose you're one of the ones that believe Thaksin gave his own money to the poor and paid of Thailand's IMF loans himself.

You also seem to believe that all the poor support the red shirts/PTP/Thaksin. Given that they only got 33% of the vote in the last election, and an Asia Foundation poll said only 14% of Thais supported the red shirts, there are a lot more poor people than them to aim your policies at.

Maybe, you're just thinking that because only the elite support the Democrats, that the Democrats shouldn't have any policies that support the poor. Next you'll be wanting the Democrats to withdraw their free education and free health policies and their recent minimum wage increases just because it's other peoples money.


Vote buying has started . Note no mention of this over the last 2yrs. So it is the Junta way of buying votes without using their own money

Didn't the PTP make extravagant promises, on both starting-pay for all graduates, and also the minimum-wage for the poor, quite recently ? Although without mentioning how they planned to fund it, for government-employees, at least ? You must have missed that ! <_<

And your "Junta", or the government it appointed only days after the September-2006 coup, surely handed back power to elected-politicians in January 2008, perhaps you missed that also ? B)

Vote buying has indeed (and deplorably but predictably) started some months back, with measures like the diesel-subsidy & subsidised cooking-oil & sugar, also with promises to make all our Thai relatives rich within six months. If only, as my own herd of water-buffalo appear to be sickening, and in urgent need of expensive treatment from the local vet ! :rolleyes:


You're talking about k. Thaksin and the UDD leaders, I presume? Don't worry, k. Thaksin didn't know them, not necessary with cannon fodder.

To get back to the OP and my reply with a long list of occasions the minimum wage was increased. It's a recurring item on every bodies agenda, government, opposition, labour organisations, etc., etc.

As for 'poor supporting the regime', with a tax-free bracket of 100,000 THB and possible deductions you are not really poor when you contribute via government tax-income :ermm:

So people minimum wage are not poor ? Dear me have you been drinking by any chance?

Depends on definition, my dear chap. Would have to check what the Thai governments considered 'poor' over the last one/two decades. I assume it's adjusted regularly (inflation corrected?) like the minimum wages.

As for 'have you been drinking', if the contents of my post suggest this, I'm afraid there may be a few other posters around who had more than a few. IMHO of course :D

so what you are saying is you are lost & dont know what the thread is about. .Maybe you should retrace your tracks when you wake up. Shouldn't you be cooking your fellas super B)

Don't know where you read I'm saying I'm lost or don't know what the OP is about. Probably you need to get some sleep and re-track in the morning.

BTW 'cooking your fellas super' ? Care to explain this strange expression?


How much is the minimum wage ?

Not even close to being enough......and they find it upon themselves to raise this minimum wage but a pittance. Not next month or the month after that. How about a couple of years....

Next you'll be wanting the Democrats to withdraw their free education

Well, that would help Thaksin in future polls

Next you'll be wanting the Democrats to withdraw their free education

Well, that would help Thaksin in future polls

Would it.....really?

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