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Whose The Oldest?


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I don't get too scared until I look in the mirror and see an old goat looking back at me. And, having just come back from my son's home after cutting, raking and weed wacking his acre of lawn I'm truly feeling my age of 71. My son is too busy building a suite in the basement of his new home to take care of the mundane stuff such as garden work.

Where is that old saying that I"m only as old as the woman in my bed? Well, that only applies when I'm in Thailand for 5 months of the year.

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Nice to get some perspective

I will be 65 in November, and will have spent 40 years in Thailand - almost to the day.

However I often feel like a teenager ......... unfortunately there is rarely a teenager around when I feel like one!

That's an “Old” joke – not at all serious OK!!


Edited by p_brownstone
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Not me! I still have years to go before I even hit retirement visa age ;)

Not difficult to discern......:)

Thanks! I am glad you can tell I am in my 40's and not yet calcified in my thinking :)

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Not me! I still have years to go before I even hit retirement visa age ;)

Not difficult to discern......:)

Thanks! I am glad you can tell I am in my 40's and not yet calcified in my thinking :)

You are welcome.......Indeed, the inexperience of youth pervades your posts......as above :D

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Not me! I still have years to go before I even hit retirement visa age ;)

Not difficult to discern......:)

Thanks! I am glad you can tell I am in my 40's and not yet calcified in my thinking :)

You are welcome.......Indeed, the inexperience of youth pervades your posts......as above :D

Gads I can only imagine the age of someone that thinks of 46 as "youth" .... I do admit to being youthful on occasion though! Don't you wish that you could say the same ;)

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I don't get too scared until I look in the mirror and see an old goat looking back at me. And, having just come back from my son's home after cutting, raking and weed wacking his acre of lawn I'm truly feeling my age of 71. My son is too busy building a suite in the basement of his new home to take care of the mundane stuff such as garden work.

Where is that old saying that I"m only as old as the woman in my bed? Well, that only applies when I'm in Thailand for 5 months of the year.

Why only five months, Ian?

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Thanks! I am glad you can tell I am in my 40's and not yet calcified in my thinking :)

You are welcome.......Indeed, the inexperience of youth pervades your posts......as above :D

Gads I can only imagine the age of someone that thinks of 46 as "youth" .... I do admit to being youthful on occasion though! Don't you wish that you could say the same ;)

You are correct early forties I class as young, late forties you are getting on a bit...rapidly approaching 50....:) .....I just renewed my passport after 10 years....the only possible 'problem' as I was informed by the officer, was that I looked younger in the new photo than I did in the old......:) ....there aint many who can say that!!

I guess I am kept young by my wife and family.......fortunate indeed......

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I don't get too scared until I look in the mirror and see an old goat looking back at me. And, having just come back from my son's home after cutting, raking and weed wacking his acre of lawn I'm truly feeling my age of 71. My son is too busy building a suite in the basement of his new home to take care of the mundane stuff such as garden work.

Where is that old saying that I"m only as old as the woman in my bed? Well, that only applies when I'm in Thailand for 5 months of the year.

Why only five months, Ian?

Because for the OTHER 7 months I'm in Canada fishing, hunting, skiing, taking photos, climbing mountains and researching for my books and magazine articles. I don't have TIME for a woman in my life. And, because the only women I find attractive enough to take home to my bed would not want me, either. No western woman would put up with my life style, and I would'n't blame her. But, it works for me. I could be married in a month if I wanted to be, but I enjoy my freedom too much. I don't need a "mommy" to look after me and I like to pick my friends who I want to spend time with. I couldn't do that if I was married. With marriage comes commitments and I'm selfish and don't like commitments. My grown children and grand children come first and I"m not sharing their inheritance with anyone else.

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Let's try to avoid the baiting & stay on topic.

Personally, I'm just a baby as far as what I can tell about typical 'long-timer' foreigners in Thailand (however, I'm not the youngest mod or even next-to-youngest). However, I have foreign friends from the ages of 20-something to 90-something (as far as they will admit). Most of my Thai friends are from their 20s to their 50s. All of them add value to my life.

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I don't get too scared until I look in the mirror and see an old goat looking back at me. And, having just come back from my son's home after cutting, raking and weed wacking his acre of lawn I'm truly feeling my age of 71. My son is too busy building a suite in the basement of his new home to take care of the mundane stuff such as garden work.

Where is that old saying that I"m only as old as the woman in my bed? Well, that only applies when I'm in Thailand for 5 months of the year.

Why only five months, Ian?

Because for the OTHER 7 months I'm in Canada fishing, hunting, skiing, taking photos, climbing mountains and researching for my books and magazine articles. I don't have TIME for a woman in my life. And, because the only women I find attractive enough to take home to my bed would not want me, either. No western woman would put up with my life style, and I would'n't blame her. But, it works for me. I could be married in a month if I wanted to be, but I enjoy my freedom too much. I don't need a "mommy" to look after me and I like to pick my friends who I want to spend time with. I couldn't do that if I was married. With marriage comes commitments and I'm selfish and don't like commitments. My grown children and grand children come first and I"m not sharing their inheritance with anyone else.

Forbesy...considering your antics and your be-v-v-y of Thai beauties im suprised you can even see out the 5 months :D

Im a good 20+ years younger and im finding it a challenge :)

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All of them add value to my life.

So very true. With age I've come to realize that everyone can add to your value of life... that includes the nasty people. I have had many experiences that I don't want to repeat, but I'm glad I had the experience ONCE. There is always something new to learn. I"ve said many times that anything that doesn't kill or maim you is a learning experience. And, as long as I'm vertical or horizontal by choice then everything is okay. I can put up with the rough bits that happen to everyone and we mostly get over.

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I know a poster who turns 79 later this year. But I won't name him.

I'll be far from youngest - but how many others are there under 50?

Almost every farang here that I know is under 50. Although most wouldn't come near Thai Visa if they were paid. Except for the ladies section which is actually a pleasant little subforum, the belief is the rest of this site is too full of old curmudgeons with bad attitudes. They're correct in my experience, although I am a glutton for punishment and enjoy the occasional opportunity get a few people all riled up, or just to complain, or even gloat at times. Since I am well under 50, maybe that means I'm older than my age....

Anyway, I wouldn't expect to get anything approaching reality with a poll on age in Thai Visa. I think you will find it heavily biased towards retirees.

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My body is 56.

That part of 'me' that runs that body is quite a bit younger.

It's all attitude - how you view the world - how you choose to interact with it all.

At a guess - ??? I'll pick 18 !!!

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I haven't seen TV poster "BEENTHEREDONETHAT" in awhile. If my memory doesn't fail me he mentioned he was 75, and that may have been a couple of years ago. I really enjoyed his posts and I sure hope he's still around somewhere.


Your memory is excellent, two years ago I was 75 and now 77 and going strong. Haven't posted much as the wife 68 (don't tell her I told you that) and I have been doing a lot of traveling this year and I don't carry a computer when I travel and dislike internet cafes so that is the reason you haven't heard from me much.

In looking at the internet we found that some of the prices on property in the US is half of what it was in 2008 so we took a trip there and found a townhouse in north Idaho that we really liked and ended up buying it. we plan to spend our summers there and the winter in Cha Am. So we are out of here next month and will be busy furnishing our townhouse and enjoying sane traffic.

We also considered getting a place in Australia on the Gold Coast, in fact we got 10 year visa's so we could do that. But when we got there and checked things out we decided that Australia was way more expensive to live than the US, and their medical insurance is very expensive and covers very little. It has really changed a lot in the five years we have been gone. But the banks are friendly to deal with and pay very good interest on term deposits.

But on the original question I'm 77 and really enjoying life, things are going good and I look forward to every day. My mother reach 96 and was in great shape until the end so I see no reason I can't do the same or a bit better.

One of the first things I will do in the US is get a computer and hook up to the internet so we will still be in touch and keep up with what is happening here.


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I haven't seen TV poster "BEENTHEREDONETHAT" in awhile. If my memory doesn't fail me he mentioned he was 75, and that may have been a couple of years ago. I really enjoyed his posts and I sure hope he's still around somewhere.


Your memory is excellent, two years ago I was 75 and now 77 and going strong. Haven't posted much as the wife 68 (don't tell her I told you that) and I have been doing a lot of traveling this year and I don't carry a computer when I travel and dislike internet cafes so that is the reason you haven't heard from me much.

In looking at the internet we found that some of the prices on property in the US is half of what it was in 2008 so we took a trip there and found a townhouse in north Idaho that we really liked and ended up buying it. we plan to spend our summers there and the winter in Cha Am. So we are out of here next month and will be busy furnishing our townhouse and enjoying sane traffic.

We also considered getting a place in Australia on the Gold Coast, in fact we got 10 year visa's so we could do that. But when we got there and checked things out we decided that Australia was way more expensive to live than the US, and their medical insurance is very expensive and covers very little. It has really changed a lot in the five years we have been gone. But the banks are friendly to deal with and pay very good interest on term deposits.

But on the original question I'm 77 and really enjoying life, things are going good and I look forward to every day. My mother reach 96 and was in great shape until the end so I see no reason I can't do the same or a bit better.

One of the first things I will do in the US is get a computer and hook up to the internet so we will still be in touch and keep up with what is happening here.


Nice one. :)

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I have admitted to 28 years for the past 47. I reach my three quarters of a century in three days time. (Something that few English batsmen have achieved lately). I still play football with the kids on the beach but alas, the slide rule pass and cannonball shot are but memories.

On 22nd December last year I celebrated not being gainfully employed for the last 20 years.

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