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True Internet User Wanting To Upgrade To Higher Upload Speed

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I am currently on the 599 baht plan which has the advertised speed of 6mb download and 512 upload.

I consistently get about 5 mb download and 400kb upload with various speedtest sites in Thailand.

The next upgrade tier is 899 baht plan which offers 9mb download and more importantly 1mb upload.

I am wanting the higher upload speed and was wondering what you guys think, would upgrading to the higher plan really give me a few hundred kb upload speed?

I am not expecting 1mb upload but anything more than a few hundred kb over 400kb I am getting is worth it.

Any experiences if 700kb-1mb upload is realistic in Thailand with TRUE internet?

I'm located about just outside Bangkok, near the new govt complexes.


It really depends on the share ratio in your area, you might get the 1mb, but you might not. If there are other major users you are screwed. You would just have to chance it I'm afraid. But the extra download would be worth ii.

I use True 3G, and I can upload at 2mb, and download at 6.5mb. So the speed is available it just depends on how True manage it.


Generally you will get faster upload speeds(and download speeds). But, as you expected, it probably won't hit the full 1Mbs. As colinthailand20005 said its going to be a crap shoot and you're probably going to have to chance it. Any possibility that you have a neighbor that already has this package? Might be your only way of checking without buying first. Good Luck!


I thought the sharing of bandwidth hold some truth to "cable internet" and not as much on "DSL lines".

I was referring to my DSL line. Also I thought that on the DSL service there is no timed contract so I would imagine the most I can lose would be the extra 300 baht for that month of upgrade and can downgrade if not satisfied without being penalized.


Its almost the same here. You're speeds will vary depending on how much internet your "area" is using regardless of how its brought in.(cable,adsl,3g...)

Most providers are happy to let you upgrade without meeting any kind of time requirements, but downgrades are penalized if you have met the contract period. For True Cable Internet you can upgrade anytime but downgrade takes 6 months, or penalty. Not sure but I believe the adsl takes 1 yr before you can downgrade without penalty.

I thought the sharing of bandwidth hold some truth to "cable internet" and not as much on "DSL lines".

I was referring to my DSL line. Also I thought that on the DSL service there is no timed contract so I would imagine the most I can lose would be the extra 300 baht for that month of upgrade and can downgrade if not satisfied without being penalized.


Expect upgrading to a 1Mb upload plan would give you around a 800Kb actual upload speed, except during those times when there are more users than average. But I expect you may not get 400Kb currently at peak times. Usually it's easier to maintain a fairly constant upload speed the great majority of the time as compared to download speed which seems to be more impacted by the number of users, international bandwidth limitations, etc.

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