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Songkran & The Liquor Police


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Anyone else hear or see the booze police going around today telling establishments that that they can only sell booze in legal hours: 11am - 2pm & 5PM +?

My fave pub & restaurant got hit today & was most unimpressed.

No booze sales 2PM - 5PM & he is a pub & restaurant of 25 yrs in Cnx.

The police told him if the customers bring their own booze no problem, but YOU can't sell any.

Needless to say he was absolutely livid this evening when I spoke to him.

Isn't there something fundamentally wrong with the system nowadays for this to be happening?

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Yes, on the moat. The owner of Somphet market even came down to enquire <deleted>; there were so many officials in the place.

This is really sick.

You pay pay taxes & run a legal business & the lovely officials come around & tell you not to serve your return customers of many years.

What did you do wrong? Nothing. There are scores of places on the footpath selling booze.

There's no doubt IMHO that the system in Los is now seriously sick & corrupt.

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Just in case I had plenty booze in the truck, but didn't need any of it as all bars were selling without even having to make an attempt to hide it.

I think police were acting against some people selling beer along the moat. Such a policy would actually improve road safety and also be good for licensed bars and pubs.

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Don't understand the reason for his lividness. Songkran is notorious for road deaths mainly caused through excessive drinking by Thais and foreigners, the Government are trying to reduce the number of road accidents (although some may say in a cock-eyed manner) the police are attempting to uphold the law (in their usual unpredictable fashion) and because your friend cannot make a killing (sic) on the back of other peoples suffering "he is livid". :annoyed:

I would have thought the 25 years he spent in Thailand would have been sufficient for him to comprehend the vagaries associated with Thai authorities and live with them. Surely a business owner of such long standing isn't shocked by this type of of inconsistent behavior. Or is business that bad!


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Just in case I had plenty booze in the truck, but didn't need any of it as all bars were selling without even having to make an attempt to hide it.

I think police were acting against some people selling beer along the moat. Such a policy would actually improve road safety and also be good for licensed bars and pubs.

You had plenty of booze in your truck? But visited plenty of bars.

And you then comment on road safety.

Try leaving the truck at home......

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I think that they should ban booze all together over Songkran, no confrontations, less accidents, a much more enjoyable time would be had by all, alcohol is the root of all evil if you ask me :lol:

Victor Meldew

I agree 100% :)

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Don't understand the reason for his lividness. Songkran is notorious for road deaths mainly caused through excessive drinking by Thais and foreigners, the Government are trying to reduce the number of road accidents (although some may say in a cock-eyed manner) the police are attempting to uphold the law (in their usual unpredictable fashion) and because your friend cannot make a killing (sic) on the back of other peoples suffering "he is livid". :annoyed:

I would have thought the 25 years he spent in Thailand would have been sufficient for him to comprehend the vagaries associated with Thai authorities and live with them. Surely a business owner of such long standing isn't shocked by this type of of inconsistent behavior. Or is business that bad!


I never concern myself with how other people get a buzz, although I do not like alcohol or the pickle brain people that costume it but people like to drink and do stupid things. i am not talking about the people who drink and never get drunk blink.gif I am almost certain that people can have fun without drinking. Let the party begin

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I think that they should ban booze all together over Songkran, no confrontations, less accidents, a much more enjoyable time would be had by all, alcohol is the root of all evil if you ask me :lol:

Victor Meldew

I agree 100% :)

I second that 100%

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No offense to you or your friend, but he/you knew better. How can you say the system is corrupt after you got caught purposely breaking the law? Was he selling the beer at an illegal time to "fight the system"?

Seriously, after 25yrs in the business, he doesn't know when to just "play along"?

Honestly, to me it sounds like he got "too big for his britches" and figured he was not included in this country-wide ban.

Yes, on the moat. The owner of Somphet market even came down to enquire <deleted>; there were so many officials in the place.

This is really sick.

You pay pay taxes & run a legal business & the lovely officials come around & tell you not to serve your return customers of many years.

What did you do wrong? Nothing. There are scores of places on the footpath selling booze.

There's no doubt IMHO that the system in Los is now seriously sick & corrupt.

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I think that they should ban booze all together over Songkran, no confrontations, less accidents, a much more enjoyable time would be had by all, alcohol is the root of all evil if you ask me :lol:

Victor Meldew

I agree 100% :)

I second that 100%

I take it, you all agree that alcohol should be banned at Christmas! I didn't think so!

I totally agree with you about drinking and driving, but banning it altogether at Songkran is totally out of the question. The Thais work all year for Songkran, so who are we to say they can't let their hair down and party.

Proper enforcement of the Law is the only way to combat the issue of drinking and driving. You must be a mad man to drink and drive in the UK at Christmas, because every one knows that the police have pulled out all the stops to try and catch the few idiots that do attempt to drive. If only the same could be said about Songkran and the police here.

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No offense to you or your friend, but he/you knew better. How can you say the system is corrupt after you got caught purposely breaking the law? Was he selling the beer at an illegal time to "fight the system"?

Seriously, after 25yrs in the business, he doesn't know when to just "play along"?

Honestly, to me it sounds like he got "too big for his britches" and figured he was not included in this country-wide ban.

Yes, on the moat. The owner of Somphet market even came down to enquire <deleted>; there were so many officials in the place.

This is really sick.

You pay pay taxes & run a legal business & the lovely officials come around & tell you not to serve your return customers of many years.

What did you do wrong? Nothing. There are scores of places on the footpath selling booze.

There's no doubt IMHO that the system in Los is now seriously sick & corrupt.

Totally agree with your comment. It's the law! Why complain??? Can't sell booze? Sell them ice and mixers or bottled water. Make no sense to cry foul when the BIB is just following the law.

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A bit off subject, but this is something I didn't know. Is drinking and Christmas such a big thing in the UK? In the US its more drinking and New Year, guess the same as drinking and Songkran.

I think that they should ban booze all together over Songkran, no confrontations, less accidents, a much more enjoyable time would be had by all, alcohol is the root of all evil if you ask me :lol:

Victor Meldew

I agree 100% :)

I second that 100%

I take it, you all agree that alcohol should be banned at Christmas! I didn't think so!

I totally agree with you about drinking and driving, but banning it altogether at Songkran is totally out of the question. The Thais work all year for Songkran, so who are we to say they can't let their hair down and party.

Proper enforcement of the Law is the only way to combat the issue of drinking and driving. You must be a mad man to drink and drive in the UK at Christmas, because every one knows that the police have pulled out all the stops to try and catch the few idiots that do attempt to drive. If only the same could be said about Songkran and the police here.

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Just in case I had plenty booze in the truck, but didn't need any of it as all bars were selling without even having to make an attempt to hide it.

I think police were acting against some people selling beer along the moat. Such a policy would actually improve road safety and also be good for licensed bars and pubs.

You had plenty of booze in your truck? But visited plenty of bars.

And you then comment on road safety.

??? Don't understand what you're saying.

Try leaving the truck at home......

Then how will we get downtown?

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I'm confused. Thai law for a long time has banned the sale of alcohol between 2pm and 5pm. The police are enforcing this law, and consequently a bar owner is angry.... Just because you ignore the law and get away with it, doesn't mean you have a right to ignore the law.

Secondly, the area around the moat is a designated no alcohol zone. The police are allowing bars to sell alcohol at regular legal times. Surely the bar owner should be thanking the police for not completely banning the sale of alcohol for these three days.

Will the OP name the bar in question? Seems like a place I'd rather not bother giving my custom to with such an a$$ of an owner.

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No offense to you or your friend, but he/you knew better. How can you say the system is corrupt after you got caught purposely breaking the law? Was he selling the beer at an illegal time to "fight the system"?

Seriously, after 25yrs in the business, he doesn't know when to just "play along"?

Honestly, to me it sounds like he got "too big for his britches" and figured he was not included in this country-wide ban.

I agree with Steve. It seems to me that a lot of bar owners cry foul 365 days a year over some law or another that impinges on them. Then there are some who think just because they are established they are above the law (which may or may not be an ass). In a country like Thailand, when a law is broken some get away with it and some get hit hard. It's the way it is. TIT. Is the system corrupt? You betcha it is, but on balance owners of establishments selling liquor have got away with far more over the years here, than they could ever have hoped to in their own country. Then there are establishments that actually keep to the law, close on religious holidays etc, and still seem to make a living without crying in their beer constantly. I think since the currency decline and because of the lack of tourists, bars are struggling. However, what they fail to realise that whether they are struggllng or not, the BIB do not give a <deleted>.

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Seems the BIB can't win on this forum: damned if they do, damned if they don't. If someone get's burgled, or their motosai or phone stolen there's the posts whingeing about them doing too little. Yet when they do their job, like enforcing the law against a farang who is in flagrant breach of it and flaunting it in their faces that's wrong too. The law about not selling alcohol between 2 and 5 p.m. is well known, whilst sometimes they turn a blind eye, (often with some incentives :whistling: ) , that's no defence or excuse when they do enforce it, especially when the probability of them doing so has been well known for weeks.

Edited by Paagai
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The issue is more about equal enforcement. Some places are forced to comply with the law, others not. If this was a Western country the law would have been enforced from the day of its passing with equanimity. Here it is enforced at the whim of the police. I'll wager these bars had no written advance warning that weren't to serve alcohol over Songkran, some big wig in the police just decided this was the way to enforce it.

In any event, the law is an ass - anyone who thinks that banning people from purchasing alcohol between 2 and 5 will reduce alcohol consumption or alcohol related accidents is living in cloud cuckoo land. People will find alcohol if they want it and preventing legitimate establishments from serving will not stop anyone friom drinking as much as they choose!

As has been suggested, enforcing the drink driving laws would help far more than stopping pubs around the moat from selling beer.

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I think that they should ban booze all together over Songkran, no confrontations, less accidents, a much more enjoyable time would be had by all, alcohol is the root of all evil if you ask me :lol:

Victor Meldew

I agree 100% :)

I second that 100%

I take it, you all agree that alcohol should be banned at Christmas! I didn't think so!

I totally agree with you about drinking and driving, but banning it altogether at Songkran is totally out of the question. The Thais work all year for Songkran, so who are we to say they can't let their hair down and party.

Proper enforcement of the Law is the only way to combat the issue of drinking and driving. You must be a mad man to drink and drive in the UK at Christmas, because every one knows that the police have pulled out all the stops to try and catch the few idiots that do attempt to drive. If only the same could be said about Songkran and the police here.

...and it decreases the surplus population!

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David is referring to The Kafe on Moonmuang Road, the owner is Thai and well understands the laws of Thailand.

If some of you would like to reread DavidGTR's 2nd post you might note that he mentioned many people selling booze on the footpath during the supposed non-alcohol sales hours to which the police turned a blind eye.

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Still does not make it right.. He knew the rules and chose not to follow them.

Also, by getting the "bigfish" or the more notable seller gives more attention to what is being done(over 1088 views to this thread). I didn't notice any posts about " my friend was selling beer on the footpath.... INJUSTICE!!!"

And yes, I reread his second post per your suggestion. He states "You pay pay taxes & run a legal business & the lovely officials come around & tell you not to serve your return customers of many years."

How can anyone say he was running a legal business if he was selling beer illegally?

and the "lovely officials" didn't come around to tell you not to serve booze, the owner already knew that. the "lovely officials" came to enforce the law.

I'm not saying I agree with the law, I'm saying that crying foul because you chose to play the game and lost, is imbecile.

David is referring to The Kafe on Moonmuang Road, the owner is Thai and well understands the laws of Thailand.

If some of you would like to reread DavidGTR's 2nd post you might note that he mentioned many people selling booze on the footpath during the supposed non-alcohol sales hours to which the police turned a blind eye.

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