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Knee Pain-Cortisone?


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I've been experiencing almost constant knee pain for the last year and a half, first one then the other shortly thereafter. It is almost certainly Arthritis, I'm 67 and it does seem to run in the family.

I'm not ready to consider knee replacement yet but am interested in trying Cortisone injections directly into the knee for temporary relief. I've been told that many experience up to six months greatly diminished pain using Cortisone.

Has anybody reading this received Cortisone pnjections in Bangkok? I'd be very interested in knowing where you had it done, how much you paid and how effective it proved to be.

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Best to try and confirm the diagnosis and have an X-ray done to determine the level of damage if it is osteoarthrosis. Cortisone injections should be reserved as a last resort really for people who would not qualify for knee replacement or other forms of surgical procedures. Sometimes an arthroscopic procedure to wash out the joint and remove any loose bodies or debris in the joint; this sometimes gets the patient lots of relief for months. Cortisone can actually aggravate osteoarthrosis in a joint even if the pain is reduced. Further relative contraindiction is that there may be a higher risk of post operative infections in joint replacement cases.

Other measures such as non-weight bearing exercises such as cycling has a major beneficial effect as well. This, combined with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (if no other contra-indications) is still better than intra-articular cortisone.

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You did not indicate if you are taking any specific drugs for your condition so do not know if this will help. Diclofenac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug taken to reduce inflammation and as an analgesic reducing pain in certain conditions. May be of some help to you and is available locally. I take it for psoriatic arthritis and it appears to help.


Certainly recommend seeing a knee specialist though if you have not already done so.

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I blew a knee joint about three weeks before I was to have a hip replacement a couple of years ago. (in Australia) Had an MRI, the knee was cactus.

I was in agony, and with both joints of the same leg not working properly, I didn't what, or how, to go ahead with surgery. My surgeon insisted the hip had to be done first.

He injected my knee with steroids and relief of the joint was immediate. I walked out of the office carrying the crutch I needed to get in there. I had a couple more injections which got me past the hip op and recovery and , with some physio, the knee is still going, although it will need replacement soon.

Definately recommend the injections, can't help with where to go in Bangkok.

Good luck.

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