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Militants May Join Thailand Insurgency

Boon Mee

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Again you are being very selective of your history. British, American and countless other nations have their own barbaric and shameful histories so your point in highlighting Arabic atrocoties really holds no water in this debate.

My point is why continue relating to history? We are here and now and can make our own fresh judgements and decisions can we not?

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Well Boon Mee you seem to be getting on your high horse about this more than most of us so I figured YOU had the beef??????? Come on it's nice that you are trying to placate us with history etc but this is not the same type of situation. The kettle's on.

No high horse here, seonai. :o

Again, pointing out there's a lot more to the story w/regard to the south than the bad 'ol Thai Army and politicians in BKK than you might be aware of. Think 'out of the box' and perhaps check out publications like the following which may not be your cuppa but it's real...

"Voice of the Caliphate": Al-Qaeda News

"Voice of the Caliphate": what clearer indication could there be of the jihadists' overall goal to reestablish the caliphate and by means of it to establish the hegemony of Islamic law over the world? While it is unlikely at this point that they will ever succeed in Thailand - we hope.


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most followers of islam wish to live in a 21st century world , how come the extreme minority have been allowed to have so much power , and want to impose their beliefs on a majority that dont want it.

when will the majority stand up and say enough is enough

I don't see where the extreme minority has so much power. Only in Afghanistan they had the power and after the fall of the Taleban they don't have any real power anywhere. They make a lot of noise but in most muslim countries (except maybe Iran) the people in charge seem to be moderate to me, even in Saudi Arabia where the government has cracked down pretty good on extremists.

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Boon Mee I totally realise that some Islamic fundamentalists might want to make trouble in south Thailand. As a matter of interest I worked on the Salman Rushdie affair - promoting freedom of speech. But I think that we, as residents in this country, know that the ways of dealing with anything other than the norm, is HEAVY. I trust your intelligence on this one.

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Bringing in outsiders will displace the thai muslim cause. The focus should stay on the local issues. That's all I can say because I'm not read up on it.

edit: Lukman B. Lima should not have even mentioned foreign fighters . Thai muslims could become a tool of the blame game. Uninvited jihadis could bomb Bkk or any part of Thailand and point to the thai muslim issue. It is dangerous to bluff with the foreign fighter card because thai muslims have no control over the jihadis. Thai muslims could wind up being used by the hardcore terrorists.

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All good discussions have 2 sides. This one is no different. There does appear to be only 4 people in this discussion in support of the muslims. Everyone else is ready to start the bombing of the southern villages with something other than paper birds.

If the one sidedness of this forum is any indication of the feelings of most people in Thialand, then Tai bak is likely to look like a kindergarten playground compared to what steps Thailand might do in the future. I think Thailand is running out of patience.

For the sake of the innocent, and I believe there are many, how do we solve this problem?

Those defending the muslims in this forum, zaz, seonai, sriacha john, White Shiva need to offer something a little more constructive than quoting what they think are the crimes of the Thai government.

Those wanting to go south shooting need to do the same.

How can we blame Thailand for failing to solve this problem when we can't agree among ourselves?

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Agree with you Rich but as has been said before there is more to this than meets the eye and until ALL the facts from both sides are clear and visible I don't think anyone can offer anything that either parties would be willing to consider.

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Before we state it's simply radical Muslims who are responsible for the terror perhaps a look at some reference material like where Rael Isaac reviews Andrew Bostom's essential Legacy of Jihad at Mideast Outpost ?

Here's an excerpt:

"The famous Jewish philosopher and physician Maimonides, often cited as an example of the fruitful symbiosis of Jewish and Islamic culture, had this to say of Arabs: "The Arabs have persecuted us severely and passed harmful and discriminatory legislation against us...Never did a nation molest, degrade, debase and hate us as much as they."

"This volume makes it clear that Islam is a religion whose mission is conquest (and eventual conversion) of the world. When one group of Muslims assumes responsibility for jihad, others are relieved of this duty. It is thus no wonder that radical Muslims believe they act on behalf of the entire umma. Bostom shows that even terror is an old and familiar tool: according to the book The Quranic Concept of War, "Once a condition of terror into the opponent's heart is obtained, hardly anything is left to be achieved...Terror is not a means of imposing decision upon the enemy; it is the decision we wish to impose upon him."

Sounds pretty frightening to me!  :o

You’re reading about us from a Jewish book???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If u want to know about Islam read Muslim book and if u want to know about Buddhism read a Buddhist book

We have Arab Jews living in Yemen till this date and we have Arab Christians in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and paltisine and they have been living peacefully until YOU came over and caused unrest between us.

Go to Palestine and ask the Christians would they rather live as Israelis or Palestinians????

If u are really seeking for the truth I think your old enough to know how and where to read.

What u did is like me reading about u from al qaeda books. Does u think your enemy will talk truthfully about u????

Tell me who came with all the Jews from all around the world and put them in Palestine?????

Is there anything called Israel 100 years ago NOOOOOOOOOO

Did the people of Palestine have the chance to choose NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Why did the world support timur to get the country and they don’t support Palestine????

This double standard that ignite terrorism

As long as western countries support Israel and let them kill CIVILIANS. terrorism will remain...

Israel is killing civilians EVERY DAY and demolish homes but no one talks about it. But when the Palestinian looses every thing, his home, his land, his freedom and his family he goes and blows himself up in any Israeli he finds the world all stands up and condemn




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Agree with you Rich but as has been said before there is more to this than meets the eye and until ALL the facts from both sides are clear and visible I don't think anyone can offer anything that either parties would be willing to consider.

I know the party on the Thai side. Who are we dealing with on the Muslim side? What are they requesting? Do they have the support of the people they claim to represent? Have they voted on the issue?

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At the end of the day Islam is a religion of hate and violence. There can be no argument to this. The whole thing is based on the Quran right? Am I right? Yes. Try reading the ‘Holly’ Quran. You only need to get as far as page 2 to find the evil phrases i.e. ‘the unbelievers have a disease on their hearts and Allah hath increased that disease’ that is very moderate for the Quran. Read more and you will be amazed. If this is the fundamental teaching of the Quran how can we expect true Muslims to behave any other way than as terrorists? Indeed it those that make no effort in the name of Jihad that are the wrong doers.

I have worked with many, many Arab Muslims from all over the world and I have honestly only met one moderate Muslims. He was afraid to voice his moderate views and would only speak candidly. You may think there are moderate Muslims until you scratch a little deeper below their surface.

In my opinion all religions are in some way bad, but Islam is far and away the most dangerous. I see it on a par with the Nazis and I see no reason why it should be tolerated.

To find out more about the wonders of Islam check this site:


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At the end of the day Islam is a religion of hate and violence. There can be no argument to this. The whole thing is based on the Quran right? Am I right? Yes. Try reading the ‘Holly’ Quran. You only need to get as far as page 2 to find the evil phrases i.e. ‘the unbelievers have a disease on their hearts and Allah hath increased that disease’ that is very moderate for the Quran. Read more and you will be amazed. If this is the fundamental teaching of the Quran how can we expect true Muslims to behave any other way than as terrorists? Indeed it those that make no effort in the name of Jihad that are the wrong doers.

I have worked with many, many Arab Muslims from all over the world and I have honestly only met one moderate Muslims. He was afraid to voice his moderate views and would only speak candidly. You may think there are moderate Muslims until you scratch a little deeper below their surface.

In my opinion all religions are in some way bad, but Islam is far and away the most dangerous. I see it on a par with the Nazis and I see no reason why it should be tolerated.

To find out more about the wonders of Islam check this site:


....oooo pleeeeeeease!!

Rich when you get your head out of your arse you'll see there is such a nice world out here...try it sometime...

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Israel is killing civilians EVERY DAY and demolish homes but no one talks about it. But when the Palestinian looses every thing, his home, his land, his freedom and his family he goes and blows himself up in any Israeli he finds the world all stands up and condemn

Palestinians have chosen their weapon. Let them live with the consequences of using human bombs. Why do they use human bombs? So there is no one to flee after the crime. There is no one to capture. There is no one to interrogate and no one to implicate the leaders. The brave leaders kill their own people to protect themselves. Murdererous at every level. Even with their own.

edit: spelling

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Make no mistake: Islam is the provocateur in Thailand. It’s widely believed that Islam actually wants to provoke everyone so it can get conflicts started. Then the escalation blame game starts at which Islam is a master. Why not pre-empt the source of this trouble and just ban Islam?

Here is the blame game that Islam plays so well. Islam is certainly at fault for destabilizing Thailand, but Islam will never admit it. Islam has no conscience, only obedience to Allah (Satan). Hardly. Same God as Christians and Jews. Now, what does that tell us? :D

Islam is not capable of admitting its guilt.

And, we can clearly see the illogical claims that Islam makes of Israel. The very same unreasonable claims to an Islamic homeland are now being made in Thailand. :o

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At the end of the day Islam is a religion of hate and violence. There can be no argument to this. The whole thing is based on the Quran right? Am I right? Yes. Try reading the ‘Holly’ Quran. You only need to get as far as page 2 to find the evil phrases i.e. ‘the unbelievers have a disease on their hearts and Allah hath increased that disease’ that is very moderate for the Quran. Read more and you will be amazed. If this is the fundamental teaching of the Quran how can we expect true Muslims to behave any other way than as terrorists? Indeed it those that make no effort in the name of Jihad that are the wrong doers.

I have worked with many, many Arab Muslims from all over the world and I have honestly only met one moderate Muslims. He was afraid to voice his moderate views and would only speak candidly. You may think there are moderate Muslims until you scratch a little deeper below their surface.

In my opinion all religions are in some way bad, but Islam is far and away the most dangerous. I see it on a par with the Nazis and I see no reason why it should be tolerated.

To find out more about the wonders of Islam check this site:


....oooo pleeeeeeease!!

Rich when you get your head out of your arse you'll see there is such a nice world out here...try it sometime...

That’s the thing zaz, before I got ‘out into the world’ I was of much the same opinion as you. We can say that I was naive. Then I started to spent time abroad and particularly in Islamic countries. Now I know a lot about Islam and the ways of the Muslims and I often wish I didn’t. Some say ignorance is bliss, but for me I was unavoidable exposed to the reality of this Islamic problem. You’re probably lucky that so far you haven’t been.

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At the end of the day Islam is a religion of hate and violence. There can be no argument to this. The whole thing is based on the Quran right? Am I right? Yes. Try reading the ‘Holly’ Quran. You only need to get as far as page 2 to find the evil phrases i.e. ‘the unbelievers have a disease on their hearts and Allah hath increased that disease’ that is very moderate for the Quran. Read more and you will be amazed. If this is the fundamental teaching of the Quran how can we expect true Muslims to behave any other way than as terrorists? Indeed it those that make no effort in the name of Jihad that are the wrong doers.

I have worked with many, many Arab Muslims from all over the world and I have honestly only met one moderate Muslims. He was afraid to voice his moderate views and would only speak candidly. You may think there are moderate Muslims until you scratch a little deeper below their surface.

In my opinion all religions are in some way bad, but Islam is far and away the most dangerous. I see it on a par with the Nazis and I see no reason why it should be tolerated.

To find out more about the wonders of Islam check this site:


Have you read the Bible of late? Not the happiest books ever written, wouldn't you say? Not something I would read to my kids. Violence, incest, mass destruction, and talking inflamed shrubbey. So, I guess anyone who does read this book for direction I should consider somewhat crazy, yes?

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In my opinion all religions are in some way bad, but Islam is far and away the most dangerous.

What is bad about Buddhism?

I don’t know that much about Buddhism. I would say of all the main religions it seems to be the most peaceful. However I am against anything that is based on myths and fairy tales. Praying and making offerings to statues and holding someone in high regard because he wears an orange robe is just plain silly to me, not harmful just silly. I’m more into reality.

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In my opinion all religions are in some way bad, but Islam is far and away the most dangerous.

What is bad about Buddhism?

I don’t know that much about Buddhism. I would say of all the main religions it seems to be the most peaceful. However I am against anything that is based on myths and fairy tales. Praying and making offerings to statues and holding someone in high regard because he wears an orange robe is just plain silly to me, not harmful just silly. I’m more into reality.

Yet you take an entire group of people and put them all in the same basket? Reality? I think not.

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If the conflict DID escalate and the border with Malaysia was closed how would all these fundamentalists from Indonisia and the Phillipines get here? I mean the borders would be so heavily patrolled it would be like trying to climb the Great wall of China, and I could hardly imagine plane loads of terrosits landing at Hat Yai armed to the teeth being permitted entry. (you know a Bazooker, Rocket launchers, just dont think its feasable.

I am not saying that funding will come from elsewhere but terrorists??

What do you think?

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