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Can u fall in love with 2 women at once?  

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  • 3 years later...

Draining on the heart, soul and body to love more than one woman at the same time. But it is possible to love 2 women at the same time. Why not? It is mainly Christian religion that tells us to be monogamous.

Yet if one woman fulfils your needs I see no real need to stray. Here it is easy enough to end one relationship and start another, just watch your back and your nether regions at the same time. But that is more related to lust than love. :D

One major problem being the lies and excuses you need to keep making :)


I think you can only truly love one. But you can indeed still enjoy no strings attached sexual relations with many others without betraying that love.


Anyone can love two women at the same time but wear a condom. Haven't you seen the ads for the Eden club? Geesh!

I see losworld dug up a 4 year old topic that is similar to the one I posted 2 days ago. Prior to his post the last post was by OxfordWill on 2005-10-07.

I believe it is possible to love two women at the same time, but I only question the risk of doing so. Maybe YOU could love two women at the same time but one of the other two in the triangle might feel rejected and cause major problems. Certainly, it would take unique individuals to pull off such an arrangement. I think you can love people for many different reasons, but balancing them all in a sexual situation is taking a dire risk unless there were unique, extenuating circumstances.


To the OP

I believe that when you truly love someone you could never love someone else “the same and equal“ at the same time… because others just don’t compare, unless the first person is dead/gone forever.

But if he insists it’s love / or wants to hang on to both of them, then he doesn’t really "love" either of them. Basically by wanting both, he loves neither of them enough, and if he’s not careful, “someone/or everyone” will get hurt in the process. If you truly love someone, you wouldn’t want to hurt that person you love in anyway shape or form.

I KNOW the feeling of what is like to be truly IN LOVE , but seems your friend hasn’t really know its meaning/feeling YET. It’s hard to explain to someone who hasn’t experienced or doesn’t believe that true love exists.

Or may be he’s confused a sex with love, then any number is possible until you are finished/satisfied.

To the OP

I believe that when you truly love someone you could never love someone else "the same and equal" at the same time… because others just don't compare, unless the first person is dead/gone forever.

But if he insists it's love / or wants to hang on to both of them, then he doesn't really "love" either of them. Basically by wanting both, he loves neither of them enough, and if he's not careful, "someone/or everyone" will get hurt in the process. If you truly love someone, you wouldn't want to hurt that person you love in anyway shape or form.

I KNOW the feeling of what is like to be truly IN LOVE , but seems your friend hasn't really know its meaning/feeling YET. It's hard to explain to someone who hasn't experienced or doesn't believe that true love exists.

Or may be he's confused a sex with love, then any number is possible until you are finished/satisfied.

That "might" be true, but if that were so then would in not also be the case that once the passion for that individual wore off then love is now dead and buried?

I can only speak from personal experience in how "I" feel. I can't comprehend what someone else might feel for me. Words and deeds are two different things entirely. I was never in love with my first wife, but I liked her very much and we were married for 20 years. Not once in that time did I ever have an affair with another woman, and it wasn't for a lack of opportunity. Many women made it quite obvious that they were willing if I wanted them. I was tempted of course, but never took the step across the line because once you do then you are on a slippery slope with no return.

It wasn't until my first wife chose to leave me that I met the one true love of my life. I was nuts in love with the second lady for 5 years and did everything I could to try and please her. Unfortunately, love can't be one sided and you can't make someone love you no matter what you do. After 7 years we parted. The final 10 months we could both see the end approaching. At 69 I'm too old to play those silly games any more.

However, in Thailand I now have many ladies who I like very much. They are not the one night stand types and I know they like my company as well. As I've said before, unless your affections are returned in kind it's impossible to love someone. Lust is an entirely different subject. As you get older affection returned in kind means more than lust. I have a lovely young friend who calls me and visits me regularly. Very often it is just to talk. The sex is okay, but I value our other time together more.

That "might" be true, but if that were so then would in not also be the case that once the passion for that individual wore off then love is now dead and buried?

What you’re describing is a relationship based on needs, ex physical passion, money, etcs

True love is not only about physical passion, just one element of it,…… but it’s also a mental passion and feeling of emotional fulfillment that what true love is all about….well from my personal belief and experiences anyway.

Well for me true love is when I can see myself talking to that person even tho he’s 80 yrs old and all worn and wrinkled ….AND eventho he may not be able to talk at the time, there always will be ways to communicate and feel our attraction to each other through our eyes and through our smiles.

I’m a very lucky one that I have found my soul mate and yes my love is well received with the same returned by him. I look no farther…we are the same age, similar socio economic background, beliefs, common values, and how we see things the world over…even down to our fighting style LOL

We grew up next door to each other practically, went to the uni in the US together, and have grown and changed together throughout these years. We didn’t really FALL IN LOVE until when we were at the university. Well we might have a little Violet next year or two….will see..hmm

Yes we know each other quite well like 2 peas in a pod, and a very best of friend to each other.

NO-ONE-CAN-COME-BETWEEN-US!!! …X 10 repeats......b/c I'm a one man woman! (you may find this a bit strange in your belief, since I'm a thai..haha)

errr...again NO-ONE-CAN-COME-BETWEEN-US!!! ........Not even YOU :)

of course its possible; the question is if u can keep it up since our society for the most part demands monogomy....

which i think is artificial since people do tend to fall in love or join up with more than one person and only our 'morals' keep us monogomous ; and being in love with someone doesnt mean u consumate that love sexually either

i've been in love with more than one man at the same time, and maintained a relationship with each one but it is complicated and tiring evenutally and decisions do have to be made, if they dont make them first (men do not like to share !!)

but monogomy is not a natural instinctive human trait but a created one, since many societies dont practice it, and for the matter, a large amount of cultures people dont marry for love but for gaining a support network (money, food, protection, shelter, whatever)and love is considered a waste of time and energy since it wears off so to speak, where as family ties stay forever

porcupines mate for life, the female allows the male to breed her 8 times a night, every day of the year, even when she's not in heat, to ensure that he will stay by her and her only, and ensure that she will be bred and fertilized when she is in heat.

mara (patagonian cavia) are more or less monogomous but if the male partner dies, a an other male can breed the female

but dont confuse monogomy with true love, not among animals and not among humans

I think one will never foind a woman (human) like a porcupine and therein lies the problem (something like that anyway). Unfortunately, women seem to be the rationers of sexual favors, often to the detriment of their own relationships.


why not i love many things so why not woman i have 3 dogs i love them i wouldntknow which one to get rid of , i have 4 kids yes i love them , i have 2 kids in bali that i sponser , so why not love 1,2,or3 thai women .


of course its possible; the question is if u can keep it up since our society for the most part demands monogomy....

but dont confuse monogomy with true love, not among animals and not among humans

I think one will never foind a woman (human) like a porcupine and therein lies the problem (something like that anyway). Unfortunately, women seem to be the rationers of sexual favours, often to the detriment of their own relationships.

Well said.

why not i love many things so why not woman i have 3 dogs i love them i wouldntknow which one to get rid of , i have 4 kids yes i love them , i have 2 kids in bali that i sponser , so why not love 1,2,or3 thai women .


Good idea, I always loved dogs. They are a nice mate :):D

I'm a very lucky one that I have found my soul mate and yes my love is well received with the same returned by him. I look no farther…we are the same age, similar socio economic background, beliefs, common values, and how we see things the world over…even down to our fighting style LOL

NO-ONE-CAN-COME-BETWEEN-US!!! …X 10 repeats......b/c I'm a one man woman! (you may find this a bit strange in your belief, since I'm a thai..haha)

errr...again NO-ONE-CAN-COME-BETWEEN-US!!! ........Not even YOU :)

You are a very fortunate person. Finding a soul mate is much talked about, but unfortunately, very unusual. That doesn't mean two people can't enjoy each other's company and spend the rest of their lives together with no straying to someone else's bed. I wish you and your husband a long life together. I have seen a few couples like that and when one dies of old age the other very often goes a short time later.

And, similar to the other thread I started more more recently on the same topic we can't confuse lust with love, even though there "might" be both at the same time. I'm too old, too jaded and too wise to play the "true love" game any more. The women I find physically attractive today are too young and I'm not willing to settle down with someone who I don't find attractive physically. However, I have lady friends of many different ages whose company I enjoy for many reasons other than sex. I only make friends with the women who enjoy MY company as well. I DO know the differences between the ones who say "I love you" and the ones who don't say anything but respond to me with affection.

Unfortunately, women seem to be the rationers of sexual favors, often to the detriment of their own relationships.

I've said the same thing many times. If a woman keeps her man happy in bed then he is unlikely to stray.

Which brings us to that old saying that has proven to be untrue... "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"

To make it true it should read... "Absence makes the heart grow fonder FOR SOMEBODY ELSE!"

Unfortunately, women seem to be the rationers of sexual favors, often to the detriment of their own relationships.

I've said the same thing many times. If a woman keeps her man happy in bed then he is unlikely to stray.

Which brings us to that old saying that has proven to be untrue... "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"

To make it true it should read... "Absence makes the heart grow fonder FOR SOMEBODY ELSE!"

ahh..humm....cough cough :)

I don‘t think all men are like that, only those that are scum to begin with. Me think here.

A lot of men out there, with a gentleman at heart, do have morals and would never hurt their wife/gf feeling by wondering off, no matter how much sex they got or didn't get. And it's called having a respect for the one you love.

Love is about the respect for each other feeling in everything you do and say, and if one can satisfy your partner BOTH emotionally and physically, then he will stick with you and you will stick with him. But unfortunately too many people focus on only one and not the other(s) also….then they bitch about how they neither could find nor experience a true love… love is a sham concept.

Well then Instead of “absent makes your heart grows fonder”, it becomes “out of sight, out of mind” for me and GOOD RIDDANCE!!

I, for one, believe in “you reap what you sow”, and don’t blame someone else entirely for your own unhappiness or downfall, YOU are “a part” of the equation/ problem too.

Just my own little thoughts here

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