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I have lived in Thailand now for around 10 years and have always been into my "big boys toys", everything from quads to go carts to motorbikes and if it has an engine and looks like fun then I will more than likely want one. I have always loved the look of beach buggies and have been looking for something nice for quite a while, I have seen a lot of these Thai made buggies driving around or occasionally for sale but really don't like the look of them, the styling is awful IMO so I put that idea of owning one to bed.

Until today.

As I was heading north on the Sukhumvit road at around 2 PM I saw the most gorgeous buggy I have ever seen in Thailand, it was a metal flake green colour with the most amazing exhaust and huge rear wheels. I tried to catch up with it to speak to the owner but this thing was flying and as soon as I got near it at the traffic lights near the Pattaya Floating Market, the lights went green and it was gone. The driver appeared to be a farang so hopefully someone out there will know who it is.

Does anybody know the owner or where I can get my hands on one, I really don't care about the legality of them I just want one.


Oh, and just to clarify: I don't want a Speedster I want a buggy like the green one I saw today so if you have Speedster bodies then don't bother telling me as I am not interested. Thanks.


Not that often really, most people realize that this is Thailand where you could commit most crimes and pay your way out so registering a car is not actually that difficult with the obligatory "under the table" payment to the right people. Don't believe me?

So when do all the registration questions/answers come flying? whistling.gif


Let me reiterate this to make it more clear since I have had to delete a post.

members using the forums to advertise will find their posting rights suspended until they either choose to follow the rules or sponsor.

Advertise again and you will be suspended.


So when do all the registration questions/answers come flying? whistling.gif

Only 6 months ago it wasnt much of an issue to drive a buggy with no plate around, max 1.000 baht fine. Today max fine is 50k baht and 1 year imprisonment. Even for using a legal redplate more than 30 days. Vehicle impounded and sold at auction

Some solve it with illegal registration, which can provide even longer jail time. The member trying to sell his buggys here suggests this solution, comit a crime and pay your way out. Bent books are available, do you want to do the time for owning one?

Very few are able to do it legally

Thailand is changing


If you're after "big boys toys", Morph, there's a very smart looking second-hand PGO Bug Racer 500 for sale in Naklua (Sukhumvit Road, roughly opposite Fly Now) for 330,000 baht. Much better pose potential than a Beach Buggy, but totally illegal on the road - and I've got no commercial interest, I just stopped to see what it was when I drove past!


OK, I am sorry about the advertising thing, I thought after seeing all the other buggy/kit car posts where the guy always chips in with "I have Speedster bodies in Chiang Mai" (just search this forum and you will see his posts) that it was OK to do just that. My bad.

Without advertising or promoting anything I would just like to set the record straight (and please read properly before you delete my post and have me shot, or banned).

A beach buggy is made from an already registered VW Beetle, fully road legal with plates and reg and tax. Its just the body thats getting changed and that contains no numbers or even a mention in the blue book, if you look it just says "Volkswagen" and thats it. Then its just a case of paying the 25,000 Baht (this is the present listed rate, if you want it done quick then it will cost more "under the table") at any Thai DMV (yes, a government office) and getting it registered as a "modified car" with an engineers report. Thats it, so what is illegal about that considering everything has gone through the proper channels? Or do you know something these government employees don't?

OK so it doesn't all happen in one day and can involve many wasted trips to the DMV ,but with perseverance, patience and never losing your cool its possible (also money helps!). I know this from first hand experience, where did your knowledge come from and what did you try and register, or have you just been released from one of these one year jail terms you mention?

The trouble with this forum is there are too many on here who just pass comment on everything they know nothing about, there are countless posts on here claiming that importing a car and registering it is impossible and way to expensive but I know 4 people (personally, and not "I have a mate who knows a guy" which is how most of you seem to get your information) who actually did it with absolutely no dramas at all. There is a new garage opened up on Sukhumvit who imports all his stuff from the UK (top cars too), does that mean in the forum world that he is a "gangster" and has "connections"? Or could it just be that he tried what everyone here claims is impossible and found that when you leave the computer and actually try something first hand its not actually that hard?!

My point is that nothing is impossible here, its not always easy or cheap, but then if it was wouldn't everyone be doing it?

So when do all the registration questions/answers come flying? whistling.gif

Only 6 months ago it wasnt much of an issue to drive a buggy with no plate around, max 1.000 baht fine. Today max fine is 50k baht and 1 year imprisonment. Even for using a legal redplate more than 30 days. Vehicle impounded and sold at auction

Some solve it with illegal registration, which can provide even longer jail time. The member trying to sell his buggys here suggests this solution, comit a crime and pay your way out. Bent books are available, do you want to do the time for owning one?

Very few are able to do it legally

Thailand is changing


OK, I am sorry about the advertising thing, I thought after seeing all the other buggy/kit car posts where the guy always chips in with "I have Speedster bodies in Chiang Mai" (just search this forum and you will see his posts) that it was OK to do just that. My bad.

Without advertising or promoting anything I would just like to set the record straight (and please read properly before you delete my post and have me shot, or banned).

A beach buggy is made from an already registered VW Beetle, fully road legal with plates and reg and tax. Its just the body thats getting changed and that contains no numbers or even a mention in the blue book, if you look it just says "Volkswagen" and thats it. Then its just a case of paying the 25,000 Baht (this is the present listed rate, if you want it done quick then it will cost more "under the table") at any Thai DMV (yes, a government office) and getting it registered as a "modified car" with an engineers report. Thats it, so what is illegal about that considering everything has gone through the proper channels? Or do you know something these government employees don't?

OK so it doesn't all happen in one day and can involve many wasted trips to the DMV ,but with perseverance, patience and never losing your cool its possible (also money helps!). I know this from first hand experience, where did your knowledge come from and what did you try and register, or have you just been released from one of these one year jail terms you mention?

The trouble with this forum is there are too many on here who just pass comment on everything they know nothing about, there are countless posts on here claiming that importing a car and registering it is impossible and way to expensive but I know 4 people (personally, and not "I have a mate who knows a guy" which is how most of you seem to get your information) who actually did it with absolutely no dramas at all. There is a new garage opened up on Sukhumvit who imports all his stuff from the UK (top cars too), does that mean in the forum world that he is a "gangster" and has "connections"? Or could it just be that he tried what everyone here claims is impossible and found that when you leave the computer and actually try something first hand its not actually that hard?!

My point is that nothing is impossible here, its not always easy or cheap, but then if it was wouldn't everyone be doing it?

So when do all the registration questions/answers come flying? whistling.gif

Only 6 months ago it wasnt much of an issue to drive a buggy with no plate around, max 1.000 baht fine. Today max fine is 50k baht and 1 year imprisonment. Even for using a legal redplate more than 30 days. Vehicle impounded and sold at auction

Some solve it with illegal registration, which can provide even longer jail time. The member trying to sell his buggys here suggests this solution, comit a crime and pay your way out. Bent books are available, do you want to do the time for owning one?

Very few are able to do it legally

Thailand is changing

Being at DLT (Department of Landtransportation) at least twice a month I do know something about vehicle regs in LOS. Running a car import/dealer for 2 decades helps too

Since the 1 year jail time for plate laws came into effect just 6 months ago, I have of course not served a full year yet, or actually I have not put myself in a position to qualify for it.

Any change made to a vehicle is to be inspected by DLT. Approved changes is printed on page 18 in reg book. As small changes as changing color, as major changes as changing body and not at least changing body to another style and material. Bunch of documents to have these changes accepted and stated properly in page 18.

A homoleg vehicle as VW 1300/03 will also have its homoleg code removed from page 4 position 5 when converting to buggy, as it is not a homoleg vehicle any more. And of course color change page 4 position 10 is needed. Finally few buggys continue with same engine, so enginenumber page 4 position 11. Proper Invoices for parts stating donor vehicles (if any) frame number and recieving vehicles framenumber is required. Even invoice for paintjob requires reg owners name and vehicles framenumber on Invoice to be accepted

As you suggested in your post, "commit a crime and pay your way out', you seemed to be not able to comply to the above requirements

If a change from beetle to buggy takes place and above is not 100%, next owner takes the fall when vehicle is impounded and owner brought to court. So any purchaser of a buggy should have copies of every document presented to DLT, and they should be verified by DLT and converter/buggy builder.

Many converters go clear as all changes are done/registered after transfering the original beetle to new owner, and new owner has done and is responsible for the conversion and the documents provided.

I have myself been at the Police station blamed to have converted a 16 year old yammy 100cc to a 3 year old yammy 500 Tmax as the seller transfered the 100cc to me before faking it to a TMax. By posting here I hope to help others to avoid such a mess, especially since the laws where tightened 6 months ago. I had the Governors office to assist me to avoid charges, not everyone has

Thailand is changing


Only 6 months ago it wasnt much of an issue to drive a buggy with no plate around, max 1.000 baht fine. Today max fine is 50k baht and 1 year imprisonment. Even for using a legal redplate more than 30 days. Vehicle impounded and sold at auction

Some solve it with illegal registration, which can provide even longer jail time. The member trying to sell his buggys here suggests this solution, comit a crime and pay your way out. Bent books are available, do you want to do the time for owning one?

Very few are able to do it legally

Thailand is changing

Saw an add here about an Ford -28 or -32 some thing pickup imported from the states with a 5 lit V8 , flat black , a true ratrod , was it 750.000thb with the blue book? Cant remember , anyway it´s absolutly NOT worth that kind of money ANYWHERE in the world , must be the fake registration that is so expensive . right? unsure.gif

A beach buggy is made from an already registered VW Beetle, fully road legal with plates and reg and tax. Its just the body thats getting changed and that contains no numbers or even a mention in the blue book, if you look it just says "Volkswagen" and thats it. Then its just a case of paying the 25,000 Baht (this is the present listed rate, if you want it done quick then it will cost more "under the table") at any Thai DMV (yes, a government office) and getting it registered as a "modified car" with an engineers report. Thats it, so what is illegal about that considering everything has gone through the proper channels?

So that´s what they have done with the fake 4X4 Jeeps we can see for rent on for examlpe Beach Rd. Pattaya?

Figured out long time ago they are only pickups with a rised Jeep body on , looks cool in some ppl.s eyes but has never been four wheels driven and will never be .. a jeep body like that cant be to expensive BTW , think they manifacture them in India still or who knows even in Thailand!? Okay you can make one alone but then Thailand will only have an extra weard looking Jeep! haha biggrin.gif

What im after is a very light weight body and a modified chassie so it wount need a +500" V8 to move it around , maby a spiced up Lexus V8 can do it? ermm.gif


Only 6 months ago it wasnt much of an issue to drive a buggy with no plate around, max 1.000 baht fine. Today max fine is 50k baht and 1 year imprisonment. Even for using a legal redplate more than 30 days. Vehicle impounded and sold at auction

Some solve it with illegal registration, which can provide even longer jail time. The member trying to sell his buggys here suggests this solution, comit a crime and pay your way out. Bent books are available, do you want to do the time for owning one?

Very few are able to do it legally

Thailand is changing

Saw an add here about an Ford -28 or -32 some thing pickup imported from the states with a 5 lit V8 , flat black , a true ratrod , was it 750.000thb with the blue book? Cant remember , anyway it´s absolutly NOT worth that kind of money ANYWHERE in the world , must be the fake registration that is so expensive . right? unsure.gif

A beach buggy is made from an already registered VW Beetle, fully road legal with plates and reg and tax. Its just the body thats getting changed and that contains no numbers or even a mention in the blue book, if you look it just says "Volkswagen" and thats it. Then its just a case of paying the 25,000 Baht (this is the present listed rate, if you want it done quick then it will cost more "under the table") at any Thai DMV (yes, a government office) and getting it registered as a "modified car" with an engineers report. Thats it, so what is illegal about that considering everything has gone through the proper channels?

So that´s what they have done with the fake 4X4 Jeeps we can see for rent on for examlpe Beach Rd. Pattaya?

Figured out long time ago they are only pickups with a rised Jeep body on , looks cool in some ppl.s eyes but has never been four wheels driven and will never be .. a jeep body like that cant be to expensive BTW , think they manifacture them in India still or who knows even in Thailand!? Okay you can make one alone but then Thailand will only have an extra weard looking Jeep! haha biggrin.gif

What im after is a very light weight body and a modified chassie so it wount need a +500" V8 to move it around , maby a spiced up Lexus V8 can do it? ermm.gif

philipm has/had a Lexus lump with all new hop up internals for assembly at a gooooood price. :)


philipm has/had a Lexus lump with all new hop up internals for assembly at a gooooood price. :)

Thanx TS , great info. .. i try to tell the kids here we cant start shopping Quads´ , X BOX games , new computers , big screen tv´s etc. etc. at Sawanaphom in June as we dont even have some where to live accept 5 days pre-booked hotel while i look for a pickup in BKK , but Dad got a Lexus V8 waiting some where all ready haha

Even cut the plans of a cheap Harley in Pattis i saw an add on , some Swede leaving!

But i can check with the guy if his in a hurry and how much his asking of cos , it´s always a good start! whistling.gif


So when do all the registration questions/answers come flying? whistling.gif

Only 6 months ago it wasnt much of an issue to drive a buggy with no plate around, max 1.000 baht fine. Today max fine is 50k baht and 1 year imprisonment. Even for using a legal redplate more than 30 days. Vehicle impounded and sold at auction

Some solve it with illegal registration, which can provide even longer jail time. The member trying to sell his buggys here suggests this solution, comit a crime and pay your way out. Bent books are available, do you want to do the time for owning one?

Very few are able to do it legally

Thailand is changing

I still see a lot of cars without plates. Just because the BiB either are too lazy or they haven't heard of thenew law?


^^ Saw that for 285,000, nuts!! There is an Opel Corsa convertible on there that looks pretty awesome and is only 195,000 respectively that might be a driver. A bit concerned about if/how they strengthened the chassis once they chopped it though..


The trouble with this forum is there are too many on here who just pass comment on everything they know nothing about, there are countless posts on here claiming that importing a car and registering it is impossible and way to expensive but I know 4 people (personally, and not "I have a mate who knows a guy" which is how most of you seem to get your information) who actually did it with absolutely no dramas at all. There is a new garage opened up on Sukhumvit who imports all his stuff from the UK (top cars too), does that mean in the forum world that he is a "gangster" and has "connections"? Or could it just be that he tried what everyone here claims is impossible and found that when you leave the computer and actually try something first hand its not actually that hard?!

My point is that nothing is impossible here, its not always easy or cheap, but then if it was wouldn't everyone be doing it?

Maybe he is a gangster and has connections? ;):lol:

I'd love to know how a "non-thai" imports a car....I'm sure it's possible... but is it worth the risk?


  • 1 year later...

Pity about Porkchops Buggy Shop. Wonder what happened to them.

How about a motor cycle engined buggy / ATV. http://thaiatvsales.com/atv.html

My nephew has a Polaris that looks similar to the Dart Street UTV. It's certainly not an off road racer or a road car but not bad for belting around farm tracks


Pity about Porkchops Buggy Shop. Wonder what happened to them.

How about a motor cycle engined buggy / ATV. http://thaiatvsales.com/atv.html

My nephew has a Polaris that looks similar to the Dart Street UTV. It's certainly not an off road racer or a road car but not bad for belting around farm tracks

I think the bike engine style buggys would be just as difficult to register.


Pity about Porkchops Buggy Shop. Wonder what happened to them.

How about a motor cycle engined buggy / ATV. http://thaiatvsales.com/atv.html

My nephew has a Polaris that looks similar to the Dart Street UTV. It's certainly not an off road racer or a road car but not bad for belting around farm tracks

I think the bike engine style buggys would be just as difficult to register.

Same as a VW beetle based one you mean ?


Yep maybe difficult to register for road use but TIT, there is at least one buggy I know driving on local roads. Coarse that doesn't mean much as some motor bikes, old pickups and tractors do not seem to bother with registration either.

The ATV website has the following FAQ:

Q. Can you drive them on the roads ?

A . ATVs are driven on the roads every day in the same way 50cc motorcycles

and some big motorbikes also fall under the blank category .

Q . Can ATVs be insured ?

A . Yes i have used an Insurance nationwide Company to insure them.

Wonder what the "blank" category they refer to is exactly?


I did find a Thai guy in Pattaya, Piek, on Sukhumvit Soi 45 who builds the VW Beetle based buggy's. However he does not use the Meyers Manx kit which is what I am most interested. I believe that Thaivisa member Elistu is/was the owner of Porkchops Buggy Shack. He last signed into Thaivisa near the end of January so I am hoping he signs in again sometime soon. Otherwise I may have to go the other route with Piek. Photos below of his work.





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