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Seeking Full-Coverage Thai Medical Insurance


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To both posters :

There are several very good Thai based medical insurance providers. They are similar in many respects but there are a few differences and, depending on ones requirements, determines which provider one uses.

As you are both Thai Visa members you can use the full Brokerage services of Thai Visa Brokers for the best advice in determining which provider you use. Please go HERE for on-line details and quotes.

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In addition to the Thai Government plan for which I qualify as I have obtained a Ta Bian Ban (yellow book), I carry two private health plans:

1. The VIP policy from the Thai Life Insurance Company; it is a basic plan with low deductables and low maximum limits that combines the most common forms of health/accident insurance with a life insurance policy. Cost – approximately $800 U.S. per year.

2. A major medical policy from Pacific Cross that has a high deductable but also high maximum limits to cover anything that my first policy does not. Cost – approximately $1,500 U.S. per year.

3. I use the Thai Government plan to obtain free prescriptions filled at Thai Government hospitals. I wouldn't touch the doctors at most government hospitals with a 10 foot pole. They are basically medics who fix cuts, sprains and broken bones. There are of course exceptions.

Hope this helps.

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well, they are foreign, but we have been with William Russel for a few years. Gold plated insurance, family of 4, parents in late 30's, children under 5 for around 10K per month. In patient only.

For us, they came in at a nice 'sweet spot'. Cheaper than many Thai insurers top rated plans, while getting many multiples in terms of coverage. Previous to that we were with Thai Health, but their top plan couldn't compete with William Russell in terms of price or coverage.

Have had the need to use WR a couple of times, and they've been standout. They'll basically pay the bill for you. No need for re-imbursements. They include repatriation back to your 'home country' if need be and flights home in the case of a death of a close relative of a policy holder.

Out patient, we just relied paying as we went, which was fine, as outpatient fees in most Thai hospitals (even your expensive ones) are quite reasonable.

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In addition to the Thai Government plan for which I qualify as I have obtained a Ta Bian Ban (yellow book), I carry two private health plans:

That's interesting. How is it that a yellow book entitles you to participate in the Thai Government healthcare plan?

Would also be interested to know how this works pls.Cheers

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