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Age Difference


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Think most are in agreement here that every individual has their own life and their own decisions to make in life which is of no concern to outsiders.

Next thing will be why has that good looking guy married an ugly lady, or visa versa. :rolleyes:

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I don't think any of us would date/marry/live with a woman 30-40 years older than him and

'love' her the way the Thai ladies do 'love' us... I think that answers the OP more than sufficient....

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There are lots of different types of relationships in this world, and whether they are "right" or "wrong" really depends on the people involved, not for strangers on an internet forum.

Sure -- but what else is there to do on lonely nights in the wilds of Canada?

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I don't think any of us would date/marry/live with a woman 30-40 years older than him and

'love' her the way the Thai ladies do 'love' us... I think that answers the OP more than sufficient....

Not many men want a menopausal/post-menopausal woman, and if you have already had one, the words 'never again' will more than likely come to mind.

A large amount of women suffer significant personality changes at that point in their lives (and I have never heard anyone claim these changes were for the better) often the changes are permanent.

This is why men rarely date older women, aside from the fact the women can no longer reproduce.

Men on the other hand, are fairly consistent throughout their lives, and although some people would agree with me but want to add 'consistent basterds', at least you know what you were getting.

Men can also father children throughout their lifetime.

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There are lots of different types of relationships in this world, and whether they are "right" or "wrong" really depends on the people involved, not for strangers on an internet forum.

Sure -- but what else is there to do on lonely nights in the wilds of Canada?

We just put the moose to work collecting firewood. The wife left after I tried to get her to do the same thing.


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Not many men want a menopausal/post-menopausal woman, and if you have already had one, the words 'never again' will more than likely come to mind.

A large amount of women suffer significant personality changes at that point in their lives (and I have never heard anyone claim these changes were for the better) often the changes are permanent.

This is why men rarely date older women, aside from the fact the women can no longer reproduce.

Men on the other hand, are fairly consistent throughout their lives, and although some people would agree with me but want to add 'consistent basterds', at least you know what you were getting.

Men can also father children throughout their lifetime.

That's not really fair, LL, My ex-wife just parked her vehicle outside my home recently, and damaged my tree.


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...8><SNIP ><8

We just put the moose to work collecting firewood. The wife left after I tried to get her to do the same thing.

Its one thing posting pictures of yourself, but you should leave your ex-wife out of it

She might have friends or acquaintances here...


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Not many men want a menopausal/post-menopausal woman, and if you have already had one, the words 'never again' will more than likely come to mind.

Can someone please explain this. I have no experience with menopausal women. I have heard that they have mood swings. I have heard that they feel "useless" or "redundant" in the sense that they are no longer able to reproduce. But I really don't know how true any of this is.

As regards post-menopausal women, the best sex I've ever had was with a 49 year-old woman here in BKK.

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I've certainly seen MANY so called "perfect marriages" turn into a war zone where everything up to and including murder is the end result.

You should see some of the arguments between me and my ex.

It's a perfect re-enactment of the Trojan war.

Problem is ......... she's the one who gets to play Achilles.

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Not many men want a menopausal/post-menopausal woman, and if you have already had one, the words 'never again' will more than likely come to mind.

Can someone please explain this. I have no experience with menopausal women. I have heard that they have mood swings. I have heard that they feel "useless" or "redundant" in the sense that they are no longer able to reproduce. But I really don't know how true any of this is.

As regards post-menopausal women, the best sex I've ever had was with a 49 year-old woman here in BKK.

Hi Andrew

It would be unlikely that your 49 YO was post menopause, statical average is age 51-52, although I do know one lady who was unfortunate enough to have the menopause at age 18.

About 40% of women undergo significant personality changes during the menopause.

Think of the worst premenstrual stress behavior you have ever encountered in a girlfriend (include violence towards you), then imagine her being like that 24/7.

You mentioned some women feel useless, now imagine who they blame for this feeling and who they feel has spoiled the life they could have lived .....

Then imagine the hate that could be directed at the man responsible.

Then imagine yourself to be that man.

Here is a typical report from a distressed man

My wife is leaving

Note the abused as a child, post, very common in such cases but unlikely to be true, the past of a woman who has become this distressed is more likely imagined.

It is a mood swing that stays swung, if you are lucky the woman recovers after 3-5 years, if you are unlucky ...........

I see the main problem is that you marry one woman, but after her menopause find yourself married to essentially a completely different person.

What chance does the relationship stand when you find yourself living with a random stranger, quite possibly one that doesn't like you at all.

There is a huge divorce rate among men and women at this period of their lives, totally hidden from youngsters as it would destroy men wanting to marry women if they knew about this in advance.

Edited by LuckyLemon
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I know two men here with 40+ year age differences between them and their younger wives. Just my own observation, but often they seemed just so lonely. Wife would always be 'out with her friends', 'out with family' or at best, in another room of the house watching Thai tv. Easy to see why - when I was 23 I didn't chose to spend my leisure time with people my grandparents era. Does the 'novelty' wea off - from both sides?

I have watched this thread with interest mainly because I'm in dmax's "target group", I have kept off replying for now, but I think I'm ready now.

My partner is considerably younger than me, I'm now 64 and is 25, we have been living together for four years and are really happy, well I am and I think she is. With our age difference we have different interests and needs, also she needs to spend time with friends her own age, and me with friends my age, but we also socialise with each others friends. I enjoy going to her "hip hop clubs" with her friends, where I always made welcome, and likewise she joins me with my friends, be it at a quiz at The British Club, a classical concert or a black tie function at the British Embassy, never have either of us been treated anything other than with respect and courtesy by our friends. We are both comfortable eating in a fine dining restaurant in Bangkok, but we are also at ease eating in an archetypal rough and ready Thai roadside cafe.

My partner is a simple village girl from deep in Issan and works for her family in their business in Bangkok, I am totally accepted by all members of her family, who ask for nothing. Likewise she has met my family in the UK, again being treated with courtesy and respect, my sister in law was particularly concerned until they met, though now love each other to bits. By the way she applied and was granted a UK tourist visa at the first attempt, likewise a Schengen visa.

We have had friends and relatives visiting us from the UK and staying with us at our home in Bangkok, nobody has expressed concern or indicated that they think our relationship is unnatural, we are treated like a normal couple - which we are.

What does she see in me? I often ask myself that very question, and I told her that people would ask that very question in the UK, in fact nobody did. She says that she is happy, we take care of each other, I don't pay her anything apart from a small "housekeeping" allowance, with this she buys all our food and pays for the occasional meals out. My only caveat is that I'm paying for her to go school, about 5,000 Baht a month, I'm not going to be here for ever, I want her to have qualifications so that when the time comes she can get a better job.

So to sum up, we are just a normal couple and are accepted as such, we don't walk along streets hand in hand flaunting our relationship but we are very happy with our lot.

When I see young women and older men, I don't judge, anymore than I do if I see old women with younger men, or even older men with younger men, it's not my place to judge especially when I know absolutly nothing about them.

Any regrets, well yes, she wants children and I don't, I don't think it would be fair, by the time a child is 10, I would be in my mid 70's, I don't it would be fair on my partner or the child, if anything drove is apart I think it would be that. Will the novelty wear off? I really don't know, I hope not.

Well that it for now, must go now I have the ironing to do and then get dinner on.

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Regarding the original post I think there are several factors to consider really.

My personal opinion is no age doesn't really matter as long as both are consenting adults. However, what I do have a personal problem with is older men, that look much like my grandfather 'going out' with girls that look no older than 18..and I have seen this too many times. A relatives friend fits this scenario perfectly, he is well into his 70's and his girlfriend is 23 - which yes is classed as an adult in terms of numbers and normally I wouldn't bat an eyelid, but this girl honestly looks, acts, dresses etc like a minor - This just creeps me out big time !

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I don't think any of us would date/marry/live with a woman 30-40 years older than him and

'love' her the way the Thai ladies do 'love' us... I think that answers the OP more than sufficient....

Not many men want a menopausal/post-menopausal woman, and if you have already had one, the words 'never again' will more than likely come to mind.

A large amount of women suffer significant personality changes at that point in their lives (and I have never heard anyone claim these changes were for the better) often the changes are permanent.

This is why men rarely date older women, aside from the fact the women can no longer reproduce.

Men on the other hand, are fairly consistent throughout their lives, and although some people would agree with me but want to add 'consistent basterds', at least you know what you were getting.

Men can also father children throughout their lifetime.

Yes, and a wrinkly old man with prostate problems and the concurrent symptoms is soooo attractive.

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I don't think any of us would date/marry/live with a woman 30-40 years older than him and

'love' her the way the Thai ladies do 'love' us... I think that answers the OP more than sufficient....

Not many men want a menopausal/post-menopausal woman, and if you have already had one, the words 'never again' will more than likely come to mind.

A large amount of women suffer significant personality changes at that point in their lives (and I have never heard anyone claim these changes were for the better) often the changes are permanent.

This is why men rarely date older women, aside from the fact the women can no longer reproduce.

Men on the other hand, are fairly consistent throughout their lives, and although some people would agree with me but want to add 'consistent basterds', at least you know what you were getting.

Men can also father children throughout their lifetime.

Yes, and a wrinkly old man with prostate problems and the concurrent symptoms is soooo attractive.

What you find attractive is of absolutely no relevance at all. What is of relevance is the attratction between the couple involved. End of story. Oh, by the way I'm not 70-80. I'm 47 and will enjoy whatever I dam_n well like. I may look at some and THINK 'that won't work' but that is none of my business and I have no idea of the detail of their relationship so it is not my place to comment positively or negatively.

To each their own and good look to all.

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I don't think any of us would date/marry/live with a woman 30-40 years older than him and

'love' her the way the Thai ladies do 'love' us... I think that answers the OP more than sufficient....

Not many men want a menopausal/post-menopausal woman, and if you have already had one, the words 'never again' will more than likely come to mind.

A large amount of women suffer significant personality changes at that point in their lives (and I have never heard anyone claim these changes were for the better) often the changes are permanent.

This is why men rarely date older women, aside from the fact the women can no longer reproduce.

Men on the other hand, are fairly consistent throughout their lives, and although some people would agree with me but want to add 'consistent basterds', at least you know what you were getting.

Men can also father children throughout their lifetime.

Yes, and a wrinkly old man with prostate problems and the concurrent symptoms is soooo attractive.

Sounds like your a young guy/gal with a problem. Get over it, cos you have a life time of many hurdles in front of you. :)

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Yes, and a wrinkly old man with prostate problems and the concurrent symptoms is soooo attractive.

I believe that some Thai girls are actively targeting this sector.

Another thing I like about Thai girls that are 20 years younger than me, is that they never say "soooo".

I would also take this opportunity of congratulating GM1955 on the longest running troll post this week. :rolleyes:

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Yes, and a wrinkly old man with prostate problems and the concurrent symptoms is soooo attractive.

I believe that some Thai girls are actively targeting this sector.

Another thing I like about Thai girls that are 20 years younger than me, is that they never say "soooo".

I would also take this opportunity of congratulating GM1955 on the longest running troll post this week. :rolleyes:

Think your right but good fun though. :)

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My GF is 43 years younger than me, how about you guys ?

A better question would be, what does a couple with a 43 year age difference have in common?

The answer is easy, nothing. With the possible exception of you being interested in her feminine wiles, while she is interested in your bank balance.

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My GF is 43 years younger than me, how about you guys ?

A better question would be, what does a couple with a 43 year age difference have in common?

The answer is easy, nothing. With the possible exception of you being interested in her feminine wiles, while she is interested in your bank balance.

That would be TWO things then ?

More than most couples with little or no age difference.

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My GF is 43 years younger than me, how about you guys ?

A better question would be, what does a couple with a 43 year age difference have in common?

The answer is easy, nothing. With the possible exception of you being interested in her feminine wiles, while she is interested in your bank balance.

Think YOU are totally missing the point and should get a girl friend and give your wrist a rest eh. :lol:

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Yes, and a wrinkly old man with prostate problems and the concurrent symptoms is soooo attractive.

I believe that some Thai girls are actively targeting this sector.

Another thing I like about Thai girls that are 20 years younger than me, is that they never say "soooo".

I would also take this opportunity of congratulating GM1955 on the longest running troll post this week. :rolleyes:

Thanks mate, sorry I ain't been in touch, but apart from trolling threads, I ain't had much time to be here or anywhere else on the internet, but a troll thread here , a troll thread there, a troll thread every f%#kin'where. biggrin.gif

Thing is Ray, another punter will start exactly the same thread in a few months and that will also have a long run, this one lasted quite a long time, usually they are closed or should I say // CLOSED // in my best moderator impersonation ?

Next thread will be, well, I'll keep you guessing, but it may be ' where did you meet your wife ', that thread is always good for a laugh, a &lt;deleted&gt; load of lies and many pitiful people in various states of denial.

Until then. biggrin.gif

By the way, my GF is no longer my GF, I'm with her younger sister now, she is 49 years younger than me, but she loves me for who I am. smile.gif

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My GF is 43 years younger than me, how about you guys ?

A better question would be, what does a couple with a 43 year age difference have in common?

The answer is easy, nothing. With the possible exception of you being interested in her feminine wiles, while she is interested in your bank balance.

Think YOU are totally missing the point and should get a girl friend and give your wrist a rest eh. :lol:


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Thanks mate, sorry I ain't been in touch, but apart from trolling threads, I ain't had much time to be here or anywhere else on the internet, but a troll thread here , a troll thread there, a troll thread every f%#kin'where. biggrin.gif

Thing is Ray, another punter will start exactly the same thread in a few months and that will also have a long run, this one lasted quite a long time, usually they are closed or should I say // CLOSED // in my best moderator impersonation ?

Next thread will be, well, I'll keep you guessing, but it may be ' where did you meet your wife ', that thread is always good for a laugh, a &lt;deleted&gt; load of lies and many pitiful people in various states of denial.

Until then. biggrin.gif

By the way, my GF is no longer my GF, I'm with her younger sister now, she is 49 years younger than me, but she loves me for who I am. smile.gif

But is it a troll if it gathers such interest? A well written and timed "troll" can be a lot of fun if people keep their temper. It certainly beats a continual list of questions that could easily be answered by a simple research. Besides, if everyone keeps their temper then someone WILL post something interesting. It's not a lot different than good buddies poking fun at each other while sitting in the pub together reminiscing about old times.

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Ofcourse age is a problem when the gap is large, we all have opinions about it.

But who really cares what anyone thinks, if your happy then who gives a toss what I or they think.

I think 10 years plus is too much, but like I said, who cares what I think, I wont dislike anyone because of it.

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I'm still a cougar!!

I went out for a drink with a man who is 10 years younger than me...

He looked older than me, though.

Patsy --- Sophie Tucker (and Bette Midler after her) had it right --- for women it is simply math!

20 goes into 80 a helluva lot more times than 80 goes into 20!

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Ofcourse age is a problem when the gap is large, we all have opinions about it.

But who really cares what anyone thinks, if your happy then who gives a toss what I or they think.

I think 10 years plus is too much, but like I said, who cares what I think, I wont dislike anyone because of it.

So 10 years is too much eh ?

You're 50, she's 39 = 11 years difference. Is that too much in your opinion ?

You're 60, she's 25, you tell her to piss off and you get her mother instead cos shes nearer your age, yeah right. smile.gif

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Ofcourse age is a problem when the gap is large, we all have opinions about it.

But who really cares what anyone thinks, if your happy then who gives a toss what I or they think.

I think 10 years plus is too much, but like I said, who cares what I think, I wont dislike anyone because of it.

So 10 years is too much eh ?

You're 50, she's 39 = 11 years difference. Is that too much in your opinion ?

You're 60, she's 25, you tell her to piss off and you get her mother instead cos shes nearer your age, yeah right. smile.gif

Relationship wise, probably not. But thats just me. My wife is actually a few year older than me.

When I am 60 if my girlfriend wants to go clubbing all the time and wears that hello kitty stuff it would drive me insane, I rather a woman around my age and have more things in common.

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Ofcourse age is a problem when the gap is large, we all have opinions about it.

But who really cares what anyone thinks, if your happy then who gives a toss what I or they think.

I think 10 years plus is too much, but like I said, who cares what I think, I wont dislike anyone because of it.

So 10 years is too much eh ?

You're 50, she's 39 = 11 years difference. Is that too much in your opinion ?

You're 60, she's 25, you tell her to piss off and you get her mother instead cos shes nearer your age, yeah right. smile.gif

Relationship wise, probably not. But thats just me. My wife is actually a few year older than me.

When I am 60 if my girlfriend wants to go clubbing all the time and wears that hello kitty stuff it would drive me insane, I rather a woman around my age and have more things in common.

Mate, when I'm 60 and I have a GF whos young enough to wear Hello Kitty gear, that would suit me just fine.

Barring the Hello Kitty, The Japanese Schoolgirl Uniform will do nicely, both would drive me insane. biggrin.gif

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