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If You Were To Die.................


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If you were to die :D how have you planned to make sure your thai wife and children have monies to survive?

My question comes from the fact that I get Social security from the states my wife(thai) can not collect death benfits because of restrictions on non- US citizens not living in the US. :o

I am thinking maybe a insurance policy of some type for her but would just be interested in what others have done :D

Any ideas :D

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If you were to die blink.gif how have you planned to make sure your thai wife and children have monies to survive?

I haven't planned anything, but I may have another 60 years to go. But I have only 30 years or so to work, so I'd better start working on something.

Most elder farnag I know with a wife and kids have already bought or built a house. This is the first thing, and the most important thing that Thai families do. Once a house is owned, then it takes little money to survive, especially for those farming families. Self-sufficiency is not too difficult. My wife's family is quite large and I'd hope that they would look after my wife and kids if I died prematurely. Nearly all Thai families look after each other. In most cases I know, the family would suffer as the rich farnag has gone, and they are not getting the 50,000 baht a month or whatever. Even a guy who would be poor in the USA, with a pension of 50,000 is earning a huge amount compared to the Thai. If you are earning such a large sum, then some kind of policy would be a good idea. 10,000 a month or so. If you think you may last another 20 years, then get a morgage, if you don't already have a house.

If you are old, then what about taking the family to the USA, if there is no family to take care of them?

Maybe you shouldn't worry yourself with these thoughts and just enjoy the fact that you are a rich man here, and give the family all you can, financially and otherwise.

Who knows what the future holds? You might be wise to play the US lottery.

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Most elder farnag I know with a wife and kids have already bought or built a house. This is the first thing, and the most important thing that Thai families do. Once a house is owned, then it takes little money to survive, especially for those farming families. Self-sufficiency is not too difficult.

Good point...

Getting our house built is the first and main priority at the moment for me and my wife, once this is done and we have a home of our own, we can relax to a certain extent, and I will be happy in the knowledge that in the event that anything happens, my wife and daughter will have a house.

totster :o

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The missus has become quite wealthy over the years and doesn't need my financial support .

I'm more concerned if she were to die first; I don't think her family will put up with the falang and rather see me go than stay.

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If I were to die my hubbie would be out on the street, as the house is in my name. So we are thinking of giving him a long lease, just in case.

and all you men, take out a big insurance policy for yourself, for your wife.....mind you dont fall down the stairs soon after though :o:D

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I have ensured that My Wife would be able to live in the manner to which she is accustomed. She gets the House (obviously) Her Car, my Life Insurance policies, her Business, everything in my Thai bank Account and my Pensions, she will NOT starve.

My kids get my Offshore Bonds, and my UK Property and my car. (All of which adds up to more than my Wife gets.

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If you were to die  :D  how have you planned to make sure your thai wife and children have monies to survive?

My question comes from the fact that I get Social security from the states  my wife(thai) can not collect death benfits because of restrictions on non- US citizens not living in the US. :o

I am thinking maybe a insurance policy of some type for her but would just be interested in what others have done :D

Any ideas :D

House and land, of course. Money in bank. My next project is planting rubber to give her and kids an ongoing income....

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We have no kids. Even if I did I would feel comfortable even if I only left them enought to get a good education. My Thai family is a good typical village family in the north and with all the family support no one in the family ever worries about a place to stay or food to eat, whiskey to drink or a television to watch....sabaii sabaii. The only struggle is to add luxuries on top of this security net. In alot of way a Thai villager is more secure than most Americans.

P.S. Best to remember it is not "if" but "when".

Edited by chownah
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Always plan ahead. Even if you think that you have 30-40 years left. Nothing has the potential to tear up family bond than a substantial inheritance to be divided up among 2-3 children with no clear cut will as to who gets what.


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When I die hopefully not for about 20 years as I want to see my son grow up, my wife has the house, land, car etc plus the bank accounts.

I have 2 pensions running now which she will get 50% of each and in 4+ years I will be getting the UK married state pension. When I die she will get 60% of that as well. Our immediate family will be OK and I think her family will be OK as well as there is plenty of room for them all here if they are happy enough to be on the land.

On the other hand my ex-wife gets only her state pension and nowt from me, but she did have the house which she sold last year for 250% more than we paid plus her mothers house when she dies.

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To the OP,

Life insurance is the way to go. :D

An American policy that pays 6,000,000 baht for a very reasonable $300/year should provide a comfortable future for your wife.

And perhaps some incentive for her family.... :D

Always some good advice and options here onTV :D

But I can't see myself on my death bed with my wife at my side and say to her"thanks tee-loc for giving me xx years of your life but when I take this last breath it back to the rice field for you and the kids"

I got to do a little better than that

Her getting the house,car ect is already in place I had hope she would get my pension which she will not.

Not that I Plan on dying anytime soon but as we all know life can be short

health wise I got another 30 years plus :D

I am thinking if we spend that much time together I would want her to keep the same standard of living she has now after all she would be an old lady in 30 years not much chance of employment or a new falang :D

At the moment it seems a good Life insurance is the way to go.

maybe I got to much time to drink chang and think :o

Edited by divndave
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