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I went to the British Embassy in Bangkok on the 03/08/05 - From the first of the month only those applying for the actual visa were allowed in. I waited outside with other Brits and was heavily involved in discussions about Thai ladys when three and half hours later out she came - we have now got an interview date in December.

Now I am back in the UK alone and my g/f remains in Thailand. She has informed me that someone phoned her from the embassy and we now have an interview date in October (this is the next time I will be in Thailand). The lady from the embassy told my g/f that she could not understand why we did not state our case better at the time...

I suppose it is a bit hard to argue your case when you are outside the building!!

But, at least the phone call shows they have a conscious and are prepared to change things to suit us. Maybe the way forward is to let them have it all their own way, no arguments, just keep saying OK and then wait.

PS They have also provided us with a check-list of what to bring as we did not have time to fill the form in as my g/f went in and I was left outside. I knew she would not be able to complete the form as she is not very good with complex forms in English - then again neither am I.

I suppose it is a bit hard to argue your case when you are outside the building!!

But, at least the phone call shows they have a conscious and are prepared to change things to suit us. Maybe the way forward is to let them have it all their own way, no arguments, just keep saying OK and then wait.

Firstly, it's not your case, it's hers. Even when applicant's boyfriends etc. were allowed into the building, they were not allowed into the interview itself. The reason for this new rule is purely down to the sheer weight of numbers, I assume when the visa section is outsourced then applicants will be able to be accompanied by a friend.

Secondly, not sure what you mean by "shows they have a conscious." Are you seriously saying that you think the visa office staff are always looking for ways of refusing, and they disappear round the back and high five every time they manage it?


They have also provided us with a check-list of what to bring as we did not have time to fill the form in as my g/f went in and I was left outside. I knew she would not be able to complete the form as she is not very good with complex forms in English
Then why did you not complete it before you went? If all the supporting documents are submitted with the initial application and if those documents show that all the criteria are met then very often, for a vv, the applicant is told to come back the next day to collect the visa! There is plenty of advice and evidence posted in this and other forums to show this, perhaps you should have read through the forum before making the application. You certainly should have read the embassy guidlines, where the requirements are clearly spelled out!

Still, good luck with the interview, and next time prepare properly.


Wanted to reply to your poll question, but can't. So I'll put it here.

I assume you meant the staff in the visa office. Personally, apart from a quick visit to the consular section to sign my affirmation of freedom to marry, I've no experience of other sections in the embassy.

I think the visa staff do a difficult job under a lot of pressure to the best of their abilities. They are only human, though, and mistakes will sometimes be made. The long wait for interviews is not because they are being difficult, but simply down to the large number of applications, all of which are dealt with in turn. Present a properly prepared application and there is a strong possibility that an interview will not be required and the visa issued within days. Present a poorly completed application form and no evidence, expect a long wait for an interview.

If you think getting a UK visa is difficult, have a read of some of the posts from our American and Australian friends. Getting a UK visa seems a piece of cake compared to what they have to do!



They have also provided us with a check-list of what to bring as we did not have time to fill the form in as my g/f went in and I was left outside. I knew she would not be able to complete the form as she is not very good with complex forms in English
Then why did you not complete it before you went? If all the supporting documents are submitted with the initial application and if those documents show that all the criteria are met then very often, for a vv, the applicant is told to come back the next day to collect the visa! There is plenty of advice and evidence posted in this and other forums to show this, perhaps you should have read through the forum before making the application. You certainly should have read the embassy guidlines, where the requirements are clearly spelled out!

Still, good luck with the interview, and next time prepare properly.

Just like to say that I thought I would be able to fill it in. But, the new rule of not letting me ruined my plans. As for everything they do is fair - if it was so fair why did no one know in advance they would not be allowed in - no one knew this rule was being made and also...

Others did have filled in forms that they had got of the internet, but not one person got an interview the next day, the best was some time in Septemaber.

Oh yeah, the reason for not letting Brits in with their girlfriend was not sited as overcrowding, but bad behaviour from Brits when there girlfriends had been turned down - you see we should not voice an opinion but just smile - this is the way!!!


The only thing you can prepare properly for is the fact you may not get a visa for the time you wanted one.

Prepare for dissapointment!!

Oh yeah, the reason for not letting Brits in with their girlfriend was not sited as overcrowding, but bad behaviour from Brits when there girlfriends had been turned down - you see we should not voice an opinion but just smile - this is the way!!!

You have every right to question the decision. You do not have the right to verbally abuse someone doing their job, which is likely what was happening.


Oh yeah, the reason for not letting Brits in with their girlfriend was not sited as overcrowding, but bad behaviour from Brits when there girlfriends had been turned down - you see we should not voice an opinion but just smile - this is the way!!!

You have every right to question the decision. You do not have the right to verbally abuse someone doing their job, which is likely what was happening.

I agree StateSix but out of what must be, thousands of applications, how many people have verbally abused the staff? I would imagine, a small minority but they then make the decision to ban all, down to the actions of a few. From my experience, IMHO the staff have forgotten who they represent and who pays their wages. I could rant all day about what i think about the staff there but what good would it do. They are above us all and they literally hold many of our future happiness in their hands. Just my view


So, your saying that i'm not allowed in the embassy on the day of my wife's interview? Which part am I not allowed? Can I sit in the 'courtyard' area or do I have to sit out on the roadside waiting?


Seems like that old moto is true then.....

"Failing to plan is planning to fail" !

Especially when you can seek guidence from a most excellent source such as this web site.

After saying the above Im sure if the critera is met you will be successful, best of luck.....

Janner :o



The following notice appeared on the Embassy Website in July

In order to control the current overcrowding of the visa section from 1 August 2005 access to the visa section is restricted to applicants only.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but are sure you will appreciate that by controlling the numbers in the section we will be better placed to offer an improved service to applicants. To resolve the problem of overcrowding we are now looking at outsourcing options and hope to appoint an outsource partner by the end of 2005.
I posted about this hereon the 21st August. I notice you joined in April, so the information was there had you bothered to look!

Had you also bothered to look through this forum, you would have seen plenty of information on how to best prepare an application. You would have known that just turning up and filling in the form was not enough!

But then, on 2nd May asked here

I am interested in bringing my Thai girlfriend back to the UK. I know of tourist visas but do not know the details, could anyoune answer the following.......
and were told what to do. But you responded
It does not seem worth the effort.
Now you, or to be accurate your girlfriend, has to wait for a visa interview because you couldn't be bothered to take the advice offered to you nearly 5 months ago.

Whose fault is that?



The following notice appeared on the Embassy Website in July

In order to control the current overcrowding of the visa section from 1 August 2005 access to the visa section is restricted to applicants only.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but are sure you will appreciate that by controlling the numbers in the section we will be better placed to offer an improved service to applicants. To resolve the problem of overcrowding we are now looking at outsourcing options and hope to appoint an outsource partner by the end of 2005.
I posted about this hereon the 21st August. I notice you joined in April, so the information was there had you bothered to look!

Had you also bothered to look through this forum, you would have seen plenty of information on how to best prepare an application. You would have known that just turning up and filling in the form was not enough!

But then, on 2nd May asked here

I am interested in bringing my Thai girlfriend back to the UK. I know of tourist visas but do not know the details, could anyoune answer the following.......
and were told what to do. But you responded
It does not seem worth the effort.
Now you, or to be accurate your girlfriend, has to wait for a visa interview because you couldn't be bothered to take the advice offered to you nearly 5 months ago.

Whose fault is that?


Well you could look at it that way, but the point I was actually trying to make is that i went and did not expect to get accepted because I did not do my homework (for my own personal reasons) - but the embassy have since contacted me and moved forward the interview date! I am not saying they are bad, on the contrary I am saying that a new approach is not to be so prepared and accept what they say and they just might look after you in some way - after all every case is different and no one really knows how it works for sure.

So, your saying that i'm not allowed in the embassy on the day of my wife's interview? Which part am I not allowed? Can I sit in the 'courtyard' area or do I have to sit out on the roadside waiting?

You have to wait outside with all the other Brits, and if it is raining... Well take an umbrella just in case.

I am not saying they are bad, on the contrary I am saying that a new approach is not to be so prepared and accept what they say and they just might look after you in some way
Really, well you didn't express yourself very well as it seemed as if you were saying the complete opposite!

The correct approach is to be fully prepared. Whatever type of visa one is applying for, if the application is presented with all the evidence neatly filed and easy for the ECO to look through then the chances of a short interview are high.

If you were an ECO presented with 2 applications, one with an envelope of mixed up papers and the other with a neat, easy to read file; which would you look at first?

MakTB, there is a hotel opposite the embassy with a nice bar/coffee shop.

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