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Buy Chlorine


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got some dodgy well water causing a few skin problems seems to be iron related. landlord put a cheap filter in and its not working. i have read on the net chlorine may cure it or kill iron bacteria. last option before moving.

anybody know where to buy some, tried carrefore, hom pro etc. was thinking swimming pool supplier anybody know where there is one preferably on the darkside, but anywhere in pattaya area would be good.

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I bought some chlorine tablets on the Pattaya North road.

Coming from the Sukhumvit road go past the bus station and beyond the big gold store, it's on your left before you get to the junction with third road.

If your going to drop a tablet in your water tank be careful you use the right amount. I suggest you put the tablet into a small laundry type zip bag (on a string) and be extremely careful if you use the same water in a washing machine as strong chlorine will take the colour out of your clothes.

Edited by nam-thip
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Iron is a mineral - not a bacteria, chlorine will have no effect whatsoever, dont waste your money, unfortunately the Pattaya area is known for high Iron content in the artesiean water supply so moving will make no difference.

Does your water come straight from the supply or is it held in a storage tank? If it is held in storage tank a common problem at this time of year (Hot) is algae build up and this will irritate the skin!

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Don't mess around putting chlorine in domestic water. You'll get into all sorts of problems. It's ok in swimming pools as you shower off after you've had a swim but you don't want to be walking around with traces of chlorine on you and your clothes. Get your water filter checked and if it's not working properly ask your landlord to replace it and tell him you'll move if he doesn't. I'm sure in the current letting market, he'll be prepared to keep you happy or he might offer to go halves with you on the replacemet cost.

Rumour has it you're relocating to Chantaburi.

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Hi thanks for the feedback, i am a bit unsure but read many articles about it and its seems it could be iron bacteria causing problems, i now rinse of in weak dttol solution from bottled water it seems to make things better but not ideal. filter was 8500 and i knew after research it would not do anything, i purchased testing kit and reading from well is same as coming out of filter. used to go into storage tank a lot of brown slime which again points to iron bacteria.now goes straight to so called filter. a system has to be put in costing at least 25k to sort it or public water at 40k. looking around now for another house, landlord will pay he's Farang but getting on a bit he leaves it all to his young Thai wife who does not care, still it will be a difficult house to re-rent due to location so 4 months lost rent = same price as mains water.

He is the one moving to Chantaburi purchased land and relocated about 40 dogs already.

aricles i read from states say put chlorine in, aggitate with hose pipe until can smell chlorine, leave 10 hours and run taps until smell of chlorine has gone. still not sure about it though but seems a common treatment in the states.

once again thanks for all answers.

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