Honolulu Posted April 21, 2011 Posted April 21, 2011 So I,m supposed to read every insurance document, every time I contract to do something risky, like rent a car, or bike, or jet ski? And is the document in English or Thai? Most of what is in the doc's.can not even be understood by a lawyer, much less a layman tourist on vacation. And even if I have a good case, I am supposed to get a fair trial, and fight my case, here in Thailand, from my home country? Get real. There are International standards for the Insurance of rental equipment. This is the type of problem that the whole jet ski insurance deal was supposed to avoid. Instead, it is another' brick in the wall' for the tourism ( I mean scam) industry in Thailand.
Beetlejuice Posted April 21, 2011 Posted April 21, 2011 Oh yes, this is a scam and I will tell you why. OK, the Jet Ski is seriously damaged, no arguments about that. But unless the tourist was driving the thing dangerously or deliberately damaged the vehicle with intent, drunk or while on drugs, than this is a civil case and has no criminal liability to the tourist. For example, if the tourist says that he has not enough money to pay upfront for the damage, then what? Will the nice helpful policeman throw him in jail until it`s paid off or the case goes to court? In actuality it is up to the Jet Ski owners to retrieve payments for damages and loss of earnings via the legal system in the courts or to come to some sort of compromise with the tourist. Another comparison. If you were driving someone else's car with permission of the owner and was involved in a collision causing damage, and providing no one was injured or damage done to other property, then it would be up the car owner and the driver to sort out the problem between them, nothing to do with the police, as this is not a criminal matter. So if the police and the Jet ski owners are using fear and bullying techniques to make these tourists pay the whole amount of damages upfront, then this is still a scam. Another point is; I wonder how much these Jet skis actually cost new? Also, 1000 baht for a Jet ski hire of only 30 minutes, these people must have more money than sense.
SGD Posted April 21, 2011 Posted April 21, 2011 Another problem is the amount of people who actually countenance that this is anything other than a scam. If 100% of people simply saw it for what it is then there would be such a furore that it would be impossible for these scams to continue. By choosing to think that the poor Thai has been disadvantaged by the rich westerner they are supporting the scam in absentia. Such people cannot have lived in a metropolis in Thailand or holding that point of view would be impossible. Yet they pontificate their "knowledge" which is read by newcomers as substantive and authoritative when it really is make believe twaddle. Where most Thai scams fall down is during analysis because your regular Thai doesn't develop complex arguments and relies on the other party simply accepting what is said or threatening violence or both. A half way educated westerner can pull holes in their logic such as this need for a loan despite admitted other wealth and income, the price of the second hand ski, the need to pay wages which are non existent, non contractual and commission based and the introduction of the police in a civil matter. You need balls of steel to stand up to these guys but when they are supported by warped westerns with no knowledge, they draw strength from the kinsfolk of their victims.
Gonsalviz Posted April 21, 2011 Posted April 21, 2011 I guess there is no disputing this scratch. Lucky it was not one of JJ's or the bill would have been millions and your 1st born for this scratch. Why don't operators have insurance covering the ski's as well as injuries. (public liability) Is the law in Australia. Anyway looks like the yank has to pay up on this one. POME mate. Not a Yank.
diehard60 Posted April 21, 2011 Posted April 21, 2011 Well, yeah... at least this one doesn't sound like a scam... Right, they fell off but did they have the safety band tied around their wrist that was supposed to pull the key off and shut off the engine? I guess we will never know all the details as here in LOS I never heard of any sort of proper investigation to find all the truth. We will never know if the tourist failed to use the safety feature of if it was mulfunctioning. One thing I am sure - the machine didn't keep going at a full speed after they fall off. That would indicate a stuck throttle and they would have discovered it as soon as they get on the machine. So EVEN IF the safety device mulfantioned, the speed of the machine would have dropped significantly after they "fell off". If it kept going at the full speed towards the rocks, it means they were flying towards the rocks like retards and they "fell off" in the last second... Jet skies cost more than a car?????????????????? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gee I should start a business to build the hulls for them. I could be rich fast. And this is not a scam??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? A broken leg is not severe????????????????????? What a f------en joke.
johncat1 Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 Quote : “I am also losing rental income that I need to feed my family. I think I will have to take out a bank loan to cover all the repair costs,” he said. Oh my heart bleeds for this poor soul, his family will starve now . Of course I am sure this jet ski was properly maintained and everything was mechanically sound. A Thai''s idea of maintenance is cosmetic " If it looks good it is good " just like the hundreds of buses that look great until the tons of filler fall out.
overhaul38 Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 Accidents happen and this points out the necessity of good insurance. I would expect this would discourage the rental of equipment...it certainly discourages me.
Spoonman Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 Hi With all due respect, you have already admitted that the Suzuki Hayatte was an old bike, I have ridden bikes of all sizes for 30 years and am pretty much an expert on a Jet Ski and Jet bike. I have never had a sticking throttle on new or old bikes because I maintain them well, I have never had a sticking throttle on a Jet Ski or Jet Bike as they are reletively new, I know professionals who ride and do all sorts of tricks on Jet Ski's they have never had a safety malfunction. Yeah old as in 12 months old when I sold it 2 years ago, when the throttle "stuck" on me is was 8 months out from the showroom floor.
johncat1 Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 So the original estimate was 320,000 baht and they agreed on 180,000 baht. This is not negotiating this is an attempted rip off. Sounds like another Jet Ski scam to me, or is this another case of Farang price / Thai price ? Did the Brit have travel insurance ? Did he have to pay up before he left Thailand ? Did the Jet Ski operator hold his passport ? ( until he received payment in full ?) ALL Embassies should warn their nationals about Jet Ski operators when they travel to Thailand. Foreigners who travel here think the police will protect them. But we who live here know that it is often the police who are involved in the various scams.
Shurup Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 the machine didn't keep going at a full speed after they fall off. That would indicate a stuck throttle and they would have discovered it as soon as they get on the machine. So EVEN IF the safety device mulfantioned, the speed of the machine would have dropped significantly after they "fell off". If it kept going at the full speed towards the rocks, it means they were flying towards the rocks like retards and they "fell off" in the last second... Bullshit, have you ever ridden something that "stuck a throttle", I have and it was my old suzuki Hayate, I drove all the way to work on the particular morning it happened (23km in total) and it was fine up until the last set of traffic lights where I eased off the throttle only to discover it was not slowing down (from 80km/h) I shut it down via the key and then re-started it and it was fine, into work and pulled the cable to find one frayed strand on the inner with some corrosion, was a common thing on the first release Hayate's.new cable was 120b. BTW a stuck throttle will not over-ride the kill switch (key pulled from dislodged rider) as this kills the power to the coils.no spark equals no go. Jeezes, why do people always read between the lines??? Did I say anything about stuck throttle will override the kill switch? For folks who has hard time understand English, I would rephrase: I think they either failed to USE the kill switch, or "fall off" too close to the rocks when the collision was nearly unavoidable. I think the former sounds more like it as there are many retards tourists who for whatever reason fail to use other safety devices anywhere else in Thailand (like using helmets when renting bikes). I didn't say if the machine was tampered with to disable the kill switch, that is also a possibility. Have you ever ridden something that "stuck a throttle"? Yes, I had throttle stuck on my dirtbike back in Canada. Have you ever ridden a jet-ski or a dirtbike? Probably not as you would know that you don't hold the throttle open at the same position for a while (as you would when riding a street bike), you vary it all time so you would discover the stuck throttle right away, not 30 min into your ride when it was a time to slow down due to traffic lights!
Shurup Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 ALL Embassies should warn their nationals about Jet Ski operators when they travel to Thailand. Do you check with your embassy whenever you travel somewhere? I know I don't, I know none of my friends do, although it would be a brilliant idea to do so.
housepainter Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 The point is ................. and lets not go off on irrelevent tangents ................... the actual point is that all jet ski hires expose you to a risk of being scammed. Forget the fact that broken legs are dismissed by the Police as 'minor'; forget the fact that machines are rigged not to stop by way of ignition keys staying in place; forget the fact that the insurance document is bogus, worthless and non-applicable; forget the fact that alol parties involved - owner, police, mechanic - are working hand in hand to extract the maximum money out of you; but do remember the Fact that this is Thailand. Thailand. Where tourists are tolerated only to be fleeced. Where the mafia openly operates in Phuket. The list of mitigation the ower provides is a total exageration and extortion of the real much lower costs. This is a scam - a fraud - and other dishonest act and embarrassing incident to Thailand. Those who have been here long enough know that. Those who have not don't. It's thrid world. Thais are dishonest. Their system it dishonest and there simply is now re-dress for decent law abiding citizens. The latter being a rarity in Thailand. And remember that. As there is not a single person: police or politiician who steps in to stop this fraudulant scam. Not a single one despite the damage it does to Thailand's image. If they weren't so ignorant they would be aware of the impact of Facebook and Twitter, where this incident will be posted and read around the world within hours. Stupid is as Thailand is. Regretable.
Shurup Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 Well, yeah... at least this one doesn't sound like a scam... Right, they fell off but did they have the safety band tied around their wrist that was supposed to pull the key off and shut off the engine? I guess we will never know all the details as here in LOS I never heard of any sort of proper investigation to find all the truth. We will never know if the tourist failed to use the safety feature of if it was mulfunctioning. One thing I am sure - the machine didn't keep going at a full speed after they fall off. That would indicate a stuck throttle and they would have discovered it as soon as they get on the machine. So EVEN IF the safety device mulfantioned, the speed of the machine would have dropped significantly after they "fell off". If it kept going at the full speed towards the rocks, it means they were flying towards the rocks like retards and they "fell off" in the last second... Jet skies cost more than a car?????????????????? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gee I should start a business to build the hulls for them. I could be rich fast. And this is not a scam??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? A broken leg is not severe????????????????????? What a f------en joke. Hmm... What my reply has to do with any of your answers? Please quote the proper reply for your comments or better yet, don't quote anything if they are just general comments to the article.
JungleJim Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 Frankly my dear, who gives a toss. Can't believe people who have lived here more than a few months are wasting time expressing their shock and outrage at his oft told tale. Heard it all before and no doubt will be reading of a similar incident some time very soon. Anyone with an ounce of Thai life experience should know these things are a regular occurrence. Just a shame that some poor tourists have to learn the hard way. I say, somewhat hypocritically, that it's hardly worth commenting on a story like this, let alone getting all worked up about it. Man, if I let myself get upset about every example of corruption and dishonesty I witness on a daily basis, I would be one distraught farang. A stress free day to you all.
saintofsilence Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 Time is now to rid Thailand of Jet Ski Scams 7 countries have warnings now on their websites if the scams cannot be stopped they should be banned to many people have holidays ruined. Pattaya is at least making an attempt. http://www.pattayamail.com/localnews/mayor-declares-war-on-scamming-pattaya-jet-ski-vendors-2140
thailandadam Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 Seems to me that this guy must have been going pretty fast to have broken his leg by "falling off" at the last moment before the machine crashed into the rocks... And, another thing...most of us know...the foreigner almost always pays...and pays dearly...nuff said.
xavierr Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 I don't know why Jet-Skis should be there in Phuket at all. They are nasty machines that should be banned from any holiday destination worthy of the name. So that a couple of people riding them have fun, many more get their right to have peace on a holiday beach disturbed. They are noisy and potentially dangerous. Jet-Skis should be forbidden and replaced by pedalos and small sailboats.
Yeppe Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 Farangs never seem to learn that DON`T EVER RENT ANYTHING IN THAILAND. Always big problem! No matter what they say about insurance....It´s always Mai Pen Rai, but when you come back, then it´s MONEY; MONEY...There have been so many cases out there - try to learn it! Secondly they rent not quality things - they "fix" things by themselves - not according to manufacture´s service manual, and then things won´t work as they were meant to work - it means then that you pay the damages.
Spoonman Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 Farangs never seem to learn that DON`T EVER RENT ANYTHING IN THAILAND. Always big problem! I rent my house, what do you suggest as an alternate to renting ?
tropo Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 There have been some jet ski scams. This incident seems to be clean, and the tourist pays for her actions. One should learn how to operate jetskis and motorbikes before renting them I would say that the tourist expects that he/she is covered by the advertised insurance sign in the case of any form of damage. Many might think that insurance, or lack of it, is the scam. I don't want to read through over 100 posts, so excuse me if this has already been covered. A few inconsistencies which came to mind: 1. How did a guy break a leg just falling off his jetski. 2. Why are they saying a broken leg is a minor injury. There are only 3 bones in the leg and breaking any one of them is a serious injury and even life threatening if it is the femur. 3. Why did they agree to pay such a large sum so quickly if they truly believed the engine cutoff was faulty. Surely for such a large sum of money they would have hired a lawyer if they really believed the jetski was faulty. It may still have been possible to prove their case by carefully examining the condition of the throttle cable.
loser1 Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 Should have had a grown up driving it; sounds like an accident looking for a place to happen Jet ski or Mbike "Sounds like an accident looking for a place to happen" Oh that well known phrase........ Really rolls off the tongue dun it..
loser1 Posted April 22, 2011 Posted April 22, 2011 There have been some jet ski scams. This incident seems to be clean, and the tourist pays for her actions. One should learn how to operate jetskis and motorbikes before renting them I would say that the tourist expects that he/she is covered by the advertised insurance sign in the case of any form of damage. Many might think that insurance, or lack of it, is the scam. I don't want to read through over 100 posts, so excuse me if this has already been covered. A few inconsistencies which came to mind: 1. How did a guy break a leg just falling off his jetski. The English girl ( Wannabe scientist) in the video ( who in my opinion shouldn't have been allowed in the country, why isn't she in Ibiza?) casually explains that it was due to surface tension.
gk10002000 Posted April 23, 2011 Posted April 23, 2011 180,000 baht is about 6,000 USD. Expensive but not horribly so. Even if the machine was old and used, the replacement cost is higher than its paper book value. I drive old cars, but that doesn't mean if it dies, that I can replace it for cheap. 6,000 is a bit high, but assuming the driver was not negligent, (which is a bit suspect) since it seems they collided with each other and probably were playing chicken or just fooling around, if he had insurance for travel and motor vehicles? I have always gotten short term insurance when I went to thailand. I would add a rider or two on the coverage if I thought I was going to do motorcycles, or jet skis. I have no experience trying to collect on a claim once I got back to the states if something did happen in Thailand, so the $45 or so I pay for the insurance rider might be up in smoke and false security at best.
Jabiru Posted April 28, 2011 Posted April 28, 2011 I assume the Hire Company gave them a safety briefing and a short training session before letting tourist loose on the high seas! I would have expected he tourist to pay some sort of excess if they were riding in a dangerous manner! Other wise the operator should have adequate insurance to cover everything. I suspect the operator has been gambling with been under insured to maximise his profits and expects the tourists to pay for his inadequacies. This should be a lesson to us all to check what we are insured for when we hire anything in Thailand.
FOODLOVER Posted April 28, 2011 Posted April 28, 2011 I guess there is no disputing this scratch. Lucky it was not one of JJ's or the bill would have been millions and your 1st born for this scratch. Why don't operators have insurance covering the ski's as well as injuries. (public liability) Is the law in Australia. Anyway looks like the yank has to pay up on this one. POME mate. Not a Yank. Sorry, but what is a POME? Palm Oil Mill Effluent. POME, Prisoner Of Mother England. POME, Product Of My Environment. POME, Philosophy of Mathematics ...
LivinginKata Posted April 28, 2011 Author Posted April 28, 2011 Post flaming another member removed. Let's be more torelant to our members who have not much experience of insurance in Thailand.
LivinginKata Posted April 28, 2011 Author Posted April 28, 2011 I assume the Hire Company gave them a safety briefing and a short training session before letting tourist loose on the high seas! Unlikley. Other wise the operator should have adequate insurance to cover everything. I suspect the operator has been gambling with been under insured to maximise his profits and expects the tourists to pay for his inadequacies. This should be a lesson to us all to check what we are insured for when we hire anything in Thailand. Doubtful if the operator could buy such insurance cover. You got to realise that these claims are all just part of the operator's money making scheme.
LivinginKata Posted April 28, 2011 Author Posted April 28, 2011 Sorry, but what is a POME? Palm Oil Mill Effluent. POME, Prisoner Of Mother England. POME, Product Of My Environment. POME, Philosophy of Mathematics ... From Wikipedia - The term pommy, often shortened to pom or pomme, in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, commonly denotes a person of British (usually of English heritage) origin. A derogatory term. Link ---> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_names_for_the_British#Pommy
FOODLOVER Posted April 28, 2011 Posted April 28, 2011 Sorry, but what is a POME? Palm Oil Mill Effluent. POME, Prisoner Of Mother England. POME, Product Of My Environment. POME, Philosophy of Mathematics ... From Wikipedia - The term pommy, often shortened to pom or pomme, in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, commonly denotes a person of British (usually of English heritage) origin. A derogatory term. Link ---> http://en.wikipedia....e_British#Pommy Thank you!
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