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My wife and I will soon be celebrating 9 years of marriage and over 10 years together. I am a lucky man that even after being together a decade she still dotes over me.

My friends and family back home like to tease me about it but I know the guys are jealous. I have never seen a Canadian woman dote her husband after being together so long.

Is this a Thai/Asian cultural trait or am I just lucky to have a great wife? Thais don't tend to show affection in public so it would be difficult to tell if the wives of the couples we know dote their husbands.

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19 years and counting.


Of course you are lucky to have a great wife. Not because she's Thai but because she is who she is and the relations is, for whatever reason, the way it is (most likely YOU have something to do with how she treats you).


Do you mind using words that everybody understand ?

Dote : [doht]verb, dot·ed, dot·ing, noun –verb (used without object) Also, doat.

1. to bestow or express excessive love or fondness habitually (usually followed by on or upon ): They dote on their youngest daughter.

2. to show a decline of mental faculties, especially associated with old age.

I guess is definition # 1, right ?

So after 10 years together, I can say my gf still "dotes' me , without excess, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't hate me, which is by itself a great progress compared to my previous relation.


Just the other night it was pouring down rain and I asked the little lady to go get noodles, she mentioned the heavy rain and motorbike, so I gave her a straw hat to wear. She went after the noodles. Granted she had a somewhat sullen look when she returned as well as the drowned rat look. Does that qualify?


^ hahaha not really.

We've been married for three years now, and yes! my wife still dotes on me. I'm a very lucky man.

Of course, I dote on her a little bit too.

As for showing signs of affection in public. I remember when we first met (Seven years ago), we were on our first date, and she told me not to hold her hand when we walked in the street, because she didn't want anyone to think she was a bargirl.

Now, it's her wanting to hold my hand all the time.


^ hahaha not really.

We've been married for three years now, and yes! my wife still dotes on me. I'm a very lucky man.

Of course, I dote on her a little bit too.

As for showing signs of affection in public. I remember when we first met (Seven years ago), we were on our first date, and she told me not to hold her hand when we walked in the street, because she didn't want anyone to think she was a bargirl.

Now, it's her wanting to hold my hand all the time.

LOL same here my wife has become much more assertive and isn't worried about face anymore. You should see her now at a shop/restaurant if something is wrong boy-o-boy she gives it to the staff.


^ hahaha not really.

We've been married for three years now, and yes! my wife still dotes on me. I'm a very lucky man.

Of course, I dote on her a little bit too.

As for showing signs of affection in public. I remember when we first met (Seven years ago), we were on our first date, and she told me not to hold her hand when we walked in the street, because she didn't want anyone to think she was a bargirl.

Now, it's her wanting to hold my hand all the time.

Yep, been there. Now my mrs makes a point of giving me a cuddle when people call just to show there is a different life too Thai life. :)


After 7 years she does. Song Kran was a nightmare,I had her 6 sisters doteing on me. The only thing I could do for myself

was go to the bathroom.:D


After 7 years she does. Song Kran was a nightmare,I had her 6 sisters doteing on me. The only thing I could do for myself

was go to the bathroom.:D

ive been in that boat and its so very tempting.. a cold shower usually works haha


After 10 years with her, she still cuts my toenails, still makes my teas, still loves me. A ball kicking farang woman would hate her soooooo much. God bless ´em!

And I dote on her as well. Nothing makes her scream more than roses and I get a hug to boot.



19 years and counting.


Of course you are lucky to have a great wife. Not because she's Thai but because she is who she is and the relations is, for whatever reason, the way it is (most likely YOU have something to do with how she treats you).

Yes indeed, Joe! I believe that how we generally treat one another {as couples} has every thing to do with reciprocal instincts. I'm at 15 years + and counting. Others aren't so lucky....B)


My wife USED to dote on me, for about the first 8 years. Then we had twins...

Ah well, I love the little tikes too...

I assume the doting will resume in about 20 years.


My wife USED to dote on me, for about the first 8 years. Then we had twins...

Ah well, I love the little tikes too...

I assume the doting will resume in about 20 years.

Hmmm.....there is something to be addressed regarding this post-birth character that develops.


I like this thread, nice to hear the positive side of a farang, Thai marriage for a change.

Can I ask you, Sakeopete, what are the age differences between you? How you 2 met and the background of your wife.

Not because I`m being nosey about your personal life but there maybe some lessons to be learned here, this could be interesting.


As I'm here before Sakeopete today, let me give you my answers.

My wife came from a poor farming family in Issan, I went for a haircut at the salon where she worked, that's how we met. She was 37 when we met, I'm 10 years older than her. Her previous husband (Thai) died, leaving her with 3 children. Her 2 son's 21 & 17 are a complete nightmare (Another story) but her daughter, 13, is very sweet. I try to take care of them all.

For me, I think the reason we are both happy, is that because of the reasonably small age difference (10 years) we have the same opinion on many things. As my wife is always saying, "We fit together". For other couples, this might not be an issue, everyone is different.

I dated a girl for 2 years, a few years before I met my wife, we met under different circumstances. She was (And still is) stunningly beautiful, but she was 20 years younger than me. I knew our relationship could never be a permanent one because "We didn't fit together".


20+ years and have no need to publish any personal details ................... what so ever. You seem to worry too much about what others think ...................... insecurity ?


When we first got married we used to have sex in every room in the house

now we only have Hallway sex

when we pass each other in the Hallway, she tells me to go F*#k my self



When we first got married we used to have sex in every room in the house

now we only have Hallway sex

when we pass each other in the Hallway, she tells me to go F*#k my self


Ah you poor thing you must have married a farang woman :D


I don't have a wife. :huh:

Does the cat count? I still cut his nails and he's good for a cuddle. I must say he's quite a good guard dog too, sleeping on the bed, watching over me and giving me a paw in the face sometimes, just to see if I'm alive when I stop breathing I guess.

The dog(s), well, they still slobber, poo and pee when it is most likely to embarass me.

In respect to my unofficial companion, the comment I get is who else is going to put up with me. I really would like to argue the point, but sometimes Thais are pretty smart and I also learnt awhile back that one never wins a domestic argument here. The only one that has ever slightly doted on me is one of my gay friends. He says, he was raised to be caring with the elderlyand the "kippled". (The little snot is 35 and I notice that he's no spring chicken himself.) I was sort of hoping another friend's sister would dote on me, but she asked her brother why I wasn't married yet and if I had a problem, :annoyed: Instead of defending me he told her I lost my genitalia in an accident. (No, I'm not making that up.)


I don't have a wife. :huh:

Does the cat count? I still cut his nails and he's good for a cuddle. I must say he's quite a good guard dog too, sleeping on the bed, watching over me and giving me a paw in the face sometimes, just to see if I'm alive when I stop breathing I guess.

The dog(s), well, they still slobber, poo and pee when it is most likely to embarass me.

In respect to my unofficial companion, the comment I get is who else is going to put up with me. I really would like to argue the point, but sometimes Thais are pretty smart and I also learnt awhile back that one never wins a domestic argument here. The only one that has ever slightly doted on me is one of my gay friends. He says, he was raised to be caring with the elderlyand the "kippled". (The little snot is 35 and I notice that he's no spring chicken himself.) I was sort of hoping another friend's sister would dote on me, but she asked her brother why I wasn't married yet and if I had a problem, :annoyed: Instead of defending me he told her I lost my genitalia in an accident. (No, I'm not making that up.)

And you didn't step right up, drop trou, and put shame to his lie right there on the spot? Shame on you. There is nothing more important than defending your masculinity. As we've recently learned, the fine for such behavior is a mere 500 baht. Certainly a paltry fee when faced with such a dire emergency.

But alas...now you'll never know what doting might have been...


This is probably one of the most positive posts on ThaiVisa for a while. Getting fed up of reading about people getting scammed, robbed etc. Seems to be a lot of haters out there.

My wife dotes on me too.


When we first got married we used to have sex in every room in the house

now we only have Hallway sex

when we pass each other in the Hallway, she tells me to go F*#k my self


Ah you poor thing you must have married a farang woman :D

Could nor resist the opportunity to use this jock :D

The wife is great, much better than i deserve. 2 years married and one year living together, still treats me like the day we meet.

If I have any regret is that I did not meet her sooner in my life.

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