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I Am Turning 50 Yo Today

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Thanks all for the wishes!

Will try to make the best out of this new milestone....

Will enjoy as much as I can

Congrats on 50! When I hit that number I am hoping it will just be another number!

Thanks a lot!!

To be honest, I take it OK, nothing really changed (yet), and so far, it's just a number....

Can't wait for the cake and gifts (hopefully !!)

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Not as bad as when I turned 30. Happy Birthday. You're still young. Believe me.

You heard the story about the 94 year old man who was at a party and noticed this beautiful young lady enter the room. He turned to his friend, and said "Oh, to be 75 again." You've got a long way to go.

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I am now passed 50, unfortunately nearer 60 than 50.

Once you reach 50 and over, shaggable birds don't fancy you anymore, not even the ugly ones.

Most of your close relatives, loved ones are dead or have one foot in the grave by that time.

Old friends from the past are either dead, gone their own separate ways, lost touch and don't want to know you anymore.

No employer wants to employ you. Considered too decrepit, physically and mentally to be up for the job.

Older people don't try and mother you anymore, no more birthday surprises, Christmas presents or symphathy if you`re ill or have a problem.

To your kids or younger family members, you are mean`t to always be a tower of strengh, wise, supportive and able to solve problems, but must never be regarded as having problems yourself.

Those party invitations cease, the phone stops ringing and the younger crowd feel that being in your company is an embarrassment.

If you take a fancy and stare or try to chat up a younger woman, you're considered a sick pervert.

Suddenly during the night, you turn round in bed, see this old woman lying next to you and gasp, oh my God, this is my wife.

If you dress modern or too formal, people view you as an old aged trendy.

And if you die, people will say; ah well, lucky he wasn't young otherwise that would be really sad.

So what's so good about being 50 or over? It sucks.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I felt great, to be honest. My birthday coincided with my gym day, and when I was lifting, I was suddenly struck with the thought that I was in great shape, "for a 50-year-old!" The day before, while I was still in my 40's, I was not in so great shape. :)

I love it. I will keep that in mind to cheer me up in about 6 months time when I turn the bend. :lol:

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... and watch what you put in your mouth , you are what you eat .

Ah yes, the Mamasan's Admonition.

Or is the Mother Superior's...?

Fifty flitted past almost unnoticed for me but somewhere between 52 and 53 there was a helluva speedbump. The old metabolism changed and one morning I woke up, rolled over and out of bed and thought, 'Ouch! What the heck was that?!' Knees that suddenly ache, morning face like a bag of hammers and... who left that paunch there??!!!

Yup, time to start taking care of the vessel in which the spirit resides and not vice versa.

Only as old as (the woman) you feel.

As my mate once related to me when celebrating his father's 70th and asking what it was like to be a grandad was told, "It's OK son but a bit of a bugger being married to a granny."

Well done, half a ton!!

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