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Thailand Pulls Out Of Planned Ceasefire Talks With Cambodia


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['ChristopherBrown' timestamp=1303878630' post='4384116]

I know it suits Hun Sen, to have an external-enemy to distract his people, but he might keep it believable at-least !

I keep hearing comments like this in the Thai media, but frankly distract the Cambodian people from what exactly? The longest period of stability the country has know in 45 years? The rapid economic growth? The huge infrastructure improvements? The increased literacy rates? The hugely reduced child mortality rates? The fact Cambodia has gone from food shortages to the worlds sixth largest rice exporter in a little over a decade? Or the HIV rate going from being an epidemic in the 90's to a rate that is now less than half the rate of Thailand (0.5 vs 1.3).

For most Cambodians this is the best they have EVER known it. Hun Sen is an authoritarian leader, no doubt about it. He's a populist, we all know that. He's not scared to break a few eggs to make and omelet, it's true. BUT despite his tactics that aren't to everyone's tastes, the proof is in the pudding and all of the numbers have consistently gone skyward for over a decade. The CPP won 58% of the vote in 2008, their nearest rival took only 22% in an election that was declared free and fair, as was the previous one. Currently he's as politically strong as he's ever been and there is no doubt the CPP will win another landslide in the next election. There is absolutely no need for Hun Sen and the CPP to create some kind of drama to increase popularity, because they already have an extremely strong mandate and will likely have an even stronger one after the next election.

This is about the temples and the temples only on the Cambodian side, they are central to the national identity and you will be hard pushed to find a Cambodian who's not willing to go to war to protect them and their sovereignty. Thailand needs to tread extremely carefully as the pages of history are filled with larger, stronger aggressors that lack true belief in their cause being turned over by much smaller, poorly equipped opponents who are truly willing to die for theirs.

An excellent post full of what is as apposed the comments from posters who are obviously not as aware as yourself on what has been achieved in a forward motion benefiting all of Khmer citizens , I have experienced much of the progress in the several years I have lived amongst these friendly people . It matters not a solitary iota of what some people consider Hun Sen to be , they should rather take note that decisions are made and acted upon , not bandied around with no true intent of upgrading the lot of the average Thai .

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Thai PM denies media report Thailand exits planned ceasefire talks

BANGKOK, April 27 - Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Wednesday denied a Cambodian media report that Thailand has pulled out of planned ceasefire talks with Phnom Penh, saying Thailand's defence minister postponed his trip to Cambodia due to his mission to China.

Mr Abhisit said Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon cancelled travelling to Cambodia for talks with his counterpart Tea Banh on Wednesday as he is busy on a mission to China from April 27-30. Talks with Cambodia will be rescheduled later.

Gen Prawit said before leaving to China that the Beijing trip was fixed earlier, and denied he was travelling to China to ask for help negotiating with Cambodia. Talks with Phnom Penh will be rescheduled once he returns from China, he said.

Meanwhile, Mr Abhisit cancelled his daily schedule on Wednesday in order to travel to Surin to visit hospitalised Thai soldiers who were wounded in the border clashes and boost morale of local residents at Ban Khok Klang evacuation centre.

Mr Abhisit's trip follows new of one civilian being killed in Surin's Kap Choeng district.

Shells dropped on about ten villages in Surin and Buri Ram damaging ten homes. Army sources said over 60 BM-21 Grad multiple rockets fell in Thailand.

However, the sounds of gunfire ceased Wedneday and some local residents in Nongkhanna village in Surin's Phanom Dong Rak district returned home to remove belongings from their houses. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2011-04-27

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Of course they pull out. The fact of the matter is that Prayuth is showing Abhisit who is in charge. The government signs a paper with the Indonesians about observers. Prayuth sticks up his middle finger. Abhisit says there will be polls and in the meantime election commission members and the dangerous lunatic Suthep say clashed might affect the upcoming vote. The Thai military have something to hide, that is clear. Nobody can verify who started, they are using cluster bombs and are closing down community radio stations, all in the name of  the security of the state. <div><br></div><div>We can only reach the conclusion that Thailand and Burma are much of the same. Than Shwe and Prayuth are the dictators who enrich the army, control the media and suppress dissenting voices. Thai military seldom rad history books. Nathawut was very clear a while ago when he warned Prayuth. If you prevent us from coming to power we will burn Thailand down he said. It may sound like a lame threat but I would not be so sure about the outrage of the poor and  politically far better educated people than the Thai elite.</div><div><br></div><div>Add the yellow shirts to the mix who clearly asked for trouble with Cambodia and the fact that the yellow shirts recognized that they had zero percent chance on even one single seat in the elections and we all know that a coup in whichever form is played out. Cambodia is simply the scapegoat to make it happen.<br><div><br></div></div>

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Defense Minister Ready to Talk with Cambodia

The defense minister is preparing to hold talks with Cambodia after returning from his trip to China.

He said he will not discuss the Thai-Cambodian clashes with China.

Defense Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan has left the Kingdom for a two-day trip to China by invitation from his Chinese counterpart.

The defense minister said before departing that he will not bring up the Thai-Cambodian clashes for discussion with China.

Prawit affirmed that he is ready to hold talks with Cambodia when he returns from China in a couple of days.


-- Tan Network 2011-04-27


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I know it suits Hun Sen, to have an external-enemy to distract his people, but he might keep it believable at-least !

I keep hearing comments like this in the Thai media, but frankly distract the Cambodian people from what exactly? The longest period of stability the country has know in 45 years? The rapid economic growth? The huge infrastructure improvements? The increased literacy rates? The hugely reduced child mortality rates? The fact Cambodia has gone from food shortages to the worlds sixth largest rice exporter in a little over a decade? Or the HIV rate going from being an epidemic in the 90's to a rate that is now less than half the rate of Thailand (0.5 vs 1.3).

For most Cambodians this is the best they have EVER known it. Hun Sen is an authoritarian leader, no doubt about it. He's a populist, we all know that. He's not scared to break a few eggs to make and omelet, it's true. BUT despite his tactics that aren't to everyone's tastes, the proof is in the pudding and all of the numbers have consistently gone skyward for over a decade. The CPP won 58% of the vote in 2008, their nearest rival took only 22% in an election that was declared free and fair, as was the previous one. Currently he's as politically strong as he's ever been and there is no doubt the CPP will win another landslide in the next election. There is absolutely no need for Hun Sen and the CPP to create some kind of drama to increase popularity, because they already have an extremely strong mandate and will likely have an even stronger one after the next election.

This is about the temples and the temples only on the Cambodian side, they are central to the national identity and you will be hard pushed to find a Cambodian who's not willing to go to war to protect them and their sovereignty. Thailand needs to tread extremely carefully as the pages of history are filled with larger, stronger aggressors that lack true belief in their cause being turned over by much smaller, poorly equipped opponents who are truly willing to die for theirs.

Hitler got the Germans back to work, and Mussolini made the trains run on time. Amazing what a leader can do without an effective opposition! But is his 58% because of his popularity, or because his Rouge mates stacked the skulls of any political opponents up to and including anyone intellectual enough to wear eye-glasses.

How many human eggs were broken to make this particular omelet?

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I remember a comment last year by Suthep, before he allowed the army to go on their murderous rampage through bangkok, it was an issue being discussed between the govt and the reds, and the comment was along the lines of 'the matter is resolved and nobody has lost face'. This is the deputy pm and his aim during a negotiation was not about what was right or wrong for the people, it was simply about not losing face, it seems the first thought in anything here is how to not lose face.

Did he preface it with 'We Thainese ............'

no, but he did later surpass this with his 'i have no respect for Farangs' comment :D

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Hitler got the Germans back to work, and Mussolini made the trains run on time. Amazing what a leader can do without an effective opposition! But is his 58% because of his popularity, or because his Rouge mates stacked the skulls of any political opponents up to and including anyone intellectual enough to wear eye-glasses.

How many human eggs were broken to make this particular omelet?

I'm no flag waving Hun Sen supporter, but having lived in Cambodia for eight years I've seen first hand how the government operates here and am also like to think that I can rise above emotions and tabloid mentality to look at things objectively. Your post is full of inaccuracies and shows the usual misunderstanding of Cambodian politics and history especially common in the Thai media.

First comparing Hun Sen to Hitler is a bit of a stretch. If any Cambodian party encourages racial hatred, it's the Sam Rainsy party who despite being the media darling of the west, has his entire platform based on hatred of the Vietnamese. Sam Rainsy deserves the sentences he's received, he committed the actions deliberately to provoke a response and get media attention. Going to the border (Vietnam in this case) and ripping out demarcation posts will land you in the slammer in any country in the world. Just one look at the situation on the Thai border shows you how serious that can be. Sam Rainsy will never win an election as his divisive brand of politics no longer resonates with most Cambodians. They would likely do much better if he stepped to the side and let Moa Sochea take charge of the party as she isn't tainted by any of the ugly politics that lead up to the 1997 factional fighting.

The second thing that most people misunderstand is the history of the Khmer Rouge, in Cambodia none of the Khmers refer to the period of the genocide as the 'Khmer Rouge Period' as the western press does, they all refer to it as the 'Pol Pot Period' and for good reason, prior to 1975 and the fall of Phnom Penh, most Khmer Rouge fighters were nationalists fighting on the request of the exiled King Sihanouk, they were trying to depose the Lol Nol government which had taken charge in a US sponsored coup and believed that Sihanouk would be restored as leader upon their victory. Hun Sen and most of the current leadership were in the Khmer Rouge but were nationalists who had followed the Kings call to arms. Once the cities had been cleared and Pol Pot began the purges showing his true intentions, many of the nationalists defected in '77 and crossed the border into Vietnam. They later fronted the Vietnamese backed force that defeated Pol Pot.

So by saying Hun Sen was Khmer Rouge is correct, but their has never been any evidence to show any of them took part in the genocide of Pol Pot's time in power, whilst their is plenty of evidence that they played prominent roles in the force that overthrew the Pol Pot. In fact one of the CPP's most common campaign themes besides economy and infrastructure is the fact that they were the party that overthrew Pol Pot and ended the genocide.

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Thailand should inform Cambodia that they have 48 hours to remove everything from the disputed 4.6 kilometers. If there is still any sign of persons or equipment on the disputed area after the deadline, then Thailand should start a systematic campaign where they obliterate every square meter of land into a giant mud hole, rendering the disputed area unusable by any party.

Once this has been accomplished, Thailand should inform the Cambodians that any sign of movement will be met with immediate rocket fire until the movement ( encroachment ) is negated.

After the dispute has been settled, there will be plenty of time to restore the small area to its former state.

If you obliterate the 4.6 kilometers it will end the problem of encroachment. Enough explosives will turn it into a lake, making it very difficult to set up business stalls and makeshift houses.

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Thailand should inform Cambodia that they have 48 hours to remove everything from the disputed 4.6 kilometers. If there is still any sign of persons or equipment on the disputed area after the deadline, then Thailand should start a systematic campaign where they obliterate every square meter of land into a giant mud hole, rendering the disputed area unusable by any party.

Once this has been accomplished, Thailand should inform the Cambodians that any sign of movement will be met with immediate rocket fire until the movement ( encroachment ) is negated.

After the dispute has been settled, there will be plenty of time to restore the small area to its former state.

If you obliterate the 4.6 kilometers it will end the problem of encroachment. Enough explosives will turn it into a lake, making it very difficult to set up business stalls and makeshift houses.

Sorry for the double post, don"t know how to delete the second one.

Edited by NoBrainer
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I do not know what is scarier, the fact that defense minister thinks it's the right thing to do. Or the fact that this kind of person is a defense minister.

Just seems the only thing they do is think of ways how to fck up the country.

Yellow, red, army, now the government itself.

Forever a developing country (or undeveloped)

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it is beyond my understanding that posters are able to post smilies as reply (OP) to one of the most serious issues Thailand has ever faced in the last 30ys. I am deeply concerned and so are thousands along the border. A war with Cambodia will affect us all, even the members who think it's something very funny.... It is not - it is dead serious.

Pray tell how would it effect most of us? Most people are located in big cities like Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Udon Thani, or Phuket. The worst thing that will happen is that the Thai military will get its ass beat so badly that the country will have to go into a state of emergency. Most expats will just take a long holiday abroad until it all blows over.

Cambodians aren't going to roll into Bangkok, just like Thais won't be going to Phnom Penh anytime soon. They'll just shoot each other at the border until the temple is a pile of rubble and both sides satisfy their egos.

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Imagine there's no countries.

It isn't hard to do.

Nothing to kill or die for.

And no religion too.

People sacrificing their lives for a piece of land with a bunch of old rocks. That's what we are talking about here. Trying to truly understand such madness is I think futile. We can only pity those who give all of it such a big meaning and hope they one day come to terms with what they always thought to be the truth and the right thing to do. Plus all of this just shows once again that armies are meant for one thing alone and that is to serve the interests of a few and not the many. Imagine what kind of planet we would be living on if all those people willing to blindly follow orders in any kind of organization would stop doing so.

Any attempt to find some justice in all of this through discussion here or otherwise is I believe fruitless. Maybe when all the media would stop publishing about political violence it will stop over time. Of course that's not going to happen but something we have to realize is that we all keep this madness going.

I am not trying to blame anyone here. The blame game is just as futile I believe and only keeps dwelling in the past. We need to look forward and change our views and believes so we can finally move to a more peaceful and truly global society, one that is not limited by artificially created boundaries.

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it is beyond my understanding that posters are able to post smilies as reply (OP) to one of the most serious issues Thailand has ever faced in the last 30ys. I am deeply concerned and so are thousands along the border. A war with Cambodia will affect us all, even the members who think it's something very funny.... It is not - it is dead serious.

Pray tell how would it effect most of us? Most people are located in big cities like Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Udon Thani, or Phuket. The worst thing that will happen is that the Thai military will get its ass beat so badly that the country will have to go into a state of emergency. Most expats will just take a long holiday abroad until it all blows over.

Cambodians aren't going to roll into Bangkok, just like Thais won't be going to Phnom Penh anytime soon. They'll just shoot each other at the border until the temple is a pile of rubble and both sides satisfy their egos.

It isn't hard to work out from the erudite comments of many TV regulars that most do indeed live in a few larger Thai cities. But outside that bubble the country and its politics look rather different. Some members have things that they don't want to lose that are just a short drive from the fighting, and then events don't look so funny. This is particularly so given that the appetite for conflict among local people seems very much less than in Bangkok. I know where Doc is coming from.

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I am not trying to blame anyone here. The blame game is just as futile I believe and only keeps dwelling in the past. We need to look forward and change our views and believes so we can finally move to a more peaceful and truly global society, one that is not limited by artificially created boundaries.

This will never happen. Finite resources and your average human being's capacity for unlimited depravity will ensure it.

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I am not trying to blame anyone here. The blame game is just as futile I believe and only keeps dwelling in the past. We need to look forward and change our views and believes so we can finally move to a more peaceful and truly global society, one that is not limited by artificially created boundaries.

This will never happen. Finite resources and your average human being's capacity for unlimited depravity will ensure it.

As soon as we start using those resources more carefully than their 'finiteness' won't be a problem anymore. And we all have functioning brains. It's all about creating awareness. And the one thing that can truly stop a change is common belief that we can't do it. Of course the challenge is tremendous but shouldn't that be the reason to wanting a change to happen even more?? I think of it as the most interesting project in human history, one we simply can't ignore anymore. And if you still disagree: tell me what's the point of keeping the current game running when all it does is impoverish people and trash our planet? I'm sorry but I simply cannot accept that reality anymore.

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it is beyond my understanding that posters are able to post smilies as reply (OP) to one of the most serious issues Thailand has ever faced in the last 30ys. I am deeply concerned and so are thousands along the border. A war with Cambodia will affect us all, even the members who think it's something very funny.... It is not - it is dead serious.

Doc Holliday,

I have no comment concerning posting smiley faces. But I do have a comment concerning your statement: 'one of the most serious issues Thailand has ever faced in the last 30ys.' Thailand has chosen and continue to choose a path of violence to resolve the border dispute. What they don't understand is, after innocent life have been lost in Thailand and Cambodia, and thousands of people have been displaced to the point of an humanitarian crisis; the international community is going to step in tell them where the border lines is and enforce there decision. I can tell you right now, Thailand will have no parts of that temple which has already been awarded to Cambodia. The international community will not allow Thailand to take it be force.

Even if the Thai army over-ran the Cambodian army tomorrow and pushed them and all there people back to Phnom Pehn the international community will order Thailand right back out to where they are today if not out further. I am not hating on Thailand, I am simply stating a fact. The same holds true, that if a stronger nation was to attack Thailand and occupy it's land the international community would run to Thailands aid and push the occupiers out!

With that said, I don't know why Thailand resist multination talks to resolve this issues. It is obvious that Thailand and Cambodia will never resolve this issue alone.

Well said FD. Nice to read sensible facts as that is indeed what will happen if not decently resolved by talks and consensus. Oh when oh when will Thailand grow up and stop behaving like silly spoiled children, throwing their toys out of the pram. I love Thailand but sometimes the Government and military here go beyond belief, talk about losing face. Of course all civilised grown up societies HAVE to accept mediation from independent unbiased world organisations like of course the UN. Without such mediation and adult behaviour we go back to cave man unintelligent resolutions to disputes and that never resolves anything only takes away valuable and often innocent lives. Bloody stupid in the extreme. I was told that Thailand and its people did not like losing face so why are they doing exactly that now making themselves a complete laughing stock, would be almost funny if it were not so sad and causing people to lose their lives, have life changing injuries and losing their personal possessions in these border areas. For goodness sake STOP IT now Thailand and be adult and start talking through honest mediators for a true peaceful and fair solution.

I do not know whether this was possible before the recent outbreak (my ignorance) but either way why not just make sure that both Cambodians and Thais have free and friendly shared access to these temples and prasats, no matter in whose territory they are located, after all both sides are Buddhist so not as though they are arguing over religion (also another stupid childish cause of senseless strife in this daft world). It is called sharing and compromise and living together in harmony, so in this respect both sides need their stupid heads banging together until they see sense and grow up!!!

Edited by rayw
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Thailand should inform Cambodia that they have 48 hours to remove everything from the disputed 4.6 kilometers. If there is still any sign of persons or equipment on the disputed area after the deadline, then Thailand should start a systematic campaign where they obliterate every square meter of land into a giant mud hole, rendering the disputed area unusable by any party.

Once this has been accomplished, Thailand should inform the Cambodians that any sign of movement will be met with immediate rocket fire until the movement ( encroachment ) is negated.

After the dispute has been settled, there will be plenty of time to restore the small area to its former state.

If you obliterate the 4.6 kilometers it will end the problem of encroachment. Enough explosives will turn it into a lake, making it very difficult to set up business stalls and makeshift houses.

You can be a great army chief..... :lol::lol::lol:

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Well that's the least surprised I've been all year. Of course Thailand is running with the ball now that scores are dying every day in several middle eastern Countries so this little spat hardly registers.

P.S For whoever piously lectured us falang about not understanding face and mis-labelling this as an issue of face I can only but quote the following lines from the OT.

"We decided last night to cancel General Prawit (Wongsuwon's) trip to Phnom Penh today after some Cambodia media reported Thailand agreed to ceasefire talks after it admitted defeat and losses," said Colonel Sunsern Kaewkumnerd.

Spot on and well spotted.

This is ALL about face,

and the last thing the army will tollerate going into an election is loss of face. Most non-thais westerners would think they have lost most face by having the idiot battles for no good reason besides face. This is far too Asian to get through to the western world thought trains.

What's pathetic is this is a reactionary move about a propaganda newspaper article. Why they should be taking Cambodia's propaganda seriously is not at all apparent.

Edited by animatic
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Perhaps the U.S. state department should step in and make a King Solomon's bargain and tell the two squabbling parties if they don't shut up then C-130 spectres will be dispatched post haste to light up the area with white phosphorous and m102 fire.

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I know it suits Hun Sen, to have an external-enemy to distract his people, but he might keep it believable at-least ! B)

It also suits the current Thai government to let this conflict go to postpone elections or house dissolution or whatever.

AHA..!! Someone has discovered the real reason for the conflict - to distract the people from what is happening in the capitol...

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This is tragic for the tens of thousands who live along both sides of the border who have had to leave homes, work etc... and even more tragic for the families of those killed who have lost someone they love and/or someone they are dependant on for their own sustenance. This dispute is over a couple of square miles of turf. Lets give the disputed turf to the UN....accessible to Thais/Cambodians and tourists alike. Its an international treasure and really should be appreciated by everyone from everywhere. We recognise that is was Kmer/Thai in it inception. If we cant agree on heritage/If we cant agree on ownership/Then we all lose face and lose merit mak mak with Budah. This dispute was not the creation of those who constructed this masterpiece..nor the stupid that decreed ownership..but of the greedy who demand ownership and possession a long time after its creation. It is economically valuable to both Thailand and Cambodia. It was the creation of those who lived along the border ..some 900 years ago. It belongs historically... and economically to both. Lets grow up, Smile, and Enjoy this treasure of our joint heritage. Thai and Cambodia should both be smiling about its joint heritage...not killing.

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Thailand should inform Cambodia that they have 48 hours to remove everything from the disputed 4.6 kilometers. If there is still any sign of persons or equipment on the disputed area after the deadline, then Thailand should start a systematic campaign where they obliterate every square meter of land into a giant mud hole, rendering the disputed area unusable by any party.

Once this has been accomplished, Thailand should inform the Cambodians that any sign of movement will be met with immediate rocket fire until the movement ( encroachment ) is negated.

After the dispute has been settled, there will be plenty of time to restore the small area to its former state.

If you obliterate the 4.6 kilometers it will end the problem of encroachment. Enough explosives will turn it into a lake, making it very difficult to set up business stalls and makeshift houses.

Sorry for the double post, don"t know how to delete the second one.

Oh, yeah, that's a real good "solution". But there's just one small point you are overlooking, or may be unaware of. The only ones "disputing" the "disputed area" is Thailand. The ICJ ruled the temple belongs to Cambodia, BASED ON THE FRENCH MAP. Whether the map was correct or not doesn't matter. That's what they ruled on based on the fact that Thailand, in over 100 years, had NEVER DISPUTED THE MAP. After the ICJ ruling, Thailand had 7 years to file an appeal, but guess what? They never bothered to do so. If they thought they had a case, and were right, it seems to me they would have filed one as soon as possible. But nope, no appeal. It wasn't until Cambodia sought to have the temple designated as a World Heritage Site that Thailand, with a little help from PAD, suddenly "disputed" the ruling, the map and the "disputed territory". They don't dare take it back to the ICJ, or the UN, because they know they don't have a legal leg to stand on. And if they didn't have something to hide, or some ulterior motive none of us know about, why would they constantly deny 3rd party mediation and refusal from even ASEAN independent observers? They can't, or won't, even get the minutes of the previous JBC meetings passed through the Parliament! They worry about "saving face", but fail to realize they are losing face on a daily basis in the international community with their actions. I love Thailand, and the people, but the government definitely leaves something to be desired.

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This is tragic for the tens of thousands who live along both sides of the border who have had to leave homes, work etc... and even more tragic for the families of those killed who have lost someone they love and/or someone they are dependant on for their own sustenance. This dispute is over a couple of square miles of turf. Lets give the disputed turf to the UN....accessible to Thais/Cambodians and tourists alike. Its an international treasure and really should be appreciated by everyone from everywhere. We recognise that is was Kmer/Thai in it inception. If we cant agree on heritage/If we cant agree on ownership/Then we all lose face and lose merit mak mak with Budah. This dispute was not the creation of those who constructed this masterpiece..nor the stupid that decreed ownership..but of the greedy who demand ownership and possession a long time after its creation. It is economically valuable to both Thailand and Cambodia. It was the creation of those who lived along the border ..some 900 years ago. It belongs historically... and economically to both. Lets grow up, Smile, and Enjoy this treasure of our joint heritage. Thai and Cambodia should both be smiling about its joint heritage...not killing.

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