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Do You Like Living Here ?


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In my Condo there are a group of guys that do nothing but complain about all things Thai, they hang around the swimming pool poisoning the atmosphere day after day.

I asked them why they stay in Thailand when they are obviously unhappy, and I can't get a straight answer.

If I ask them why they left their home country, I get a straight answer, usually along the lines of, " It's Shit" !! OK, so I understand why they left.

So, what keeps them in Thailand ? It can't be that bad, else they wouldn't be here, but they will never admit that.

What strange guys.smile.gif

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Actually, not strange at all.

In fact, this type of character has a very long long history.....applied to Western expats or long-termers whom find themselves residing in a non-Western country of their choice. They're there - for whatever reason. Don't like the place. Don't care for the locals. Whinge and bash every which way. Yet....they decidedly hang around for whatever reason.

On the contrary, not an unusual trait at all. I've witness this behaviour amongst Euro-expats all my life...from Tahiti to Japan, Madagascar to India, Samoa to Vietnam.

The great "expat" paradox.

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Do I Like Living Here? Yes….It's OK, no big shakes, I may not stay here, it's a big world, lots to see and do.

Do I have a choice? Luckily, yes I do have a choice, if I get drippy, feel I've seen enough of what Thailand has or found somewhere I think has more to offer me, I will be off, and I am constantly reminding myself that Life is a journey, not a destination and all that!

As for expats who take dripping to an Olympian sport, I think moaning and bitching is contagious, coupled with winging OMS, (old man syndrome) If it wasn't being done around apool in Thailand, it would be getting done, (in a language of you choice) somewhere else, anywhere in the world. Some people see there glass half full…….all the time, and take small comfort bitching to like mined people who back them up.

We all likea good drip, (I do) but in my opinion, if someone can't keep from gobbing off about how shit things are in the first hour of meeting your mates, or wades into agree with some winging git…. there's a problem. Just my opinion………..and drip!

Edited by Tonto21
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Some of us have adapted to becoming uninterested in keeping company in Farang circles. This comes from long years of observation here in the Golden Land. One can be quite content and comfortable without seeking out the proverbial Farang ghetto, hangouts, and cuisine. Problem solved.

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I've lived here for 11 years. I love living here. There are plenty of things to winge about every day, but the pluses massively outweigh the minuses. I could go back to the UK and live if i wanted to but i know it will be just as bad or even worse than when i left. I rarely hear expats complain about Thailand because i'm not in the same place as they are. Maybe that's the key to being happy?


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I've lived here for 11 years. I love living here. There are plenty of things to winge about every day, but the pluses massively outweigh the minuses. I could go back to the UK and live if i wanted to but i know it will be just as bad or even worse than when i left. I rarely hear expats complain about Thailand because i'm not in the same place as they are. Maybe that's the key to being happy?


IME the one's that whinge the most are the one's that don't have a choice. Stuck here in a business or relationship that is eating them alive (and often where they can't communicate very well with their local counterparts).


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Actually, not strange at all.

In fact, this type of character has a very long long history.....applied to Western expats or long-termers whom find themselves residing in a non-Western country of their choice. They're there - for whatever reason. Don't like the place. Don't care for the locals. Whinge and bash every which way. Yet....they decidedly hang around for whatever reason.

On the contrary, not an unusual trait at all. I've witness this behaviour amongst Euro-expats all my life...from Tahiti to Japan, Madagascar to India, Samoa to Vietnam.

The great "expat" paradox.

In the states I often took my Thai wife to the local Thai temple on weekends, holidays and such. There was a group of Thai guys that would sit around and complain about the US all day long. they would say things like "this country will not last," they complained about their bosses taking advantage of them, complain that they were having problem with the gov. getting unemployment benefits etc. etc. etc.

When I asked "Why are you here then?" I couldn't get a straight answer.

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I've lived here for 11 years. I love living here. There are plenty of things to winge about every day, but the pluses massively outweigh the minuses. I could go back to the UK and live if i wanted to but i know it will be just as bad or even worse than when i left. I rarely hear expats complain about Thailand because i'm not in the same place as they are. Maybe that's the key to being happy?


IME the one's that whinge the most are the one's that don't have a choice. Stuck here in a business or relationship that is eating them alive (and often where they can't communicate very well with their local counterparts).


Totally agree. But try to get these guys to admit they don't have a choice!!

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This is now my 22nd year of my association with Thailand, my 17th of living here and my 11th living here on the bounce.

Everyday I still see something which fascinates me, befuddles me, upsets me, angers me and warms my heart.

I couldn't say the same about being at home.

The guys in your condo are suffering from Culture Shock.

Everyone does to differing degrees and anyone who says they don't is a liar. Everyone will have a gripe about some aspect or other of life here and anyone who says they don't is a liar.

Life isn't perfect anywhere and people deal with it in different ways.

BTW some people don't have a choice. I've known several people over the years who have been sent here by my organisation and hated every minute of their time here but could do nothing about it other than resign which isn't really an option.

The truth is that Thailand isn't for everyone. It takes some people longer to realise that than others. I'm sure that most of us here have seen many people come and go over the years. They arrive all starry-eyed and for the first period they adore it, then the minor gripes start, then they gradually increase and then they are gone.

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Yes, I like living here. I like the drama, the rawness and the challange of navigating these waters. I especially like all the eye candy.

I've saved a fortune on books and live performances because the drama is unending. I like doing risky things and think that I have the wits to do them, get the rush and not have a wreck.

There are two types of farang I meet. One has the wisdom to adapt. He came here for the challange even though he had learned to be happy where he was. The other type took what I call the geographical cure. He was miserable there and he is miserable here.

A long time ago I stopped trying to tell people how to achieve balance and happyness, but I continue to appreciate the entertainment value of fools crashing and burning. Keep it up guys.

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"Part of the frustration may be due to observation that Thailand could be so much better at little expense. At least thats my feeling."

Better than what?

I like it just the way it is. If they took away all the rocks and fog on the coast of Maine it would become painfully boring.

Anyone with an objective view can see that it is changing for the better and in 20 years it will be just as safe and boring as the west.

I see this as a chance to get closer to my own humanity. We are related to these folks. We all come from the same black mother on the plains of Africa 70,000 years ago so it's like reconnecting to relatives that I haven't seen for awhile.

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I love it here, but i could i wanted to reside anywhere in the wold that i choose (even back home). That does not mean I don't complain, i complain at home about certain things and i complain here.

My view as long as the pro's outweigh the con's i stay here. I don't have many foreign friend and i live in a village on the outskirts of BKK. There are only Thais here. The friends that i have i like and we go fishing or training that kind of stuff. I don't need close day to day contact with people. I was perfectly happy living like that back in Holland and like it here.

I prefer to have a few nice friends instead of loads of shallow ones. I don't miss much food from home. I have a friend from back home coming over in a few days and i really did not know what i wanted him to take for me except maybe some fishing gear.

But sure i complain about corruption and two tier pricing. No place is perfect and i reserve the right to voice my complaints even though they will go unheard by the Thais. Liking a place does not mean you have to like all of it. I love fishing but i hate how i smell after a day of fishing... does that mean i hate fishing and should stop doing it.

What i feel is that there are many here on the forum that wont accept any kind of criticism on Thailand and think you have to be miserable if you voice your opinions. They don't take into account that people will voice their bad experiences more often then their good ones. They also don't take into account that not everyone likes the same things.

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"Part of the frustration may be due to observation that Thailand could be so much better at little expense. At least thats my feeling."

Better than what?

I like it just the way it is. If they took away all the rocks and fog on the coast of Maine it would become painfully boring.

Anyone with an objective view can see that it is changing for the better and in 20 years it will be just as safe and boring as the west.

Have you ever been somewhere where things don't change.. i doubt it. But im not sure things will be good here. As long as corruption is so bad here they can make all the laws they want but nobody will follow them because with a little money they can be put aside.

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I see this as a chance to get closer to my own humanity. We are related to these folks. We all come from the same black mother on the plains of Africa 70,000 years ago so it's like reconnecting to relatives that I haven't seen for awhile.

What are you trying to say?

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"As long as corruption is so bad here they can make all the laws they want but nobody will follow them"

My grandfather was one of the first Maine state police in 1919 when things were exactly the same. He took money because they didn't pay very well. He also said that that system carried with it a huge responsibility to balance how it was done to produce the desired effect of creating order. It's complicated for sure, but it worked.

I don't know how you can say that nobody is following the law when all around us the cops are getting everyone to wear helmets, get drivers license's and stop drinking and driving. You have to be blind to not see it. I can't go anywhere without being stopped and checked. That's fine with me. If you think that you will continue to be able to ignore the law I say go for it.

The Thai's will change in there own time. We farang know better to drink and drive but I see it time and time again and it makes me sick. Drunk farang drivers are scum because they "know better."

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"As long as corruption is so bad here they can make all the laws they want but nobody will follow them"

My grandfather was one of the first Maine state police in 1919 when things were exactly the same. He took money because they didn't pay very well. He also said that that system carried with it a huge responsibility to balance how it was done to produce the desired effect of creating order. It's complicated for sure, but it worked.

I don't know how you can say that nobody is following the law when all around us the cops are getting everyone to wear helmets, get drivers license's and stop drinking and driving. You have to be blind to not see it. I can't go anywhere without being stopped and checked. That's fine with me. If you think that you will continue to be able to ignore the law I say go for it.

The Thai's will change in there own time. We farang know better to drink and drive but I see it time and time again and it makes me sick. Drunk farang drivers are scum because they "know better."

The thing is you give someone some money and your off the hook for drunk driving. Here i am almost never stopped (stopped on the bike more and have never been stopped in the car) The bike is the usual BS about being in the wrong lane ( i know im wrong but prefer my safety and then gladly part with 200bt).

If you look at Santika .. there are laws that could have prevented the disaster but they were not followed and nobody is brought to justice for it. (corruption) Many rich people kill others with their car and get away with it. I would not say people are following the law.

I do agree with your observation things are improving a bit.

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Exactly, the law could have also prevented the near collapse of the world economy as well, but it didn't did it.

At some point when I become perfect and take the plank out of my own eye I will tell the Thai's how to get the toothpick out of their eye. Western greed is killing us all. Start there.

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I love it here, but i could i wanted to reside anywhere in the wold that i choose (even back home). That does not mean I don't complain, i complain at home about certain things and i complain here.

My view as long as the pro's outweigh the con's i stay here. I don't have many foreign friend and i live in a village on the outskirts of BKK. There are only Thais here. The friends that i have i like and we go fishing or training that kind of stuff. I don't need close day to day contact with people. I was perfectly happy living like that back in Holland and like it here.

I prefer to have a few nice friends instead of loads of shallow ones. I don't miss much food from home. I have a friend from back home coming over in a few days and i really did not know what i wanted him to take for me except maybe some fishing gear.

But sure i complain about corruption and two tier pricing. No place is perfect and i reserve the right to voice my complaints even though they will go unheard by the Thais. Liking a place does not mean you have to like all of it. I love fishing but i hate how i smell after a day of fishing... does that mean i hate fishing and should stop doing it.

What i feel is that there are many here on the forum that wont accept any kind of criticism on Thailand and think you have to be miserable if you voice your opinions. They don't take into account that people will voice their bad experiences more often then their good ones. They also don't take into account that not everyone likes the same things.

I wholeheartedly agree

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Exactly, the law could have also prevented the near collapse of the world economy as well, but it didn't did it.

At some point when I become perfect and take the plank out of my own eye I will tell the Thai's how to get the toothpick out of their eye. Western greed is killing us all. Start there.

Ah yes shifting the subject when you cant find arguments.. classic. The Asian crisis.. also caused by the west ?

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"What are you trying to say?"

I just said it. If you don't get it than I can't explain it. It aint in your head, it's in your heart.

You are saying that Thais are further back along the evolutionary ladder than you are. That they are more closely related to our past hominid ancestors, and therefore probably less well developed or intelligent. Is that it?

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I like these threads!

You always find the misguided fools who think they've 'gone native' popping up!!

:lol: I must admit they are of great amusement to me too. For what i think is an obvious troll thread it has its areas of amusement.

I like living here but i do intend to move. The reason quite simply is id prefer to live in a slightly cooler and more importantly, less humid climate.

Can't wait for the usual knobs to accuse me of slagging off the Thai weather now!! :D

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