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The Passing Of 2 Cm Greats


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I am sad to report the somewhat recent passing of both "Old Ed" Dodson and "One-arm" John. I first heard the news a few days ago from Maejo Man and then called some friends there and got more of the details. Some of you may already know this, but for those who don't, I will post some details. I got these details over the phone, so please correct anything that is not completely correct.

Back in early August Ed went to his doctor, apparently because of breathing difficulties, etc. His doctor told him he had pneumonia and he would have to go to the hospital immediately to be treated. He was wisked off to Lanna hospital in an ambulence.

After getting there Ed apparently tried unsuccessfully to call some friends when he found out they were going to want to keep him in the hospital. He was not fond of hospitals and he had a living will (which, take note, it turns out has no legal basis in Thailand) dictating that he not be artificially kept alive in a hospital. No one is quite sure what happened after that but Ed went into a coma within an hour or two. His friends rallied round once they got the messages. The only thing they could do after some days was to get him moved to another hospital (can't remember which one) as the ICU fee at Lanna was (to me anyway) a staggering 20,000 Baht per day. Even at the other hospital it was 10,000/day.

While he was there friends came to visit Ed but he apparently was never very conscious of his surroundings, except perhaps once. One friend who visited was John. I was told that it seemed that after a while John seemed to have the wind knocked out of his sails to see Ed in the process of dying as he appeared to be. A few days later John passed away, about 10 days before Ed did. I do not know many of the details of John's passing, so if someone else knows please post them.

After many efforts and a total time of about 3 weeks in the hospitals, when Ed was very close to dying, Ed's friends were finally able to get him released to be brought home. On 25 August, about 10 minutes after getting home into his own bed, Ed passed away peacefully in the presence of a few friends.

I know memorial services were held, but perhaps many here who knew them were not aware of any of this.

I came to know Ed quite well a couple of years ago as we shared similar interests. He was a man who spoke his mind and to some he may have appeared a bit crusty, but those who knew him, knew that he was a very kind and giving soul.

I did not know John well and only ran into him a couple of times with Ed, but Ed spoke well of him and that was good enough for me.

Anyway I thought some of you might want to know about this. Perhaps it would be nice as a kind of memorial for those who have known these two fine gentlemen over the years to post a word or two about them or relay to the rest of us any of their past adventures that gave color to life in northern Thailand.


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Ed Dodson I met some sixteen years ago, although it hardly seems like it, and he was one of those people that impressed you from the very moment you set eyes on him. It might have been the shock of white hair, or the craggy face, but Ed had character. I met Ed on a daily basis for many years, often in the company of John, and both will be sadly missed by the older Chiangmai residents.......Maejo

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I knew Ed through a common interest in farming organically. Ed loved to see things growing. It was a real pleasure to walk around his farm with him and have him point out the various plants and trees he was growing and experimenting with (complete with reports on what was or was not doing well and why). Ed was a real font of agricultural knowledge both in general and specifically for northern Thailand.

As Maejo Man said, Ed had character. On the other hand, he also was a character. His tongue could at times be a sharp sword as he did not easily tolerate nonsense, wherever he saw it. Though often he did this with a combination of a twinkle deeply hidden in his eyes and a look of good-natured challenge, waiting to see if the subject would take up the bait and defend his/her position.

Ed is survived by his friend Siriwan and many other good friends. It is also thought that Ed may have a son in the US. If anyone knows anything about the son, or how to contact him, please let me know.

For those of you who had earlier wanted local knowledge on farming organically, PM me and I will put you in touch with Siriwan when she feels up to it, as she absorbed a lot of farming knowledge from Ed over the years.


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As Maejo Man said, Ed had character.  On the other hand, he also was a character.  His tongue could at times be a sharp sword as he did not easily tolerate nonsense, wherever he saw it.  Though often he did this with a combination of a twinkle deeply hidden in his eyes and a look of good-natured challenge, waiting to see if the subject would take up the bait and defend his/her position.

Old Ed's bark was a lot worse than his bite, although I admit that I had to get to know him to realize it.

He was actually quite a softy.

I'm glad that he died where he wanted to, in his own bed.

He and his buddy John will both be missed. :o

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