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Bangkok Lesbian Venues - (Over) Protective Father


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This is not an easy thing for me to ask however please could some of you ladies advise me of venues for my daughter and her partner to visit on their forthcoming trip here in a few months. I just want them to be able to relax freely, fully and openly and, from what I have read here, gay tolerance and acceptance appears to be much higher than UK.

I have no idea of the etiquette (or their personal comfort level!) regarding whether I could visit same before/with them and what age restrictions there might be as I am trying to loosen the (long absent) proverbial apron strings :unsure: and allow a measure of freedom that their (UK) mothers won't try to use as a reason to not allow them to visit us again. Additionally, please could I also ask you to advise if I shouldn't try too hard to make these suggestions myself and/or I could refer them (and their mothers) to websites/organisations/publications that they could research themselves.

Thanks in anticipation of some helpful responses, please feel free to PM me if you wish to check my veracity and/or if ypu prefer not to post openly although please be aware that I do not log on daily.

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Women who wish to express their affection for other women in any moderately reasonable public manner should have no real worries about public embarrassment or confrontation, unless they are practically open-mouth kissing or clawing off clothes in broad daylight out in public. Handholding, smouldering looks, arms around each others' shoulders, not a problem. Especially in a bar environment- I recommend trendy yuppy-style bars, if they're over 20- no one will care at all, really.

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