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Street Fight


Drunk and disorderly   

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Seriously? Let me help you with the basics....

1, As a parent, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure that your children are safe. Once they are dead, they are dead. No stories about pushing around fat <deleted> around will help you.

2. Do the math. He says the idiot was driving 40km/h ~ 25mph ( This IS the speed for residential areas in the western world) BTW, the drunken idiot claimed to be driving 30km/h ~18mph.

But I agree with you about the "minding you own business" Just because we are in Thailand doesn't mean we should allow for discrimination. The OP should have played it smart and been the first to the police, maybe even held the guy there on his property and called the police. In any case, at this point, he is already a "bad farang" in the local police eyes.

That all sounds well and good, but you won't be able to help your children much if you're thrown in jail. I believe there are any real parents on this thread. Everybody want to blame everyone else for not keeping their own children safe. Why are the kids playing in a road where people drive by at 40K?

IMO, think more carefully about who is responsible for your childs safety. When its too late its too late, no yelling, arguing, or threats of not be able to ride for a long time will suffice.

If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

Maybe there's no where else for them to play?? And the speed is not supposed be 40 MPH or anything even close thorough a residential neighborhood, mindless post...

Anyone who says "mind your own business" is one of these careless, inconsiderate trouble makers themselves and having children and living on the street it is HIS BUSINESS. The OP did the right thing but now he should have a nice spiked stop stick available at the ready to take the tires from under this drunk monkey and his GF..

I'm afraid the mistake the OP made was hesitating and not getting to the police box first maybe even earlier to lodge a complaint as he mentioned this has happened before this incident, then when this event occurred it may have been more in his favor....

The only such confrontations I've had here have all been with expats, it's shameful and another one almost happened the other night. We were eating at Food land when a group of expats and their wives (I'll refrain from mentioning nationalities but let's just say they're a southern hemisphere former penile colony of a former European empire) decided that right next to our table was the place to socialize when they could have moved a mere few feet away and bothered no one.

One of them was a big guy (read fat) and his back was to me and his rather large arse right in my face while I was trying to eat. To make matters worse they were blocking off both the customer service desk and the entire aisle so that people had to squeeze by them across our table to get by and one guy almost swiped off a glass of water and a plate of food with a laptop he had hanging across his shoulder in the process of trying to get by his fat arse, it just barely missed the glass and went right over top of the plate of food..

Several Thai's had tried to walk past this guy and brushed him but he never got the hints and Thai's being non-confrontational weren't likely to ask them to move directly and after several people going by barely passing I figured they might get the hint but no joy :( ..

Finally I politely but firmly interrupted and asked if they could move a few feet from our table and out of the aisle as they were creating a bottle neck which prevented people from passing and one of them was very apologetic and accommodating though I was pretty peeved they hadn't noticed and I had to mention it at all.. The fat arse however sarcastically raised a salute to me and were it not for my family being there and the other guys sensible and considerate apology the fat arse would have been spitting blood.

I asked nicely and clearly they were being rude not only to me but to every person who tried to pass, why be an arse for his own lack of decorum and consideration and not just apologize and move on thereby disarming the entire situation. Yes there's some really snotty, rude expats here for certain and this really creepy feeling came over me afterwards that brought back past life stresses and made me very uncomfortable about expats in general I'm sad to say..

Actually as I think back that creepy feeling was embarrassment for maybe being considered in that same group of people by those around :( ..

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I would learn to mind my own business and not pick fights with strangers.

What you did would start a fight with almost any Thai.

Never pick fault with another person in Thailand, the police always blame the one who does this.

You are not living in the western world any more, you don't have the right to tell other people what to do.

A person has every right to say what is right when confronted by idiotic dangerous behaviour wherever they are in this world. What is unfortunate is that if the OP is accurate then there is little to be gained from trying to reason with a drunk <deleted> and very little reason to expect help from an indifferent police force.

Unfortunately, one can't reason or compromise with backward and ignorant like this - drunk or sober. He does need to be taught a very good lesson, though.

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If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

I wouldn't let my children play in a busy street.

Did what to a child of yours?

Drove past without running them down?

How fortunate you are, some children don't have any choice..Like blaming a rape victim sickening train of thought you have, I'm starting to suspect you being the other party...

I was brought up not to let my kids play in the street.

Only lower class parents ever did that in the UK.

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I was brought up not to let my kids play in the street.

Only lower class parents ever did that in the UK.

Oo <deleted>, I always played in the street back in the UK when I was a little nipper. You don`t think I`m low class, do you? Don`t answer that, please.

If my children were playing in the street and I saw some maniac speeding towards them in a dangerous manner, I would shout at my kids to get off the road and then probably just give the speeding motorist a severe disapproving look. My children are growing up now, and when they were young I taught them to be wary, be careful and not to play on the road. It`s that simple.

There are lots of nutters on the roads steering vehicles, could have confutations every day very easily. It is really up to the parents to show their children the way, how to be cautious, stay safe and avoid trouble.

Personally I try and avoid farangs in Thailand I don’t know. Some can be nasty, extremely unsociable and a bit screwed up in the head. If there is a new farang on the block in my area, I wait until he/she acknowledges me first; otherwise I intend to ignore them.

It is not wise to get the police involved. The police have enough on their plates without having to become mediators for a couple of idiots, which is how they view the situation. All the OP and the scumbag will end up doing is pissing the police off and causing even more problems for themselves.

Now that the OP has taken the matter this far to the point of no return, then he would be best advised to ignore the scumbag and after some time he may just go away.


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That all sounds well and good, but you won't be able to help your children much if you're thrown in jail. I believe there are any real parents on this thread. Everybody want to blame everyone else for not keeping their own children safe. Why are the kids playing in a road where people drive by at 40K?

IMO, think more carefully about who is responsible for your childs safety. When its too late its too late, no yelling, arguing, or threats of not be able to ride for a long time will suffice.

If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

Maybe there's no where else for them to play?? And the speed is not supposed be 40 MPH or anything even close thorough a residential neighborhood, mindless post...

Anyone who says "mind your own business" is one of these careless, inconsiderate trouble makers themselves and having children and living on the street it is HIS BUSINESS. The OP did the right thing but now he should have a nice spiked stop stick available at the ready to take the tires from under this drunk monkey and his GF..

I'm afraid the mistake the OP made was hesitating and not getting to the police box first maybe even earlier to lodge a complaint as he mentioned this has happened before this incident, then when this event occurred it may have been more in his favor....

The only such confrontations I've had here have all been with expats, it's shameful and another one almost happened the other night. We were eating at Food land when a group of expats and their wives (I'll refrain from mentioning nationalities but let's just say they're a southern hemisphere former penile colony of a former European empire) decided that right next to our table was the place to socialize when they could have moved a mere few feet away and bothered no one.

One of them was a big guy (read fat) and his back was to me and his rather large arse right in my face while I was trying to eat. To make matters worse they were blocking off both the customer service desk and the entire aisle so that people had to squeeze by them across our table to get by and one guy almost swiped off a glass of water and a plate of food with a laptop he had hanging across his shoulder in the process of trying to get by his fat arse, it just barely missed the glass and went right over top of the plate of food..

Several Thai's had tried to walk past this guy and brushed him but he never got the hints and Thai's being non-confrontational weren't likely to ask them to move directly and after several people going by barely passing I figured they might get the hint but no joy :( ..

Finally I politely but firmly interrupted and asked if they could move a few feet from our table and out of the aisle as they were creating a bottle neck which prevented people from passing and one of them was very apologetic and accommodating though I was pretty peeved they hadn't noticed and I had to mention it at all.. The fat arse however sarcastically raised a salute to me and were it not for my family being there and the other guys sensible and considerate apology the fat arse would have been spitting blood.

I asked nicely and clearly they were being rude not only to me but to every person who tried to pass, why be an arse for his own lack of decorum and consideration and not just apologize and move on thereby disarming the entire situation. Yes there's some really snotty, rude expats here for certain and this really creepy feeling came over me afterwards that brought back past life stresses and made me very uncomfortable about expats in general I'm sad to say..

Actually as I think back that creepy feeling was embarrassment for maybe being considered in that same group of people by those around :( ..

It always appalls me that so many apparently reasonable people on this forum espouse the view that its OK to resort to violence to settle personal disputes.

Since I'm not particularly hard, maybe I should start carrying a knife. For my protection, like.


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I would learn to mind my own business and not pick fights with strangers.

What you did would start a fight with almost any Thai.

Never pick fault with another person in Thailand, the police always blame the one who does this.

You are not living in the western world any more, you don't have the right to tell other people what to do.

A person has every right to say what is right when confronted by idiotic dangerous behaviour wherever they are in this world. What is unfortunate is that if the OP is accurate then there is little to be gained from trying to reason with a drunk <deleted> and very little reason to expect help from an indifferent police force.

Unfortunately, one can't reason or compromise with backward and ignorant like this - drunk or sober. He does need to be taught a very good lesson, though.

Which lesson? To resort to violence to settle matters? He seems well up on that one.

Or to learn about the perils of drink driving? Let's hope he learns that through the repair shop and hospital, and not the Coroner's Court. On the bright side, as I recall he doesn't wear a helmet, so he might stop drink driving rather abruptly.


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I was brought up not to let my kids play in the street.

Only lower class parents ever did that in the UK.

Where I grew up everyone played in the street. Nothing wrong with that in residential areas.

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If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

I wouldn't let my children play in a busy street.

Did what to a child of yours?

Drove past without running them down?

How fortunate you are, some children don't have any choice..Like blaming a rape victim sickening train of thought you have, I'm starting to suspect you being the other party...

I was brought up not to let my kids play in the street.

Only lower class parents ever did that in the UK.

You must be a youngster, us oldies had a life of fun and (near) no worries for parents. Didn't lock doors, could leave stuff out side, shame today's thoughts about kids, safety and theft have changed. :)

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Seriously? Let me help you with the basics....

1, As a parent, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure that your children are safe. Once they are dead, they are dead.

Spot on!! And THAT's what he was doing as well as being a good neighbor, where as this <deleted> was acting a scum bag, bad ass and got his handed to him :clap2: :clap2: ... End of..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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I was brought up not to let my kids play in the street.

Only lower class parents ever did that in the UK.

Where I grew up everyone played in the street. Nothing wrong with that in residential areas.

Not supposed to be anyway, unless you have mindless twits like these who think it's their right to go flying through a residential area with out due care.. Inner city children have few other places to play except their own streets especially with the community planning (or lack there of) here..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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First of all I would like to say something to all those chastising the man for letting his kids play on the street. In Canada it is a national pastime in suburbia to play hockey on the street it is part of our culture. When a car comes play stops and the car goes by usually waving and smiling encouraging the kids to enjoy themselves. Everyone and I mean everyone shows respect for each other the players and the drivers.

As far as doing something about this guy and his girlfriend. My advise is wait guys like him are their own worst enemy and creat a situation sooner or later and pay the price.. .Remember revenge is best eaten cold.

Make it his problem not yours.

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When l was a kid we played in the street and adults took care and UNDERSTOOD kids were playing. END OF STORY. Low life's who drive recklessly around kids are shit heads, END OF STORY.:huh:

We stand shoulder to shoulder on this one :) ..

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Oo <deleted>, I always played in the street back in the UK when I was a little nipper. You don`t think I`m low class, do you? Don`t answer that, please.

If my children were playing in the street and I saw some maniac speeding towards them in a dangerous manner, I would shout at my kids to get off the road and then probably just give the speeding motorist a severe disapproving look. My children are growing up now, and when they were young I taught them to be wary, be careful and not to play on the road. It`s that simple.

There are lots of nutters on the roads steering vehicles, could have confutations every day very easily. It is really up to the parents to show their children the way, how to be cautious, stay safe and avoid trouble.

Personally I try and avoid farangs in Thailand I don't know. Some can be nasty, extremely unsociable and a bit screwed up in the head. If there is a new farang on the block in my area, I wait until he/she acknowledges me first; otherwise I intend to ignore them.

It is not wise to get the police involved. The police have enough on their plates without having to become mediators for a couple of idiots, which is how they view the situation. All the OP and the scumbag will end up doing is pissing the police off and causing even more problems for themselves.

Now that the OP has taken the matter this far to the point of no return, then he would be best advised to ignore the scumbag and after some time he may just go away.

awesome stuff, particularly the parts about avoiding farang AND cops here

Edited by jackdawson
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First of all I would like to say something to all those chastising the man for letting his kids play on the street. In Canada it is a national pastime in suburbia to play hockey on the street it is part of our culture. When a car comes play stops and the car goes by usually waving and smiling encouraging the kids to enjoy themselves. Everyone and I mean everyone shows respect for each other the players and the drivers.

As far as doing something about this guy and his girlfriend. My advise is wait guys like him are their own worst enemy and creat a situation sooner or later and pay the price.. .Remember revenge is best eaten cold.

Make it his problem not yours.

Unfortunately they usually take some innocent soul with them though, God forbid, a child :( ..

We've all heard of the heart breaking stories of a drunk running someone over or crashing into someone and while killing the victims they walk away unscathed and here the laws in general are so lax it's a virtual certainty they'd skate :angry::( ..

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Unfortunately the BiB are not interested in speedsters in built up areas cos all Thais do it, only becomes an issue if a kid is killed, THEN the $ sign comes out, Thai or farang . Same as any other traffic violation that causes injury, other wise of nooooooooo interest. :rolleyes:.

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When l was a kid we played in the street and adults took care and UNDERSTOOD kids were playing. END OF STORY. Low life's who drive recklessly around kids are shit heads, END OF STORY.:huh:

We stand shoulder to shoulder on this one :) ..

Well, some things are not negotiable eh. :)

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That all sounds well and good, but you won't be able to help your children much if you're thrown in jail. I believe there are any real parents on this thread. Everybody want to blame everyone else for not keeping their own children safe. Why are the kids playing in a road where people drive by at 40K?

IMO, think more carefully about who is responsible for your childs safety. When its too late its too late, no yelling, arguing, or threats of not be able to ride for a long time will suffice.

If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

Maybe there's no where else for them to play?? And the speed is not supposed be 40 MPH or anything even close thorough a residential neighborhood, mindless post...

Anyone who says "mind your own business" is one of these careless, inconsiderate trouble makers themselves and having children and living on the street it is HIS BUSINESS. The OP did the right thing but now he should have a nice spiked stop stick available at the ready to take the tires from under this drunk monkey and his GF..

I'm afraid the mistake the OP made was hesitating and not getting to the police box first maybe even earlier to lodge a complaint as he mentioned this has happened before this incident, then when this event occurred it may have been more in his favor....

The only such confrontations I've had here have all been with expats, it's shameful and another one almost happened the other night. We were eating at Food land when a group of expats and their wives (I'll refrain from mentioning nationalities but let's just say they're a southern hemisphere former penile colony of a former European empire) decided that right next to our table was the place to socialize when they could have moved a mere few feet away and bothered no one.

One of them was a big guy (read fat) and his back was to me and his rather large arse right in my face while I was trying to eat. To make matters worse they were blocking off both the customer service desk and the entire aisle so that people had to squeeze by them across our table to get by and one guy almost swiped off a glass of water and a plate of food with a laptop he had hanging across his shoulder in the process of trying to get by his fat arse, it just barely missed the glass and went right over top of the plate of food..

Several Thai's had tried to walk past this guy and brushed him but he never got the hints and Thai's being non-confrontational weren't likely to ask them to move directly and after several people going by barely passing I figured they might get the hint but no joy :( ..

Finally I politely but firmly interrupted and asked if they could move a few feet from our table and out of the aisle as they were creating a bottle neck which prevented people from passing and one of them was very apologetic and accommodating though I was pretty peeved they hadn't noticed and I had to mention it at all.. The fat arse however sarcastically raised a salute to me and were it not for my family being there and the other guys sensible and considerate apology the fat arse would have been spitting blood.

I asked nicely and clearly they were being rude not only to me but to every person who tried to pass, why be an arse for his own lack of decorum and consideration and not just apologize and move on thereby disarming the entire situation. Yes there's some really snotty, rude expats here for certain and this really creepy feeling came over me afterwards that brought back past life stresses and made me very uncomfortable about expats in general I'm sad to say..

Actually as I think back that creepy feeling was embarrassment for maybe being considered in that same group of people by those around :( ..

It always appalls me that so many apparently reasonable people on this forum espouse the view that its OK to resort to violence to settle personal disputes.

Since I'm not particularly hard, maybe I should start carrying a knife. For my protection, like.


You quoted my post, where did you read that I harmed anyone?? Instead you should have read that I demonstrated respectable restraint in the face of complete rude indifference, sarcasm and inconsideration and handled it with firm civility and should have been applauded for that instead as T/A did.. The applause was not necessary though if not appreciated but quoting my post to post your objection and criticism was certainly inaccurate in that context..

So it appalls me how some apparently reasonable people on this forum can twist a post into a context which is not in any way what has been written just to try to berate or belittle other members for their approach to a problem.

Bottom line, would you be ignorant, inconsiderate or down right belligerent enough to stand in the middle of a busy aisle preventing people from passing and right next to people who are trying to eat their dinner in peace with your arse rudely in their face? If you answer "yes" then yes you should carry a knife cause someday someone is going to teach you the manners your parents didn't if that's the case.

JFYI If you're referring to the OP he merely defended himself, he did not swing or strike first nor did he even go after the panty waste that was speeding down the soi.

He merely tried to reason with a drunk and then shouted at him to slow down so your seemingly righteous indignation is misdirected and instead should be directed towards the drunk not the OP or anyone who feels a similar disgust for the punk and his drunken actions..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Unfortunately the BiB are not interested in speedsters in built up areas cos all Thais do it, only becomes an issue if a kid is killed, THEN the $ sign comes out, Thai or farang . Same as any other traffic violation that causes injury, other wise of nooooooooo interest. :rolleyes:.

Yeah well there in lies part of the problem then eh? They don't make any money if no one gets killed or injured so why make any changes? There's no incentive as they put themselves out of business :unsure::( ..

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Since when has anyone, anywhere in Thailand worried about how fast motorists travel at??....I think you'd be fighting a lost cause :o

IMO, the Op was lucky it was a farang and not a Thai, otherwise he most probably wouldnt have seen the retribution coming..and more likely would have got a visit from the "offender" and all his 7 mates.:whistling:

Anyway, last time i checked, roads are supposed to be the domain of cars and bikes, not a childrens playground....just because Thais let their kiddies play on the road it doesnt mean you should. :unsure:

Would you let your children play in waters that were known to be shark infested, or run wild in a location that was known to have savage dogs roaming about....sheez

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I would learn to mind my own business and not pick fights with strangers.

What you did would start a fight with almost any Thai.

Never pick fault with another person in Thailand, the police always blame the one who does this.

You are not living in the western world any more, you don't have the right to tell other people what to do.

sarahsbloke, by my vote you have exceeded your level of stupidity here today. well done. .......to the poster, the same happened to me in my village. as others have said, just ignore him for now. when it has all quitened down, find out where he usually hangs out. shouldnt be too hard, he sounds like a pi#s head. then take him to the side, explain a little as to why you have an issue with him. if he gets agressive, make him swing first and then is up to you. same hapened to me with a farang. after i beat the crap out of him,he gave me a lot of respect after that. never came through our village either. ;)

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If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

I wouldn't let my children play in a busy street.

Did what to a child of yours?

Drove past without running them down?

How fortunate you are, some children don't have any choice..Like blaming a rape victim sickening train of thought you have, I'm starting to suspect you being the other party...

thats twice you have suggested that a parent may have no choice but to let their children play in the street. <deleted>. The man has stated he has a driveway.

And your rape victim analogy is simply moronic

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If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

I wouldn't let my children play in a busy street.

Did what to a child of yours?

Drove past without running them down?

How fortunate you are, some children don't have any choice..Like blaming a rape victim sickening train of thought you have, I'm starting to suspect you being the other party...

thats twice you have suggested that a parent may have no choice but to let their children play in the street. <deleted>. The man has stated he has a driveway.

And your rape victim analogy is simply moronic

The only thing moronic here is you thinking a drive way is enough play room for a child I'd laugh but it's too pitiful to be believed and there's nothing funny..

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i really cant be bothered to bicker with you.

the parent is responsible for the safety of their children. it really is that simple.

If you cannot wrap your head around this fact, then I pity your children.

now, if you dont mind, i need to get my four year old a beer.

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I would learn to mind my own business and not pick fights with strangers.

What you did would start a fight with almost any Thai.

Never pick fault with another person in Thailand, the police always blame the one who does this.

You are not living in the western world any more, you don't have the right to tell other people what to do.

sarahsbloke, by my vote you have exceeded your level of stupidity here today. well done. .......to the poster, the same happened to me in my village. as others have said, just ignore him for now. when it has all quitened down, find out where he usually hangs out. shouldnt be too hard, he sounds like a pi#s head. then take him to the side, explain a little as to why you have an issue with him. if he gets agressive, make him swing first and then is up to you. same hapened to me with a farang. after i beat the crap out of him,he gave me a lot of respect after that. never came through our village either. ;)

For a quietman, you sure are noisy B) (in a good way)

Agree with you and its people like you that looked out for my saftey when I was a kid and playing in the street. I never appreciated the dangers and my parents worked.

If someone doesn't speak out and do the right thing, then we usually end up with a dead kid because kids do not know any better.

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ok first off, where are you ? are you in BKK ? some moo baan? or you up in hillbilly land ? I think the context of all this my help shed some light on this problem. Second from what you said it doesn't sound like you did anything wrong but maybe your rockin the "grumpy pants" attitude? Hats off for beating up a "young man" though. Interesting about his gf attacking you ? Good for nothing speed freaks.. Anyway perhaps filing a (fictitious) police report at the closest police station (with your wifes help of course) coupled with some small bribes and/or maybe some hard liquor or narcotics for the officers to enjoy will help stifle any further problems. The reason I am asking about where your at is because if your in the country side or something it would be only natural for kids to be having fun outside, but of course in BKK some of the moo baans inner roads just serve as drag strips for many of the (younger) residents. Anyways sounds like your really TOUGH so i think you'll be ok. Maybe start carrying a weapon to make sure the next confrontation hits home with the young rotarian nihilist.

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Kids shouldn't really be in the street, but, regardless, the perp is obviously a complete tool and should have been taken out with helmet at the junction. He steps on your property then it's free for all (esp being a farang), including his missus. That the cops were there and made it look as though you were wrong doesn't mean you were wrong as perp got them in first. Swing away. ;)

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As I am writing this here in the Brisbane suburbs there are a group of kids playing cricket. The occasional car that comes past slows and the kids get off the road. The only problem I have is when the ball comes through my window......again.

I just love to see them doing it, better than sitting on their fat ass on the internet.......like me. :D

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