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Osama Bin Laden dead - USA has his body


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I remember when Logic classes were offered in high schools in the States. Until the 70's. Then they disappeared.

I always wondered why this was.

Kudos to the minority of posters on this thread who employed critical thinking, rather than criticizing thinking. You have a valuable gift that is worthy to be passed on to future generations.

As for the majority of posters who founded their conclusions on emotions, and on the "infallible" words of governments and news agencies, you will pass on a gift to the next generation that has great power.

But power for whom?

Basing one's argument on unverfied, even unverifiable statements, is like building a house foundation on a refuse dump site. It stinks from the start and, as the refuse rots away, the house will eventually collapse.

Arguments that are founded on assumptions, usually progress to extrapolation and conjecture, and will have conclusions astronomically far from reality.

Pass that on to your kids, fellas.

EDIT for spelling.

Edited by happyrobert
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Who cares about photographic evidence. It would only make matters worse.

Is there mis-information? Possibly. Probably. Who cares.

Firstly, how could it be any worse? A photo would shut up a lot of people.

Secondly, the fact that you think your government lies to you and you don't care is quite amazing.

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A search didn't give this info, but if it's already hidden in a post, i apologize.

A suggestion that the plan and attack on Osama may have been accelerated:

"US may have got Osama bin Laden's Abbottabad clue in 2008 – WikiLeaks"


highlights the relevant section of the document


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Firstly, how could it be any worse? A photo would shut up a lot of people.

Secondly, the fact that you think your government lies to you and you don't care is quite amazing.

... And if the US DID release a photograph of the departed OBL the first thing the fringe would say is that it is a Photoshop-ped fake.

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Firstly, how could it be any worse? A photo would shut up a lot of people.

Secondly, the fact that you think your government lies to you and you don't care is quite amazing.

... And if the US DID release a photograph of the departed OBL the first thing the fringe would say is that it is a Photoshop-ped fake.

I would be very surprised if the powers that be are lying about the substance of the claims here, namely that OBL was killed here.

The only other options I can think of are either he died some time ago but, if so, why would either US or AQ keep quiet about it or he is still alive which would be a huge risk to take by the US if they were found out to be wrong.

I am sure I saw book once about a bloke claiming to be on a mission from God who was killed by a military superpower and then came back to life - apparently he gathered quite a following.

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Firstly, how could it be any worse? A photo would shut up a lot of people.

Secondly, the fact that you think your government lies to you and you don't care is quite amazing.

... And if the US DID release a photograph of the departed OBL the first thing the fringe would say is that it is a Photoshop-ped fake.

Especially when the photo shows the last thing Osama grasped at was the birth certificate of Obama ;)

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OK lets accept that they got him or someone, there was a pic of a head in a Pakistan paper that was shown on some Tele stations but it was pretty undistinguishable.

However the news came at a very opportune time for the US and NATO, a day after they had murdered Gaddafis son and grandchildren and the announcement served to wipe that off all the news.

Not saying there is any connection but.......................

Edited by Robby nz
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The only other options I can think of are either he died some time ago but, if so, why would US keep quiet about it

There is more but here is one reason...........


Although it looks like money being spent......Realize it is also money being earned by a few

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Who cares about photographic evidence. It would only make matters worse. A pic of him with blood all over and a huge hole in his head. Did they screwup with the initial report? Yup. Were they lying? No, only trying to get the info out fast...which bit them in the butt. We are not taking Obama's word for this, we are taking the word of his entire cabinet. A group of people way smarter than any of us here on TV. God bless the team that put their lives at risk to get the job done. If he even fliched, and I was there, he would have been shot also...who knew if he had a pistol hidden, a suicide vest, whatever. This was a very dangerous man.

Is there mis-information? Possibly. Probably. Who cares. As long as this monster is gone. Fantastic. He's killed enough Americans, British, Muslims, etc. Not worth shedding a tear over for sure. Blame should be focused on the Pakistani's for not knowing what was going on. Can you imagine him hiding in your country only meters away from your most prestigeous military academy? Think about that....

Dear lord you actually believe all this horseshit you are saying?


Please read and watch the videos, JACK RYAN (the real man the character is based on) even says the 9/11 was perpetrated by Bush and that Bin Laden was dead over 9 years ago. Why are you so easily lied to?

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Just answer the simplest of questions that I have asked. Was Habib a high ranking al qaeda terrorist?

I don't know, but the Australian Government seems to think that he is a terrorist and they are the ones that he has implicated directly. However, I did not see anything about water boarding.

Personally, I think that he is full of crap, but I did not say anything about what Australia did, or did not do, so am not sure why you keep bringing it up. The topic is about America and killing Bin Ladin. ;)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Everyone knows he worked for the CIA anyway. Now they have Gaddafi and the Great African Adventure to keep the war machine alive. Osama has done his job and can be retired to the annals of history. Not a bad run for a cutout...

The world has been hunting this man for such a long time , yet they never knew about that fortress , with its 18ft high walls . No one ever asked , whats inside ? Who is that man with the long beard that looks like Osama ? Isnt that Osama's wife and kids in the market ?

Come on , this is real time , not fairly land. I agree with K1W1, the world is geared to keeping people in fear. I just cannot believe the <deleted> America throws out , thinking we are all idiots.

Ok , Osama was the Terrorist leader , one of the masterminds behind the atrocities that have occurred , but to have a safe haven so close to a major city and no one knew nothing , B-S.

Pakistani government and the Americans have had this man walled up and hidden and only now they have decided to rid the world of him, before he spills the beans and lets everyone in on the secret.

It doesnt matter if we see photo's of the dead body or not , maybe we will get a madame Tussaud's life like dummy with a couple of gunshots added just to keep us happy. Maybe his fortress was discovered and he has been sent to another place of safety , who knows .

As for the future of terrorism ,lets wait and see but I hope all the shit ends up on American soil and no where else.

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Is there oil in Pakistan? There's certainly a credible excuse to 'liberate' them (and maybe even some of their people) now.


I thought noone will ask for it, There is certanily lot of oil as well as other mineral in Pakistan as well as access to Central Russian States through it including Afghanistan. But here are few facts.

1- World Biggest Proven Untapped Coal Reserved (China Working on It)

2- World second Biggest Gold and Copper Reserves (China is there for the last ten years)

3-World Socond Biggest Deep Sea Port (China Built it USA wants it)

4-8 of the Top Ten Highest Mountains in the World

5-Only Viable and Operational Route to Central Russian States

6- Only Country with a functional road link to Afghanistan's Nato Military Supplies.

There is a lot at steak then just the terrorist threat. Afghanistan has more mineral reserve then any other country which include Copper, Lead and Tatanium etc.

This war was started by Neo Con like Bush and Rumsfield with the help of Dr. Rice who had a oil ship named after her by an oil company, what else we need to know. It is all there.

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Is there oil in Pakistan? There's certainly a credible excuse to 'liberate' them (and maybe even some of their people) now.


I thought noone will ask for it, There is certanily lot of oil as well as other mineral in Pakistan as well as access to Central Russian States through it including Afghanistan. But here are few facts.

1- World Biggest Proven Untapped Coal Reserved (China Working on It)

2- World second Biggest Gold and Copper Reserves (China is there for the last ten years)

3-World Socond Biggest Deep Sea Port (China Built it USA wants it)

4-8 of the Top Ten Highest Mountains in the World

5-Only Viable and Operational Route to Central Russian States

6- Only Country with a functional road link to Afghanistan's Nato Military Supplies.

There is a lot at steak then just the terrorist threat. Afghanistan has more mineral reserve then any other country which include Copper, Lead and Tatanium etc.

This war was started by Neo Con like Bush and Rumsfield with the help of Dr. Rice who had a oil ship named after her by an oil company, what else we need to know. It is all there.

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Firstly, how could it be any worse? A photo would shut up a lot of people.

Secondly, the fact that you think your government lies to you and you don't care is quite amazing.

... And if the US DID release a photograph of the departed OBL the first thing the fringe would say is that it is a Photoshop-ped fake.

Yes, so why not throw his body down on a slab for the whole world to see and verify that it is him? Independent DNA testing etc etc. That would have prevented any doubt.

But no, they whisked off the body and dumped it in the sea before most people even knew about the reported raid. I find it absolutely amazing that so many people are not the slightest bit suspicious of what happened.

US law is supposed to be based on habeas corpus where evidence is supposed to be presented to support any accusations or assertions. Habeas corpus literally means 'you may have the body', unfortunately we may NOT have the body as it is now at the bottom of the ocean.

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Firstly, how could it be any worse? A photo would shut up a lot of people.

Secondly, the fact that you think your government lies to you and you don't care is quite amazing.

... And if the US DID release a photograph of the departed OBL the first thing the fringe would say is that it is a Photoshop-ped fake.

Yes, so why not throw his body down on a slab for the whole world to see and verify that it is him? Independent DNA testing etc etc. That would have prevented any doubt.

But no, they whisked off the body and dumped it in the sea before most people even knew about the reported raid. I find it absolutely amazing that so many people are not the slightest bit suspicious of what happened.

US law is supposed to be based on habeas corpus where evidence is supposed to be presented to support any accusations or assertions. Habeas corpus literally means 'you may have the body', unfortunately we may NOT have the body as it is now at the bottom of the ocean.

We have BHO's political correctness to thank for this insane outcome.

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They released photographic evidence of Saddam Hussein, Gadaffi's son, Bin Laden son's, so why not the man himself. Many people in the East don't believe he is dead, they don't believe their own Governments and most of all they don't believe in the USA. They will not believe he is dead until they see the photographic evidence, so in their minds he lives on. Show the pictures, if there are any and be done with it.

In my opinion he is worth more alive than dead to the allied forces.

Cheers, rick

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al qaeda is a creation of the CIA.

Wake up <deleted>.

It makes me sick how people believe there goverments or main stream media.

Are you available to perform stand up at parties?

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Who cares about photographic evidence. It would only make matters worse. A pic of him with blood all over and a huge hole in his head. Did they screwup with the initial report? Yup. Were they lying? No, only trying to get the info out fast...which bit them in the butt. We are not taking Obama's word for this, we are taking the word of his entire cabinet. A group of people way smarter than any of us here on TV. God bless the team that put their lives at risk to get the job done. If he even fliched, and I was there, he would have been shot also...who knew if he had a pistol hidden, a suicide vest, whatever. This was a very dangerous man.

Is there mis-information? Possibly. Probably. Who cares. As long as this monster is gone. Fantastic. He's killed enough Americans, British, Muslims, etc. Not worth shedding a tear over for sure. Blame should be focused on the Pakistani's for not knowing what was going on. Can you imagine him hiding in your country only meters away from your most prestigeous military academy? Think about that....

Dear lord you actually believe all this horseshit you are saying?


Please read and watch the videos, JACK RYAN (the real man the character is based on) even says the 9/11 was perpetrated by Bush and that Bin Laden was dead over 9 years ago. Why are you so easily lied to?

The only ones who don't believe the US government was behind 9/11 are the ones who haven't read the mountain of concrete evidence that supports that conclusion. And if that is the actual truth, then Osama Bin Laden was no more the mastermind behind 9/11 than Donald Trump. What we have here is basically another Lee Harvey Oswald and Saddam Hussein scapegoat to cover up the actions of the real culprits. Plain and simple.

Has anyone ever stopped to wonder why it took nearly 10 years to get him and why there hasn't been a single successful terrorist attack attributed to Bin Laden or al Queda in the US since 9/11?

If anyone thinks the US was incapable of getting him before this or entrance into the US is so difficult and security so high, I'll spin you another tale. One more believable at least than the crap you've all been fed and many of you still think is the truth.

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al qaeda is a creation of the CIA.

Wake up <deleted>.

It makes me sick how people believe there goverments or main stream media.

Are you available to perform stand up at parties?

Bud, if you don't stand up for the truth, you'll fall for anything.

Can you reach your beer from where you lie?

Edited by happyrobert
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The only ones who don't believe the US government was behind 9/11 are the ones who haven't read the mountain of concrete evidence that supports that conclusion.

"Concrete evidence".That's a good one! :cheesy:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The US government don't do much to strengthen their credibility in matters of this kind. Why on earth did they bury the body at sea less than 24 hours after he was supposedly killed? This is the thing that happens in Thailand on a regular basis and we all complain about it. No body no murder no autopsy.

Bin laden has been the world's most wanted for over 10 years, so they shoot him chuck his body overboard and that's the job done. Ferking incredible actions.

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... Why on earth did they bury the body at sea less than 24 hours after he was supposedly killed? This is the thing that happens in Thailand on a regular basis and we all complain about it. No body no murder no autopsy.


Excellent analogy. If this had happened in Chiang Mai at the Downtown Hotel every freaking poster would be in unison expressing disgust and doubt.

Many people, Rick, allow their governments to think for them

Scary, huh?

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... Why on earth did they bury the body at sea less than 24 hours after he was supposedly killed? This is the thing that happens in Thailand on a regular basis and we all complain about it. No body no murder no autopsy.


Excellent analogy. If this had happened in Chiang Mai at the Downtown Hotel every freaking poster would be in unison expressing disgust and doubt.

Many people, Rick, allow their governments to think for them

Scary, huh?

It's very strange that they did this, which makes you think that there is an ulterior motive. More than scary Rob. I understand why many people do not believe that he is dead and is probably enjoying a day at the water park as we speak.

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... Why on earth did they bury the body at sea less than 24 hours after he was supposedly killed? This is the thing that happens in Thailand on a regular basis and we all complain about it. No body no murder no autopsy.


Excellent analogy. If this had happened in Chiang Mai at the Downtown Hotel every freaking poster would be in unison expressing disgust and doubt.

Many people, Rick, allow their governments to think for them

Scary, huh?

It's very strange that they did this, which makes you think that there is an ulterior motive. More than scary Rob. I understand why many people do not believe that he is dead and is probably enjoying a day at the water park as we speak.

It's not strange at all. Given how obsessively concerned BHO is with offending the Muslim community, he order that that lowlife piece of excrement have a formal Muslim service prior to disposing of its body. It's not strange, but it's certainly sick.

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al qaeda is a creation of the CIA.

Wake up <deleted>.

It makes me sick how people believe there goverments or main stream media.

OMG ohmy.gif He just exposed the SECreTS.

Often a good read there, even I don't agree with all, but ...Oh yes, secret services serve the (secret) sec(re)ts and not people, nations or even globalism. In fact they plan to take it all over for themselves, a group of elites like in skull & bones, bilderbergers and others.

When you look at the images taken in the White-house while watching you must admit that it looked pretty much like a bunch of amateurs and puppets. Until now and continuing we're fed with different versions of the incident on topic from the very high ups as if Satan's trembling already.

It's time they come to their senses in the way JFK has proposed to stop all conspiracies and secret manipulation.

It's no longer secrets.

Now they're struggling to sell us the new helicopter generations, ones that are silenced and can't be detected by radar when I just thought I was joking in one of my earlier posts.

Send me a message when they come up with a final version. But I think that will never happen, because there was probably no OSB around at all.

Edited by elcent
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... Why on earth did they bury the body at sea less than 24 hours after he was supposedly killed? This is the thing that happens in Thailand on a regular basis and we all complain about it. No body no murder no autopsy.


Excellent analogy. If this had happened in Chiang Mai at the Downtown Hotel every freaking poster would be in unison expressing disgust and doubt.

Many people, Rick, allow their governments to think for them

Scary, huh?

It's very strange that they did this, which makes you think that there is an ulterior motive. More than scary Rob. I understand why many people do not believe that he is dead and is probably enjoying a day at the water park as we speak.

It's not strange at all. Given how obsessively concerned BHO is with offending the Muslim community, he order that that lowlife piece of excrement have a formal Muslim service prior to disposing of its body. It's not strange, but it's certainly sick.

It's not sick it's stupid. You have the only guy in the world in your hands that can unlock the Al Quieda network, so you shoot him in the head and dispose of the body at the blink of an eye. Talk about amazing Thailand the US takes first prize on this one.

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It's very strange that they did this, which makes you think that there is an ulterior motive. More than scary Rob. I understand why many people do not believe that he is dead and is probably enjoying a day at the water park as we speak.

It's not strange at all. Given how obsessively concerned BHO is with offending the Muslim community, he order that that lowlife piece of excrement have a formal Muslim service prior to disposing of its body. It's not strange, but it's certainly sick.

It's not sick it's stupid. You have the only guy in the world in your hands that can unlock the Al Quieda network, so you shoot him in the head and dispose of the body at the blink of an eye. Talk about amazing Thailand the US takes first prize on this one.

They ripped out of the residence everything that they could get their hands on as far as electronic equipment, computers, etc. If you're talking about capturing BL alive for the purpose of getting information from him, you must be kidding. He wouldn't be volunteering any information, so how would the U.S. convince him to cooperate? Waterboarding? And could you imagine the Muslim extremists' reaction to the U.S. interrogation techniques used against their God? It's probably better that he is dead. But, to have some sort of formal disposal of his body to assuage Muslim sensitivities is truly sick.

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