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What Do You Do With Lose Change?


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I had the same habit as the OP. One day I put many of the 1-baht coins in bags of 100 and quit after I had 20 of them (2000 baht worth). The 20 bags are still sitting around, and I guess I'll take them to the bank some day to exchange for bills. The remaining change after extracting the 2000 1-baht coins was made up of anything from 10-baht to 25-stang coins. Now I never leave the house without taking some change (especially the 25 and 50 stang ones when I go shopping on the weekend). I happily noticed the other day that the container with all those mixed coins is dwindling nicely.

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I throw it all into empty plastic water bottles I've got and then when they're full I give them...

Did anyone see this music video with that water delivery guy who is saving up for his sinsod, filling up one of this big bottles he is delivering day in day out? :whistling:

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Always keep 100bt in coins in the car. When the BIB are haggled down to this amount for a spot fine ( seat belt etc ) hand over the bag, and drive off. They can hardly be seen to be counting their illegal gains in public.

Was persecuted on a number of times by over zealous traffic wardens in the UK, who used to dish out tickets outside our offices, after they were regularly seen waiting to see if you went 1minute over the allocated 1hr waiting time. Used to get at least 2 or 3 a month, 30quid fines. One day took 3 fines ( 90 quid ) in 1 pence pieces , 9000 of the little buggers, to the council offices to pay. Took 2 of us to carry them in. Waited until 10 minutes before they shut on a friday afternoon, and plonked them on the cashiers desk, with the tickets.

Conversation went

" You are joking arent you ?

"does it look like it "

" What if theres not enough here "

" You count it, if theres a couple of pence short, give me a call, and I'll come back and we'll count it together".

Didnt really solve anything, but made me feel better that weekend.

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I've always wondered what they'd do at a a supermarket if you made a 10k purchase and emptied 30 lbs of change on the counter to pay for it....?

Please try, and report back on the outcome. :D

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I've always wondered what they'd do at a a supermarket if you made a 10k purchase and emptied 30 lbs of change on the counter to pay for it....?

Please try, and report back on the outcome. :D

When in the States I once paid my rent in dimes....

bank lady thought it was funny... landlord did not.

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I keep a change purse under my motorbike seat. Put all my change in it and use it to buy gas with. It covers a full tank a week. I but from a machine that takes coins. Fortunately there is never a line at the pump. It takes a little time to shove all those bahts in there.

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The banks are more than happy to count it out and give you paper money in return. It usually turns out to be anywhere from 4-8k baht! It's like free money!

What bank? Where? I've never found a bank in Bangkok that was happy to count it. Last week I asked at the the main office of Bangkok Bank on Silom. Nope....not happy at all with idea of counting my change. So please, where exactly is this bank that will happily count my 10000-15000 baht in coins? I'm happy to pay for the service as well!

What a pleasure it would bring to my life if I knew someplace that would painlessly count my coins. I'm not interested in any complexity in the coin transaction beyond dropping the coins off, having them counted and going on my way..... I don't want to help them count them, I don't want to put them in bags, I don't want to seperate them into denominations, I don't want to have to find someelse to do any of the above.

I just want to pay a commision to count my coins. It doesn't seem to be a servide any bank here provides!

Edited by ricklev
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Nice story, Tod, and way to put the rest of us to shame...;) Pulled at my heartstrings, too. I've given money to beggars before, but been warned off it around Bangkok by stories of scammers. I still feel guilty everytime I walk past. If I were rich, I'd happily hand over large bills to all of them.

Loz, I do hope you're joking about hitting a dog over the head - seems the dogs in Thailand get a rough deal from <deleted> who don't know how to treat animals!

Edited by DavidSL
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