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Concern Over Raunchy Thai Soap Opera's Child Viewers


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I am married to an educated thai, educated because her degrees are way ahead than what an average thai would have the ambition to acheieve. However, i am extremely concerned on how to provide a good moral environment for my children as they grow up. The neighbourhood where i live, has about 8-9 houses (of about 40) dedicated to be known as "mia-noi" houses. The kids in the locality are a bunch of robotic humanoids... and any kid in the age range of 15-19 is a complete nuisance to man-kind.

Plus - the thai soap opera's ! Frankly - i cant seem to find one thai show which is worth the time for kids. I often tutor my sis-in-laws kids (eng+maths)... and often treat them to animal planet / discovery / CN.. and they seem to have developed a somewhat dis-taste for thai TV !

Long story cut short - thai's are a mother load of creative skills... and its time the folks running the parliament did something about their education system. At the end of the day - Education improves society.

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I've long held the opinion that any normal, healthy, well adjusted human would never even think of shagging his brothers wife, or best friends mother, or anything of the sort..... much less do it...... or even consdier it. These ideas are "planted" in our minds by these rediculous soaps..... be it East Enders, Coronation Street, or some Thai drivel..... and all these disfunctional story lines are always jsutified by some incredulous mitigating circumstance like "she always loved him, since they were kids..... she just realised it now, so its ok to shack up with her brother-in-law" ...... NO IT IS NOT OK. I have no idead what the actual story line is in this particular soap, but I can almost gaurantee it is some variation of this pathetic scheme.....

The violence and all the other crap is just a by product of this abnormal inhuman behaviour - a symtom or consequence of starting down the road of insanity.

The whole bloody lot of it should be banned...... I mean the so called "violent" movies, porn movies, sci-fi adventure movies are not exactly "good" either, but we know it is make believe; no one really thinks that Luke Skywalker is actually a Jedi or that Hobbits exist, or that short little fat bald men can eaily pick up 2 birds at a time and have rapant wild times in bed with 20 year old models...... but these soaps are trying to emulate real life, and the reality is that real life has been juxtapositioned and is starting to emulate this crap..... young people get the seed in their mind that this is normal carry on, and hence go forth and copy it.....

Disgraceful, infantile crap - the people who put it on air should be shot nad those who write and produce it should be strapped to a low table, naked, and mounted by a rabid dog horny dog dog..... because that is what their twisted minds rate as ok and thus deserve it.

Edited by MTS1978
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I'm amazed at all the strong feelings expressed about how terrible these programs are - and I fully agree - but no one mentions the solution? I mean what's the point of being the "rich farang boss", in a country where the man of the house is supposed to be the boss anyway, if you don't control what's going on in your own house?

I've been the head of three households involved with raising children, and haven't allowed broadcast television in any of them. We have a monitor hooked up to play recorded videos, so that the adults can control what the children see. The only choices presented for the children to select from are more or less educational, and certainly don't feature violence or traumatic drama.

I have occasionally permitted staff/girlfriend/wives to have their own TV hookup, but only in a private room, nowhere I or the children would be exposed to it, and the bill's paid for out of their own personal spending money/wages and only to be viewed when they're off the clock.

And the kids are in bed with the lights out by 7:30pm

Spot on Big Johnny, don't blame the TV channels if they produce sh*t. All TVs come with an off button. Parents should use it more often.

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It is like in the USA, everything involving kissing or sex is not done No problem though to kill your own mother in a crime show or being a corrupt official.

Raunchy is Thai politics and the Thai elite, the soap operas are at the very worst unfriendly towards women. (The real variety, not the Western variety)

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Great to see Thais starting to get interested in this issue. These soap operas are disgraceful and a great damage to Thai culture and the dominant mind-set

erm . . .yes . . .but . . .the Thais aren't interested in the issue because of "damage to Thai culture and the dominant mind-set" - they're concerned because of inappropriate morals that might be passed as the norm to children viewing.

(And the wise and perceptive conclusion they came to? That it's up to the parents to guide their children. I would never have thought of that.)


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I'm amazed at all the strong feelings expressed about how terrible these programs are - and I fully agree - but no one mentions the solution? I mean what's the point of being the "rich farang boss", in a country where the man of the house is supposed to be the boss anyway, if you don't control what's going on in your own house?

I've been the head of three households involved with raising children, and haven't allowed broadcast television in any of them. We have a monitor hooked up to play recorded videos, so that the adults can control what the children see. The only choices presented for the children to select from are more or less educational, and certainly don't feature violence or traumatic drama.

I have occasionally permitted staff/girlfriend/wives to have their own TV hookup, but only in a private room, nowhere I or the children would be exposed to it, and the bill's paid for out of their own personal spending money/wages and only to be viewed when they're off the clock.

And the kids are in bed with the lights out by 7:30pm

I agree compeltely.

I go absolutely nuts when my wife / nanny / mother in law or otherwise switches this crap on in the day time, when my 4 year daughter is subject to it. My wife can do as she pleases..... as can the others, but they are not going to let my child be exposed to it - at least not while I am there anyway. "Daddy, when did that lady slap the other one" ...... "well princess, its because her sister poisoned their daddy so her disfunctional thwarted boyfriend could take over the family company, then she can leave her loyal and honest but demure husband for this slick <deleted> because that what winners do..... her daddy, sister, and husband are actually loosers and we know this because she and her boyfriend are cool and sexy while the others are boring and dry"......

Initially, my Mrs. took exception to me asking nicely to change the channel while my daughter was around..... she went absolutely balistic when I walked over and switch the tv off, unplugged the true vision box, and disconnected the power cord, and took that away with me so they could not turn the TV on again. And when the mother in law objected and I pointed at the door and said "there's the door, use it if you dont like" well the Mrs went totally into orbit..... " you can't talk to my blessed mother like that" citing all the Thai cultural crap about repsecting your elders etc. to which I replied "its my house, and I'm not Thai - while under my roof if she cannot extend the common decency to respect my wishes and rules with regard to my daughter, then I am afraid I do not respect her either" ....... suffice to say, such an issue was made of the matter that the rubbished is not viewed while my child is around - and I've bribed my child to "report" to me if it is on while I'm not there.

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I am married to an educated thai, educated because her degrees are way ahead than what an average thai would have the ambition to acheieve. However, i am extremely concerned on how to provide a good moral environment for my children as they grow up. The neighbourhood where i live, has about 8-9 houses (of about 40) dedicated to be known as "mia-noi" houses. The kids in the locality are a bunch of robotic humanoids... and any kid in the age range of 15-19 is a complete nuisance to man-kind.

Plus - the thai soap opera's ! Frankly - i cant seem to find one thai show which is worth the time for kids. I often tutor my sis-in-laws kids (eng+maths)... and often treat them to animal planet / discovery / CN.. and they seem to have developed a somewhat dis-taste for thai TV !

Long story cut short - thai's are a mother load of creative skills... and its time the folks running the parliament did something about their education system. At the end of the day - Education improves society.

Well if you are tutoring them in English I hope you lean how to distinguish between the plural form (Thais) and the possessive form (Thai's), and that the word is a proper noun that requires capitalisation (Thais not thai's). :unsure:


Edited by robsamui
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I am married to an educated thai, educated because her degrees are way ahead than what an average thai would have the ambition to acheieve. However, i am extremely concerned on how to provide a good moral environment for my children as they grow up. The neighbourhood where i live, has about 8-9 houses (of about 40) dedicated to be known as "mia-noi" houses. The kids in the locality are a bunch of robotic humanoids... and any kid in the age range of 15-19 is a complete nuisance to man-kind.

Plus - the thai soap opera's ! Frankly - i cant seem to find one thai show which is worth the time for kids. I often tutor my sis-in-laws kids (eng+maths)... and often treat them to animal planet / discovery / CN.. and they seem to have developed a somewhat dis-taste for thai TV !

Long story cut short - thai's are a mother load of creative skills... and its time the folks running the parliament did something about their education system. At the end of the day - Education improves society.

Well if you are tutoring them in English I hope you lean how to distinguish between the plural form (Thais) and the possessive form (Thai's), and that the word is a proper noun that requires capitalisation (Thais not thai's). :unsure:


So you finally found something to make a point about.....

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Each channel can put up its own devoted soap channel, and the main channel has to carry documentaries in place of the soaps. They are all a variation of a theme that is excruciatingly repeated over and over again. It really is a case of opium for the masses. A little bit of fantasy is ok, but 1 1/2 to 2 hour hour shows every night on every channel is taking the p**s. No wonder the men are all out on the razz chasing girls, they actually know that watching this nonsense will fry their brain.

If there is one thing any politician can do for the country it would be to ban this nonsense from TV forever. I know there is an element of people who say that constitutes censorship, but I take this crap to almost be a threat to the national psyche.


I frequently get my balls broken about "you're never at home, always out"..... bla bla bla..... I am glad there is someone else out there that agrees with me. I mean really, this <deleted> starts at 8 or 8.30 and goes on until 10 or 10.30..... afterwhich it is bed time..... so my ptions are: (1) come home, have shower, eat dinner, put child to bed then suffer this crap for two hours, which I don't understand and dare not interrupt - or (2) don't bother coming home, go straight to cowboy.

when I suggest that it is boring for me to sit there like a cretin in the corner, or go to bed at 8pm and watch something else in the bedroom I am told "that is what normal people do" ...... no, sorry, it is not normal - half an hour per day, or maybe twice a week for 1-2hrs I could live with, but every day for 2 hrs....... is it any wonder I prefer to be "on the razz chasing girls".....

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A poll, even from ABAC, with 160 respondents is hardly a serious source of information. Random voices, at best, desinformation serving an agenda at worst.

Statistically totally insignificant.

Are these people in the government really basing their action on this kind of "facts"?

Edited by dominique355
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I am married to an educated thai, educated because her degrees are way ahead than what an average thai would have the ambition to acheieve. However, i am extremely concerned on how to provide a good moral environment for my children as they grow up. The neighbourhood where i live, has about 8-9 houses (of about 40) dedicated to be known as "mia-noi" houses. The kids in the locality are a bunch of robotic humanoids... and any kid in the age range of 15-19 is a complete nuisance to man-kind.

Plus - the thai soap opera's ! Frankly - i cant seem to find one thai show which is worth the time for kids. I often tutor my sis-in-laws kids (eng+maths)... and often treat them to animal planet / discovery / CN.. and they seem to have developed a somewhat dis-taste for thai TV !

Long story cut short - thai's are a mother load of creative skills... and its time the folks running the parliament did something about their education system. At the end of the day - Education improves society.

Well if you are tutoring them in English I hope you lean how to distinguish between the plural form (Thais) and the possessive form (Thai's), and that the word is a proper noun that requires capitalisation (Thais not thai's). :unsure:


So you finally found something to make a point about.....

Don't you just hate nitpicking pedantic loon's that sift through forums like TV searching for gramaitcal errors etc.

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I am married to an educated thai, educated because her degrees are way ahead than what an average thai would have the ambition to acheieve. However, i am extremely concerned on how to provide a good moral environment for my children as they grow up. The neighbourhood where i live, has about 8-9 houses (of about 40) dedicated to be known as "mia-noi" houses. The kids in the locality are a bunch of robotic humanoids... and any kid in the age range of 15-19 is a complete nuisance to man-kind.

Plus - the thai soap opera's ! Frankly - i cant seem to find one thai show which is worth the time for kids. I often tutor my sis-in-laws kids (eng+maths)... and often treat them to animal planet / discovery / CN.. and they seem to have developed a somewhat dis-taste for thai TV !

Long story cut short - thai's are a mother load of creative skills... and its time the folks running the parliament did something about their education system. At the end of the day - Education improves society.

Well if you are tutoring them in English I hope you lean how to distinguish between the plural form (Thais) and the possessive form (Thai's), and that the word is a proper noun that requires capitalisation (Thais not thai's). :unsure:


So you finally found something to make a point about.....

it's a typo...

i do too

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Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

Please report this to the Ministry of Culture.

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Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

I have a hard time stretching my imagination to believe that children between the ages of 6 and 13 would say to adult strangers with a microphone that they're most enjoyable scenes are women trying to get men into the sack. Not to mention 2160 respondents in 17 provinces. These interviewers actually blanketed 17 provinces, and all those parents weren't the least bit embarrassed to admit their children watch this soap???

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I'm amazed at all the strong feelings expressed about how terrible these programs are - and I fully agree - but no one mentions the solution? I mean what's the point of being the "rich farang boss", in a country where the man of the house is supposed to be the boss anyway, if you don't control what's going on in your own house?

I've been the head of three households involved with raising children, and haven't allowed broadcast television in any of them. We have a monitor hooked up to play recorded videos, so that the adults can control what the children see. The only choices presented for the children to select from are more or less educational, and certainly don't feature violence or traumatic drama.

I have occasionally permitted staff/girlfriend/wives to have their own TV hookup, but only in a private room, nowhere I or the children would be exposed to it, and the bill's paid for out of their own personal spending money/wages and only to be viewed when they're off the clock.

And the kids are in bed with the lights out by 7:30pm

SOLUTION--government balance of entertainment--sport--education--comedy--quiz--science--travel-wildlife--geography...YES and more.

You sound very much a dictator,rather than a model father, but some points I agree with. If the upbringing was as the norm, surely your kids would respect rather than being FULLY controlled. What was the name of the institution you were head of. I think discipline is important but don't you think your over the top?

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The report states that some parents send their children off to bed [out of the room] when the scenes they judge as unsuitable appear.

Furthermore, it is intimated int he article that this is responsible parenting.


Here goes .................... responsible parenting would be to forego watching such material. Therefore the children would be protected from it and not exposed to it. But then that's being responsible in a land where anyone can do anything without any grain of responsibility.

Equally, the whole parenting issue in Thailand seems to be wrongly angled towards an over indulgence and acceptance of any behaviour. No matter how unsuitable, in appropriate or simply unacceptable. There are examples throughout Thailand of children running riot as infants in shopping malls and restaurants. In deed in any public place where behaviour should be controlled. it is not.

The view that Thais love children is some what questionned whn parents do not wear helmets on motorcycles and balance their toddlers on the handlebars' drive vehicles with the child sitting ina parents lap in the front seat, sometimes the driver's, and almost never use seat belts with young children nor do they have baby seats.

Yet their love for children is espoused though we would deem it to be perverse.

But if the sex scenes in Thai soaps is proving problematical then the hypocracy is self evident. it is the ordinary Thais themselves who parade their very young off spring, say girls of 6, as mini sex symbols. This is scene througout Thailand by way of having youngsters dress as Coyote style dancers. Even worse they are publically paraded, take part in competitions where they dance in an erotic style.

This pedophile buffet seems to be condoned, encouraged and approved on the one hand and yet 'sex' in your face, whether it be topless in Bangkok or suggestive on TV causes outrage.

Thai society can not have it both ways. Or do they think that as long as it is their child that they are dressing in a sexual manner it is OK, but for some one else to highlight such an image via a TV show is unacceptable.

Little girls in high heels, rahrah skirts, tight fitting bodices and sun glasses, is the stuff of pedophilic wet dreams.

Little girls shoul be allowed to be just that and not leap frogged past 8 to 18 by misguided parents.

there is a dark under belly to Thailand. Why do we as Westerners have to ask the obviuos whn all parents rightly should wish to protect their children. Part of that protective act is to safe guard them from an early exposure to an adult world. The Thais fail singularly to do just that.

The TV show has an off button. You can also switch over. But then that is being responsible just as the programme schedulers are being irresponsible.

In real life parents have to decide what is best for their children. No one ever died of TV unless it fell from a great height on their head. But in real life, their is considerable damage being done by parents who choose to dress their children inappropriately.

To correct that you have to be responsible.

Thais are not.

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Correct all T.V.s have a control button but not all households have responsible proactive parents!

I'm amazed at all the strong feelings expressed about how terrible these programs are - and I fully agree - but no one mentions the solution? I mean what's the point of being the "rich farang boss", in a country where the man of the house is supposed to be the boss anyway, if you don't control what's going on in your own house?

I've been the head of three households involved with raising children, and haven't allowed broadcast television in any of them. We have a monitor hooked up to play recorded videos, so that the adults can control what the children see. The only choices presented for the children to select from are more or less educational, and certainly don't feature violence or traumatic drama.

I have occasionally permitted staff/girlfriend/wives to have their own TV hookup, but only in a private room, nowhere I or the children would be exposed to it, and the bill's paid for out of their own personal spending money/wages and only to be viewed when they're off the clock.

And the kids are in bed with the lights out by 7:30pm

Spot on Big Johnny, don't blame the TV channels if they produce sh*t. All TVs come with an off button. Parents should use it more often.

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Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

Bed time is when the soap operas have finished. Put the soap operas on at 1am, and the kids (and parents) will stay up to watch them at 1am.

I was made to go to bed around 6 pm at that age and only allowed to read or listen to my crystal set. In my experience, Thai kids in general aren't made to go to bed at all. Most just drop off when they're ready and get carried to bed. The time has little to do with it.

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Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

What leads to prostitution is poverty, coupled with the vast market for such services.

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The report states that some parents send their children off to bed [out of the room] when the scenes they judge as unsuitable appear.

Furthermore, it is intimated int he article that this is responsible parenting.


Here goes .................... responsible parenting would be to forego watching such material. Therefore the children would be protected from it and not exposed to it. But then that's being responsible in a land where anyone can do anything without any grain of responsibility.

Equally, the whole parenting issue in Thailand seems to be wrongly angled towards an over indulgence and acceptance of any behaviour. No matter how unsuitable, in appropriate or simply unacceptable. There are examples throughout Thailand of children running riot as infants in shopping malls and restaurants. In deed in any public place where behaviour should be controlled. it is not.

The view that Thais love children is some what questionned whn parents do not wear helmets on motorcycles and balance their toddlers on the handlebars' drive vehicles with the child sitting ina parents lap in the front seat, sometimes the driver's, and almost never use seat belts with young children nor do they have baby seats.

Yet their love for children is espoused though we would deem it to be perverse.

But if the sex scenes in Thai soaps is proving problematical then the hypocracy is self evident. it is the ordinary Thais themselves who parade their very young off spring, say girls of 6, as mini sex symbols. This is scene througout Thailand by way of having youngsters dress as Coyote style dancers. Even worse they are publically paraded, take part in competitions where they dance in an erotic style.

This pedophile buffet seems to be condoned, encouraged and approved on the one hand and yet 'sex' in your face, whether it be topless in Bangkok or suggestive on TV causes outrage.

Thai society can not have it both ways. Or do they think that as long as it is their child that they are dressing in a sexual manner it is OK, but for some one else to highlight such an image via a TV show is unacceptable.

Little girls in high heels, rahrah skirts, tight fitting bodices and sun glasses, is the stuff of pedophilic wet dreams.

Little girls shoul be allowed to be just that and not leap frogged past 8 to 18 by misguided parents.

there is a dark under belly to Thailand. Why do we as Westerners have to ask the obviuos whn all parents rightly should wish to protect their children. Part of that protective act is to safe guard them from an early exposure to an adult world. The Thais fail singularly to do just that.

The TV show has an off button. You can also switch over. But then that is being responsible just as the programme schedulers are being irresponsible.

In real life parents have to decide what is best for their children. No one ever died of TV unless it fell from a great height on their head. But in real life, their is considerable damage being done by parents who choose to dress their children inappropriately.

To correct that you have to be responsible.

Thais are not.

I was going to post a reply earlier with a similar senitment...... Thai's let their little brats squawk and scream and act like spoiled little sh!t's, doing whatever they like without even a hint of repremand or discipline...... this, among other reasons may lead one to believe that Thai's are terrbile parents, and by that measure letting their kids watch these shows is pretty insignificant.

However, I refrained form posting that because I thought to myself; where do I prefer living, here or in the Western world, and what is it about here that I prefer....... and without doubt it is the people. So, if the people are the country's best asset, then the parents musn't being too bad then, right?

I am not saying that they are, or are not good parents. But there seems to be a bit of a paradox there, no?

Edited by MTS1978
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I am married to an educated thai, educated because her degrees are way ahead than what an average thai would have the ambition to acheieve. However, i am extremely concerned on how to provide a good moral environment for my children as they grow up. The neighbourhood where i live, has about 8-9 houses (of about 40) dedicated to be known as "mia-noi" houses. The kids in the locality are a bunch of robotic humanoids... and any kid in the age range of 15-19 is a complete nuisance to man-kind.

Plus - the thai soap opera's ! Frankly - i cant seem to find one thai show which is worth the time for kids. I often tutor my sis-in-laws kids (eng+maths)... and often treat them to animal planet / discovery / CN.. and they seem to have developed a somewhat dis-taste for thai TV !

Long story cut short - thai's are a mother load of creative skills... and its time the folks running the parliament did something about their education system. At the end of the day - Education improves society.

Well if you are tutoring them in English I hope you lean how to distinguish between the plural form (Thais) and the possessive form (Thai's), and that the word is a proper noun that requires capitalisation (Thais not thai's). :unsure:


I thought this was about Thai soaps and not an english class. I believe you have strayed into the wrong area. Try the general topics, you are currently correcting school papers in Thailand news.

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I am from USA and i watch Thai TV . People have to realize that these soap opera's are for entertainment purposes only, and is not to be taken as reality.

Yes i agree that young children and young teenagers should not be viewing this type of programming. However, it is the parents responsibility to monitor what their children watch on the TV at home, not the government. That compromises freedom of expression and information. Thailand is a democracy ,not a dictatorship. The governments job is to run the country, not to police what tv show you watch in your living room.

Channel 3 does have a responsibility to its viewing public, as far as what is proper for viewing when it comes to children, because children are impressionable and have not matured to the degree where they can distinguish what is right and wrong when it comes to viewing television programming that contains mature social themes. Certainly they would not want to intentionally promote a negative message to young viewers.

I agree with the governments "suggestion" to channel 3, to run captions saying viewer discretion is advised. This is what is done in the USA. It alerts the parent that the programming maybe questionable for viewing by children.

The parents are responsible for raising their children and teaching them moral values.

The television stations should be the ones to decide what programming appears on their stations.

To employ government censorship with regard to tv programming compromises a free and open society.

It's not like there is only one tv station. If you are not happy with the tv show on one channel, you have the freedom to select another channel.

Additionally you can contact the television station to express your displeasure with regard to a particular tv show.


Edited by timberboy
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I am from USA and i watch Thai TV . People have to realize that these soap opera's are for entertainment purposes only, and is not to be taken as reality.

Yes i agree that young children and young teenagers should not be viewing this type of programming. However, it is the parents responsibility to monitor what their children watch on the TV at home, not the government. That compromises freedom of expression and information. Thailand is a democracy ,not a dictatorship. The governments job is to run the country, not to police what tv show you watch in your living room.

Channel 3 does have a responsibility to its viewing public, as far as what is proper for viewing when it comes to children, because children are impressionable and have not matured to the degree where they can distinguish what is right and wrong when it comes to viewing television programming that contains mature social themes. Certainly they would not want to intentionally promote a negative message to young viewers.

I agree with the governments "suggestion" to channel 3, to run captions saying viewer discretion is advised. This is what is done in the USA. It alerts the parent that the programming maybe questionable for viewing by children.

The parents are responsible for raising their children and teaching them moral values.

The television stations should be the ones to decide what programming appears on their stations.

To employ government censorship with regard to tv programming compromises a free and open society.

It's not like there is only one tv station. If you are not happy with the tv show on one channel, you have the freedom to select another channel.

Additionally you can contact the television station to express your displeasure with regard to a particular tv show.


So it seems you are saying that tv stations should be free to show anything, with no boundaries?

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I am from USA and i watch Thai TV . People have to realize that these soap opera's are for entertainment purposes only, and is not to be taken as reality.

Yes i agree that young children and young teenagers should not be viewing this type of programming. However, it is the parents responsibility to monitor what their children watch on the TV at home, not the government. That compromises freedom of expression and information. Thailand is a democracy ,not a dictatorship. The governments job is to run the country, not to police what tv show you watch in your living room.

Channel 3 does have a responsibility to its viewing public, as far as what is proper for viewing when it comes to children, because children are impressionable and have not matured to the degree where they can distinguish what is right and wrong when it comes to viewing television programming that contains mature social themes. Certainly they would not want to intentionally promote a negative message to young viewers.

I agree with the governments "suggestion" to channel 3, to run captions saying viewer discretion is advised. This is what is done in the USA. It alerts the parent that the programming maybe questionable for viewing by children.

The parents are responsible for raising their children and teaching them moral values.

The television stations should be the ones to decide what programming appears on their stations.

To employ government censorship with regard to tv programming compromises a free and open society.

It's not like there is only one tv station. If you are not happy with the tv show on one channel, you have the freedom to select another channel.

Additionally you can contact the television station to express your displeasure with regard to a particular tv show.


So it seems you are saying that tv stations should be free to show anything, with no boundaries?

timberboy, it's not just this topic, it's the whole picture- the t.v. producers should put on the screen a variable assortment, the soaps in general are a bad influence to the population, hence the problems here, they are a reflection of what Thais see on the box. It's not a matter of changing channels as nearly all at peak view time are the same rubbish-Hi-So anger and so on.

Are you for real in suggesting contacting the t.v. station ???

If the schools cannot do a good job, the parents do not show much interest, Maybe the t.v. is a last resort to at least give some guidance.

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No i'm not saying that.

There are already standards with regard to nudity, graphic violence and other issues thatThai tv producers have to comply with.This is seen on tv when certain portions of a scene is blurred out, and an age indicator is currently in use and is shown on the tv screen is aired. Its the parents choice whether or not to apply those measures.

In the USA the Congress and the courts have instructed the Federal Communications Commission only to enforce the indecency standard between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., local time. - when children are more likely to be in the audience. As a consequence, the Commission does not take action on indecent material aired between 10 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. In this way, constitutionally-protected free speech rights of adults are balanced with the need to protect children from harmful content.

If the Thai viewing public feels that a tv show has questionable content, they should forward complaints to the tv station [and additionally to the sponsors of the tv show]. In that way, some response can take place, as in this case where the government minister met with channel 3 management.

I am from USA and i watch Thai TV . People have to realize that these soap opera's are for entertainment purposes only, and is not to be taken as reality.

Yes i agree that young children and young teenagers should not be viewing this type of programming. However, it is the parents responsibility to monitor what their children watch on the TV at home, not the government. That compromises freedom of expression and information. Thailand is a democracy ,not a dictatorship. The governments job is to run the country, not to police what tv show you watch in your living room.

Channel 3 does have a responsibility to its viewing public, as far as what is proper for viewing when it comes to children, because children are impressionable and have not matured to the degree where they can distinguish what is right and wrong when it comes to viewing television programming that contains mature social themes. Certainly they would not want to intentionally promote a negative message to young viewers.

I agree with the governments "suggestion" to channel 3, to run captions saying viewer discretion is advised. This is what is done in the USA. It alerts the parent that the programming maybe questionable for viewing by children.

The parents are responsible for raising their children and teaching them moral values.

The television stations should be the ones to decide what programming appears on their stations.

To employ government censorship with regard to tv programming compromises a free and open society.

It's not like there is only one tv station. If you are not happy with the tv show on one channel, you have the freedom to select another channel.

Additionally you can contact the television station to express your displeasure with regard to a particular tv show.


So it seems you are saying that tv stations should be free to show anything, with no boundaries?

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If you are expecting the tv producers and their corporate sponsors to educate the children of Thailand, i think that you are making a poor choice. While they do have to follow certain guidelines when airing tv shows, their main concern is making money by airing programming. Whatever makes good ratings sells. If the public is displeased with it, then they should ask their government representatives to make a review of the current guidelines concerning what content is permissible, in order to possibly make changes to the current guidelines.

Your comment infers that the Thai population is incapable of independent thought or just plain old common sense. I would hope that is not the case. I certainly dont believe that the government should be babysitting the tv viewing public, unless you want to open the pandora's box of censorship. There are pluses and minuses in an open society, but i believe its worth taking the progressive path, given the benefits in the long run.

I am from USA and i watch Thai TV . People have to realize that these soap opera's are for entertainment purposes only, and is not to be taken as reality.

Yes i agree that young children and young teenagers should not be viewing this type of programming. However, it is the parents responsibility to monitor what their children watch on the TV at home, not the government. That compromises freedom of expression and information. Thailand is a democracy ,not a dictatorship. The governments job is to run the country, not to police what tv show you watch in your living room.

Channel 3 does have a responsibility to its viewing public, as far as what is proper for viewing when it comes to children, because children are impressionable and have not matured to the degree where they can distinguish what is right and wrong when it comes to viewing television programming that contains mature social themes. Certainly they would not want to intentionally promote a negative message to young viewers.

I agree with the governments "suggestion" to channel 3, to run captions saying viewer discretion is advised. This is what is done in the USA. It alerts the parent that the programming maybe questionable for viewing by children.

The parents are responsible for raising their children and teaching them moral values.

The television stations should be the ones to decide what programming appears on their stations.

To employ government censorship with regard to tv programming compromises a free and open society.

It's not like there is only one tv station. If you are not happy with the tv show on one channel, you have the freedom to select another channel.

Additionally you can contact the television station to express your displeasure with regard to a particular tv show.


So it seems you are saying that tv stations should be free to show anything, with no boundaries?

timberboy, it's not just this topic, it's the whole picture- the t.v. producers should put on the screen a variable assortment, the soaps in general are a bad influence to the population, hence the problems here, they are a reflection of what Thais see on the box. It's not a matter of changing channels as nearly all at peak view time are the same rubbish-Hi-So anger and so on.

Are you for real in suggesting contacting the t.v. station ???

If the schools cannot do a good job, the parents do not show much interest, Maybe the t.v. is a last resort to at least give some guidance.

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A few months ago I seem to remember the government banned kids on the streets after 10 pm. Was this to ensure that they gave undivided attention to the soap indoctrination?

In my village the regular "get drunk and play cards every night" group are always surrounded by their kids, often up to 1 am.

But there is not much point in going to bed early if you get woken up by drunken parents either fighting or fornicating. Much simpler to sleep on the school bus and in the classroom.

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