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Can someone PM me a polite text in French language to the French Embassy in Bangkok, I will be happy to contract them. Thanks.

Short letter for the french embassy:

(not the best one after 75cl of french wine (at least something good from there!), but you're not writing to His Majesty the King of Thailand, but to a french looser...)

(Thanks to everybody who can ADD/MODIFY if needed)


Apres consultation de votre site internet il me semble important de vous prévenir que de grossières erreurs, pouvant menacer la liberté de vos ressortissants en déplacement en Thailande, ont été commises, concernant les informations qui y sont délivrées.

Ainsi, et ceci est le point le plus important, il est écrit qu'une tolérance de 20 jours est appliquée en Thailande en ce qui concerne l'overstay: ceci est bien evidemment complètement faux, l'overstay, ne serait-ce que d'un jour, étant considéré comme un crime en Thailande, et est susceptible d'entrainer la détention dans un centre pour immigration illégale.

Ensuite figure sur ce meme site un tarif de 100 baht par jour d'overstay, alors que le tarif applicable est de 200 baht par jour.

Je vous prie de bien vouloir modifier ces informations au plus vite, ceci dans un but de protection de vos ressortissants.

Veuillez agréer, Monsieur, l'expression de mes sentiments dévoués.

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  • 8 months later...

I am in desperate need of info pertaining to visas. I arrived on a 60 day, went to immigration and revcieved a 30 day extension (at 1900 bhat) however per my own stupidity I overstayed 1 day, yet paid and was granted the extension. Now, I desperately need the 10 day extension.

Question: What are my chances of going to immigration and getting this 10 day extension????

Thank you!!!


Why not going to ask them?

Are you on overstay now?

But maybe you can overstay for 10 days if you plan to leave after these 10 days (just don't carry your passport with you, just keep a copy of the first page in case you have a police check).

Why not going to ask them?

Are you on overstay now?

But maybe you can overstay for 10 days if you plan to leave after these 10 days (just don't carry your passport with you, just keep a copy of the first page in case you have a police check).

not good advice. never overstay


You won´t get a second extension if you already have paid the first 30 day extension.


I did get it recently though.

In on a 60 day, then paid the 30 day (1900b) extension. About 2 days before expiry, my new employer finally got his shit together and provided me with the necessary docs for a new work permit.

The labour office kindly provided me with an "application for a work permit received" form.

I then went to Imm. and got an additional 10 days (at 1900 baht, again). They would not permit another 30 additional days, though - I asked.

I then got my work permit within that time, and now have a year ...Yippee!

Definatly agree with the advice "Don´t overstay, not even one day." You´ll be a felon.


Just checked on the French embassy website and they seem to have corrected their previous advice:-

Les citoyens français venus en Thaïlande sans visa préalable ne peuvent pas légalement y séjourner plus d’un mois. Ils sont donc tenus de quitter le pays avant l’expiration de ce délai. Le non respect de cette réglementation expose les contrevenants à une arrestation par la police, suivie du paiement d’une amende et de l’expulsion. De telles expulsions ont régulièrement lieu.

It now basically says that if you overstay you'll be nicked, fined and kicked out.


Surely it is irresponsible for immigration to suggest an overstay option at 200 abht a day. Even if you have to pay 1900 baht for ONE day! At least then you are within the law.

Of course it is, but..........................

My personal advice to anyone considering the Overstay Option, Don't

It may sound like a way to save a few baht, but the potential damage, detention and deportation cou d cost you much more.

Just insist that the Immigration officer grant you the extension,

or better still, GET A TOURIST VISA before you arrive.


Thanks to all for the advise.

I hadn't planned on overstaying (again), I just thought I'd be better off going on a short jaunt to immigration to get a 10 day extension rather than a border run. But I was worried they wouldn't grant the 10 day because I made the mistake of overstaying before. No worries, I spent the day on a bus and made the Cambodia border run, rather than be intimidated by immigration. Thanks again! Best,

Just checked on the French embassy website and they seem to have corrected their previous advice:-
Les citoyens français venus en Thaïlande sans visa préalable ne peuvent pas légalement y séjourner plus d’un mois. Ils sont donc tenus de quitter le pays avant l’expiration de ce délai. Le non respect de cette réglementation expose les contrevenants à une arrestation par la police, suivie du paiement d’une amende et de l’expulsion. De telles expulsions ont régulièrement lieu.

It now basically says that if you overstay you'll be nicked, fined and kicked out.


Really, this army of <deleted> finally changed that?

Just checked on the French embassy website and they seem to have corrected their previous advice:-
Les citoyens français venus en Thaïlande sans visa préalable ne peuvent pas légalement y séjourner plus d’un mois. Ils sont donc tenus de quitter le pays avant l’expiration de ce délai. Le non respect de cette réglementation expose les contrevenants à une arrestation par la police, suivie du paiement d’une amende et de l’expulsion. De telles expulsions ont régulièrement lieu.

It now basically says that if you overstay you'll be nicked, fined and kicked out.


Actually they added that text, but it's somewhere still written that 20 days overstay is allowed as a maximum:

En cas de dépassement de la durée accordée par le visa, une amende de 200 bahts par jour de dépassement (avec un maximum toléré de 20 jours) est à régler au guichet Overstays au contrôle des passeports à l'aéroport.


The 20 day story is absolutely incorrect. I wonder if the official representatives of the Republic will be in trouble when their citizen's are jailed and deported for Immigration breaches.

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