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Where does one begin with this?

First off , I agree with the sensible summary in the first two sentences.

Then it becomes problematic,though are we are in a subjective area.My view is that if the PTP is able to form a government the elite will be looking for a way to overthrow it.There is a track record here which has to be taken seriously,namely the willingness to take action and the contempt for democracy.Within the army there are those who would achieve this through a coup, but I'm guessing that the hotheads will be held in check by wiser counsel given the horrific damage done to the country by the last coup..There's no need to rehearse alternative strategies because there's already a body of evidence what these might be.Let's just say the judicialisation of Thai politics would continue apace.

There are many crimes that have been committed which have not been punished, most notably the criminal military coup where the ringleaders awarded themselves a post facto pardon, the killing of unarmed civilians in Bangkok last year, Tak Bai massacre etc.PTP can't change laws but if hypothetically Thaksin was awarded a legal pardon or partial pardon, it's none of the Thai army's business.It would be better employed investigating and dealing with its own crimes mentioned above.

Yes. Agreed. The future is subjective.

"Contempt for democracy" - that seems to come from Thaksin and the army.

I think the only thing that is predictable is what people will say:

- Jataporn will predict that there will be a coup this week (every week).

- If PTP lose, red shirt supporters will say that the election was rigged.

- If PTP get the most MPs (not a majority) and are not able to form a government, the red shirt supporters will say that the army coerced the smaller parties to back the Democrats.

- Red shirts supporters will continue to say that there will be a coup if PTP are able to form government.

- If PTP are able to form government, anti-Thaksin 'supporters' will say that a heap of money changed hands.

One thing that I predict is that there will be protests following the forming of the next government - either from the red shirts (protesting for "democracy") or the yellow shirts (protesting against changes to allow Thaksin to avoid jail).

You are, as usual, spot on the money. And I have to laugh as I read your commentary and then notice your Profile name, "Why Bother".

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This is a pointless topic 100% predictable. On one side the Red supporters, on the other side the Democrats. A few lonely voices trying to be reasonable swamped in the tirade from both sides.


anyone surprised?

you daren't vote anything else but red in a red village

if you think i am wrong and you think reds are democratic then hang a democrat support poster in your window and see what happens to you

the reds have already sent a strong message about the cost of being a democrat in a red town, when they murdered the father of a DJ on a yellow radio station based in red territory

of the five men who did it, four were convicted and jailed, the fifth man skipped bail (like his cowardly leader Thaksin) and was spotted working as a security guard on the red revolution stage in Bangkok

he was seen interacting with the red MP's, Thaksins lawyer and the other red leaders

all associating with a murderer who ran from justice to be with his murderous brethren

was he arrested ? no, of course not

had the police tried they would have been murdered too

so much for the red version of democratic justice at work..........

What a sad story or tall tale you weave. You mix half facts and half truths and reach...and I do mean reach as in far,far out of the realm of logic to come to conclusions only a few could embrace in an attempt to smear the Great Evil One, Thaksin. To me this poll is music to my ears. It is a sign that there is still hope in Thailand for democracy and a true representative form of government. Let the voting commence! Ha Ha Ha. 555

half truths?

care to say what isn't true then and accuse me of lying straight out?

maybe the guy was not murdered after all

or maybe they were fake reds?

give me a break

you are so naive...........


I see the same old idiots every time decrying everything good to do with red shirts, even after they win the upcoming election these same people will still be denying it, and then rejoicing when the army stage yet another coup as they don't want the reds running the country, democracy my arse.

ok Random, i qualify

please tell me what everything good to do with the red shirts actually is?

frankly i just don't see it

you never know you may get a convert

it shouldn't take long, it will be a short list i expect............LOL

Frankly, I also don't see what is good about a red shirt government, but I'm prepared to listen to your analysis and I'm hoping you will share a detailed insightful analysis.

Also, would you please be good enough to mention the names of the red / pt people who you belive will be good sincere, capable and honest ministers.

By the way, I'm not suggesting that right now all ministers are sincere, capable and honest.

Look forward to your response.


This is a pointless topic 100% predictable. On one side the Red supporters, on the other side the Democrats. A few lonely voices trying to be reasonable swamped in the tirade from both sides.

maybe its time to get off the fence and take a stand

there are only two teams in this game

not much choice i know........


I see the same old idiots every time decrying everything good to do with red shirts, even after they win the upcoming election these same people will still be denying it, and then rejoicing when the army stage yet another coup as they don't want the reds running the country, democracy my arse.

ok Random, i qualify

please tell me what everything good to do with the red shirts actually is?

frankly i just don't see it

you never know you may get a convert

it shouldn't take long, it will be a short list i expect............LOL

Frankly, I also don't see what is good about a red shirt government, but I'm prepared to listen to your analysis and I'm hoping you will share a detailed insightful analysis.

Also, would you please be good enough to mention the names of the red / pt people who you belive will be good sincere, capable and honest ministers.

By the way, I'm not suggesting that right now all ministers are sincere, capable and honest.

Look forward to your response.

me too, i have been waiting five hours already

you could have cataloged the achievements of Jesus Christ himself in that time........


This is a pointless topic 100% predictable. On one side the Red supporters, on the other side the Democrats. A few lonely voices trying to be reasonable swamped in the tirade from both sides.

maybe its time to get off the fence and take a stand

there are only two teams in this game

not much choice i know........

If I thought it would make a difference I would, but I'm just a farang. The Thais don't even understand democracy as I understand it. Why get worked up over something you cannot change, Thais have to sort out their own problems, any Farang who thinks Thais pay attention to our comments doesn't know Thais.


This is a pointless topic 100% predictable. On one side the Red supporters, on the other side the Democrats. A few lonely voices trying to be reasonable swamped in the tirade from both sides.

maybe its time to get off the fence and take a stand

there are only two teams in this game

not much choice i know........

If I thought it would make a difference I would, but I'm just a farang. The Thais don't even understand democracy as I understand it. Why get worked up over something you cannot change, Thais have to sort out their own problems, any Farang who thinks Thais pay attention to our comments doesn't know Thais.

you would be surprised how many of Thaksin's operatives stalk these hallowed halls.......


Wow..What a small sample to categorize how the North East will vote. It wouldnt have any credibility in Australia where its compulsory to vote and the sample generally would'nt have much credence in most democratic countries in the world due its size relative to the potential number of voters eligible to exercise their democratic option. I should also ask how the sample was chosen and how many each from the 20 odd provinces. 2500 odd votes over 20 provinces.. It is a small sample.

Regardless..dont underestimate the power of the reds in North and North East Thailand.

Interistingly, my GF, a Teacher, believes its a democratic option to sell your vote in Isaan. She argues that there is an inherent right in democracy to choose. The choice is to sell your vote for what you want..cash..versus what you would like..a promise ..that may or not be delivered. Its a logic that is hard to argue about with those with minor experience or understanding of democracy. You get what you want before you vote..not after it. Thaksin understands this. I am given to understand that most of the money spent on buying votes is his..although I offer nothing to substantiate this 'rumour'. Who knows..but I know who they vote for. I love my Gf. She is educated and logical. Thailand however needs a solid education programme explaining everything about democracy.

Thailand is a young democracy. Yes. There has been and will be..hard times to come. All westrern countries have their history and evolution to peruse. I hope Thailand can learn, appreciate and enjoy democracy quicker than our (former) countries did.


This is a pointless topic 100% predictable. On one side the Red supporters, on the other side the Democrats. A few lonely voices trying to be reasonable swamped in the tirade from both sides.

maybe its time to get off the fence and take a stand

there are only two teams in this game

not much choice i know........

If I thought it would make a difference I would, but I'm just a farang. The Thais don't even understand democracy as I understand it. Why get worked up over something you cannot change, Thais have to sort out their own problems, any Farang who thinks Thais pay attention to our comments doesn't know Thais.

you would be surprised how many of Thaksin's operatives stalk these hallowed halls.......

The same can probably be said of every other political grouping, and most definitely the army. The thing is I don't dislike or hate Thaksin the way you any many others do, I see him as the natural consequence of Thai culture, particularly the political culture. I understand his motives and they are the same as 99% of all Thais. What I find sad is that Abhisit had the benefit of growing up in England, a country with an effective rule of law and a working democracy. Yet he put all this aside and became another typical self seeking politician, just like Thaksin and all the rest. It clearly illustrates the old saying, "You can take a man out of the jungle, but you cannot take the jungle out of the man".

So I see no point in getting off my fence, on one side is quicksands and on the other side a swampy bog.


All politicians are a bit wierd. They certainly are not normal yet claim

to represent 'the ordinary people' Most are just power hungry. In most cases

they are already financialy well off but are not content with that. They need power! (suposedly a more powerful aphrodisiac than money)

To gain power they need to exploit the weaknesses of their opponents and in

doing so do indeed provide a service to society.

Thaksin is a classic example. Loads of dosh, could have anything he wants materially but it aint enough.

He needs POWER. Being a bright bloke he identifies the achilies heel of the 'powers that be'- they have been ignoring the poor.

Since the poor vastly outnumber the rich but each have one vote he doesn't need a

degree in maths to see he is on to a good thing by wooing them.

All politicians buy votes one way or another. Mayor of New york goes for about $500m. Definetly need a couple of billion dollars for the us presidency.

Sometimes it is a straight cash payment. Sometimes it is false promises of a better future.

sometimes it is promises of investment in this or that. It is all just a game to the players and buying poor peoples votes is always cheaper

so another plus for going that route. The thing is Thaksin saw this first and now the others in this crazy power game are pissed off.

The beauty of this is that the downtrodden have now got a voice. Because all politicians are a bunch of sh..s

they try to hurt each other in anyway they can and will exploit any situation to do so. Out of this fight for power

among the rich emerges the collective power of the poor as they have the votes.

This is democracy in action and in most countries it does work out quite well but here in Thailand

we have a third party so to speak who say they are above politics but certainly dabble in it when they don't like what is going on.

I refer to the army who should be confining themselves to protecting Thailand from foreign threats but

cannot resist the power lust that inflicts the politicians. The problem is they don't say a lot, as opposed to the politicians, but they do have a lot of guns.

Without the army the Thai people would work things out for themselves.

What happened last year with the reds demos in central Bangkok was no diferent to what has been happening recently in the middle east.

In Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria the people have been demanding change and just as in Thailand have been shot at by the army for doing so.

In some ways the Thai people led the world in in sacrificing themselves to bullets in the quest for a greater say in their future.

The simple fact is that when a vast majority earn less than 10% of a country's income that situation is unsustainable.

The have's are fighting a reaguard action but the have'nots are coming.


This is a pointless topic 100% predictable. On one side the Red supporters, on the other side the Democrats. A few lonely voices trying to be reasonable swamped in the tirade from both sides.

maybe its time to get off the fence and take a stand

there are only two teams in this game

not much choice i know........

If I thought it would make a difference I would, but I'm just a farang. The Thais don't even understand democracy as I understand it. Why get worked up over something you cannot change, Thais have to sort out their own problems, any Farang who thinks Thais pay attention to our comments doesn't know Thais.

you would be surprised how many of Thaksin's operatives stalk these hallowed halls.......



If I thought it would make a difference I would, but I'm just a farang. The Thais don't even understand democracy as I understand it. Why get worked up over something you cannot change, Thais have to sort out their own problems, any Farang who thinks Thais pay attention to our comments doesn't know Thais.

you would be surprised how many of Thaksin's operatives stalk these hallowed halls.......



you think peepeedon?

have you noticed how many newbies have shown up in the last week defending and eulogizing thaksin

did they just discover TV or just discover politics or a social conscience or did they just get a new job?

i know what i think

it happened last year in the attempted revolution

it happened during black songkran

if i am wrong, and you think i am a tin hat conspiracist, what's your take on the new surge in politically motivated registrants who seem to be only posting in the Thaksin/Phua thai related sections of the forums?


anyone surprised?

you daren't vote anything else but red in a red village

if you think i am wrong and you think reds are democratic then hang a democrat support poster in your window and see what happens to you

the reds have already sent a strong message about the cost of being a democrat in a red town, when they murdered the father of a DJ on a yellow radio station based in red territory

of the five men who did it, four were convicted and jailed, the fifth man skipped bail (like his cowardly leader Thaksin) and was spotted working as a security guard on the red revolution stage in Bangkok

he was seen interacting with the red MP's, Thaksins lawyer and the other red leaders

all associating with a murderer who ran from justice to be with his murderous brethren

was he arrested ? no, of course not

had the police tried they would have been murdered too

so much for the red version of democratic justice at work..........

What a sad story or tall tale you weave. You mix half facts and half truths and reach...and I do mean reach as in far,far out of the realm of logic to come to conclusions only a few could embrace in an attempt to smear the Great Evil One, Thaksin. To me this poll is music to my ears. It is a sign that there is still hope in Thailand for democracy and a true representative form of government. Let the voting commence! Ha Ha Ha. 555

half truths?

care to say what isn't true then and accuse me of lying straight out?

maybe the guy was not murdered after all

or maybe they were fake reds?

give me a break

you are so naive...........

i am still waiting for you to qualify your accusations of me lying and telling tall tales, sansaiexpat


Instead of decrying the poll in the North-East shows strong support for the PTP let's have a poll in the South which probably will show an equally strong support for the Democrats.

After those two predictable polls we can start discussing the weather again :whistling:

the polls show an strong PTP in Isaan , but the PTP also has a very strong support in all the North, the central region , and even in bangkok, and if you wanna check it out , just make a trip to ลำลูกกาม and you will see it by urself :unsure:

still no sources other than your own pro red ramblings...............?


I see the same old idiots every time decrying everything good to do with red shirts, even after they win the upcoming election these same people will still be denying it, and then rejoicing when the army stage yet another coup as they don't want the reds running the country, democracy my arse.

ok Random, i qualify

please tell me what everything good to do with the red shirts actually is?

frankly i just don't see it

you never know you may get a convert

it shouldn't take long, it will be a short list i expect............LOL

ok Random

you were on line yesterday at 16-12, some 6 hours after i first posed my question to you, in response to your accusation of us same old idiots decrying the reds

since then another poster has asked you to qualify your comments as well

maybe its proving really hard for you to find anything good to say about the reds?


This is a pointless topic 100% predictable. On one side the Red supporters, on the other side the Democrats. A few lonely voices trying to be reasonable swamped in the tirade from both sides.

maybe its time to get off the fence and take a stand

there are only two teams in this game

not much choice i know........

If I thought it would make a difference I would, but I'm just a farang. The Thais don't even understand democracy as I understand it. Why get worked up over something you cannot change, Thais have to sort out their own problems, any Farang who thinks Thais pay attention to our comments doesn't know Thais.

you would be surprised how many of Thaksin's operatives stalk these hallowed halls.......

The same can probably be said of every other political grouping, and most definitely the army. The thing is I don't dislike or hate Thaksin the way you any many others do, I see him as the natural consequence of Thai culture, particularly the political culture. I understand his motives and they are the same as 99% of all Thais. What I find sad is that Abhisit had the benefit of growing up in England, a country with an effective rule of law and a working democracy. Yet he put all this aside and became another typical self seeking politician, just like Thaksin and all the rest. It clearly illustrates the old saying, "You can take a man out of the jungle, but you cannot take the jungle out of the man".

So I see no point in getting off my fence, on one side is quicksands and on the other side a swampy bog.

i agree with you for the most part except for Abhisit being self seeking

i feel quite the opposite

i think being educated in England has given him a strong sense of right and wrong, something he tries to emulate here

i think its its difficult though, he has opposition to change on all sides of him

i think he wants to make a real social difference but is fighting with the old guard behind the scenes and the process will be very slow

i try to remember that he has stuck it out, even when he could walk away and earn a million dollars a year and more in nearby Singapore

i only hope he gets the chance to continue the good work........


This is a pointless topic 100% predictable. On one side the Red supporters, on the other side the Democrats. A few lonely voices trying to be reasonable swamped in the tirade from both sides.

The only thing that matters are the results of the election. Thais don't care what foreign guests think about the subject anymore than Europeans care about the opinion of refugees in the EU.


As I wrote a while back a taxi driver from Korat told me 'Abhisit no good'. Yesterday I had one from Nakhon Sri Thammarat. This one told me Isaan people from North / NorthEast no good, 'lazy and dirty' about the friendliest words I dare repeat here.

So back to my suggestion of having a poll in the South showing strong support for the Dem's.

With two nice, predictable polls, we can start discussing the weather again (which I wrote on 2011-05-06 08:06:02) :rolleyes:


Nicely summed up Rubl ^ (as usual). The NE & most of the N will favor PT & most of the South & BKK will go for the Dems (remember that a lot of the Bangkok Reds are actually registered to vote in their hometowns up in Issan).

The real battle will be in the central provinces. My prediction is that the Dems will get about 35% of the vote, PT will get 35-40% and the smaller parties will split the remaining 25-30%, meaning that the leaders of the smaller parties (Banharn, Newin, Snoh, Etc) will decide who the next PM will be.:blink:


As I wrote a while back a taxi driver from Korat told me 'Abhisit no good'. Yesterday I had one from Nakhon Sri Thammarat. This one told me Isaan people from North / NorthEast no good, 'lazy and dirty' about the friendliest words I dare repeat here.

So back to my suggestion of having a poll in the South showing strong support for the Dem's.

With two nice, predictable polls, we can start discussing the weather again (which I wrote on 2011-05-06 08:06:02) :rolleyes:

I'm really and truly touched, thanks to TheNation in general and the BMA specifically:

"BMA prepares for summer storms"


I see the same old idiots every time decrying everything good to do with red shirts, even after they win the upcoming election these same people will still be denying it, and then rejoicing when the army stage yet another coup as they don't want the reds running the country, democracy my arse.

ok Random, i qualify

please tell me what everything good to do with the red shirts actually is?

frankly i just don't see it

you never know you may get a convert

it shouldn't take long, it will be a short list i expect............LOL

ok Random

you were on line yesterday at 16-12, some 6 hours after i first posed my question to you, in response to your accusation of us same old idiots decrying the reds

since then another poster has asked you to qualify your comments as well

maybe its proving really hard for you to find anything good to say about the reds?

still waiting, it must be a hell of job to find something good to say.......


Instead of decrying the poll in the North-East shows strong support for the PTP let's have a poll in the South which probably will show an equally strong support for the Democrats.

After those two predictable polls we can start discussing the weather again :whistling:

the polls show an strong PTP in Isaan , but the PTP also has a very strong support in all the North, the central region , and even in bangkok, and if you wanna check it out , just make a trip to ลำลูกกาม and you will see it by urself :unsure:

and the sources of your pro red speculation?

any other polls to support this conjecture?

still no sources ?

just you talking up the reds then.........


you would be surprised how many of Thaksin's operatives stalk these hallowed halls.......



you think peepeedon?

have you noticed how many newbies have shown up in the last week defending and eulogizing thaksin

did they just discover TV or just discover politics or a social conscience or did they just get a new job?

i know what i think

it happened last year in the attempted revolution

it happened during black songkran

if i am wrong, and you think i am a tin hat conspiracist, what's your take on the new surge in politically motivated registrants who seem to be only posting in the Thaksin/Phua thai related sections of the forums?

come on Don, you usually have something to say?

not backward at coming forward as i often say

so where are all these politically motivated newbies to TV coming from?

and why now?

cat got your tongue?


I see the same old idiots every time decrying everything good to do with red shirts, even after they win the upcoming election these same people will still be denying it, and then rejoicing when the army stage yet another coup as they don't want the reds running the country, democracy my arse.

ok Random, i qualify

please tell me what everything good to do with the red shirts actually is?

frankly i just don't see it

you never know you may get a convert

it shouldn't take long, it will be a short list i expect............LOL

ok Random

you were on line yesterday at 16-12, some 6 hours after i first posed my question to you, in response to your accusation of us same old idiots decrying the reds

since then another poster has asked you to qualify your comments as well

maybe its proving really hard for you to find anything good to say about the reds?

still waiting, it must be a hell of job to find something good to say.......

And still waiting. come on, share your lists of capable insighful pt and reds. I'm interested, maybe I misjudged them, put me right.


come on Don, you usually have something to say?

not backward at coming forward as i often say

so where are all these politically motivated newbies to TV coming from?

and why now?

cat got your tongue?

You're acting like you're in a playground. Possibly the reason that nobody is replying to you is because either they cannot see the point in doing so or else have you on their ignore list. Me? The former.


come on Don, you usually have something to say?

not backward at coming forward as i often say

so where are all these politically motivated newbies to TV coming from?

and why now?

cat got your tongue?

You're acting like you're in a playground. Possibly the reason that nobody is replying to you is because either they cannot see the point in doing so or else have you on their ignore list. Me? The former.

I like it when people realize they have nothing to said or add which might improve their status in a reliable or believable way :)


come on Don, you usually have something to say?

not backward at coming forward as i often say

so where are all these politically motivated newbies to TV coming from?

and why now?

cat got your tongue?

You're acting like you're in a playground. Possibly the reason that nobody is replying to you is because either they cannot see the point in doing so or else have you on their ignore list. Me? The former.

i see its easy to throw out accusations like they are nothing

then they turn out be exactly that.........nothing

either justify it, get behind it like a man or don't bother, you are just wasting time and bandwidth


This is a pointless topic 100% predictable. On one side the Red supporters, on the other side the Democrats. A few lonely voices trying to be reasonable swamped in the tirade from both sides.

maybe its time to get off the fence and take a stand

there are only two teams in this game

not much choice i know........

What stand?, I cannot vote in the next election, can you?. My two dogs have probably got more electoral representation than me.

Gen Prayath says the military has no problem if Pheu Thai win the election and form the next government. Good enough for me. :ph34r:

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