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Guy Plays With Bargirl In Pattaya

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I can't open the video, but I think I've seen it before. He picks up a girl and drops her on her head? Also, at the beginning, his friend his yelling for him to rape her. Such vile idiots think they can get away with anything in Thailand.

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What absolute morons. It's for reasons like this that I really don't enjoy following the usual trends of going out in Thailand at night where other Westerners go. I know that sounds a little pathetic, but the last time I went to Nana I saw a small group of probably 18 year old guys walking past looking my girlfriend and my friend up and doing declaring 'I just wanna get some clunge' (I have never heard this word before or since). Thailand attracts idiots. Surprisingly, I saw little of this behaviour during my time in Pattaya, but maybe I went on a good day.

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This girl is a human being, you b.....d. This is abnormal.

The girl may well have suffered a cracked skull for all we know. Since this guy is a foreigner, I think a few other foreigners should come to her rescue so as to show that there are good farang people also.

The man who shot the video knows where it happened, so it will be extremely simple for him to locate her or, if she is in hospital, or God forbid, worse, one of her friends and perhaps her relatives. Other people may also recognize the place. Now, all we need is someone who recognizes the guy. Then the girl, or one of her friends or relatives can report this matter to the police. The video is all the evidence that is needed. Let's nail this b.....d!! Any progress or information should, of course, be posted here on ThaiVisa.

Unfortunately I live too far away from Pattaya to be of any help. I regret that very much but surely there are many more foreigners in the area who care! Let's do something useful!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I completely agree that this creep is a disgusting excuse for a human being. It is this kind of behavior that gives us all a bad reputation. There's another you tube video floating around where a farang grabbed a girls ass and got the shit kicked out of him by the girl and her friends. Too bad this guy didn't receive the same treatment.

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This girl is a human being, you b.....d. This is abnormal.

The girl may well have suffered a cracked skull for all we know. Since this guy is a foreigner, I think a few other foreigners should come to her rescue so as to show that there are good farang people also.

The man who shot the video knows where it happened, so it will be extremely simple for him to locate her or, if she is in hospital, or God forbid, worse, one of her friends and perhaps her relatives. Other people may also recognize the place. Now, all we need is someone who recognizes the guy. Then the girl, or one of her friends or relatives can report this matter to the police. The video is all the evidence that is needed. Let's nail this b.....d!! Any progress or information should, of course, be posted here on ThaiVisa.

Unfortunately I live too far away from Pattaya to be of any help. I regret that very much but surely there are many more foreigners in the area who care! Let's do something useful!

It wasn't that bad. If a girl prostitutes herself in a dangerous place like Pattaya, she has to expect some bad treatment from time to time. And why call her a bargirl - i can't see no bar.

Edited by saraburioz
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It wasn't that bad. If a girl prostitutes herself in a dangerous place like Pattaya, she has to expect some bad treatment from time to time. And why call her a bargirl - i can't see no bar.

I honestly hope you are being sarcastic. :annoyed:

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It wasn't that bad. If a girl prostitutes herself in a dangerous place like Pattaya, she has to expect some bad treatment from time to time. And why call her a bargirl - i can't see no bar.

I honestly hope you are being sarcastic. :annoyed:

I doubt it....at least it will come back on him in a future life.

Edited by harrry
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20 years ago, when I lived in Pattaya I and a few friends did the nightlife thing big time but were proud of the fact that we were well liked as we maintained an excellent reputation for being kind and respectful of every Thai female that even halfway deserved it and the rest (a tiny but nasty minority) we just walked away from.

And I've been embarrassed for years that we also were liked for our reputation for not ever starting stuff but self-righteously swooping in on foreigners who egregiously mistreated Thais and it quite often went as far as fairly harsh physical retribution. (Say a smack in the head or two from one of us -- or if there were more than one of them then more than one of us).

As I say. I'm generally embarrassed by it now. Even a bit ashamed. But when I see this video...

Well, I can't help it; as puerile and and unethical as it is, I wish me and my friends of that era had been there (I say me and my friends because the f*&^ker who said, "Rape her!" would have likely got a thumping too).

Edited by SteeleJoe
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what a pair of total twa#S....the sound of that poor girls head hitting the ground was sickening,i really hope that she was ok.

The guy who posted the video made this comment on his blog when asked what happened after to the girl"

quote:"I found the full movie from p2p limewire.Young guys were hanging out drinking and playing with the girls.The scene were they droped the girl was is the middle of the movie. The guys continute with boose after the accident, what happent later to the girl, i dont now." (un-quote)

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20 years ago, when I lived in Pattaya I and a few friends did the nightlife thing big time but were proud of the fact that we were well liked as we maintained an excellent reputation for being kind and respectful of every Thai female that even halfway deserved it and the rest (a tiny but nasty minority) we just walked away from.

And I've been embarrassed for years that we also were liked for our reputation for not ever starting stuff but self-righteously swooping in on foreigners who egregiously mistreated Thais and it quite often went as far as fairly harsh physical retribution. (Say a smack in the head or two from one of us -- or if there were more than one of them then more than one of us).

As I say. I'm generally embarrassed by it now. Even a bit ashamed. But when I see this video...

Well, I can't help it; as puerile and and unethical as it is, I wish me and my friends of that era had been there (I say me and my friends because the f*&^ker who said, "Rape her!" would have likely got a thumping too).

Good for you Joe! I despise bully's and thats all these creeps are. A few weeks ago I was in Friendship and some asshol_e was being very impatient and aggressive towards the coffee guy who is a decent Thai guy and is competent at his job and I never have a problem with. It's been bugging me ever since that I didn't put that jerk in his place. I'm not going to let it pass next time I can tell you that.

Edited by trisailer
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It's been bugging me ever since that I didn't put that jerk in his place. I'm not going to let it pass next time I can tell you that.

It's always been a dearly held principle of mine ("All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." and all that) and I always felt it would be better to stand up to force and be smacked down then to hold back and live with that.

About 15 years ago on Samui, for various reasons (not all of them admirable but certainly all arguably legitimate -- among them potential danger to my wife) I and some others stood by a bit too long as a fight between a very dangerous guy (frequently carried a sidearm and was said to have used it on occasion), and his wife escalated and headed towards almost certain violence. He finally hit her very hard and managed to get a kick in before I could get between them as he was dragged away.

I may be somewhat ashamed of the violence that's been part of my life but I'm at least as haunted by that time when I hesitated to get into something potentially violent.

Not saying you should hit the guy who's being rude. Just saying that sometimes, right or wrong, turning the other cheek - or even just minding your own business - can really be hard to live with later...

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