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Is It Posible,To Extend Nonimigrant O Visa Inside Thailand Up To 4 Month?

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is it also possible to extend a nonimigrant O Visa up to 4 Month inside thailand,when the fees of 1800 thb,hat local imigration has been payed,or is this only posible on a normal tourist visa?

some other advice i need for renew a nonimgtant o visa!

my one running out in september this year,now a german tourist told me,that not every asian thai consulate can renew non imigrant visa ,you have to call them first,he says!

but what does this means in detail,is the confirmation paper of the monthly income,maybe not enough?

now i have the idea 2 weeks before my nonimigrant visa is running out ,to send my pasboard back to my consulate in my homecountry

for a new year stamp,i ask them allready ,could i have any problem to renew at a time shortly the old one running out?

aswer was its not the normal way but we can do,when the passboard arreived right in time in thailand,i have to leave the country with in that time of the validility of the old visa stamp,and come back,applying the new one?

this my thinking at the moment,because i will stay in asia and not fly home,iam unsure is this,renew process i planed to to allowed or not?

when the passboard would be lost on postway,then i have big problems,how the process would go on,what i have to do, step by step when this would happen,i dont know,at the moment?

thanks for your help!

Edited by Lite Beer
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You have a visa for what reason? Marriage? KL will issue multi entry with proof of marriage and 100k in bank account. A visa issued in your passport while that passport shows you are in Thailand would not be valid (and no Consulate should issue such a visa). For marriage/child a 60 day extension of stay is available for 1,900 baht. Please use normal font for posting - thanks.

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