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Tipping In The Toilet


Do you tip when a worker massages you while you're taking a leak?  

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I bet you'd find a boyfriend quicker if you spent less  time on the playstation and more time with Thai men in toilets making a face like your smiley ie. puckering lips and eyes looking happily upwards. :o


Yes Icey... bkkmadness knows this from years of experience trying to find boyfriends in the male toilets... you'd be well advised to take notice ... :D

totster :D:D

I'll sell you my little black book if you like? :D

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bkkmadness - a friend of Thai men in toilets. 

..And sometimes more than just a friend... :o

totster :D

Yes, like I said I heard this from a secret source who wishes to be unamed for personal reasons :D

I bet you'd find a boyfriend quicker if you spent less time on the playstation and more time with Thai men in toilets making a face like your smiley ie. puckering lips and eyes looking happily upwards. :D


Thai men and toilets... Wouldn't wanna give you too much competiton Maddy :D

And anyway I'm not looking for a boyfriend anymore :D

Edited by Ice Maiden
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This whole concept of getting a massage by a guy with your johnson hanging out is a little much for me... male chiropractors are okay 'cause you don't get naked and they go to school for that...

Sounds extremelly weird... how did this even come about? Anyone know? Do Thai's really like it or did some weird farang ask the Thai dude pissing next to him for a massage with promises of a "reward"?

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I don't think there are many who enjoy it. In my experience they often try to spring upon you by suprise.

The first time it happened to me i had no idea that it was a regular custom in the male toilets. My reaction was a fairly angry one which didn't go down too well, but as far as i'm concerned you shouldn't go putting your hands all over strange men when they're trying to have a slash. I find it to be a very uncomfortable experience.

These days the frown on my face and gesticulations with my hands, the second i catch their gaze, leave the attendants in no doubt that i do not want to be bothered.

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I give 20 baht the first time, but no further tips in the same evening. That also seems to be the score with Thai men as well, at least in the Issan Music Hall that I frequent.

The massage is actually ok, but it's the final hard slap between the shoulder blades that usually causes me to wet my shoes :o

As for being a miserable, stingy farang, (like so many on this forum!), not me!!

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I usually pay once in a night, normally 20 baht, some of you should try as their attentions can really freshen you up. I once gave 100 baht, mad I know but was a bit drunk and my fav singer had just given me a signed photo with peter+ Jin on it  :o peter

Now I know why those fckers are still hovering around behind me when I am trying to take a piss and want to be left alone so I can do what I came in for -- which is definitely NOT a massage from some fag.

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I usually pay once in a night, normally 20 baht, some of you should try as their attentions can really freshen you up. I once gave 100 baht, mad I know but was a bit drunk and my fav singer had just given me a signed photo with peter+ Jin on it  :o peter

Now I know why those fckers are still hovering around behind me when I am trying to take a piss and want to be left alone so I can do what I came in for -- which is definitely NOT a massage from some fag.

do not complain please.....behide is better than they try to massage u "in front of" :D:D

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I usually pay once in a night, normally 20 baht, some of you should try as their attentions can really freshen you up. I once gave 100 baht, mad I know but was a bit drunk and my fav singer had just given me a signed photo with peter+ Jin on it  :o peter

Now I know why those fckers are still hovering around behind me when I am trying to take a piss and want to be left alone so I can do what I came in for -- which is definitely NOT a massage from some fag.

I second that....as long as they get tips, they will stick around. Since I don't want them to do that, no tips. If I wet their trousers as a result of a shock because of a sneak approach from behind, again no tips. I consider this as their professional risk. Not sure if Lloyd's would cover this, though...

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I enjoy it, except for when they press the kidneys and stop the flow.

I'm not gay.


I bloody hope not FTH :o

But talking of male wrongness, I've joined a new gym here (China) and every time I get changed the changing room attendant stands right in front of me and stares. I know that on a micro level he's trying to anticipate my next move, as it's in a 5 star hotel and as a farang (Quilow to the locals) I'm a big minority, but he's missing the whole macro thing about not staring at a naked fat boy in a towel.

Different cultures, doncha just love 'em? :D

I'm not gay :D

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One of the first times it happened to me, I was deep in thought and then got this slapping on my back, I was so shocked, I turned anound and p1ssed on his shoes and the bottom of his pants.  :o

I did the same to a mountie when I was 15 :D


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One of the first times it happened to me, I was deep in thought and then got this slapping on my back, I was so shocked, I turned anound and p1ssed on his shoes and the bottom of his pants.  :o

I did the same to a mountie when I was 15 :D


Did you do jail time vic ? :D

No, but he took my bottle of vodka away ($65 fine) :D


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Are there attendants in all Thai toilet facilities?

I'm wondering something along these lines...what do Thai men think of this service?

I've been to many clubs/bars where I am just about the only farang there. A good number of them do indeed have these toilet attendants so perhaps Thai men do, in fact, enjoy it?

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