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Bin Laden says America 'will not dream of security' until Palestine has security


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They just arn't worth the drama they bring.

Antisemites aren't worth the drama they bring.

Seriously, dude, do you realize you come off as a racist?

Jing,when are you going to stop playing the Racist Card,and Antisemetics,in a logical debate,

seems like nobody can give an opinion without this argument?

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They just arn't worth the drama they bring.

Antisemites aren't worth the drama they bring.

Seriously, dude, do you realize you come off as a racist?

Jing,when are you going to stop playing the Racist Card,and Antisemetics,in a logical debate,

seems like nobody can give an opinion without this argument?

When people stop posting antisemtic comments, that's when. You are wrong, you can voice an opinion. You can't express RACISM without being called out on it, at least hopefully.

BTW, Huey has no hesitation expressing outrage when he detects RACISM voiced regarding his ethnicity. Please, no double standards, and please no more RACIST posts against ANY ethnic group.

Edited by Jingthing
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Are last week's attacks on Egyptian churches, two of which were set on fire, because of Israel too? A cynic would say that with Egypt being judenfrei, the next group on the list to slaughter and persecute are Christians. The Israelis are the canary in the coal mine for the west. There will be those that don't want to watch the canary and that will blame the canary when it dies or that will come up with convoluted reasons for the canary's death, rather than accept that a poisonous cloud is on the horizon.

Well said.

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They just arn't worth the drama they bring.

Antisemites aren't worth the drama they bring.

Seriously, dude, do you realize you come off as a racist?

Jing,when are you going to stop playing the Racist Card,and Antisemetics,in a logical debate,

seems like nobody can give an opinion without this argument?

When people stop posting antisemtic comments, that's when. You are wrong, you can voice an opinion. You can't express RACISM without being called out on it, at least hopefully.

BTW, Huey has no hesitation expressing outrage when he detects RACISM voiced regarding his ethnicity. Please, no double standards, and please no more RACIST posts against ANY ethnic group.

BS Jing. Seriously. I'm only expressing disdane for israel, and I said I found Abrehamic religions to be equally distateful. Where the F do you get a race out of that?

Someone could knock France all day but no one will say he hates white people or Christians because of it. So why is it when someone knocks israel do you say they hate Jews and/or Semetic people?

I know, it's your old stand by fail safe when people start knocking israel to pull out the race card and call folks anti-semetic. (Funny because last I checked religion and race where 2 separate things, but anyway...whistling.gif)

Weak Jing really I expected better of you based on your normaly well thought out and lucid arguments. Oh well I guess everyone has their soft spots.

But for me, people can say they despise any African country's or America's govt all they want and I wouldn't dream of calling them a racist over it. What is israel special? Are they entitled to some double standard?

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Israel is the world's only Jewish state. Jews are a tiny minority who have been subject to persecution and genocide for thousands of years, mostly by Christians. France isn't a "white" state or a Christian state. Antisemitism, Huey, which you clearly suffer from based on a long history of hateful posts IS racism. Educate yourself. BTW, your description of America being destroyed by a "cancer" of the Jewish state of Israel is CLASSIC antisemitism. It isn't true, and it is hate speech.

I may have my weaknesses, but one of yours is clearly and obviously antisemitism. You should know better as a minority person.

Edited by Jingthing
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They just arn't worth the drama they bring.

Antisemites aren't worth the drama they bring.

Seriously, dude, do you realize you come off as a racist?

Jing,when are you going to stop playing the Racist Card,and Antisemetics,in a logical debate,

seems like nobody can give an opinion without this argument?

When people stop posting antisemtic comments, that's when. You are wrong, you can voice an opinion. You can't express RACISM without being called out on it, at least hopefully.

BTW, Huey has no hesitation expressing outrage when he detects RACISM voiced regarding his ethnicity. Please, no double standards, and please no more RACIST posts against ANY ethnic group.

Well that's fine then!

Slurs are never good for debate, and usually means one has lost the argument.

There is fault on both sides in this conflict. and perhaps the time is now right for the UN to step in and settle matters, once and for all.

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Israel is the world's only Jewish state. Jews are a tiny minority who have been subject to persecution and genocide for thousands of years, mostly by Christians. France isn't a "white" state or a Christian state. Antisemitism, Huey, which you clearly suffer from based on a long history of hateful posts IS racism. Educate yourself. BTW, your description of America being destroyed by a "cancer" of the Jewish state of Israel is CLASSIC antisemitism. It isn't true, and it is hate speech.

I may have my weaknesses, but one of yours is clearly and obviously antisemitism. You should know better as a minority person.

America being destroyed by a "cancer" of the Jewish state of Israel ???

Who said this?

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The slurs start when characters voice hate speech such as Israel is like a cancer on America. I am only correctly labeling what that kind of speech that is. I don't feel that means "losing" an argument.


You are defending a political ideology like Zionism with your antisemitism card.

Meanwhile you have no problem to tell some racist stereotypes about "The Muslims" or "The Arabs" and keep quoting the proven racist Russian American Golda Meir.

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