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I will be very happy to see him back.

This government has done nothing for us. I think that corruption is the number 1 problem here from small time street vendors right up to Government officials and Army allowing drugs to come into my country. When they let them in, they get richer. The way to stop or at least begin to stop corruptin in Thailand is to give good salaries and so people can live good life. This way there will be less chance of corruptions. When my childrens come from University they can only get low paying jobs. If children can finish University and get a good job that give them enough money to live a decent life then it will help their journy in life to take the middle path and go away from direction of corruption.

I am 50 year Thai and think government must start with:

  1. Education at International standards for ALL Thai. Not only rich. English language must be good.
  2. Good health care for ALL Thai people.
  3. Thailand MUST have good internet if we want to compete Internationally.
  4. Labor standards to be set so people can be to make good money for future
  5. Stop corruption in Thailand at the same time as raising salaries.
  6. Stop drugs here and even if people need to die. The drug dealers will know a law and if continue then they know have death penalty.
  7. Have better anf fast system set up to help victoms of disasters because it seems to happen more these days.
  8. Make peace with our neighbours even if it mean to give temple rights away in Cambodia and allow access for tourist.

I also have many foreign friend who complain about the visa rules etc so maybe if government can take the fee for visas and apply it direct to Education or war on drugs then the foreigner can feel good about where the visa money goes.

I know in the world all government have corruption but when Thaksin was our PM he did not hide it like many other governments. I can accept this. Maybe if Abhisit have more money and experience he could have done the good job but it is proved that he did not and he have his chance already.

Wow, as a foreigner I'm really surprised but at once also proud of you as a Thai to say this words. I guess you follow your education abroad because you're so realistic and open in your words just like Westerners mostly are and what I almost never find with Thai. They always talk around the subject. Why? I really don't know and to be honest I don't want to know, because as said, your words makes my day!

I live now for 3 years in Thailand and since I came here I face a political instabile country. I asked myself many times, how does this happens, but I'm sure that I will waste my time because it's for sure a very long time already instabile in Thailand. But what I can see since I'm here is that not one politician or political party is governing from the heart and for the good welfare of Thailand. They are governing in their own welfare and don't care about Thailand and it's citizens at all. Whatever the outcome will be with the new coming elections, one of the parties will never accept the outcome. So what should be done? First step: send he old politicians home! These are not real politicians but since you belong to a rich and influence family you can always enter politics and fill your pocket. Step 2: make the House of Parliament "open" for the clever boys and girl from the new generation. Thailand's leaders of the future! Some of them are really clever in politics, but since they don't belong to a rich family they can forget it.

True, as a foreigner I also face every time the useless paperwork (and of course the money which is involved every 3 months with extension) for my visa. No problem when I know the money is used for the common welfare of it's citizens, but I'm afraid it will not pass the pockets from the politicians. It's really terrible and is one of the reasons I don't want to invest in Thailand, because I don't trust the present way of governing of the country. Now I invest and perhaps tomorrow I can loose my investment. Till now I prefer to invest in neighbor countries who are more "open" towards foreigners.

Of course my words are the way I think and many people think in an other way. That's good, a open society where people can talk what they think without insulting people. As said, I can think like this, but since the citizens of Thailand accept this kind of politicians I mentioned before, Thailand still have a long way to go. But I'm really happy to read the words from you as Thai... very open and good points to think about on the way to a real Land of Smile an not to a Land of Fake. Terrible, really terrible words, which I hear more and more on the streets. It says enough but it's still 5 minutes to 12, so Thai can change this atmosphere in Thailand on the way to a real and fully operating democracy.

It seems that we now have two new members both passionate about the same things, the return of Thaksin, coincidence???

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How anyone can take Thaksin's ludicrous promises seriously is beyond me.

To quote a few 'I will solve the traffic problem in Bangkok in 6 months'

There will be no poverty in Thailand in 5 years'.

'Thailand is drug free'.

'I will return and lead the red shirts from the front as soonn as the first shot(from the army) is fired'.

So many lies for so many years, all he's doing is trying to hype up the electorate to vote for Pheua Thai with ludicrous promises such as to pay all graduates a minimum salary of 15,000 baht, thereby insuring employers switch to employing high school students instead.

And setting himself out as the sole Thai who can 'save' Thailand.

The election is still a long way off and a pardon for Thaksin is even further than that. Plus he's going to get banned for another 5 years for playing a leading role in politics whilst banned.

Still I wasn't surprised to see the wily old Chai Chidchorp telling reporters yesterday how Phumjai Thai came from PPP and TRT and thus could always work together again.


Maybe the Thai got to learn from USA in practicing true Democracy!!!!

OOps we got three Newbies all passionate about Thaksin, Soon be no real TV members left.


From the OP k. Thaksin said

""I will definitely come back at the end of this year. Just when my plane touches down at Suvarnabhumi Airport,""

the courts can finally dust off those dossiers concerning all the cases which were awaiting my return :)

Provided someone does not treat him the same as Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino was treated upon his return to the Philippines 25 years ago.


I will be very happy to see him back.

This government has done nothing for us. I think that corruption is the number 1 problem here from small time street vendors right up to Government officials and Army allowing drugs to come into my country. When they let them in, they get richer. The way to stop or at least begin to stop corruptin in Thailand is to give good salaries and so people can live good life. This way there will be less chance of corruptions. When my childrens come from University they can only get low paying jobs. If children can finish University and get a good job that give them enough money to live a decent life then it will help their journy in life to take the middle path and go away from direction of corruption.

I am 50 year Thai and think government must start with:

  1. Education at International standards for ALL Thai. Not only rich. English language must be good.
  2. Good health care for ALL Thai people.
  3. Thailand MUST have good internet if we want to compete Internationally.
  4. Labor standards to be set so people can be to make good money for future
  5. Stop corruption in Thailand at the same time as raising salaries.
  6. Stop drugs here and even if people need to die. The drug dealers will know a law and if continue then they know have death penalty.
  7. Have better anf fast system set up to help victoms of disasters because it seems to happen more these days.
  8. Make peace with our neighbours even if it mean to give temple rights away in Cambodia and allow access for tourist.

I also have many foreign friend who complain about the visa rules etc so maybe if government can take the fee for visas and apply it direct to Education or war on drugs then the foreigner can feel good about where the visa money goes.

I know in the world all government have corruption but when Thaksin was our PM he did not hide it like many other governments. I can accept this. Maybe if Abhisit have more money and experience he could have done the good job but it is proved that he did not and he have his chance already.

It's good to see that 50-year-old Thais educated enough to have a perfect command of English are empassioned enough about Thai politics to conclusively put down their political thoughts on a first-ever Thavisa post along with a series of suggestions to fix Thailand's problems. Did you know that your bullet points are almost exactly Thaksin's own ideas, word for word? I can see why you would vote for him.

But, hang on, you're saying that corruption is bad, and then you're saying that Thaksin was nice and open about it. You want to get rid of corruption but want the most corrupt guy at the head of your country? That doesn't seem to make sense to me. You talk about drugs and corruption, referencing the army and government. But Thaksin oversaw this whole operation, and he didn't want to change it back then - he just wanted his share. Some might argue that he was kicked out because he wanted more than his share.

And I agree, drug dealers are the scum of the earth. They are all murderers, pimps and rapists and they all deserve to die; it's a myth that the network of drug dealing is full of victims of social circumstances. And those drug mules in particular should be subject to death by genital electrocution. But, hang on, the most recent investigation - you know, the one first shelved by Thaksin and then by the Samak administration - show that less than half of the people killed had any ties whatsoever with the drug industry. Would a collateral damage rate of 60%+ be acceptable to you in the next war on drugs?

You make a lot of interesting points in your post, much like the Quadrangled Prophet himself, but really no indication of how it's going to be executed.

Could it be that Khun Thaksin himself is posting?? he wouldnt, would he????????????

Thaksins command of the English language would not even allow him to come close to writing even 1 line of the above post B)


The most disturbing thing about this is that legally it's very difficult for Thaksin return to Thailand in the near future without having to be arrested and sent to jail. There is no room for appeal or pardon any other way. Yet, here is a man with a doctorate in Criminology who blithely states he'll return within a year (presumably as a free man), which at the very least is contemptuous of the law he has been evading for several years, and is naive and irresponsible for someone with aspirations to lead this country.

Believe me, the hurdles Peua Thai and Thaksin will have to overcome to completely pardon Thaksin are numerous, lengthy and will certainly be subject to resistance from the Senate, The Judiciary, the opposition and/or minor coalition partners, and finally the people on the street. Thaksin is no fool, his advisors will have studied the avenues, but he has an unrealistic belief that anything is possible in Thailand if you are in power and have enough money. I think he's going to find that his judgement on this (as with many other things) far exceeds what's achievable.

It may just be election talk, or in light of farcical political events in recent years, he might just try his luck and step out of the airport and challenge the system with brinkmanship - afterall, with lots of UDD threatening a riot are his pals in the police force really going to carry out an arrest. It would be very interesting to see how the army would react in a such a circumstance.


I know he's a loon but really,this is over the top,"Just when my plane touches down at Suvarnabhumi Airport, drug traders will stop trading":blink:.That's his best line ever and he's had plenty.


I'm not a fan of Thaksin, but let's face it - the guy is the second coming and clearly Thailand's only savior. If anybody thinks these recent ABAC polls are not an indication of the blanket love for Thaksin across all of Thailand then maybe they should try living in a swamp for a few weeks. Only if you're lucky enough to repent Thaksin will return and walk on water just to drag you out of poverty.

Back on earth, it looks like we could be heading towards another coalition government. No really surprises there.


"I have spent plenty of time in Isaan, where the allegedly disenfranchised poor come from. The sit around, all day, doing nothing, wiating for a handout...... bums, the lot of them. They have ample oportunity to work, but choose not too, deciding instead to complain and moan about the rich people in Bangkok."

That is one hell of a generalisation, I have spenat a lot of time in Issan and its surrounding areas, and there are some people there who work very, very hard..


Next thing ya know he will be Donald Trump's VP in the US elections. Its obvious that the objective is to say anything to remain in the spotlight regardless of the logic or probably of such things ever happening. Credit cards for taxi drivers smacks of the OTOP campaign(give money to groups of people with little chance of ever seeing the money return. thereby buying infuence). Easier visas for foreigners sounds like the ELITE fiasco(1 million Baht membership for a program that promise the world and barely delivered more than inconvenience) and buying influence from whom, the embassies and their visitors? And now he wants to do a rambo-like murder spree when he returns to the kingdome. <br>Welcome back buddy, can you host celebrity apprentice please.


It seems from the recent polls that more Thais than not would like him to come back. If he does he'll have the Democrat's incompetence to thank. They were handed the reigns and then rode in circles for 2 1/2 years.

Which recent polls are those?


Noppadol Kannikar, director of Abac Poll, said the survey found that 36.4 per cent of the survey respondents would select Pheu Thai, the current opposition leader, while 34.1 per cent would tick the Democrats.

That indicates that 36.4% want Thaksin back and 63.6% don't. That's assuming that if they want Thaksin back then they support the PTP, which is a fair assumption I think.

Quite correct, it's not PTP versus Dems for the whole shooting match of if Thaksin should return scot free, or not.

But correctly ; 100% of the country is the decider, not 1/3 or 36.4 per cent of ONE particular survey, that no doubt has 3-5% error built in due to low survey numbers.

Essentially 36.4% and 34.1% or

2.3% difference is a statistical dead heat.

Each getting approximately 1/3, with another 1/3 voting for NEITHER.

So yes, For Thaksin's Return maybe 36.4%

at that particular sample,


against Thaksins Return is 63.6%.

or all not voting for Thaksin

and voting for Dems AND all OTHER parties too.


We also take action against large traders and let small drug traders earn a living in the right way by fuelling our economy,'' he said

I'm sorry. This has to be a misquote. He's talking about a war on drugs and then says that small drug traders should earn the right to continue plying their trade for the sake of the economy?


Coming soon!!!! LoL

Exciting times will soon be upon us. :)

Mr. Thaksin's triumphant return may be quite an event. I look forward to that day, if only to watch some TVFers fall to the ground in an apoleptic state, frothing at the mouth and choking on their words. :lol:



Lots and lots of people wish Thaksin was still in power. Many see him as the best PM they ever had...like almost all my in-laws who are from the country. I live in a high end Bangkok neighborhood where the Thai-Chinese and Thai's have real money, and many like Thaksin also. Thaksin sure is talking like if the Pheu Thai win the election that he will be able to just walk back into the country and be the real "unelected" power running the country....something like that would surely bring many protesters into the streets, both for and against him, and challenge the boundary of laws. Things could get sporty!


I'm not a fan of Thaksin, but let's face it - the guy is the second coming and clearly Thailand's only savior. If anybody thinks these recent ABAC polls are not an indication of the blanket love for Thaksin across all of Thailand then maybe they should try living in a swamp for a few weeks. Only if you're lucky enough to repent Thaksin will return and walk on water just to drag you out of poverty.

Back on earth, it looks like we could be heading towards another coalition government. No really surprises there.

Indeed, the only important question remaining about the election is on whose side the smaller parties will go with. I don't expect any change in proportional votes for parties (so agree another coalition is on the way), but the smaller parties will of course be using their electorates as bait for the big pay-off.

The further question is what the big payoff is... will they go for Thaksin's cash or will they go for Abhisit's competence?

Thaksin's cash means that they will have little leverage on any lawmaking ability but will have a nice amount of cash for very little work; but they got a little annoyed at TRT/PPP's disregard for legal and political mechanisms in the past if I remember correctly (the standard UDD line disputes this, but the coalition parties don't).

Abhisit will probably allow them a little more autonomy in their politics and they might be in a better position to initiate "projects", but they won't get as instantly cash-rich. He'll also get policies planned properly before implementing them, so the smaller parties might actually look like they have done something for the people too - but these pesky internal controls that Abhisit is trying to insist on might work against him.



With his war on drugs there is no Thai person who enjoy to see some people die if they do not deserve it but it is a war that is needed and maybe he learn from his past mistake. If you touch the fire you will not touch again. Yes when he investigate he tell the truth about many people who die were innocent. Another government would hide this fact. If you ask me about will 60%+ be acceptable in next war I can only say that I never want to see any percent of the innocent Thai people die but unfortunatly yes always have inncocent casualties in any war. If I have to die to save my childrens and my grandchildrens future to not have the drugs I cann accept that.

How noble of you, would you also accept your innocent children being killed as collateral damage in Thaksin's War on Drugs? It may save other people's children of maybe, possibly getting stoned.

Thanks anyway for standing up as an example of the morality standards of a Thaksin supporter.


why any one listens to this joker is beyond me hes promising all these wounder full things that he could of done when he was here

the war on drugs yes you cant argue with that im all for it but how many pore people that sold a little bit of weed are goin to get killed because

of the trigger happy police death squads

i wish thai people would understand what hes really up to you got rid of an deluded ego maniac once now they want him back

he will not do 90 percent of the things he says its stole hes wealth by using hes position hes a jumped up little napoleonic evil sod

hes only concern is for himself and his bank accounts the very second he lands here he should be but in chains if he thinks for one second that

will happen he wont come that will prove just how committed he is


Let's face it. The only valid opinion polls are ones that support your own particular opinion.

The rest are just so much horse shit. :D


I will be very happy to see him back.

This government has done nothing for us. I think that corruption is the number 1 problem here from small time street vendors right up to Government officials and Army allowing drugs to come into my country. When they let them in, they get richer. The way to stop or at least begin to stop corruptin in Thailand is to give good salaries and so people can live good life. This way there will be less chance of corruptions. When my childrens come from University they can only get low paying jobs. If children can finish University and get a good job that give them enough money to live a decent life then it will help their journy in life to take the middle path and go away from direction of corruption.

I am 50 year Thai and think government must start with:

  1. Education at International standards for ALL Thai. Not only rich. English language must be good.
  2. Good health care for ALL Thai people.
  3. Thailand MUST have good internet if we want to compete Internationally.
  4. Labor standards to be set so people can be to make good money for future
  5. Stop corruption in Thailand at the same time as raising salaries.
  6. Stop drugs here and even if people need to die. The drug dealers will know a law and if continue then they know have death penalty.
  7. Have better anf fast system set up to help victoms of disasters because it seems to happen more these days.
  8. Make peace with our neighbours even if it mean to give temple rights away in Cambodia and allow access for tourist.

I also have many foreign friend who complain about the visa rules etc so maybe if government can take the fee for visas and apply it direct to Education or war on drugs then the foreigner can feel good about where the visa money goes.

I know in the world all government have corruption but when Thaksin was our PM he did not hide it like many other governments. I can accept this. Maybe if Abhisit have more money and experience he could have done the good job but it is proved that he did not and he have his chance already.

It's good to see that 50-year-old Thais educated enough to have a perfect command of English are empassioned enough about Thai politics to conclusively put down their political thoughts on a first-ever Thavisa post along with a series of suggestions to fix Thailand's problems. Did you know that your bullet points are almost exactly Thaksin's own ideas, word for word? I can see why you would vote for him.

But, hang on, you're saying that corruption is bad, and then you're saying that Thaksin was nice and open about it. You want to get rid of corruption but want the most corrupt guy at the head of your country? That doesn't seem to make sense to me. You talk about drugs and corruption, referencing the army and government. But Thaksin oversaw this whole operation, and he didn't want to change it back then - he just wanted his share. Some might argue that he was kicked out because he wanted more than his share.

And I agree, drug dealers are the scum of the earth. They are all murderers, pimps and rapists and they all deserve to die; it's a myth that the network of drug dealing is full of victims of social circumstances. And those drug mules in particular should be subject to death by genital electrocution. But, hang on, the most recent investigation - you know, the one first shelved by Thaksin and then by the Samak administration - show that less than half of the people killed had any ties whatsoever with the drug industry. Would a collateral damage rate of 60%+ be acceptable to you in the next war on drugs?

You make a lot of interesting points in your post, much like the Quadrangled Prophet himself, but really no indication of how it's going to be executed.

Could it be that Khun Thaksin himself is posting?? he wouldnt, would he????????????

Some good points and some utterly insane, but I have to say with all do respect that I have trouble believing you are 100% Thai from your post. whistling.gif


Not could get sporty, but will get sporty.

As the unelected controller of a political party, a large percentage will find that unacceptable, particularly because he would obviously feel and act like he has no need of accountability..... And that will no doubt lead to violence.

The problem for Thailand is getting that obvious non-Thaksin majority focused TOGETHER, and not scatter shot across a dozen little parties, causing the appearance of a close miss or close minority win for PTP.

About the only thing that can save Thailand from the coming conflagration surrounding Thaksin is, for a resounding electoral repudiation of PTP to take place. But with Thai sensibilities, and the multi-party system as it is presently voted, this is impossible.

The only FAIR way to get as straight up and down vote is the double election.

1st round:

All parties vote and run against each other free for all.

2nd Round:

If no party gets 50.000000001% of round one, then the top 2 vote getting parties have a run off election, and THEN we can REALLY see the true thoughts of the entire electorate vs the two visions in place.

All the rest of the little power broker and niche concept parties are now done with till next time, but we CAN find out how TWO MAIN platforms perform against each other.

Of course the little powerbroker parties will fight this kind of electoral change tooth and nail, because it prevents them from having leverage in Coalition Governments, and the inherent corruption this leverage brings...

Which is the 2nd half of the point.


Thaksin said he felt sad for some police officers who bought their way to higher posts. "They want to climb [the ladder to promotion] so they seek loans, extort and do whatฌever they can to get money to give to people in Government House. If the Pheu Thai Party gets to form the government, the party will do away with this illpractice,'' he said.

He taught them how to steal professionally, before they were fewer and just thugs. Now the head thug wants to put an end to corruption. Does Taksin mean "Talk out of both sides of the mouth with lies in the Thai language? lol


I will be very happy to see him back.

This government has done nothing for us. I think that corruption is the number 1 problem here from small time street vendors right up to Government officials and Army allowing drugs to come into my country. When they let them in, they get richer. The way to stop or at least begin to stop corruptin in Thailand is to give good salaries and so people can live good life. This way there will be less chance of corruptions. When my childrens come from University they can only get low paying jobs. If children can finish University and get a good job that give them enough money to live a decent life then it will help their journy in life to take the middle path and go away from direction of corruption.

I am 50 year Thai and think government must start with:

  1. Education at International standards for ALL Thai. Not only rich. English language must be good.
  2. Good health care for ALL Thai people.
  3. Thailand MUST have good internet if we want to compete Internationally.
  4. Labor standards to be set so people can be to make good money for future
  5. Stop corruption in Thailand at the same time as raising salaries.
  6. Stop drugs here and even if people need to die. The drug dealers will know a law and if continue then they know have death penalty.
  7. Have better anf fast system set up to help victoms of disasters because it seems to happen more these days.
  8. Make peace with our neighbours even if it mean to give temple rights away in Cambodia and allow access for tourist.

I also have many foreign friend who complain about the visa rules etc so maybe if government can take the fee for visas and apply it direct to Education or war on drugs then the foreigner can feel good about where the visa money goes.

I know in the world all government have corruption but when Thaksin was our PM he did not hide it like many other governments. I can accept this. Maybe if Abhisit have more money and experience he could have done the good job but it is proved that he did not and he have his chance already.

It's good to see that 50-year-old Thais educated enough to have a perfect command of English are empassioned enough about Thai politics to conclusively put down their political thoughts on a first-ever Thavisa post along with a series of suggestions to fix Thailand's problems. Did you know that your bullet points are almost exactly Thaksin's own ideas, word for word? I can see why you would vote for him.

But, hang on, you're saying that corruption is bad, and then you're saying that Thaksin was nice and open about it. You want to get rid of corruption but want the most corrupt guy at the head of your country? That doesn't seem to make sense to me. You talk about drugs and corruption, referencing the army and government. But Thaksin oversaw this whole operation, and he didn't want to change it back then - he just wanted his share. Some might argue that he was kicked out because he wanted more than his share.

And I agree, drug dealers are the scum of the earth. They are all murderers, pimps and rapists and they all deserve to die; it's a myth that the network of drug dealing is full of victims of social circumstances. And those drug mules in particular should be subject to death by genital electrocution. But, hang on, the most recent investigation - you know, the one first shelved by Thaksin and then by the Samak administration - show that less than half of the people killed had any ties whatsoever with the drug industry. Would a collateral damage rate of 60%+ be acceptable to you in the next war on drugs?

You make a lot of interesting points in your post, much like the Quadrangled Prophet himself, but really no indication of how it's going to be executed.

Could it be that Khun Thaksin himself is posting?? he wouldnt, would he????????????

Some good points and some utterly insane, but I have to say with all do respect that I have trouble believing you are 100% Thai from your post. whistling.gif

Stop corruption????? He is the Father, teacher, and Leader of the corrupt.


OOps we got three Newbies all passionate about Thaksin, Soon be no real TV members left.

Just possible perhaps that they are people who do not agree with the prolific anti Thaksin posters?

free speech and all that....


He can't return. He is rejected by the military, yellow shirt supporters, and even the most supreme force in the land whom we can't discuss, all of whom he shows no respect for. They won't let this power and greed monger return free of consequences.

Don't know why some of you guys write essays and long winded analysis on this stuff. Its simple!.... He can't return. He opens his mouth and draws way too much attention anyhow for a peaceful acceptable return.



With his war on drugs there is no Thai person who enjoy to see some people die if they do not deserve it but it is a war that is needed and maybe he learn from his past mistake. If you touch the fire you will not touch again. Yes when he investigate he tell the truth about many people who die were innocent. Another government would hide this fact. If you ask me about will 60%+ be acceptable in next war I can only say that I never want to see any percent of the innocent Thai people die but unfortunatly yes always have inncocent casualties in any war. If I have to die to save my childrens and my grandchildrens future to not have the drugs I cann accept that.

How noble of you, would you also accept your innocent children being killed as collateral damage in Thaksin's War on Drugs? It may save other people's children of maybe, possibly getting stoned.

Thanks anyway for standing up as an example of the morality standards of a Thaksin supporter.

You really expect that people will believe that if your wife, children etc got gunned down (in an extrajudical shoot at anything that moves action) because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time then you would say 'never mind, it's OK'.

Personally I don't believe that you would really say and sincerely believe 'never mind, it's OK'.

There are also wider issues. Allowing, indeed openly pushing and openly demanding that the police operate outside of proper process is strongly encouraging a wild west state where eventually there are no proper profesional and controlled police and judicial processes.

So are you OK for your wife and kids to live in a lawless society?

You might like to also remember that thaksins last 'war on drugs' did not find or capture one, not one, major operator in the manufacture, distribution or sale of drugs!

Plus, his proclamation that 'Thailand is now free of drugs' was the greatest lie of all time.

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