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I am 100% Thai and was born in the north in Sakon Nakhon and my family was rice farmers. I have 3 sister and 1 brother. My father worked very hard as did my mother to make rice to sell and they live very poor however pay for my family education. I am now a Professor in Bankok and the other of my family are also doing well. I was member on this site many years ago however I did not look for a long time and now only cannot remember my last user name so I make a new one. One of my students say I should read it again and so now I am doing it.

One person post that a foreigner should not speak of Thai politics here but I like this site and think it is good for all of Thai people to include the government to see what foreigner think about our politics. Oh bye way I am not Thaksin hahaha. I do know our government has a special team that reads this forum and maybe foreigner have some good points. I am not anti or pro "red shirt" but I am pro "Thai".

One person post (or I think more) about Issan people are to lazy and only want hand outs and maybe this is true of many but same time this people shall come to Issan and work in our rice fields in very hot wether and try to sell after to get good price. Maybe they will know that not all Thai people are lazy but I do know in many other country have a welfare system and many people who want to get free money can do and many are ok to work but only lazy. In the north we have not a lot of opportunity to get good jobs so many have to move from the family and try to get job in Bangkok or other city. This also is not easy because the elite that hire the people forget where do they come from and ask the people what experience do you have? The people cannot answer because they have no experience only to make the rice etc.

I also agree that Thaksin makes a promises that are impossable like when he land at here all the drugs will stop etc. I stay Political Science for many years and also understand that in election in every country the polititions make many promises and after they are elected they do not keep those promise so why Thailand is different?

I see many positive and many negative post on here and say that we always need 2 sides to decide one point. Thailand should be free country and I also say that a foreigner should be heard too after our country reaches a point where the foreigner investment reach a certain point. When Thaksin was our PM we almost have this point but now the foreigner is take the business to other countries so we need to understand this.

I sorry to say that as Thai people we try to protect our culture and country because we see many other country who let many foreigner in and can buy and own the land etc and then they want to change this new country they live in and I am sorry to tell that Thai do not want our country to change so much like another.

I think the change we want is all the same for all Thai people and like every person in the world like the Buddha say; we all want to be happy and be loved and we all want someone we can love. These are three main thing in Buddhism.

Many people who post here say good things about Thailand but I say same before; we do not have a big choice on what government we can vote for now so we have to decide what is the best for my country.

I am sorry if I have to offend any people here and hope you can understand how difficult this time is for us now.

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"Thaksin said he felt sad for some police officers who bought their way to higher posts. "They want to climb [the ladder to promotion] so they seek loans, extort and do whatฌever they can to get money to give to people in Government House. If the Pheu Thai Party gets to form the government, the party will do away with this illpractice,'' he said."

Well that's another one of Thaksin gems...do as I say not as I do...what a hyporcite!! :whistling:


"I have spent plenty of time in Isaan, where the allegedly disenfranchised poor come from. The sit around, all day, doing nothing, wiating for a handout...... bums, the lot of them. They have ample oportunity to work, but choose not too, deciding instead to complain and moan about the rich people in Bangkok."

That is one hell of a generalisation, I have spenat a lot of time in Issan and its surrounding areas, and there are some people there who work very, very hard..

Yes, it is a "hell of a generalistation". I don't mean that everyone in Isaan is a uselss bum (although I did say / infer it "bums, the lot of them". More specifically, my comments were aimed at the ones that continuously cry poverty - and there are lots of Isaan people working very hard both at home and throughout the country.

I would like to add further to my previous post - lots of men and women up that neck of the woods are "retired" by their mid 40's claiming they are "too old" to be productive (they mean too lazy and figure they should be able to kick back like the paper cut out characters they spend all day watching in the painful soaps on channel 7)...... meanwhile their counterparts in Bangkok (several of my ocmpany directors, for example) continue to work well into their 50's...... as we do in the West (into our 60's) - doesn't take a PhD in maths to figure out that a working life of 40-45 years will yield more reward than a working life of 25-30......

BTW - I am well off topic here, so I'll shut up now.


I am 100% Thai and was born in the north in Sakon Nakhon and my family was rice farmers.... I am now a Professor in Bankok

I hope you're not teaching geography. :D


He can't return. He is rejected by the military, yellow shirt supporters, and even the most supreme force in the land whom we can't discuss, all of whom he shows no respect for. They won't let this power and greed monger return free of consequences.

Don't know why some of you guys write essays and long winded analysis on this stuff. Its simple!.... He can't return. He opens his mouth and draws way too much attention anyhow for a peaceful acceptable return.

I do not say that this is correct but if he want to return to here all he needs is for his party to win the election and then he can come and serve his sentence in a jail that would be fit for a PM. This can be same as in your county like when big mafia go to the jail they live very well and can still operate their business because all the guards are afraid of their family being hurt etc. In Thailand we have no law stating what conditions a jail cell has to be in for any person. Also law here not same your country that person in jail cannot give advice to people outside. Yes it is very possable he can return.

I understand many post here they not Understand Thailand and want it all to change like in the country they are from but all my foreigner friends tell me if it change to the way of theor country then they will not stay. They like Thailand because of it is a little crazy.

Also to ad to another peoples post I can only say like the foreighn people say that the rome was not build in the one day.


I am 100% Thai and was born in the north in Sakon Nakhon and my family was rice farmers. I have 3 sister and 1 brother. My father worked very hard as did my mother to make rice to sell and they live very poor however pay for my family education. I am now a Professor in Bankok and the other of my family are also doing well. I was member on this site many years ago however I did not look for a long time and now only cannot remember my last user name so I make a new one. One of my students say I should read it again and so now I am doing it.


One person post (or I think more) about Issan people are to lazy and only want hand outs and maybe this is true of many but same time this people shall come to Issan and work in our rice fields in very hot wether and try to sell after to get good price. Maybe they will know that not all Thai people are lazy but I do know in many other country have a welfare system and many people who want to get free money can do and many are ok to work but only lazy. In the north we have not a lot of opportunity to get good jobs so many have to move from the family and try to get job in Bangkok or other city. This also is not easy because the elite that hire the people forget where do they come from and ask the people what experience do you have? The people cannot answer because they have no experience only to make the rice etc.


Khun Geeraphun,

As I have clarified in another short post, I did not mean to say that ALL Isaan people are lazy, specifically I meant all the ones who sit around and do nothing except complain are lazy.

You are an excellent example of the point I was trying to make. Your kids will grow up to called "Bangkok Elite" etc. because your parents worked hard so you could have a better future, and now their grand children will probably have an even better future........ there is nothing stopping any of te rice farmers from doing what your family did, or at least trying to do it....... but most of them won't.

Apologies to you personally for implying that any anyone from Isaan is automatically a lazy bum - that is what it sounded like, but not what I meant :jap:

In certain ways, your people (Thai, Isaan) and mine are very similar, and your fmaily and mine are very similar....... we both come from a background where:

  • the majority blames everyone but themself for their problems
  • our family worked hard to improve the life of their children
  • we are now living away from where we were born, and are quite sucessful in our professional life

As a Thai person, from Isaan, can I ask; do you think you deserve your sucess, and do you think that you should have to share it with anyone who didn't try just as hard as you? As a farang, I do not.

Generally - I like Thailand just the way it is. I am here by choice, because I like the place..... of course it has faults, so does everywhere, but on balance it is a pleasure to live here.


How come most of posts here didn't make any sense at all?

Because it's Thai Visa.

But I am a native, don't need a Thai visa jap.gif


Some good points and some utterly insane, but I have to say with all do respect that I have trouble believing you are 100% Thai from your post. whistling.gif

I agree, and I think a comparison of IP addresses would show that you are correct :)


I don't think that you can count the entire 36.4% of PTP vorets actually being "we want Thaksin back" voters. Most would be though

No. But the point was, that those that don't vote for PTP most likely don't want Thaksin back either.

So, AT A MAXIMUM, 36.4% want Thaksin back. Certainly not a majority (not that the reds know what a majority means).

Really? So you must mean that the only possible reason someone does not vote for PTP is that they do not want Thaksin back?

And what does it say about the Democrats, then?

Thaksin raises a major issue here: institutionalized corruption of the police, and regardless of anything else, I think this is one nail he is hitting square on the head:

Police salaries are too low for policemen to actually survive with a family. A Thai policeman earns THB 6,000 per month, in Bangkok. And he must pay for his equipment, if I recall it correctly. If he wishes to move up the ranks, he must pay for the position, which of course is impossible on THB 6,000 per month. (for reference, the post of chief of police in Mae Sai used to cost THB 10 millions - Mae Sai is the small border town that controls traffic between Thailand and Myanmar)

Take the example of a good police officer. Joined the force to help people, protect and serve, etc. There he, is with his THB 6,000 in his pocket. While he is busy doing his job and living a life of privation and abstinence, his colleages all drive cars, party and earn many times over what he is making. His boss, his boss' boss and his boss' boss' boss all paid their position using money extorted through the usual practices. The "big boss" is a rich kid whose parents bought the position because they figure having a high ranking police official would be a good thing. Police stations are running using bribes collected from the various illegal activities that occur in their area.

Not only that, but at regular intervals, his boss will ask for their share of the extortion they expect him to do and if he stayed clean, he certainly won't have the money.

How long is our good police officer going to stay "good"? How long before he joins in or ends up in a ditch somewhere?

Corruption can not be eradicated if corruption is the only way to survive. The system has to change. Promotions and positions have to be awarded on merit alone. Salaries have to be brought to a level where a policeman can lead a reasonable life without having to turn to a life of crime.

Thaksin has a valid point. Do I trust Thaksin to make these changes? I would have to see it before I believe it, but one thing is for sure, I don't trust the current elite to even try.


He can't return. He is rejected by the military, yellow shirt supporters, and even the most supreme force in the land whom we can't discuss, all of whom he shows no respect for. They won't let this power and greed monger return free of consequences.

Don't know why some of you guys write essays and long winded analysis on this stuff. Its simple!.... He can't return. He opens his mouth and draws way too much attention anyhow for a peaceful acceptable return.

I do not say that this is correct but if he want to return to here all he needs is for his party to win the election and then he can come and serve his sentence in a jail that would be fit for a PM. This can be same as in your county like when big mafia go to the jail they live very well and can still operate their business because all the guards are afraid of their family being hurt etc. In Thailand we have no law stating what conditions a jail cell has to be in for any person. Also law here not same your country that person in jail cannot give advice to people outside. Yes it is very possable he can return.

I understand many post here they not Understand Thailand and want it all to change like in the country they are from but all my foreigner friends tell me if it change to the way of theor country then they will not stay. They like Thailand because of it is a little crazy.

Also to ad to another peoples post I can only say like the foreighn people say that the rome was not build in the one day.

It is rare for big mafia to go to jail in my country, but when they do, they usually live as other prisoners and eventually die there. That's a good thing, and, if Thaksin returns he could set a good example by doing likewise .


He can't return. He is rejected by the military, yellow shirt supporters, and even the most supreme force in the land whom we can't discuss, all of whom he shows no respect for. They won't let this power and greed monger return free of consequences.

Don't know why some of you guys write essays and long winded analysis on this stuff. Its simple!.... He can't return. He opens his mouth and draws way too much attention anyhow for a peaceful acceptable return.

I do not say that this is correct but if he want to return to here all he needs is for his party to win the election and then he can come and serve his sentence in a jail that would be fit for a PM. This can be same as in your county like when big mafia go to the jail they live very well and can still operate their business because all the guards are afraid of their family being hurt etc. In Thailand we have no law stating what conditions a jail cell has to be in for any person. Also law here not same your country that person in jail cannot give advice to people outside. Yes it is very possable he can return.

I understand many post here they not Understand Thailand and want it all to change like in the country they are from but all my foreigner friends tell me if it change to the way of theor country then they will not stay. They like Thailand because of it is a little crazy.

Also to ad to another peoples post I can only say like the foreighn people say that the rome was not build in the one day.

I think there are several here who understand Thai Law very well. Of course he can return, but he will have to go to jail before any appeal or amnesty can be started. Once he has been convicted of a criminal offence, he is not eligible to become a Member of Parliament and, if he is not an MP, he cannot become Thai Prime Minister. This is the Thai Law.

If Peua Thai gain an outright majority (I doubt they will come close to an outright majority, but will get 35-40%) or if Peua Thai can form a governing coalition (more likely - but there aren't many signs that the current coalition will lose members, in fact quite the opposite), then they may try to change the Constitution. Make no mistake about it, this will cause civil unrest and it won't be long before the government has been toppled by street protests, judicial rulings, military action... but well and truly backed by the majority. How could the PAD get 100,000+ into Suvarnibhumi 30 months ago and only a thousand or so a couple of months back? I have a one-word answer... Thaksin.

Suthep is of course as guilty of dreaming as Thaksin if he believes the Democrats will gain an outright majority. But he is very correct - Thaksin can come back whenever he likes, but will have to go to jail.

I agree with you that a lot of people like living here because it is not as close to the West, and I agree that Abhisit's sustainable economic policies such as trying to bring everyone into the social security fund go against this. Doesn't make it a bad idea though. I also agree that Thaksin could have a very nice jail cell indeed (we have already seen the Hua Hin beach villas the Police's Thaksin-friendly CSU unit initially put the Red Shirt suspected terrorists in, at the cost of the taxpayer!). I also agree that Rome wans't built in a day, to which I'd have to point out that the only person making ANY forward steps to eliminate corruption is Abhisit, even if he has to make concessions in the meatime. Thaksin certainly had no qualms about supporting corruption, he saw it as more of an incentive payment (unless he wasn't getting any).

What I don't agree with you about is that Thaksin's return will sort out any of the problems you have brought up - corruption, drugs, economy, education. In my honest opinion, if we are to have learnt anything at all from the past, then his return will make all of these problems worse.

If you are Thai, I urge you to use your obvious intelligence in deciding whether Thaksin or Peua Thai have any practical solutions and a plan of execution in the upcoming election because, for me, only a fool would cast their vote based on unsubstantiated claims from a politician. If you are a Peua Thai member or supporter, please do your own party representatives a favour and ask them to prepare information to their constituencies of how they plan to perform all these magical acts. Frankly, I do not believe they can.


He can't return. He is rejected by the military, yellow shirt supporters, and even the most supreme force in the land whom we can't discuss, all of whom he shows no respect for. They won't let this power and greed monger return free of consequences.

Don't know why some of you guys write essays and long winded analysis on this stuff. Its simple!.... He can't return. He opens his mouth and draws way too much attention anyhow for a peaceful acceptable return.

I do not say that this is correct but if he want to return to here all he needs is for his party to win the election and then he can come and serve his sentence in a jail that would be fit for a PM. This can be same as in your county like when big mafia go to the jail they live very well and can still operate their business because all the guards are afraid of their family being hurt etc. In Thailand we have no law stating what conditions a jail cell has to be in for any person. Also law here not same your country that person in jail cannot give advice to people outside. Yes it is very possable he can return.

I understand many post here they not Understand Thailand and want it all to change like in the country they are from but all my foreigner friends tell me if it change to the way of theor country then they will not stay. They like Thailand because of it is a little crazy.

Also to ad to another peoples post I can only say like the foreighn people say that the rome was not build in the one day.

You are correct. There are many powerful leaders behind bars. I meant his return in the form of his idea: a return to being a prime minister or politician, and his idea of returning unscathed and not owning up to wrong doing, now that is nearly impossible.

I don't deny he would have a cult following of sheep from the NE still buying his lies.

I don't want/nor am I hoping thailand will change too much either. That's why we're all here! 'cause for me, home means a serious police state with many restrictions.


I don't think that you can count the entire 36.4% of PTP vorets actually being "we want Thaksin back" voters. Most would be though

No. But the point was, that those that don't vote for PTP most likely don't want Thaksin back either.

So, AT A MAXIMUM, 36.4% want Thaksin back. Certainly not a majority (not that the reds know what a majority means).

Really? So you must mean that the only possible reason someone does not vote for PTP is that they do not want Thaksin back?

And what does it say about the Democrats, then?


No, that's not what I mean.

People may have lots of reasons NOT to vote for PTP. One significant reason would be that the don't want Thaksin back. But as JD pointed out, there may be people who don't want Thaksin back, but will still vote for PTP.

IMO, if someone really wants Thaksin back, then they will vote for the PTP. Also, IMO, if someone votes PTP, then they must be OK with Thaksin coming back, because that's the PTP's main platform.

As far as the Democrats go, some people will vote for them because they are the best of a bad bunch and some will vote for them only because they don't want Thaksin back.


Just a short review of groups who will receive credit cards, grants of money, medical aid, tax cuts, fuel subsidy, wage increase, easy visa, and other freebies.


taxi drivers,

business owners

drug pushers

red shirts


noodle shop/etc.

Sounds like very few are left out of Thaksin's monetary coverage.

Wonder which water body he is going to part to lead all these limings to the promised land?


I don't think that you can count the entire 36.4% of PTP vorets actually being "we want Thaksin back" voters. Most would be though

No. But the point was, that those that don't vote for PTP most likely don't want Thaksin back either.

So, AT A MAXIMUM, 36.4% want Thaksin back. Certainly not a majority (not that the reds know what a majority means).

Really? So you must mean that the only possible reason someone does not vote for PTP is that they do not want Thaksin back?

And what does it say about the Democrats, then?


Welcome to Democracy! It's almost never about who is best, but whoever is least worst.



Just a short review of groups who will receive credit cards, grants of money, medical aid, tax cuts, fuel subsidy, wage increase, easy visa, and other freebies.


taxi drivers,

business owners

drug pushers

red shirts


noodle shop/etc.

Sounds like very few are left out of Thaksin's monetary coverage.

Wonder which water body he is going to part to lead all these limings to the promised land?

He's not going to part the waters, he's going to fill them in, ala Dubai. Thaksin Island, resort, golf, casino, shopping community coming to an eroded beach near you soon! Especially if you live on the gulf coast between Rayong and Cambodia. He got all that land cheap! As in, free! All his Isaan supporters are gonna get to carry the bricks and mix the cement to build it. The more connected ones may get to open restaurants. Trickle down economics, baby!


It seems from the recent polls that more Thais than not would like him to come back. If he does he'll have the Democrat's incompetence to thank. They were handed the reigns and then rode in circles for 2 1/2 years.

Which recent polls are those?

Noppadol Kannikar, director of Abac Poll, said the survey found that 36.4 per cent of the survey respondents would select Pheu Thai, the current opposition leader, while 34.1 per cent would tick the Democrats.

That indicates that 36.4% want Thaksin back and 63.6% don't. That's assuming that if they want Thaksin back then they support the PTP, which is a fair assumption I think.

Well not quite right in that assumption as surely any decent morally sound intelligent person including many PTP supporters can or bloody well should clearly see that Thaksin is a wanted criminal who jumped bail and is a convicted fraudster which was proved in a Thai high court AND at a time when his brother in law was PM so I do believe it was a fair and just court ruling. It is not difficult to see from his desperate and extremist actions that the man IS indeed an undesirable crook bent on only extended his personal excessive wealth. So why I say your assumptions are wrong is that although I am not a Thai and cannot vote IF I was I would support the PTP for it's more socialist peoples' policies and help bring an end to the elite ruling class controlling the majority or ordinary poor paid Thai people BUT I would want NOTHING to do with Thaksin or any of his apparently bent and corrupt cronies. I also believe that the Democrats have not done a bad job in very difficult circumstances and should be commended but I do not support their quite right wing politics as I believe in people that primarily matter and not money and the relentless toil for selfish excessive greed such as shown by Thaksin and the like.

Your figures are also correct in saying that the poll results show indeed a high majority against Thaksin coming back BUT alas in Thailand like sadly still in my home UK we have the very undemocratic First Past The Post (FPTP) system which is clearly shown in the UK to be nearly always undemocratic (e.g. Thatcher ruled with a landslide majority with about 40% or less of the votes so 60% of the voters did not want her in power and had not voted for her, same was true of Blair's Governments all baring one in which he did actually obtain a true 51+% of the votes and should have had a small majority Government (not a landslide). Thailand and the UK desperately needs a Proportional Representation (PR) system if it wants to see true consensus democracy here or at least the AV system which is a big step in the right direction and demands all elected representative attain more than 50% acceptance by their constituency voters before being elected. Stunningly AV was last week unbelievably and sadly rejected by a misguided and ill informed UK electorate. I am fed up in the UK of a string of minority elected Governments they have had over the past 50 years and I do not want Thailand to have to suffer the same way in having the majority effectively raped by the minority, and yes the FPTP system may well see the crook Thaksin return even with 60% or more of the people saying NO we do not want you back or only to serve your rightful jail term.

So come on PTP drop Thaksin and his elitist fraudster cronies and put up your own decent hard working true Thai people leaders who believe in fairness and higher standards of honesty and social justice. You may well find then you really may end up with a true majority (yes that does mean over 50% !!) support in the forthcoming elections, which incidentally really must be externally monitored or the results either way will never be accepted and with valid reasons too. PTP WITHOUT THAKSIN AND HIS CROOKED CRONIES, now there is an electable party of the true real Thai people and would I feel easily then get a good majority support. I believe folk only want Thaklsin back because they are gullible and grab his cleverly offered carrots which are clearly in true fact poisonous carrots which will bite them back very hard within a short time. Thaksin spouts socialist views but is really an elite right winger who exploits the gullible and less educated into mistakenly believing those tasty looking carrots will be good for them whereas they will only be good for Thaksin's increase of personal wealth and power. The guy is a major nasty crook and creep and I can say clearly he would without the slightest doubt never be allowed to serve in any British, or American or most European Governments, or indeed any other decent democracy in the world. I am not a supporter of any right wing Government as I believe primarily in peoples' well-being rather than monetarism, but despite that strongly held belief I would rather see the elitist run Democrats return to power than the more politically palatable neo socialist PTP if Thaksin was anywhere near the helm. Fraudsters and any crooks are a lot worse than right wingers in my book.

So come on Thailand you people need to demand an end to crooks like Thaksin in your Government and demand monitored fair elections too and then you can accept whatever the true majority will is. Only then will you be able to democratically and honourably accept the election results and positively work together for all your benefit. Lets see Thailand grow in status and credibility again. Sure I sadly know there is almost no chance of that happening here but it can if people collectively make it happen.

IMO, if someone really wants Thaksin back, then they will vote for the PTP. Also, IMO, if someone votes PTP, then they must be OK with Thaksin coming back, because that's the PTP's main platform.

Whybother -- you are leaving out the very simple fact that in many parts of the country, people vote the way they do for the payout ... or simply because the village headman says so.


I will be very happy to see him back.

This government has done nothing for us. I think that corruption is the number 1 problem here from small time street vendors right up to Government officials and Army allowing drugs to come into my country. When they let them in, they get richer. The way to stop or at least begin to stop corruptin in Thailand is to give good salaries and so people can live good life. This way there will be less chance of corruptions. When my childrens come from University they can only get low paying jobs. If children can finish University and get a good job that give them enough money to live a decent life then it will help their journy in life to take the middle path and go away from direction of corruption.

I am 50 year Thai and think government must start with:

  1. Education at International standards for ALL Thai. Not only rich. English language must be good.
  2. Good health care for ALL Thai people.
  3. Thailand MUST have good internet if we want to compete Internationally.
  4. Labor standards to be set so people can be to make good money for future
  5. Stop corruption in Thailand at the same time as raising salaries.
  6. Stop drugs here and even if people need to die. The drug dealers will know a law and if continue then they know have death penalty.
  7. Have better anf fast system set up to help victoms of disasters because it seems to happen more these days.
  8. Make peace with our neighbours even if it mean to give temple rights away in Cambodia and allow access for tourist.

I also have many foreign friend who complain about the visa rules etc so maybe if government can take the fee for visas and apply it direct to Education or war on drugs then the foreigner can feel good about where the visa money goes.

I know in the world all government have corruption but when Thaksin was our PM he did not hide it like many other governments. I can accept this. Maybe if Abhisit have more money and experience he could have done the good job but it is proved that he did not and he have his chance already.

It's good to see that 50-year-old Thais educated enough to have a perfect command of English are empassioned enough about Thai politics to conclusively put down their political thoughts on a first-ever Thavisa post along with a series of suggestions to fix Thailand's problems. Did you know that your bullet points are almost exactly Thaksin's own ideas, word for word? I can see why you would vote for him.

But, hang on, you're saying that corruption is bad, and then you're saying that Thaksin was nice and open about it. You want to get rid of corruption but want the most corrupt guy at the head of your country? That doesn't seem to make sense to me. You talk about drugs and corruption, referencing the army and government. But Thaksin oversaw this whole operation, and he didn't want to change it back then - he just wanted his share. Some might argue that he was kicked out because he wanted more than his share.

And I agree, drug dealers are the scum of the earth. They are all murderers, pimps and rapists and they all deserve to die; it's a myth that the network of drug dealing is full of victims of social circumstances. And those drug mules in particular should be subject to death by genital electrocution. But, hang on, the most recent investigation - you know, the one first shelved by Thaksin and then by the Samak administration - show that less than half of the people killed had any ties whatsoever with the drug industry. Would a collateral damage rate of 60%+ be acceptable to you in the next war on drugs?

You make a lot of interesting points in your post, much like the Quadrangled Prophet himself, but really no indication of how it's going to be executed.

Could it be that Khun Thaksin himself is posting?? he wouldnt, would he????????????

Well he does think that corruption is the number one problem.

Wait he wants Thaksin back? :whistling:



Very True,

As soon as he arrives and is escorted to prison the war on drugs will begin with the gangs of incarcerated drug dealers beating him up. Probably a group of Katoys


I will be very happy to see him back.

This government has done nothing for us. I think that corruption is the number 1 problem here from small time street vendors right up to Government officials and Army allowing drugs to come into my country. When they let them in, they get richer. The way to stop or at least begin to stop corruptin in Thailand is to give good salaries and so people can live good life. This way there will be less chance of corruptions. When my childrens come from University they can only get low paying jobs. If children can finish University and get a good job that give them enough money to live a decent life then it will help their journy in life to take the middle path and go away from direction of corruption.

I am 50 year Thai and think government must start with:

  1. Education at International standards for ALL Thai. Not only rich. English language must be good.
  2. Good health care for ALL Thai people.
  3. Thailand MUST have good internet if we want to compete Internationally.
  4. Labor standards to be set so people can be to make good money for future
  5. Stop corruption in Thailand at the same time as raising salaries.
  6. Stop drugs here and even if people need to die. The drug dealers will know a law and if continue then they know have death penalty.
  7. Have better anf fast system set up to help victoms of disasters because it seems to happen more these days.
  8. Make peace with our neighbours even if it mean to give temple rights away in Cambodia and allow access for tourist.

I also have many foreign friend who complain about the visa rules etc so maybe if government can take the fee for visas and apply it direct to Education or war on drugs then the foreigner can feel good about where the visa money goes.

I know in the world all government have corruption but when Thaksin was our PM he did not hide it like many other governments. I can accept this. Maybe if Abhisit have more money and experience he could have done the good job but it is proved that he did not and he have his chance already.

welcome newbie

just woke up today and found political awareness?

thought you would mosey along and sing the praises of thaksin on this forum?

surprised by how many people hate thaksin?

if you stick around, you will need to put on a tin hat methinks........


Exciting times will soon be upon us. :)

Mr. Thaksin's triumphant return may be quite an event. I look forward to that day, if only to watch some TVFers fall to the ground in an apoleptic state, frothing at the mouth and choking on their words. :lol:


never gonna happen.......


I will be very happy to see him back.

This government has done nothing for us. I think that corruption is the number 1 problem here from small time street vendors right up to Government officials and Army allowing drugs to come into my country. When they let them in, they get richer. The way to stop or at least begin to stop corruptin in Thailand is to give good salaries and so people can live good life. This way there will be less chance of corruptions. When my childrens come from University they can only get low paying jobs. If children can finish University and get a good job that give them enough money to live a decent life then it will help their journy in life to take the middle path and go away from direction of corruption.

I am 50 year Thai and think government must start with:

  1. Education at International standards for ALL Thai. Not only rich. English language must be good.
  2. Good health care for ALL Thai people.
  3. Thailand MUST have good internet if we want to compete Internationally.
  4. Labor standards to be set so people can be to make good money for future
  5. Stop corruption in Thailand at the same time as raising salaries.
  6. Stop drugs here and even if people need to die. The drug dealers will know a law and if continue then they know have death penalty.
  7. Have better anf fast system set up to help victoms of disasters because it seems to happen more these days.
  8. Make peace with our neighbours even if it mean to give temple rights away in Cambodia and allow access for tourist.

I also have many foreign friend who complain about the visa rules etc so maybe if government can take the fee for visas and apply it direct to Education or war on drugs then the foreigner can feel good about where the visa money goes.

I know in the world all government have corruption but when Thaksin was our PM he did not hide it like many other governments. I can accept this. Maybe if Abhisit have more money and experience he could have done the good job but it is proved that he did not and he have his chance already.

Welcome to Thai Visa and appreciate your calm and reasoned comments.

I am sure that there are many that agree with you.

Please continue to contribute.

i am equally certain many won't and that this newbie red supporter will be in the trenches very shortly..........


I will be very happy to see him back.

This government has done nothing for us. I think that corruption is the number 1 problem here from small time street vendors right up to Government officials and Army allowing drugs to come into my country. When they let them in, they get richer. The way to stop or at least begin to stop corruptin in Thailand is to give good salaries and so people can live good life. This way there will be less chance of corruptions. When my childrens come from University they can only get low paying jobs. If children can finish University and get a good job that give them enough money to live a decent life then it will help their journy in life to take the middle path and go away from direction of corruption.

I am 50 year Thai and think government must start with:

  1. Education at International standards for ALL Thai. Not only rich. English language must be good.
  2. Good health care for ALL Thai people.
  3. Thailand MUST have good internet if we want to compete Internationally.
  4. Labor standards to be set so people can be to make good money for future
  5. Stop corruption in Thailand at the same time as raising salaries.
  6. Stop drugs here and even if people need to die. The drug dealers will know a law and if continue then they know have death penalty.
  7. Have better anf fast system set up to help victoms of disasters because it seems to happen more these days.
  8. Make peace with our neighbours even if it mean to give temple rights away in Cambodia and allow access for tourist.

I also have many foreign friend who complain about the visa rules etc so maybe if government can take the fee for visas and apply it direct to Education or war on drugs then the foreigner can feel good about where the visa money goes.

I know in the world all government have corruption but when Thaksin was our PM he did not hide it like many other governments. I can accept this. Maybe if Abhisit have more money and experience he could have done the good job but it is proved that he did not and he have his chance already.

It's good to see that 50-year-old Thais educated enough to have a perfect command of English are empassioned enough about Thai politics to conclusively put down their political thoughts on a first-ever Thavisa post along with a series of suggestions to fix Thailand's problems. Did you know that your bullet points are almost exactly Thaksin's own ideas, word for word? I can see why you would vote for him.

But, hang on, you're saying that corruption is bad, and then you're saying that Thaksin was nice and open about it. You want to get rid of corruption but want the most corrupt guy at the head of your country? That doesn't seem to make sense to me. You talk about drugs and corruption, referencing the army and government. But Thaksin oversaw this whole operation, and he didn't want to change it back then - he just wanted his share. Some might argue that he was kicked out because he wanted more than his share.

And I agree, drug dealers are the scum of the earth. They are all murderers, pimps and rapists and they all deserve to die; it's a myth that the network of drug dealing is full of victims of social circumstances. And those drug mules in particular should be subject to death by genital electrocution. But, hang on, the most recent investigation - you know, the one first shelved by Thaksin and then by the Samak administration - show that less than half of the people killed had any ties whatsoever with the drug industry. Would a collateral damage rate of 60%+ be acceptable to you in the next war on drugs?

You make a lot of interesting points in your post, much like the Quadrangled Prophet himself, but really no indication of how it's going to be executed.

Could it be that Khun Thaksin himself is posting?? he wouldnt, would he????????????

no, just one of his puppets.........


I'm a farang living in Thailand an I've nothing to do with Thai politic,because I'm a guest.

But many farangs like to tell the Thai people what they have to do and how they have to do it.The same they like to do in Lybia.

Arrogant,like they also try to play the police in the rest of this world.jap.gif


Not could get sporty, but will get sporty.

As the unelected controller of a political party, a large percentage will find that unacceptable, particularly because he would obviously feel and act like he has no need of accountability..... And that will no doubt lead to violence.

The problem for Thailand is getting that obvious non-Thaksin majority focused TOGETHER, and not scatter shot across a dozen little parties, causing the appearance of a close miss or close minority win for PTP.

About the only thing that can save Thailand from the coming conflagration surrounding Thaksin is, for a resounding electoral repudiation of PTP to take place. But with Thai sensibilities, and the multi-party system as it is presently voted, this is impossible.

The only FAIR way to get as straight up and down vote is the double election.

1st round:

All parties vote and run against each other free for all.

2nd Round:

If no party gets 50.000000001% of round one, then the top 2 vote getting parties have a run off election, and THEN we can REALLY see the true thoughts of the entire electorate vs the two visions in place.

All the rest of the little power broker and niche concept parties are now done with till next time, but we CAN find out how TWO MAIN platforms perform against each other.

Of course the little powerbroker parties will fight this kind of electoral change tooth and nail, because it prevents them from having leverage in Coalition Governments, and the inherent corruption this leverage brings...

Which is the 2nd half of the point.

so ... with a coalition government you in theory get a larger percentage of voter's real wishes brought to light, but in the winner takes all ....?

This isn't a presidential system and the coalition style, as prone to abuse as it is, fits the parliamentary system well.


Its better the devil you know than the devil you dont, what do you think. Well i think the country was much better off with Thaksin.

Even if he was taken a little bit here and there at least he looked after the poor folks out there a little more thats for sure.

Just because Abisit appears nicer and speaks a little better dosent make him more honest, he was propped up and put in place by the military

after the reds won a fare election please dont forget.

Best thing for this country is for the military to take a back seat the goverment must have control over them this is the way a democratic system works the people must have the choice.

Lets see what the elections brings anyhow most of my thai friends i have talked to are not to fussed about voting at all which is a shame but when the military control the outcome who can blame them.

Peace out


Maybe Thaksin thinks that the Pheu Thai will win the elections.

He will be welcomed back with open arms.

He is a convicted criminal.

Let the police put him in jail.

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