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Thailand KFC Faces Employee Lawsuit For Unfair Practices


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I spent a few years of the last ten in Thailand, and it was always with some sadness that I saw the expansion of KFC and its branches. The growth of food corporations and the subsequent elimination of small private businesses is something the government should take a close look at. Is it really for the best for society?

But the average family round my way don't have the cash to gorge on KFC or the like so it's still grilled chicken and sticky rice from the local bloke with the cut in half oil drum brazier.

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Fast food jobs are typically for teenagers, after school workers, The 1st job of a young adult. It is not the type of job you take to support a family of 5. Fast food workers do not have to think, all of that has been done for you. "Forced to eat noodles? wasn't that your primary diet from birth to date?"

When I was teen I had worked for as little as $1 - $2 PER DAY you are crying about $1 per hour. Who is forcing you to work there?

and you would like to work in a job paying 27B/hr now? and you say this is alright......

take a good look at the annual profit the company has ..heap then

can't ya still see it?

they treated their employees badly ....... IMHO

Why should a rock retain an engineers salary? Why should a kid off the street expect profit share of something they had no hand in building or up keeping? If you expect large salary contribute something to world worth while instead of waiting for a hand out. Bust your ass and work into a higher postition such as 1.regional director. 2."Would you like fries with that?" is not a life or death decision maker. Cleaning the freaking tables and carring out the trash is 3.not rocket science, these are low level and entry level positions, work for what you get and make a difference and the large salaries will come, until then 4.shut up and eat your noodles.

1.How many of them can get promoted as a "regional manager" unless they are from those countries in the west with Masters or Doctorates + fluent in English both spoken and written. (the reality)

these kids are in the kitchen all the time there is not time to master their management and English skill. the chance is "0".

2.Honestly, I don't eat fries especially form KFC.

3.cleaning is simple and for non-skilled , correct. And then you don't expect them to have enough for the living, improve the quality of life? Do you like them entering the sex industry, mafias,pimps, jetski scam idio****ts, crooked taxi drivers and so on? please sense it then.

4. I guess they remain silent only 3 of them are suing KFC for unfair treatments.

or you mean they are lucky enough to have free fried chickens from the unsold....... which most of the Thais can't afford to buy.

BTW,yours is being rejected...........

Edited by dunkin2012
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a college degree get the average salary of 8,000B


Starting salary of 15,000 baht for entry level management is the norm. Around 8000-9000 baht monthly 6 days a week for kitchen. Social is paid on every employee according to Thai law. Dont know where your numbers come from but in reality these are the figures.jap.gif

Entry level PR assistant pay at 5 star hotel for Chulalongkorn graduate who was 2nd in class was 12,000 baht a month. My wife hired him. Human resources set the salary. When I taught conversation for the Thai Royal Air Force starting salary for college graduate was 9,000 baht. A little better salary in the private sector. By the way, as a teenager i worked in several fast food restaurants and it was hard work! Not the massive number of employees as in restaurants here. We had to do everything including cooking, taking orders, cleaning, etc. I believe 4 employees total which included the manager. A fast food restaurant in Thailand would have 15 employees for the same size. Maybe cutting down on the number of employees could allow an increase in pay?

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Fast food jobs are typically for teenagers, after school workers, The 1st job of a young adult. It is not the type of job you take to support a family of 5. Fast food workers do not have to think, all of that has been done for you. "Forced to eat noodles? wasn't that your primary diet from birth to date?"

When I was teen I had worked for as little as $1 - $2 PER DAY you are crying about $1 per hour. Who is forcing you to work there?

and you would like to work in a job paying 27B/hr now? and you say this is alright......

take a good look at the annual profit the company has ..heap then

can't ya still see it?

they treated their employees badly ....... IMHO

Why should a rock retain an engineers salary? Why should a kid off the street expect profit share of something they had no hand in building or up keeping? If you expect large salary contribute something to world worth while instead of waiting for a hand out. Bust your ass and work into a higher postition such as regional director. "Would you like fries with that?" is not a life or death decision maker. Cleaning the freaking tables and carring out the trash is not rocket science, these are low level and entry level positions, work for what you get and make a difference and the large salaries will come, until then shut up and eat your noodles.

It has nothing to do with rocket science, these girls work their but of, no matter what they do, carrying trash out or service some ignorant customer, I say that company is using those people and should be made to pay proper salaries.

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I think corporations(which are more like monopolies now) should be spreading the wealth. They are the reasons the world is in such a dilemma to begin with. Criminals allowed to operate as if they are respectable citizens making an honest living. Nauseating. Share the wealth to benefit the people and the world or be crushed out of economic existence.

YEA. Just like the oil companies. And the US continues giving them tax breaks etc.

Ya know the wages hospitals here pay their help? You might be surprised. And they DEMAND the individual work overtime.

LOL just reminded me of something my wife told me recently: Her best friend works for the Thai govt. Her boss told her she must loose some weight. LOL She weighs a whooping 57 K and is average height. Now how a/b that????? Oh and how a/b job openings that say: don't bother to apply "ladies" if you are not beautiful or over 30??????? This is Thailand alright. Some call it amazing????? But I don't.

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That's hilarious !!!

If my daughter worked far away oprions

-pick her up

-buy her transport

- get her working close to home!

I certainly will nor be living in some delusion that a company should be paying for her

I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

Boy O boy, I would like to see your comment if it would concern your daughters or sons working there, how would you like to see your daughter catching a TUK TUK at one in the morning, wake up man.

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Minimum wahe in Bkk since April 2009 is 220 baht per day. As per working hours read the following:

Working Hours and Leave

The maximum number of working hours of employees is fixed at eight hours a day

and 48 hours a week in total. In some types of works, as stipulated by law, the

employer and the employee may agree to arrange the period of working hours but the

working hours in any case must not exceed 48 hours a week. In establishments in

which the work is deemed injurious to health or personal safety, as stipulated by law,

working hours must not exceed seven hours a day and 42 hours a week in total.

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Fast food jobs are typically for teenagers, after school workers, The 1st job of a young adult. It is not the type of job you take to support a family of 5. Fast food workers do not have to think, all of that has been done for you. "Forced to eat noodles? wasn't that your primary diet from birth to date?"

When I was teen I had worked for as little as $1 - $2 PER DAY you are crying about $1 per hour. Who is forcing you to work there?

and you would like to work in a job paying 27B/hr now? and you say this is alright......

take a good look at the annual profit the company has ..heap then

can't ya still see it?

they treated their employees badly ....... IMHO

Why should a rock retain an engineers salary? Why should a kid off the street expect profit share of something they had no hand in building or up keeping? If you expect large salary contribute something to world worth while instead of waiting for a hand out. Bust your ass and work into a higher postition such as 1.regional director. 2."Would you like fries with that?" is not a life or death decision maker. Cleaning the freaking tables and carring out the trash is 3.not rocket science, these are low level and entry level positions, work for what you get and make a difference and the large salaries will come, until then 4.shut up and eat your noodles.

1.How many of them can get promoted as a "regional manager" unless they are from those countries in the west with Masters or Doctorates + fluent in English both spoken and written. (the reality)

these kids are in the kitchen all the time there is not time to master their management and English skill. the chance is "0".

2.Honestly, I don't eat fries especially form KFC.

3.cleaning is simple and for non-skilled , correct. And then you don't expect them to have enough for the living, improve the quality of life? Do you like them entering the sex industry, mafias,pimps, jetski scam idio****ts, crooked taxi drivers and so on? please sense it then.

4. I guess they remain silent only 3 of them are suing KFC for unfair treatments.

Yes "regional managers" require the ability to read and write, how dare those big corps require such skill sets, shame on them.

Where did you work as a teen? Fast food is a job before the job. 5200 baht per month - how much is salary at the local rice paddy? What is the going rate for non skilled labor? Lawn care, gardening? Plastic bottle collection? 6000 baht per month? how much are soups bought on the street daily? with drink 40 baht? 40 baht per day saving employees per day 5200 baht plus monthly free food would place their salary at about 6300 baht per month. If I was KFC I would up the wages to 6,000 baht and take away all food eating privilages.

Don't expect them to have enough for living? they are teens still living at home... As I said fast food is not a job to take to support a family of 5

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"Why should a rock retain an engineers salary? Why should a kid off the street expect profit share of something they had no hand in building or up keeping? If you expect large salary contribute something to world worth while instead of waiting for a hand out."

Don't know where you came up with rocks and street kids. Oh, wait; yes I do it is the flippant daily comments from the like of Fox "news" When you don't have something intelligent to say about a topic resort to the most extreme example you can find. That's what comedians do except it's not funny when talking about serious issues.

Why didn't you just say "let them eat cake" the meaning is the same and the result that gets precipitated will also be the same.

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Minimum salary is for 8 hours work a day, inclusive 1 free meal.

So those who wrote something else is WRONG !

No where in Thai labour laws does it state that an employer must provide a meal to an employee. (maybe you were referring to a meal break??)

Where do these people come from? 27 baht/hour is disgusting.

While I agree with you on the 27 bht an hour thing you must realise there is another side of the story which most tend to overlook.

The Thai minimum wage is set by Thai government based primarily on Thai businesses, cost of living, etc. (Not on the min wage KFC would like to pay).

I too run a business here and believe the min wage is not enough for unskilled wage earners to enjoy a decent life, so we have always paid above min wages (albeit not western salaries).

A couple of years ago, however, I was approached by someone in the govt sector (representing some local Thai businesses around me) who asked me to reduce what I paid or at the very least hold of on increases.

I was taken back at first but after a lengthy discussion realised that I was in effect putting these locals out of business as they could not pay similar wages and quite a few of their staff had left to work with me for obvious reasons.

I made the decision to maintain my gap above min wage but provided other benefits as in: meal, travel allowance, shift allowance, sports fields, etc.

End of the day we must remember that we do business in Thailand and the generosity that sometimes we would like to show can have a more negative impact on the businesses and lives of the Thais around us.

We need to look at both sides of the coin before jumping to conclusions. I am not sticking up for KFC by any means (I do not eat there as they are too expensive considering the rubbish they sell) but I do not think they have done anything wrong by offering jobs at minimum wage.

The franchises would be Thai owned and I think you will find that they would be seeing the majority of the profits with a 'fee' going overseas.

Even more positive are the 2 groups running for the next govt with promises of 25% increases in min wage and a 300 baht min wage. Although the Dems approach to increasing min wage and reducing company taxes to offset is a far more balanced approach.

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a college degree get the average salary of 8,000B


Starting salary of 15,000 baht for entry level management is the norm. Around 8000-9000 baht monthly 6 days a week for kitchen. Social is paid on every employee according to Thai law. Dont know where your numbers come from but in reality these are the figures.jap.gif

Entry level PR assistant pay at 5 star hotel for Chulalongkorn graduate who was 2nd in class was 12,000 baht a month. My wife hired him. Human resources set the salary. When I taught conversation for the Thai Royal Air Force starting salary for college graduate was 9,000 baht. A little better salary in the private sector. By the way, as a teenager i worked in several fast food restaurants and it was hard work! Not the massive number of employees as in restaurants here. We had to do everything including cooking, taking orders, cleaning, etc. I believe 4 employees total which included the manager. A fast food restaurant in Thailand would have 15 employees for the same size. Maybe cutting down on the number of employees could allow an increase in pay?

Thai Royal Air Force I understand the poor salary with government and all but what about the hotel, Thai as well? .Our company pays what i stated previously (Foreign) with the run of the mill bachelors degree. Degree must be in accounting or business though. Difficult to get good people with this salary as well.

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"Why should a rock retain an engineers salary? Why should a kid off the street expect profit share of something they had no hand in building or up keeping? If you expect large salary contribute something to world worth while instead of waiting for a hand out."

Don't know where you came up with rocks and street kids. Oh, wait; yes I do it is the flippant daily comments from the like of Fox "news" When you don't have something intelligent to say about a topic resort to the most extreme example you can find. That's what comedians do except it's not funny when talking about serious issues.

Why didn't you just say "let them eat cake" the meaning is the same and the result that gets precipitated will also be the same.

Simple, it is what it is, if a moron takes a no skill job why bitch when you are not earning a VP salary? If you have a family to support why take an entry level position? Why do kids think today that flipping a burger is super high tech and should pay like an IT position. It is < snip > like you that can not distinguish between management and common labor. Yes some of these corps see large profits and well deserved, it allows them to open more and offer more jobs for the lesser educated such as yourself, unless of you enjoy the rice paddy.

Edited by metisdead
Flame removed.
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Capitalism at its worst.

The salaries and conditions suck, but the employees are probably still dong better than they would at most Thai restaurants or businesses. :huh:

Nah 7k is the normal salary in a restaurant and free food(better than KFC)

Even at central today i saw 7000 for pizza company and some nice soup restaurant. It also said something about benefits in thai and a 500baht bonus

You may want to go back and check again, but this time take someone Thai speaking with you.

Ok so advertising at 7000 means they offer really 5000 right?

Im white so that is why my restaurant we offer 7000 and pay 7000 ?

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'robert00' timestamp='1305010931' post='4413879']

'Deez' timestamp='1305008404' post='4413797']

'CobraSnakeNecktie' timestamp='1304990983' post='4412977']

sounds more like a profit shakedown.

hey if they don't like working there then vote with your feet.

When I was in high school I worked in a McD's. They had a policy of only giving a small sandwich per employee per shift. We ate like kings though. How can you prevent an employee from sneaking food? making them wear a locked muzzle maybe.

Not the healthiest food though...

Ate like kings? At Mcdonalds? Umm OK. Congrats. And proud to be a thief too. You parents must be so proud

I for one never ever stepped into a McDonald or any of the other fast food businesses, they use the fattest and cheapest meat's

only have to look at those countries were those businesses are. More and more fat people, look at Thailand, China etc. etc.

years ago one would only see nice slim ladies, today 40% are looking like Buffalo's, sorry but that is fact.

So , in a manner of speaking you are in agreance with the KFC policy of minimum wages , this will ensure their employees will remain slim(skinney) because they are not able to purchase that which will induce a propensity to fat accumulation .

One point , sloth is a good aid to obesity , something many Americans can testify to .

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Price of KFC in Bangkok about 130 baht

Price is KFC in New Zealand 140 Baht

Wages for staff in New Zealand $13 hour = 290 baht an hour

Wages for staff in Bangkok 27 baht an hour

KFC, restaurant brands in New Zealand still make a profit when they pay 10 times more in wages than thailand and charge the same price

Also the chicken is no doubt sourced cheaper here too

I am a capitalist but when I see the disgusting super profits these businessmen make while paying their staff nothing so they can buy their latest merc to show their friends

it makes me want to be a socialist

Same goes for McD.

As long as their is cheap supply of labour in Thailand the chinese will continue to make massive profits

I couldn't agree with you more. And so much of this is fueled from the top down by the corporate "leadership" concerned with nothing more than profits equating to stock options and bonuses to pad their salaries. This must somehow be changed. It is simply placing profits ahead of human dignity and survival - gee what a suprise.

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1.Yes "regional managers" require the ability to read and write, how dare those big corps require such skill sets, shame on them.

Where did you work as a teen? Fast food is a job before the job. 5200 baht per month - how much is salary at 2.the local rice paddy? What is the going rate for non skilled labor? Lawn care, gardening? Plastic bottle collection? 6000 baht per month? how much are soups bought on the street daily? with drink 40 baht? 3. 40 baht per day saving employees per day 5200 baht plus monthly free food would place their salary at about 6300 baht per month. If I was KFC I would up the wages to 6,000 baht and take away all food eating privilages.

Don't expect them to have enough for living? they are teens still living at home... As I said fast food 4.is not a job to take to support a family of 5

1.this is an international firm with $ Millions of investment. so what do ya expect? here is a part of the job descriptions have excellent communication skills, both written and verbal

2.on the street wheel shops? ain't have any idea dude..

3.will they have food once a day? my calculation - 40x3 = 120 then 120 x 30 = 3600/M

4.nothing to say for a job before another job then

next time give me just the summary that will be OK dude.

Edited by dunkin2012
Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.
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I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

wow ... impressively inhuman .... somewhere I PITY YOU FOR BEING SO COLD HEARTED.

+ 1

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I can't believe the comments suggesting that these employees don't have a legitimate complaint or that they are just trying to cause trouble. How does anyone live for a month on 5,200 baht in Bangkok. Typical of some expats who seem to think that the local population has some magical way of making 5,000 baht into a fortune in Thailand. It isn't. It's a little above slave labor. True it may be the official rate but it raises the broader of the right of Thai workers to demand better wages. I suggest those posters who criticize their actions take it upon themselves to live on 5,200 baht a month. Don't expect any of them will but they still complain that workers are lazy and paid to much. Seriously who's going to work hard for that sort of cash?

Well Said!

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Had to "Force" them to eat instant noodles? I call BS!dry.gif

Let me help you grasp this translation, forced as in all they can afford. Instant noodles are inexpensive. No one held a gun to an employee's head. figurative not literal.

Let me help you grasp this as well.( Without the condescending bull shit) They applied for this job. KFC did not force them to work there. KFC did not hunt them down and say you must work for this amount of money. I have worked in the restaurant biz all over the world for 25 years and every one gets a meal and there are no leftovers. Dont like it get out! Dont apply and then whine about the farang making so much money or the Chinese, holy cow. Its every bodies fault but the staffs. They are being trained in an entry level position and are younger Thais. This is job is designed for uneducated people to get a job and have pocket money. It is not designed to raise a family. Staff wanting a payout from the man, no doubt. Ever wonder why it takes five times the amount of staff here than any where else. Maybe that's why pay is so little because staff is so week. Employee meals are a bonus unless written into the work contract which probably is because the Thai government makes it so. Ever try to fire a bad Thai employee? Even with due cause you have to pay them for 2 months salary. They steal from you and you fire them , You have to pay as they run to the employment office and cry about being fired and "no one told them they weren't supposed to steal"!. The government and my lawyers tell me i still must pay!" Farang never win in emlpoyee termination hearing"! It has happened many, many times. The cost of employee theft is exorbitant as well. There are many out side jobs that they can consider that dont have air con and the such. Pay is less as well.To say they are not happy with their work environment, hand me a tissueviolin.gif

If you give them 2 written warnings you do not have to pay.

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What can I say............I have eaten my last KFC in Thailand until these Manager/Advocates have been reinstated and the workers receive proper wages and conditions. Do I hear Thaksin advocating for Unions and Workers Rights. It will be interesting to hear what those who support Thaksin tell us what he will do to redress this gross malpractice while taking huge amounts of money out of the Thai economy to China. Thank you to all those who have enlightened me about Wages and Conditions in Thailand.

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I can't believe the comments suggesting that these employees don't have a legitimate complaint or that they are just trying to cause trouble. How does anyone live for a month on 5,200 baht in Bangkok. Typical of some expats who seem to think that the local population has some magical way of making 5,000 baht into a fortune in Thailand. It isn't. It's a little above slave labor. True it may be the official rate but it raises the broader of the right of Thai workers to demand better wages. I suggest those posters who criticize their actions take it upon themselves to live on 5,200 baht a month. Don't expect any of them will but they still complain that workers are lazy and paid to much. Seriously who's going to work hard for that sort of cash?

Well Said!

More than agree!!!!

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I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

Yeah, to hell with those people who rock the boat... 5,200 baht per month is plenty of money. How dare they ask the company to pay them a liveable wage? I am sure most of KFC's supporters on the forums here live on even less.

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I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

wow ... impressively inhuman .... somewhere I PITY YOU FOR BEING SO COLD HEARTED.

What is cold hearted? this is nothing but normal regular wage and life in Thailand. You want cold hearted, see what salary Burmese get working in Thailand. 5000 baht per month for 12-14 hour days, 7 days per week.

KFC being paid normal minimum wage, just like KFC pays in any other country in the world.

If minimum wage in Thailand is 27 baht, this is what they get. If minimum wage in Oz $6 this is what they get there.

Yes KFC prices are almost the same as in the West, but thats business!

Also keep in mind that while in the West they need 5 people per shift, in Thailand they have 25.

PS. I do not need pity, better save your pity for the animals in Thailand

Australian minimum wage is $15.00 an hour

if worker is causal then times that by 1.25

still very poor wages for anyone that lives here

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Yes KFC prices are almost the same as in the West, but thats business!

No, that's savage capitalism as we described earlier. The obscene gap between western income (KFC prices) and Asian expenses (Thai worker's salaries). The gap between the Bangkok elite and the poor student or upcountry migrant who slaves away in their businesses is getting wider every day. Another reason (among many) for the current social unrest.

One of my former students slaving away at comparable wages, got word last January that there would be no annual bonus this year. The boss drove up in his new Mercedes that day to announce it. The seething workers call his new vehicle, under their breaths, "The Bonus Mercedes." The pot boils ever so more violently with each passing year.

Edited by Fookhaht
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I fully support the workers cause. I wish the standard of pay and treatment in countries like this would get higher, and these kind of small "union" actions are a good start.

To let you guys in on a little secret, I mean you there on your high important horses:

People don't choose to be born poor and uneducated.

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Yeah, to hell with those people who rock the boat... 5,200 baht per month is plenty of money. How dare they ask the company to pay them a liveable wage? I am sure most of KFC's supporters on the forums here live on even less.

So , in a manner of speaking you are in agreance with the KFC policy of minimum wages , this will ensure their employees will remain slim(skinney) because they are not able to purchase that which will induce a propensity to fat accumulation .

One point , sloth is a good aid to obesity , something many Americans can testify to .


haha............. Amused !!!!


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Yes KFC prices are almost the same as in the West, but thats business!

No, that's savage capitalism as we described earlier. The obscene gap between western income (KFC prices) and Asian expenses (Thai worker's salaries). The gap between the Bangkok elite and the poor student or upcountry migrant who slaves away in their businesses is getting wider every day. Another reason (among many) for the current social unrest.

As most of the posters here are farangs who still does not understand why the thais complain, your words will have no effect.

Unfortunatly most of them are also the ones who were poor in their country and came here to live a better life and become part of the wealthy people.

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Don´t forget to use the TIP-BOX next time you visit KFC:-)

I would if I knew for certain it was going to the employees especially not the management level..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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WELL SAID,, if the thais was not in such a BIG RUSH TO BE LIKE SOME WESTERN COUNTRY'S they would appreciate the Extra Monies to help their families... but their a greatest GREED level is at the very bottom of the economic latter.. I call it BAR GIRL FEVER.. a lot of people think the west is SO rich... they dint realize KFC in USA is designed for High School and college Kid living at home with parents..Thais think of it as a High paying Fortune 500 company...LOL.. all they want is a NEW Home an a Stupid Foreigner to buy it.. CASE CLOSE!!

I know the "Case" was "Close", but I feel compelled to contribute... "Extra Monies to help their families" ? This isn't extra "monies", this is the main income. Hmmm, now why would the people at the bottom of the economic ladder be the most "greedy"? Funny how hunger, living in a hovel and constant fear over the future can make people want more money - how incredibly greedy of them - makes my blood boil just thinking of it. The rich people here aren't greedy at all of course... the avarice of a man with four Mercedes in his driveway is nothing compared to those who want to make 7,000 baht a month instead of 5,000.

I am inclined to think that anyone who would call this desire to make a decent living "BAR GIRL FEVER" has probably gathered most of their insights into Thai people by hanging out in bars full of prostitutes (of course, I'm just guessing). I'm not sure this is the best setting in which to come to firm conclusions on the mass psychology of Thailand's working classes. It also, I would venture, doesn't help one's English language skills or punctuation either. Further, I would suggest that it isn't the girls who suffer from "BAR GIRL FEVER".

Oh yes, and KFC is a Fortune 500 company. From their own website:

"KFC is part of Yum! Brands, Inc., the world's largest restaurant company in terms of system restaurants, with more than 36,000 locations around the world. The company is ranked #239 on the Fortune 500 List, with revenues in excess of $11 billion in 2008."

Edited by zthyadat
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