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Thailand KFC Faces Employee Lawsuit For Unfair Practices

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KFC is not to be blamed. These two should complain about the Thai government. Thailand's minimum wage is about 180B/day for a 10 hour work day. KFC is paying above the minimum wage. Everyone who is converting their salaries into USD and finding it unfair should look around and compare these salaries to all other fastfood outlets. These workers make more than they would working in most other places. I doubt McD, PizzaHut, or Subway is paying any different than KFC.

I do agree with Kuffki, these two are trying to take advantage of KFC and make a quick buck.

Where do you get your information ? the normal work day is 8 hours. Working over 8 hours would be 2 hours overtime at time and a half pay.

Two 15 minute breaks and a thirty minute lunch i believe. This makes 9 hours.

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"You seem to have fallen a long way if you are now reduced to having petty arguments on an internet forum"

That, my friend is the smartest thing I've read all month!


KFC is not to be blamed. These two should complain about the Thai government. Thailand's minimum wage is about 180B/day for a 10 hour work day. KFC is paying above the minimum wage. Everyone who is converting their salaries into USD and finding it unfair should look around and compare these salaries to all other fastfood outlets. These workers make more than they would working in most other places. I doubt McD, PizzaHut, or Subway is paying any different than KFC.

I do agree with Kuffki, these two are trying to take advantage of KFC and make a quick buck.

Where do you get your information ? the normal work day is 8 hours. Working over 8 hours would be 2 hours overtime at time and a half pay.

Two 15 minute breaks and a thirty minute lunch i believe. This makes 9 hours.

I just thought it normal that the 15 minute breaks were on 'company time'. I guess not.


Some people just don't get it.

I'm going to boycott KFC and let them know that I support the IDEA of employees who have taken this risk to try to get the company to negotiate,

So you're going to deprive yourself of KFC to make a point?

Are you serious?

Do you really think anyone is listening?

How naive can a person be?

I never eat KFC because I don't like it. At least that a good reason not to eat it.:)


Some people just don't get it.

I'm going to boycott KFC and let them know that I support the IDEA of employees who have taken this risk to try to get the company to negotiate,


me too


"Do you really think anyone is listening?"

Don't matter who's listening because I'm not doing it for them I'm doing it for me.

We do what we can for our own reasons. I have never purchased anything from Exxon Corp since the Exxon Valdez, I'm pretty sure they haven't noticed.

Boycotts got Glen Beck kicked off Fox (not that I agree) boycotts ended Apartheid and the bus boycott in Alabama (Rosa Parks) changed America for the better and on and on....good people do what they can to support the cause they believe in.


What are your feelings when company starts to loose money and fires people?

And what are your feelings for people who invested money and are not getting the returns?

To start with what company charges is not yours "we" business . You do not like the price, you do not buy.

Today I paid 99 baht for burger meal with chips and drink, what's western price again ? 200-250 baht??

I do not like the price I do not buy. I don't and I don't. That doesn't stop me having empathy for people being on minimum wage whilst the company charges over the odds compared to franchises in western countries.

I had a look today at the KFC at the train station and it depends what type of burger etc you order. I asked the young lady behind the counter and she told me the prices for meal deals can change daily. At that time they had just the simple chicken burger, regular chips, can of drink for $3.95. I think that is about 130 or 140 baht depending on the exchange.


Boycotts got Glen Beck kicked off Fox

He is not "thrown off". He is going to continue doing specials for them when his daily show ends.

If they did fire him from the daily one, it was because his ratings are way down,


"Do you really think anyone is listening?"

Don't matter who's listening because I'm not doing it for them I'm doing it for me.

So in fact you're a very selfish individual only concerned about your elevated cholesterol levels.:D

KFC goes broke - many people suffer - suppliers, investors, employees etc. At least they won't have to eat noodles and fried chicken for lunch.


Boycotts got Glen Beck kicked off Fox

He is not "thrown off". He is going to continue doing specials for them when his daily show ends.

If they did fire him from the daily one, it was because his ratings are way down,

Actually, you are half right. According to reports quoting network execs, Beck's antics have made him persona non grata over the last year or so. However, if his ratings were still high, analysts think he would have been kept on. Couple all his mistakes and unique directions (and tears), which have upset lots of folks, with his sinking ratings, and he was "fired," to quote an un-named exec.

I don't watch Beck, so when I read all of this, it came as a surprise to me. I never knew there was an inhouse issue with him.

A boycott of KFC here in Thailand is another issue, but I sincerely doubt that it can gain any traction, nor would it even really affect the company. I love me my weekly Zinger, and I sure ain't gonna boycott!


If you propose that people boycott KFC (presumably for poor staff working remuneration/conditions), who else should you boycott ?

Boycott your local go-go bar ?

Boycott the thousands of Thai businesses that have ridden rough-shod over workers rights ?


"What are your feelings when company starts to loose money and fires people?

And what are your feelings for people who invested money and are not getting the returns?"

You just don't get, do you? If these folks or a boycotte do bring pressure on KFC it will be to NEGOTIATE in good faith. KFC is not stupid. They will do what is in the best interest of the company. No one is talking about killing KFC except maybe kuffki. Unfortunately they will more than likely find a way out that does not include negotiating. Likely the 250 people who signed the petition are on the way out as well because that is the nature of the global economy.

"He is not "thrown off". He is going to continue doing specials for them when his daily show ends.

If they did fire him from the daily one, it was because his ratings are way down"

Spin it any way you want, he's gone and you won't see him on air again.

"So in fact you're a very selfish individual only concerned about your elevated cholesterol levels"

I said I would boycott KFC in support of the employees who are taking a big risk to try for better working conditions.


"What are your feelings when company starts to loose money and fires people?

And what are your feelings for people who invested money and are not getting the returns?"

You just don't get, do you? If these folks or a boycotte do bring pressure on KFC it will be to NEGOTIATE in good faith. KFC is not stupid. They will do what is in the best interest of the company. No one is talking about killing KFC except maybe kuffki. Unfortunately they will more than likely find a way out that does not include negotiating. Likely the 250 people who signed the petition are on the way out as well because that is the nature of the global economy.

"He is not "thrown off". He is going to continue doing specials for them when his daily show ends.

If they did fire him from the daily one, it was because his ratings are way down"

Spin it any way you want, he's gone and you won't see him on air again.

"So in fact you're a very selfish individual only concerned about your elevated cholesterol levels"

I said I would boycott KFC in support of the employees who are taking a big risk to try for better working conditions.

Conditions are good compared to the chicken and fish factories-not to mention the kids in garment making places, these are the real places all people in Thailand should get sorted first. But everyone has a right to put an argument forward to your company.


Boycott all of the places that not belong in our country! take your chicken back to Kentucky ! I wander do any KFC employees know that you are arguing about?

The chicken probably comes from Saraburi or Saha Farms !


Boycott all of the places that not belong in our country! take your chicken back to Kentucky ! I wander do any KFC employees know that you are arguing about?

I suggest you campaign to your fellow countrymen. It's the Thai customers which keep KFC in business. I'm pretty sure most franchises are Thai owned.


"So in fact you're a very selfish individual only concerned about your elevated cholesterol levels"

I said I would boycott KFC in support of the employees who are taking a big risk to try for better working conditions.

I know you said that, but all you'll be achieving is depriving your body of KFC, which is a good thing (for your health).


What are your feelings when company starts to loose money and fires people?

And what are your feelings for people who invested money and are not getting the returns?

To start with what company charges is not yours "we" business . You do not like the price, you do not buy.

Today I paid 99 baht for burger meal with chips and drink, what's western price again ? 200-250 baht??

I do not like the price I do not buy. I don't and I don't. That doesn't stop me having empathy for people being on minimum wage whilst the company charges over the odds compared to franchises in western countries.

I had a look today at the KFC at the train station and it depends what type of burger etc you order. I asked the young lady behind the counter and she told me the prices for meal deals can change daily. At that time they had just the simple chicken burger, regular chips, can of drink for $3.95. I think that is about 130 or 140 baht depending on the exchange.

If that happens then my feelings are that management are incompetent and should have treated their staff better, as the KFC website says it is doing by offering bonuses and incentives to all staff.

It won't be the end of the world if KFC in Thailand no longer has a few outlets. Investors should be aware of the issues and I would not consider investing in a company that allowed staff to be treated like they are in Thailand. Investing is a risk and if the investors know about the issues and continue to invest and it goes all wrong then it's their own fault.


And we are back to square 1, circles in circles we go again.

They are not treated in any special bad way, if anything better then 50% of other thai business.

The sooner you realize that the better it would be!

What are your feelings when company starts to loose money and fires people?

And what are your feelings for people who invested money and are not getting the returns?

To start with what company charges is not yours "we" business . You do not like the price, you do not buy.

Today I paid 99 baht for burger meal with chips and drink, what's western price again ? 200-250 baht??

I do not like the price I do not buy. I don't and I don't. That doesn't stop me having empathy for people being on minimum wage whilst the company charges over the odds compared to franchises in western countries.

I had a look today at the KFC at the train station and it depends what type of burger etc you order. I asked the young lady behind the counter and she told me the prices for meal deals can change daily. At that time they had just the simple chicken burger, regular chips, can of drink for $3.95. I think that is about 130 or 140 baht depending on the exchange.

If that happens then my feelings are that management are incompetent and should have treated their staff better, as the KFC website says it is doing by offering bonuses and incentives to all staff.

It won't be the end of the world if KFC in Thailand no longer has a few outlets. Investors should be aware of the issues and I would not consider investing in a company that allowed staff to be treated like they are in Thailand. Investing is a risk and if the investors know about the issues and continue to invest and it goes all wrong then it's their own fault.


Boycott all of the places that not belong in our country! take your chicken back to Kentucky ! I wander do any KFC employees know that you are arguing about?

VIVA LA CHICKEN!biggrin.gif


And we are back to square 1, circles in circles we go again.

They are not treated in any special bad way, if anything better then 50% of other thai business.

The sooner you realize that the better it would be!

KFC is a global franchise and all are supposed to be treated equally, according to the law of the land. You alluded to that earlier.

KFC Thailand staff are not treated the same as KFC in other countries. I have pointed that out ie: KFC in oz pays over minimum wage, KFC Thailand does not. Therefore, employees in KFC Thailand do not receive the same consideration, bonuses, benefits.

The sooner you realise this has nothing to do with what other employees in Thailand receive the better it would be.


And we are back to square 1, circles in circles we go again.

They are not treated in any special bad way, if anything better then 50% of other thai business.

The sooner you realize that the better it would be!

KFC is a global franchise and all are supposed to be treated equally, according to the law of the land. You alluded to that earlier.

KFC Thailand staff are not treated the same as KFC in other countries. I have pointed that out ie: KFC in oz pays over minimum wage, KFC Thailand does not. Therefore, employees in KFC Thailand do not receive the same consideration, bonuses, benefits.

The sooner you realise this has nothing to do with what other employees in Thailand receive the better it would be.

KFC Thailand staff are treated according to Thailand labor Law.

KFC Australia staff are treated according to Australian labor Law

The sooner you realize that and stop trying to change the country where you DO NOT even reside, but come for an occasional holiday, the better it will be.

Following your logic, if in country A the law is to whip staff, so country B should be doing the same because its a franchise? Thats just simply insane!

You pointed out many things, just keep failing to note what has been pointed to you.

KFC OZ pays 1% above the minimum wage, so please stop trying to prove they "take care"

KFC Thailand, also pays above the minimum wage, by about as much

KFC Oz employees in OZ can not afford to have a car or own a house, just like employees of KFC Thailand

Meal allowance in OZ is only paid on overtime, in Thailand they are fed irrespective of the hours worked.

I do not know of any KFC in Thailand or in OZ located in the middle of the bush, so it does not have public transport.

Again, please stop trying to change the country where you do not even reside! if you want to be humanitarian, please direct your efforts to people who do not have a job at all, like people in Cambodia or Laos or if Thailand is of your choice, the elderly who do not get any money at all and do not have a job at all


"I know you said that, but all you'll be achieving is depriving your body of KFC, which is a good thing (for your health"

That would be true if I didn't already have replacements. Actually I like to cook as does my wife. KFC is for when I'm lazy.

"They are not treated in any special bad way"

That's what we are trying to determine, is their merit to their claims. There is apparently a process in place for review of their complaints that I would hope could consider both sides and make an objective decision. I'm not holding my breath for a good outcome for these folks. Most large companies have access to "experts" who are hired guns to put these things to rest. This is the global economy folks where companies have a huge amount of power and they use it to keep people in line. From where I sit KFC has done a pretty good job of training their people. I can see it when I go there. Thailand has a shortage of workers who have the training and disposition to do this job well so they do have some power to effect change. Now the key will be good representation who can make their case and work a compromise with the company.

There has been a huge shift in labor relations over the past few decades. Many of the protections that were purchased in blood by labor activists are being rolled back. Companies are under extreme pressure from shareholders to produce profits, which is not a bad thing in itself, but it is the way their trending toward short term thinking that will not bode well for workers. That's fine, progress is good. If governments are held accountable to control the rate of change it can be a seamless process. Unregulated it is a disaster. I look at countries like Germany and Norway who produce excellent products with dedicated workers while maintaining a long term view (at least for now) They are unionised in a good way and take pride in excellence. What could possibly be better than a employee who comes to work everyday and loves what he is doing?


And we are back to square 1, circles in circles we go again.

They are not treated in any special bad way, if anything better then 50% of other thai business.

The sooner you realize that the better it would be!

KFC is a global franchise and all are supposed to be treated equally, according to the law of the land. You alluded to that earlier.

KFC Thailand staff are not treated the same as KFC in other countries. I have pointed that out ie: KFC in oz pays over minimum wage, KFC Thailand does not. Therefore, employees in KFC Thailand do not receive the same consideration, bonuses, benefits.

The sooner you realise this has nothing to do with what other employees in Thailand receive the better it would be.

KFC Thailand staff are treated according to Thailand labor Law.

KFC Australia staff are treated according to Australian labor Law

The sooner you realize that and stop trying to change the country where you DO NOT even reside, but come for an occasional holiday, the better it will be.

Following your logic, if in country A the law is to whip staff, so country B should be doing the same because its a franchise? Thats just simply insane!

You pointed out many things, just keep failing to note what has been pointed to you.

KFC OZ pays 1% above the minimum wage, so please stop trying to prove they "take care"

KFC Thailand, also pays above the minimum wage, by about as much

KFC Oz employees in OZ can not afford to have a car or own a house, just like employees of KFC Thailand

Meal allowance in OZ is only paid on overtime, in Thailand they are fed irrespective of the hours worked.

I do not know of any KFC in Thailand or in OZ located in the middle of the bush, so it does not have public transport.

Again, please stop trying to change the country where you do not even reside! if you want to be humanitarian, please direct your efforts to people who do not have a job at all, like people in Cambodia or Laos or if Thailand is of your choice, the elderly who do not get any money at all and do not have a job at all

No you are wrong on your points and your thinking.

KFC staff in oz are treated BETTER than the minimum allowable under our law. KFC Thailand are not treated better. You were the one that earlier stated it is a franchise and they treat workers under the law of each country. It is plain that they don't as some countries are treated above that law.

Meal allowance in oz is paid if doing overtime but they are still entitled to a meal during normal working hours. The meal allowance is over and above that entitlement.

I can tell you that in Brisbane public transport stops at about midnight so employees working after that time must find an alternative way home, therefore they are entitled to a taxi, if they have worked over 2 hours overtime.

However, you plainly did not understand what I have said. Even if there IS public transport the employee is entitled to a taxi if there is a danger in using the public transport.

You can argue that Brisbane is in the bush and not a real city if you like.

The place that I live has nothing to do with it. You could substitue oz for the UK, they get even more benefits with bonuses etc.

Which again shows that Thai staff are treated worse than staff in western countries.

I would not even worry if the price of KFC in Thailand was comparative to that in the west having concern for wages, but it isn't.

If you are happy to pay over the odds prices for KFC in Thailand whilst the employees are treated worse than western KFC employees, by comparison, then that is a matter for you.

I am not happy to do that.


And we are back to square 1, circles in circles we go again.

They are not treated in any special bad way, if anything better then 50% of other thai business.

The sooner you realize that the better it would be!

KFC is a global franchise and all are supposed to be treated equally, according to the law of the land. You alluded to that earlier.

KFC Thailand staff are not treated the same as KFC in other countries. I have pointed that out ie: KFC in oz pays over minimum wage, KFC Thailand does not. Therefore, employees in KFC Thailand do not receive the same consideration, bonuses, benefits.

The sooner you realise this has nothing to do with what other employees in Thailand receive the better it would be.

KFC Thailand staff are treated according to Thailand labor Law.

KFC Australia staff are treated according to Australian labor Law

The sooner you realize that and stop trying to change the country where you DO NOT even reside, but come for an occasional holiday, the better it will be.

Following your logic, if in country A the law is to whip staff, so country B should be doing the same because its a franchise? Thats just simply insane!

You pointed out many things, just keep failing to note what has been pointed to you.

KFC OZ pays 1% above the minimum wage, so please stop trying to prove they "take care"

KFC Thailand, also pays above the minimum wage, by about as much

KFC Oz employees in OZ can not afford to have a car or own a house, just like employees of KFC Thailand

Meal allowance in OZ is only paid on overtime, in Thailand they are fed irrespective of the hours worked.

I do not know of any KFC in Thailand or in OZ located in the middle of the bush, so it does not have public transport.

Again, please stop trying to change the country where you do not even reside! if you want to be humanitarian, please direct your efforts to people who do not have a job at all, like people in Cambodia or Laos or if Thailand is of your choice, the elderly who do not get any money at all and do not have a job at all

No you are wrong on your points and your thinking.

KFC staff in oz are treated BETTER than the minimum allowable under our law. KFC Thailand are not treated better. You were the one that earlier stated it is a franchise and they treat workers under the law of each country. It is plain that they don't as some countries are treated above that law.

Meal allowance in oz is paid if doing overtime but they are still entitled to a meal during normal working hours. The meal allowance is over and above that entitlement.

I can tell you that in Brisbane public transport stops at about midnight so employees working after that time must find an alternative way home, therefore they are entitled to a taxi, if they have worked over 2 hours overtime.

However, you plainly did not understand what I have said. Even if there IS public transport the employee is entitled to a taxi if there is a danger in using the public transport.

You can argue that Brisbane is in the bush and not a real city if you like.

The place that I live has nothing to do with it. You could substitue oz for the UK, they get even more benefits with bonuses etc.

Which again shows that Thai staff are treated worse than staff in western countries.

I would not even worry if the price of KFC in Thailand was comparative to that in the west having concern for wages, but it isn't.

If you are happy to pay over the odds prices for KFC in Thailand whilst the employees are treated worse than western KFC employees, by comparison, then that is a matter for you.

I am not happy to do that.

i am sorry to go little off topic, but does not QLD have the biggest unemployment rate in Australia? Must be because company's take such a good care that people do not want to work and prefer to get the dolewink.gif


i am sorry to go little off topic, but does not QLD have the biggest unemployment rate in Australia? Must be because company's take such a good care that people do not want to work and prefer to get the dolewink.gif

I'm not sure what you mean. Companies take such good care so people would rather be on the dole? Surely it would be the other way around, they'd all want to work.

I think KFC here is under the federal law, not state. I think most employment law is under federal but I'm not sure.

Not sure of the unemployment rate here, I think nationally it is about 5% give or take a few points.

Also going off topic, over a year ago my lady wanted KFC. That is the first time I have ever seen anyone eat KFC and chips with a knife and fork. :D


And we are back to square 1, circles in circles we go again.

They are not treated in any special bad way, if anything better then 50% of other thai business.

The sooner you realize that the better it would be!

KFC is a global franchise and all are supposed to be treated equally, according to the law of the land. You alluded to that earlier.

KFC Thailand staff are not treated the same as KFC in other countries. I have pointed that out ie: KFC in oz pays over minimum wage, KFC Thailand does not. Therefore, employees in KFC Thailand do not receive the same consideration, bonuses, benefits.

The sooner you realise this has nothing to do with what other employees in Thailand receive the better it would be.

What most people seem to be forgetting here is that KFC in Thailand is a separate company. It is not KFC, and the company is not the same as KFC in Australian, the US, or other places. "KFC" is a franchise, and except for company owned stores, each restaurant is owned by another company.

A company who wants to own a KFC pays KFC an initial franchise fee, then continuing fees. Usually, they have to buy their equipment from the franchiser, and often have to buy their food from them, too. In Thailand, the KFCs are all owned by YUM Restaurants International ( Thailand) Co.,Ltd and Central Restaurants Group Co., Ltd. In Australia, they are owned by KFC Australia Pty., Ltd and by numerous smaller franchisers.

So employees are not all "supposed to be treated equally" any more than a mechanic at the local Toyota dealer in Brisbane should be treated the same as a mechanic at the Korat Toyota dealer. So this does have everything to do with how KFC employees are treated when compared to other employees in Thailand and not other employees who work in KFCs in other countries.


In Thailand, the KFCs are all owned by YUM Restaurants International ( Thailand) Co.,Ltd and Central Restaurants Group Co., Ltd. In Australia, they are owned by KFC Australia Pty., Ltd and by numerous smaller franchisers.

So employees are not all "supposed to be treated equally" any more than a mechanic at the local Toyota dealer in Brisbane should be treated the same as a mechanic at the Korat Toyota dealer. So this does have everything to do with how KFC employees are treated when compared to other employees in Thailand and not other employees who work in KFCs in other countries.

Finally, someone has got straight to the heart of the matter.

This is a Thailand issue, not a "KFC" issue.


In Thailand, the KFCs are all owned by YUM Restaurants International ( Thailand) Co.,Ltd and Central Restaurants Group Co., Ltd. In Australia, they are owned by KFC Australia Pty., Ltd and by numerous smaller franchisers.

So employees are not all "supposed to be treated equally" any more than a mechanic at the local Toyota dealer in Brisbane should be treated the same as a mechanic at the Korat Toyota dealer. So this does have everything to do with how KFC employees are treated when compared to other employees in Thailand and not other employees who work in KFCs in other countries.

Finally, someone has got straight to the heart of the matter.

This is a Thailand issue, not a "KFC" issue.

So YUM owns KFC in Thailand and is not part of the global empire. If KFC in Thailand started frying rats instead of chicken then KFC International may have something to say about using the term KFC. Maybe not, maybe their hands are tied and they have no say in how the name of KFC is used. I think not, but you never know.


Finally, someone has got straight to the heart of the matter.

This is a Thailand issue, not a "KFC" issue.

So YUM owns KFC in Thailand and is not part of the global empire. If KFC in Thailand started frying rats instead of chicken then KFC International may have something to say about using the term KFC. Maybe not, maybe their hands are tied and they have no say in how the name of KFC is used. I think not, but you never know.

Fallacious argument.

The KFC in Thailand is subject to that countries hygeine laws (:lol:) as well as employment laws.

Being a franchise it is probably required to stick to existing KFC products. However, fried nuu would undoubtedly be a welcome addition to the menu for many Thai customers.

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