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B30Mn Coke Bust At Phuket Airport


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I have to agree with kuffki that risking your neck for $6K is a little stupid. I also agree that these mules were probably set up to provide news fodder for the authorities and the politician's who well know what the game is. After pouring millions into capturing mules and busting drug rings the problem gets worse.

It astounds me that a social ill of this magnitude is so misunderstood and such little effort is expended to get a grip on it. Governments will never stop the flow of drugs and each and every one of them will suffer the consequences of their misguided approach.

Alcohol is still the most damaging substance by a factor of hundreds, but it is legal and it is used and understood well enough that it's impact on society can be minimized (with a lot more effort)

People who become addicted to substances are insane and there are proven ways to return them to sanity. Keeping drugs illegal and attempting to deal with them with enforcement is even more insane.

Thats very very true and legalizing it will not only save money but reduce crime and deaths, however in reality a number of governments are involved in the trade one way or another.

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When the Swiss government canceled his pension 3 months ago, he became desperate for funds to cover overhead costs of his wife's restaurant there.

I thought the point of having a restaurant was making money?

Making a living is more to the point, not money. It is hard and demanding work both from the running of the business and satisfying customers needs and expectations. Being a restauratuer for some years I can tell you that after the running costs such as monthly lease payments, wages, food costs, kitchen H&S maintenace charges, utility bills e.g. gas, power, water council charges for food operating licenses etc etc, there's not much left. Other factors affecting profits, are location, public holidays and other events... ad nauseum. It's darn hard work and if this fellow'sThai lady partner's intelligence and knowledge of running a business is limited?.....I leave the rest up to your imagination.

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I still think it's basically a Nigerian thing, not an African (Black) thing, but I do agree with the generalisation. I think the Thais don't know what they are getting themselves in for by allowing so many of these guys to stay here... hehee

I think you may find many are not Nigerian, a huge number are from Sudan and Kenya.

I know Tobacco factory in soi 10 brings a lot of work force from Africa for some reason, but unsure what part of Africa though.

Beg to differ. I have met many Nigerians who claim to be from different places, not Nigeria. But, being African myself (though a whitey), most of these guys fall into the trap of thinking they can fool me. When I ask some questions, maybe even in a language they should be able to speak, or about the city they are from... well, they do change their story and the truth comes out. Some of these clowns claim to be South African... though there are many different Africans here, the drug and prostitution rings are mostly Nigerian, and not all Nigerians admit freely to be Nigerian.

you may well be right, i do not really inspect their passportswink.gif

maybe mostly right, and partially wrong...:jap:

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Lt Col Prawit Engchuan of Phuket City Police said officers were tipped off by an unnamed informant that a large drug shipment from South America was expected to move through the airport.

Here is a tip for the police. If they are sitting in their office and an anonymous tip comes in saying a drug shipment is coming in on a certain plane on a certain person , you can rest assured that the bulk of the shipment is with some one else, not the idiot mule that was simply a give away. So next time they get a tip, the police should tear apart the luggage of EVERY ONE on the plane, then maybe they will find the real shipment.

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Since time immemorial these hard drug busts in Thailand have almost invariably been as result of informants, at least reportedly so. One wonders just why it is so profitable to grass on these mules (I doubt there is a moral angle); perhaps there is a little "recycling" going on here?

Generally diversion.

It probably means something else came into the country yesterday and these mules were used as diversions.

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Too bad the police did not replace the shipment and follow her to the Bangkok connection..he's the one they really need to bust.

When the Swiss government canceled his pension 3 months ago, he became desperate for funds to cover overhead costs of his wife's restaurant there.

I thought the point of having a restaurant was making money?

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"'Nigerians and others' keep rising"

Eliminate the Nigerians and they will quickly be replaced by another and another and another. There is absolutely no end to the people willing to step up and take over.

Your not going to cure cancer by locking up it's victims.

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Yes. A number of years ago, an African businessman active in Bangkok and also in Khao Lak (maybe elsewhere too), walked into my place to introduce himself. I asked him where he was from, and I am ashamed to admit having trouble keeping a straight face when he replied: Nigeria.

Later he bought a local resort from a western guy, fully paid him in time, no funny business at all.

We should never generalize.

Obviously not all Nigerians are drug dealers... I think you will find that I said that among the undesirable black folks being mentioned here, I said that it is mostly Nigerians who are the nasty ones. I have met a group of lovely young Nigerian guys and girls right here in BKK at my university... they don't do or sell contraband. The exceptions do not make the generalisation invalid though.

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What about the Thai drug dealers that were buying the cocaine from him? Any thought to allowing him through customs, following him to his destination and busting the big guys?

Of course not. The big guys are all standing behind him in #8.

Who wants to bet the evidence disappears after our Swiss Steak is char broiled and prosecuted. Hypocrisy at its best; bad Foreigner...Good Thailand.

It's classic. They parade this desperate idiot in front of the news media and pat themselves on the back. Meanwhile the people with enough influence to move 30 million Baht worth of cocaine go untouched.

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When the Swiss government canceled his pension 3 months ago, he became desperate for funds to cover overhead costs of his wife's restaurant there.

I thought the point of having a restaurant was making money?

I see you have never had a business with a Thai Wife or you have one that is SUPER RARE :o

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What about the Thai drug dealers that were buying the cocaine from him? Any thought to allowing him through customs, following him to his destination and busting the big guys?

Of course not. The big guys are all standing behind him in #8.

Who wants to bet the evidence disappears after our Swiss Steak is char broiled and prosecuted. Hypocrisy at its best; bad Foreigner...Good Thailand.

Likely he was tipped off by the dealers as a decoy while a bigger shipment was able to pass through

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I have been here since 1974 and have seen many people fall into desperation just like this Swiss guy and end up in Bangkok Hilton for years. They all knew what they were doing yet desperation still drives them to do it. The scum dealers are looking around for people down on their luck and are the most coniving, lying parasites Thailand has to offer. They are protected by the police due to kickbacks for protection and it will NEVER end. TIT<IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt=:jap: src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/jap.gif">

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Since time immemorial these hard drug busts in Thailand have almost invariably been as result of informants, at least reportedly so. One wonders just why it is so profitable to grass on these mules (I doubt there is a moral angle); perhaps there is a little "recycling" going on here?


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When the Swiss government canceled his pension 3 months ago, he became desperate for funds to cover overhead costs of his wife's restaurant there.

I thought the point of having a restaurant was making money?

Not in Thailand it is'nt, unless of course you are the wife.

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When the Swiss government canceled his pension 3 months ago, he became desperate for funds to cover overhead costs of his wife's restaurant there.

I thought the point of having a restaurant was making money?

Not when it comes to foreign husbands, then the point of a restaurant is to suck all the money from the husband to cover the cost of business.

In other words, what ever sales business makes goes to the family, while the husband is to pay rent and groceries and bills.

I am sure, he married a good girl from good family.

Now back to OP, why people never ever learn?? Anything to do with drugs in Asia is lethal!

And take a risk like that over $6000 is beyond stupid. I could possibly understand if the profit or pay was going to be enough to retire for the rest of his life but over 200 000 baht is just crazy , not to mention the good wife would have relieved him from the money in less then 3-4 months

Nuff said.

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Lt Col Prawit Engchuan of Phuket City Police said officers were tipped off by an unnamed informant that a large drug shipment from South America was expected to move through the airport.

Here is a tip for the police. If they are sitting in their office and an anonymous tip comes in saying a drug shipment is coming in on a certain plane on a certain person , you can rest assured that the bulk of the shipment is with some one else, not the idiot mule that was simply a give away. So next time they get a tip, the police should tear apart the luggage of EVERY ONE on the plane, then maybe they will find the real shipment.

Unless the tip off came from the US DEA. The do have agents everywhere. It is far too easy to dismiss this as a front, or a rip off. Sometimes, the law enforcement agencies do identify shipments. Considering the nature of the incident and this guy, he was probably not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Interesting background information here would be why the accused lost his government payment and if he has a criminal record.

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For whoever it was that posted the comment on "recycling" of drug seizures.

Such a thing is, of course, officially illegal and doesn't occur in Thailand because all the drug police are strictly honest and can't be corrupted.

It is only a coincidence that you will see newspaper reports regularly about a seizure of drugs totaling XXX.XX grams and an arrest being made.

Then 6 months or so later, you see another newspaper report in which another XXX.XX grams of the same drug is seized and another arrest made.

Of course, this is only pure coincidence.

I have this info from my virgin bargirl Thai girlfriend, and I believe her completely.


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Anyway, with 264 Readers here atm I wonder a bit about the Replies on the Thread here..... :whistling:

With more and more Partypeople coming to Phuket every year there will be more and more drugs here too....unfortunately....

Wishing the GOOD OLD TIMES back when Thaksin ruled the Country and just shot the f...g drugdealers directly in their shops (:

no threat anymore, no costs for the community because of drugs-related crimes etc etc etc ..... Usually Cocaine is expensive,

so I wonder a little bit how the addicted ThaiPeople should finance it without committing crimes or having a stupid farang

paying a jet set life :jap:

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Lt Col Prawit Engchuan of Phuket City Police said officers were tipped off by an unnamed informant that a large drug shipment from South America was expected to move through the airport.

Here is a tip for the police. If they are sitting in their office and an anonymous tip comes in saying a drug shipment is coming in on a certain plane on a certain person , you can rest assured that the bulk of the shipment is with some one else, not the idiot mule that was simply a give away. So next time they get a tip, the police should tear apart the luggage of EVERY ONE on the plane, then maybe they will find the real shipment.

Unless the tip off came from the US DEA. The do have agents everywhere. It is far too easy to dismiss this as a front, or a rip off. Sometimes, the law enforcement agencies do identify shipments. Considering the nature of the incident and this guy, he was probably not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Interesting background information here would be why the accused lost his government payment and if he has a criminal record.

We are talking about COCAIN here. Eveybody knowing this Drug is knowing also that the addicted Cocain User CANT or WILL NOT shut up.....they can discuss two hours about a &lt;deleted&gt;..n lighter or the ears of an elephant....so everybody who is running a business like this has to be aware that sooner or later people start talking.....no need here of the USWorld Police or the DEA .....EXEPT there is to many bib involved and everybody else is to scared to talk....I mean there are always places which opens up to 08:00 o clock in the morning...and all the other bar owners around wonder HOW that works ((((:

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The price of cocaine sure has come up. Thats about 6000baht a gram?

No, but four kilogram of cocaine from Bolivia would have been easily turned into 10 kilos, or more. Guess it's about the purity...:jap:

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Lt Col Prawit Engchuan of Phuket City Police said officers were tipped off by an unnamed informant that a large drug shipment from South America was expected to move through the airport.

Here is a tip for the police. If they are sitting in their office and an anonymous tip comes in saying a drug shipment is coming in on a certain plane on a certain person , you can rest assured that the bulk of the shipment is with some one else, not the idiot mule that was simply a give away. So next time they get a tip, the police should tear apart the luggage of EVERY ONE on the plane, then maybe they will find the real shipment.

Unless the tip off came from the US DEA. The do have agents everywhere. It is far too easy to dismiss this as a front, or a rip off. Sometimes, the law enforcement agencies do identify shipments. Considering the nature of the incident and this guy, he was probably not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Interesting background information here would be why the accused lost his government payment and if he has a criminal record.

We are talking about COCAIN here. Eveybody knowing this Drug is knowing also that the addicted Cocain User CANT or WILL NOT shut up.....they can discuss two hours about a &lt;deleted&gt;..n lighter or the ears of an elephant....so everybody who is running a business like this has to be aware that sooner or later people start talking.....no need here of the USWorld Police or the DEA .....EXEPT there is to many bib involved and everybody else is to scared to talk....I mean there are always places which opens up to 08:00 o clock in the morning...and all the other bar owners around wonder HOW that works ((((:

I don't think that it's that easy to fly to Bolivia to buy four kilos. So there's much more behind it, a DEA Agent, an undercover from somewhere cop, who got some money from the dealers and again from customs in Thailand for his superficial help.

He'd also mentioned that it wasn't the first time, or was it the cops? Looks like his guests won't have white noses this time and talk about the size of an elephant penis.

But who cares? It will never stop until Thaksin's plane will arrive and all drug dealers will stop doing their dirty business.

Didn't he say that two days ago?

Sorry, for going a little off topic, but drugs were always and will always be here. ( And in other countries). :jap:

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Since time immemorial these hard drug busts in Thailand have almost invariably been as result of informants, at least reportedly so. One wonders just why it is so profitable to grass on these mules (I doubt there is a moral angle); perhaps there is a little "recycling" going on here?

Because the next day the real mule with 50kgs was arriving

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