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What Mobile Phone Operator Has The Cheapest Edge/3G Dataflaterate For Monthly Fixed Price?

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now i stay in samui ,for long time my location have to wlan connection iam not sure what operator has 3g in samui ,my iphone show me only edge with the ais simcard cuurrencly i subscribe to 99 thb 30 megabite internet,but i need a flatrate,from true based on 3g when its in samui avalible if not i have only edge,but how i can subribe on true when iam not a local citiizen for a monthly fixes based dataflatrate not prepaid system currencly use on ais,not plan to change my mobile number,can somone explain how the fix price flatrate datasystem on ais and true looks,i have thai bankacount,but my friend married in thailand since 8 year he says not easy to sign up when you are not married here!


If I understand correctly, you want to switch to True if and when True offers 3G in Samui?

I assume you know that True does NOT currently offer 3G in Samui. According to their web page (http://www.truemove.com/3g/en/wifi_area_bkk.html), they only offer 3G in Bangkok, Cholburi, Chiang Mai and Phuket.

You do not need to be married to get a True account. (I'm single, and have a postpaid True account.)

You can even keep your same AIS telephone number, as long as the AIS SIM has been registered in your name for at least seven days. It's called MNP (Mobile Number Portability). See http://www.truemove.com/mnp/en/mnp-about.html for information.

I MNP'd my DTAC (prepaid) phone number to True last December. I don't recall my immigrations status being a factor. They only asked for a photocopy of my passport photo page. So, as far as they knew, I was here on a 30-day visa-exempt entry.

My understanding is that DTAC's EDGE service is faster and more reliable than AIS. Of course, if ANYBODY offers 3G in Samui, it should be much faster than any EDGE service.

[edited to add:]

Hmmm. I just realized that that True web page listing service only in Bangkok, Phuket, Chiang Mai and Cholburi is not complete -- I use True 3G at home here in Hua Hin! So, maybe there *is* True 3G in Samui already???


Enquire at the TRUE outlet in one of the malls as to whether TRUE 3G is available now. If so;

If your iPhone can communicate on the UMTS/HSPDA 850MHz frequency, you only need to purchase a TRUE SIM for 49 baht. An Inter SIM will do. You can then call TRUE in order to ask them to activate 3G on the SIM.

Alternatively, pop it into the phone and top it up with at least 30 baht.

Then, send a text message containing the letters DH to number 9789. This will give you 1 hour of 3G access if available. You can use this to test the service.

If you are happy with the service, wait until the next day(or buy a new SIM) and subscribe to the PrePaid package of your choice. Don't worry about PostPaid or PrePaid. Look here.

If all is well with 3G access and you want to have a package specific for the iPhone, then you will need a PostPaid package. Look here for the Free Size package.


yes one time i activate the edge on the ais card one day later with out do anything maybe to much unclosed aplication in the background running of iphone 4 around 350 bath was gone,getting some automatic programm updates withouth recogneizing this,but the ais hotline was so friendly to refound me the money!

here no 3g in samui!

Did you speak to anyone from an official TRUE outlet on Samui? Not a mobile telephone shop or just hearsay.

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