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Pattaya Bus Crash On Bang Na Trat Kills Two And Injures 27

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I take the bus from Pattaya to Bangkok all the time. From now on I will make sure to wear my seat belt (if there is one).

I hope the bus has many seat belts and I am sure it will save many lives when it crashes...

Take precaution if you travel and please get off if you feel uneasy. Good luck and thank you for sharing.

The buses do not have seat belts.

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i think it was under the expressway , chonburi-BKK.(from the pict.)

Yes, it's odd -- the Bang Na - Trat highway is on stilts most of the way, only descends to ground level on the outskirts of BKK and only then if someone wants to get off in deepest Bang Na. But the drivers still roar through those suburban streets at quite a rate.


I take the BKK-Pattaya bus once or twice a month for many years now..

Never had any complaints.

The newer busses have indeed seat belts for passengers.

I've never used them and have never seen anybody using them.


They should make it mandatory that the drivers have this picture posted in their bus in a place that they must look at it when they are in the driver's seat.

Not a good idea because the drivers are often watching a video whilst driving, the picture would distract them


Dont tell me the bus was driving fast I would not believe it . :annoyed: Those buses drivers are totally insane, going to the sea very often I see those buses , mini van driving like maniacs with of course over speed , using the right lane all the time .... I cannot believe the passengers are in such "hands" , but as usual nothing will ever change here , how many dead , how many accidents ?

Do the passengers have the choice to go on the train for instance ? There is ONE train leaving BGKK at 6 am, and reaching in Pattaya at noon. 6 hours for 120 km. Sure it's not overspeeding. Never heard it got off the track. That is the PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVE. From the railway station you commute downtown on a "mosay", with NO INSURANCE at all, riding Soi Country Club ? Maybe you don't die. Just lose your legs...

I bet the bus drivers ( insane ? ) would prefer to drive it easy and cool. Thay got a family and stuff, and their machines certainly don't deliver the thrill to drive, as top tuned up Ferrari. I bet some of the buses are the ones I first saw when coming to Thailand 40 years ago. Once I was bound for BGKK into one of those carts. I sent SMS all around as the bus was out of shocks and out of brakes and I bet my chances to reach at no more than 50%. I sent SMS for if I were to die the case would be investigated, SERIOUSLY. Especially thru my Life Insurance when they would have to fork out the $$$$....

If not driving like mad, the bus drivers would be fired, I SUPPOSE, but am I wrong ? They got 2 hours to commute Pattaya / BGKK. Assume the roads + traffic , there no choice but to drive crazy. Or they drive crazy, or they are jobless. What would YOU do ?

Basically most of the comments I read here are extremely SUPERFICIAL, casting stones at the soldiers rather than squeezing the General in Chief... I must admit those commuting buses BGKK Pattaya are not filled up with Nobel Prizes...


Dont tell me the bus was driving fast I would not believe it . :annoyed: Those buses drivers are totally insane, going to the sea very often I see those buses , mini van driving like maniacs with of course over speed , using the right lane all the time .... I cannot believe the passengers are in such "hands" , but as usual nothing will ever change here , how many dead , how many accidents ?

i got caught speeding 65/km/h in 60 zone and ended up with a big fine.

as serious as that...

hope they can do the same in TiT.

many cowboy drivers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

showing off Rodeo riding skills?

My little brothers told me that he went to Thai funeral several times in a year when his hometown friends bought their first cars. They gained profits from selling the lands to those Rich folks from Bangkok. His friends drove so fast without wearing the seat belts. I will urge the Government to crack down these ugly bus drivers and to those good bus drivers I salute them for doing the Right thing...

Sir..I am sorry for your find and the police pick the wrong man...( just 5 miles extra? )

Will the policemen write ticket to the ugly Bus drivers who speed up??

My take and an opinion.


Buses, and coaches ( still called a bus in Thailand ) in the UK and Australia have Speed limiters fitted to them If these are tampered with it is a heavy fine or imprisonment.

Lorries ( Trucks ) also have these fitted to them in the UK together with a sealed recorder to show how long the driver has been at the wheel and how many times he has had a break.

They have a few here but not sure about monitoring etc.

If you watch some of those "real life" cop shows you see them checking logs etc. Who is empowered here and where does it stop.

Travelling by bus frequently I have had no issue. Must be because I get a good one rather than cheap and shitty.

Having said that travelling by the 10 baht publics in rural Thailand I have had no issues and no worries


I take the BKK-Pattaya bus once or twice a month for many years now..

Never had any complaints.

The newer busses have indeed seat belts for passengers.

I've never used them and have never seen anybody using them.

Good luck and thanks for sharing...but, please do wear your seat belt do not imitate others...my take.


They should make it mandatory that the drivers have this picture posted in their bus in a place that they must look at it when they are in the driver's seat.

Not a good idea because the drivers are often watching a video whilst driving, the picture would distract them

Oh my heaven?? I can not believe this?? shock me and thank you for sharing??


They should make it mandatory that the drivers have this picture posted in their bus in a place that they must look at it when they are in the driver's seat.

Not a good idea because the drivers are often watching a video whilst driving, the picture would distract them


plus + Thai country music blasting my ears all the way to BKK. really got me crazy!!!

Not in the mood though.

what they need to do is drive safely to the destination and pay a lot attention while on the road.

No movie! No loud music >>>>>>> safety


What's the big hurry these bus drivers are in???

It's been raining and roads are slippery...don't these people have any sense of responsibility ???

Instead of spending billions of bt on money hand-outs pre-election the authorities should install GPS on all public transport to warn speeding drivers and penalize offenders.

To: "...don't these people have any sense of responsibility ???"

NO !


It always amazes the heck out of me that since they have built relatively less hazardous overhead toll road on BangNa Trat and the Cholburi-Bangkok motorway these cheap arse bus companies and taxi services still use the free under road route just to save a few baht. I would never even drive my own car on this pot holed hazard filled stretch of highway. The whole reason the overhead was built was cut down on the carnage prevalent on this road back in the 80's.


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Everybody is quick to jump on the driver,  the dead don't talk back.<br>But here's an alternative scenario for you.  The poor guy is working hard to keep the schedule and get to Bangkok on time.  He's done this route many times and knows every turn and every pothole.  He also knows that on a certain stretch all of the doughnuts with purchased licenses just love to sit in the right "fast" lane regardless of how slow they might be going.  So the guy drops in the left "slow" lane cause most of the time it's actually faster.  Everything is fine until another doughnut behind the wheel of an overpriced SUV enters the motorway from the left without looking and yielding right in front of the bus.  The poor driver tries to swerve, looses control, and the rest is history.  <br>In general i'm completely flabbergasted at the complete lack of awareness from Thai drivers.  Most do not bother using their rear view mirrors.  I can't count how many times a slow vehicle in the middle lane merged without looking or signaling into the passing lane right in front of me already traveling at the passing speed causing me to slam on the breaks and hold on for dear life.  Cars or bikes merge into traffic without a single look behind at what might be coming down the road.<br>A Thai lawyer once told me that if i ever found myself in an imminent collision with a motorcyclist it's better not to try to swerve or slow down because it's cheaper to pay for death than medical treatment a disability.  I was shocked.  To our Western sensibilities this is unconscionable.  But after driving in LOS for a few years and seeing how blaze most Thais are about road safety and rules his opinion makes sense.<br><br>RIP.  Alas you won't be the last.<br><br><br><br>

Yes it is not always the drivers fault

Most are given an impossible schedule to keep by their bosses .

The driver's schedules do not appear to take into account delays which are all to frequent in Thailand.

I am amazed how close drivers manage to keep to their journey schedules. The only way to do this is to speed.

I think you should be looking at the journey planners, who do not plan a bus journey correctly.

Of course there is no excuse for minibus ( minivan ) drivers they are just reckless and should be made to take a special driving test the same as many Western countries


My Thai wife calls them the Bus Mafia. They just don't care not only about their passengers but do not respect other road users. They stay in outside lane and if you are in front of them (in any lane) it is hand on the horn to tell you to get out of their way. I love Thailand but the general Thai driver let alone Bus drivers have no idea about driving rules. No lights on when raining, continue driving on right when can move in making the other users break the law by overtaking on the inside. Never a day goes by when I not see cars, buses, lorries and motorbikes go through red lights. If I first in line to go when lights go green I wait for about 5 seconds before I move on.


My Thai wife calls them the Bus Mafia. They just don't care not only about their passengers but do not respect other road users. They stay in outside lane and if you are in front of them (in any lane) it is hand on the horn to tell you to get out of their way. I love Thailand but the general Thai driver let alone Bus drivers have no idea about driving rules. No lights on when raining, continue driving on right when can move in making the other users break the law by overtaking on the inside. Never a day goes by when I not see cars, buses, lorries and motorbikes go through red lights. If I first in line to go when lights go green I wait for about 5 seconds before I move on.

And you have never seen any of this bad driving in other countries?? Hmmm.........


If the authorities really cared (which i think they don't) electronic speed limiters would have been fitted to all buses and especially mini buses restricting them to a top speed of 60Kph a long time ago.

We cannot rely on the BIB to enforce any of the rules or style of driving (Dangerous, reckless, stupid, etc styles)

No one can educate anyone in this country about anything when they don't want it.

It seems arrogance and pride are the biggest blocks to education here.

They don't need to be told anything because they are "KHON THAI"! they know it all already just like a silver back gorilla knows everything.

Driver rip NO passenger YES.:ermm:


I take the bus from Pattaya to Bangkok all the time. From now on I will make sure to wear my seat belt (if there is one).

There's no seat belt. RIP for the deceased, let's hope the injured ones will have a speedy and fully recovery...:jap:

There are set belts, most of the time, often they are still bound up with the packing straps so you have to cut them free.

It takes a while to "install" them around your person.


Is Their no safety in this county

Waiting for the correction :ph34r:

Of course if you are worried about your perosnal safety you can find a country that is totally safe. Not. Does not exist.

Bus crashes hapeen everywhere. Bus drivers everywhere still drive by the might is right rule with a few exceptions. That

relates to the smaller give way to the bigger.

You come to Thailand because it is less constrictive than your home country. In truth the rule are different but are what we

appreciate and why we live here.

Please send the forum an email from whichever country you find that is "safe". Dont forget to look at personal safety, crime statistics,

vehicle safety issues as well as driving ability and licencing plus the million and one other things that make this mythical country

you want to live in "safe".

And good luck

The UK


Such tour bus accidents also happen regularly on the tourist trail motorways through France down to Spain. For some odd reason, often in the Orange - Nîmes sector around Roquemaure.


Dont tell me the bus was driving fast I would not believe it . :annoyed: Those buses drivers are totally insane, going to the sea very often I see those buses , mini van driving like maniacs with of course over speed , using the right lane all the time .... I cannot believe the passengers are in such "hands" , but as usual nothing will ever change here , how many dead , how many accidents ?

i got caught speeding 65/km/h in 60 zone and ended up with a big fine.

as serious as that...

hope they can do the same in TiT.

many cowboy drivers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

showing off Rodeo riding skills?

My little brothers told me that he went to Thai funeral several times in a year when his hometown friends bought their first cars. They gained profits from selling the lands to those Rich folks from Bangkok. His friends drove so fast without wearing the seat belts. I will urge the Government to crack down these ugly bus drivers and to those good bus drivers I salute them for doing the Right thing...

Sir..I am sorry for your find and the police pick the wrong man...( just 5 miles extra? )

Will the policemen write ticket to the ugly Bus drivers who speed up??

My take and an opinion.


say: this is unfair but these're the rules that we need to obey. 5 miles extra so I learned from that.

The process of getting a driver-license is dam****n tough. unlike here!!!


Dont tell me the bus was driving fast I would not believe it . :annoyed: Those buses drivers are totally insane, going to the sea very often I see those buses , mini van driving like maniacs with of course over speed , using the right lane all the time .... I cannot believe the passengers are in such "hands" , but as usual nothing will ever change here , how many dead , how many accidents ?

You're absolutely right Lauerntbkk. Why police not start cracking down on them? They are the ones who are driving tourists and passengers, not the normal cars or trucks. You never see this from trucks unless they are involved in an accident with a bus-driver or van-drivers (who are even worse).

I usually set my cruise-control at 105 km/h on the main national roads but every 10 km there is a huge bus overtaking me at speeds of up to 120 km/h. Vans NEVER use the left traffic lane, NEVER!!!! But they all have the sticker from the traffic police's association which is the "go" sign for everyone of them being stopped at a road check point. THEY ARE THE DANGERS OF THE ROAD, NOT THE NORMAL CARS OR TRUCKS....


I take the bus from Pattaya to Bangkok all the time. From now on I will make sure to wear my seat belt (if there is one).

Sorry, mate there aren't any on that route. I travel those buses after seeing the risks with the mini-buses from Vic monument - has now made me think twice.


I take the bus from Pattaya to Bangkok all the time. From now on I will make sure to wear my seat belt (if there is one).

There's no seat belt. RIP for the deceased, let's hope the injured ones will have a speedy and fully recovery...:jap:

There are set belts, most of the time, often they are still bound up with the packing straps so you have to cut them free.

It takes a while to "install" them around your person.

Not on the Pattaya to BKK route there aren't. The buses are very old and never fitted with seat belts. I check twice a month when I go but not there - at least not those that go to and from the Naklua area bus terminal in Pattaya.Those that go from Jomtien to the airport are fitted though.


Is Their no safety in this county

yes- their is...on any outbound flight leaving this country

What about maintenance of the aircraft with fake parts and security at the airport with easily distractedand bored scanner operators?


My Thai wife calls them the Bus Mafia. They just don't care not only about their passengers but do not respect other road users. They stay in outside lane and if you are in front of them (in any lane) it is hand on the horn to tell you to get out of their way. I love Thailand but the general Thai driver let alone Bus drivers have no idea about driving rules. No lights on when raining, continue driving on right when can move in making the other users break the law by overtaking on the inside. Never a day goes by when I not see cars, buses, lorries and motorbikes go through red lights. If I first in line to go when lights go green I wait for about 5 seconds before I move on.

And you have never seen any of this bad driving in other countries?? Hmmm.........

The discussion is about Thailands road safety. To discuss bad driving in other countries, please go to i.e. malayvisa.com, vietnamvisa.com, or laosvisa.com.

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