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The truth hurts dont it ? lol

It might be YOUR truth but its certainly not MINE !!

As a Ph.D recruited in the Middle east, where I was working before, to chair a faculty at Chulalongkorn University I find this post extremely offensive. I believe it makes a total mockery of the so called FORUM RULES which Thaivisa sporadically enforces. The author obviously has detailed first hand knowledge of the workings here and is obviously feeling guilty about his own moral standards. I am Married to a Thai lady and have been for 4 years - i have been resident in Thailand for 5 years - I met my wife 3 weeks arriving here. We have a beautiful son who is one year old who was 3 months premature due to his wife being literally dragged out of her hospital bed during the red shirt occupation of Bangkok by two red shirts wanting to check her ward for hidden weapons - THAT IS WHY I DONT LIKE THAKSIN SHINAWATRA added to the fact that I dont want a criminal running the country where I intend to reside for a good few years!! I dont cheat on my Thai wife anymore than I would cheat on a western woman.

Let me ask you this question

"Why is it politically correct to stereotype and abuse the average white working male? If we made these statements about western women going to Jamaica for holidays we could find ourselves in trouble for demeaning women.

I believe that Thai visa should retract this article - it is not decent to stereotype people in this way and it makes the forum look slightly below the Sunday Sport

Excellent post with some very salient points!

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I would like to know why Thai Visa has published it and as its top of the bill article at that?!

To give us a chance to share our feelings about the OP's delusions.


So maybe ole Thaksin (I must make sure I spell it correctly :whistling: ) does indeed read Thai Visa, and has slipped a few baht to Dan to supplement his teachers salary. :whistling:


just another down at heel would be journalist major, presenting another opportunist Thaksin sensationalized article using the expat population as cannon fodder for his own meanderings

if the Asian correspondent dot com will pay for such fiction and outright speculation then there's room for all of us to be budding commentators on ''Thai life through the eyes of an expat,'' and to get paid for our fumblings in Thailand

at least we are actually here in Thailand to be able to comment accurately and enjoy doing the research rather than exercising your wrists just dreaming about it.........

The interesting photo of our occasional blogger from his Twitter page


Dan Waites


I know,the truth hurts.jap.gif

What truth is that?



Who is Dan Waites?

Actually, who cares?

This really is some of the worst journalistic writing that I have seen in a long time. I wonder how much Taxsin :whistling: paid Dan to wrote that article?

0ne of us, forum members

Do we have a member called "failedjournalist" ?


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

Just when I thought I knew stereotypical...wow! This character is off his rocker. Many of us are here doing business, or investing in developing countries, transferred here to work in asia.

As for his complaints, it is the country itself that has enabled this type of stuff to go on.

He remarks on generalizations, but then states facts that are deragatory about thaksin, which is counterproductive to his article complaining about expats.

This is good for a laugh, and was entertaining to read nonetheless, haha.


Helped them into deep debt. The One Million Baht Village Fund. After partying for a few months and

running out of money (not to mention ripping each other off and fighting over it) most villages have no hope of ever paying back the loan

and are now stuck in a cycle of paying interest upon interest until some other Government comes along to cancel all the debt.

Now he wants to give Taxi and Mototaxi drivers credit cards to buy fuel. Let's see

Before: money comes in every day. Drivers pay for fuel every day.

After: Money comes in every day. Party time, don't have to pay for fuel until the end of the month.

End of Month: Oh No, no money left to pay fuel bill, no problem can pay late.

Interest....Tik Tok....Interest.... Tik Tok, this goes on until he owns them all.

I wonder who's company is extending the credit in this scheme?

I suggest you re-think your previous statement!

Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!


Great article, and spot on for truth. Thaksin is hated by the supremely corrupt old world yellow shirt establishment for his popular achievements during a short time in office. He did more for the lower classes than any previous government had. He established and finished many projects that helped the poorer people. Yes , like all politicians he is corrupt, but he is much more efficient at delivering real progress, infrastructure and reform for Thailand. What has Abbhisit actually done during his time in office? Nothing of any significance for the greater population . He merely manipulates laws and holds onto power desperately, denying the democratic process.He is trying to wind back the clock to when the poor did what they were told and made no fuss. He wants a return to an easy time for the moneyed families with royal and political connections, so they can grow more fat and rich-and deny any entrepreneurs who dare to come from "outside" the closed circle of the "Hi-so" class.

Remember, it was the old military dictatorships and 'yellow shirt' connections who set up Thailand as the major brothel of the east, and allowed a culture of graft, corruption and cronyism to flourish over the last 60 years.

And in the end,and on a different note,hopefully all those dodgy English teachers who give a bad name to the profession will be booted out on their arse, along with the predators, pimps and pervs of Pattaya and Phuket!


People should re-read the article and actually READ what is written.

It's an ugly stereotype. Or, rather, it's several ugly stereotypes rolled into one. And it's also wildly inaccurate in the case of many expats, who are decent people living in Thailand for any number of decent reasons. But like all stereotypes, it has a basis in reality.

I think he may have touched a nerve or two..!!

In my case he is completely off the mark...

I am a student at Uni here in BKK, and I'm still young enough not to go for the bargirls... but of all the reasons that I came to Thailand he is spot-on about the number one: sex.

So what?

Don't we all ultimately support politicians for our own personal selfish reasons?

I dream of the legendary sex, drugs and rock and roll of SE Asia... One Night in Bangkok.

So, I like Abhasit because he is better looking and speaks better English.

Doesn't matter who is in power, I am still here for the sexy Thai girls, that's it!


Maybe after writing this article he can expect to receive his check so he can go for a short time. Hate these guys who judge people by hangin out in Pattaya or Nana or Soi Cowboy in Bangkok or Patong in Phuket and then come up with all this crap...darn wanke_rs

Perhaps, literally intoxicated by the lifestyle, he opens a beer bar of his own, complete with a coterie of prostitutes, in Bangkok or Pattaya or Phuket. Effectively, he becomes a pimp. Perhaps he lands a job as an English teacher, a position he is manifestly unqualified for, but this being Thailand he enjoys a level of respect he could only have dreamed of in his home country, for he is now an ajarn.

I know a few decent people here doing a very good job teaching English. Your post is insane. :jap:


wow we have Thaksin & sexpats all in 1 article, this thread will run & run good trolling root admin, you know how to get the punters typing.


Maybe after writing this article he can expect to receive his check so he can go for a short time. Hate these guys who judge people by hangin out in Pattaya or Nana or Soi Cowboy in Bangkok or Patong in Phuket and then come up with all this crap...darn wanke_rs

You mean he got PAID for this? I am a writer for two regular publications. I have a host of Thai based, humorous articles,the worst of which is twenty times better written than this over-generalised drivel. Where do I apply. My email is <snip>. Write to me; I need an audience and pay!


Great article, and spot on for truth. Thaksin is hated by the supremely corrupt old world yellow shirt establishment for his popular achievements during a short time in office. He did more for the lower classes than any previous government had. He established and finished many projects that helped the poorer people. Yes , like all politicians he is corrupt, but he is much more efficient at delivering real progress, infrastructure and reform for Thailand. What has Abbhisit actually done during his time in office? Nothing of any significance for the greater population . He merely manipulates laws and holds onto power desperately, denying the democratic process.He is trying to wind back the clock to when the poor did what they were told and made no fuss. He wants a return to an easy time for the moneyed families with royal and political connections, so they can grow more fat and rich-and deny any entrepreneurs who dare to come from "outside" the closed circle of the "Hi-so" class.

Remember, it was the old military dictatorships and 'yellow shirt' connections who set up Thailand as the major brothel of the east, and allowed a culture of graft, corruption and cronyism to flourish over the last 60 years.

And in the end,and on a different note,hopefully all those dodgy English teachers who give a bad name to the profession will be booted out on their arse, along with the predators, pimps and pervs of Pattaya and Phuket!



Great article, and spot on for truth. Thaksin is hated by the supremely corrupt old world yellow shirt establishment for his popular achievements during a short time in office. He did more for the lower classes than any previous government had. He established and finished many projects that helped the poorer people. Yes , like all politicians he is corrupt, but he is much more efficient at delivering real progress, infrastructure and reform for Thailand. What has Abbhisit actually done during his time in office? Nothing of any significance for the greater population . He merely manipulates laws and holds onto power desperately, denying the democratic process.He is trying to wind back the clock to when the poor did what they were told and made no fuss. He wants a return to an easy time for the moneyed families with royal and political connections, so they can grow more fat and rich-and deny any entrepreneurs who dare to come from "outside" the closed circle of the "Hi-so" class.

Remember, it was the old military dictatorships and 'yellow shirt' connections who set up Thailand as the major brothel of the east, and allowed a culture of graft, corruption and cronyism to flourish over the last 60 years.

And in the end,and on a different note,hopefully all those dodgy English teachers who give a bad name to the profession will be booted out on their arse, along with the predators, pimps and pervs of Pattaya and Phuket!

Abhisit doesn't have a trail of corruption and greed and lies. That's the difference. At least you can appreciate demagogues. Maybe you should relocate to north korea to pay respects, eh?

You sure are full of arrogance meanwhile you complain about arrogant so called "hi so's" yet possess the same attitude as those you criticize. (Think it through first ,buddy).

Thaksin and Yingluck are not hi so's? Hello!!


Great article, and spot on for truth. Thaksin is hated by the supremely corrupt old world yellow shirt establishment for his popular achievements during a short time in office. He did more for the lower classes than any previous government had. He established and finished many projects that helped the poorer people. Yes , like all politicians he is corrupt, but he is much more efficient at delivering real progress, infrastructure and reform for Thailand. What has Abbhisit actually done during his time in office? Nothing of any significance for the greater population . He merely manipulates laws and holds onto power desperately, denying the democratic process.He is trying to wind back the clock to when the poor did what they were told and made no fuss. He wants a return to an easy time for the moneyed families with royal and political connections, so they can grow more fat and rich-and deny any entrepreneurs who dare to come from "outside" the closed circle of the "Hi-so" class.

Remember, it was the old military dictatorships and 'yellow shirt' connections who set up Thailand as the major brothel of the east, and allowed a culture of graft, corruption and cronyism to flourish over the last 60 years.

And in the end,and on a different note,hopefully all those dodgy English teachers who give a bad name to the profession will be booted out on their arse, along with the predators, pimps and pervs of Pattaya and Phuket!

Brilliant first post :rolleyes: , you've managed to pile in pretty much every stereotype, over-generalisation and assumption related to Thailand in just a couple of paragraphs. Are you Dan Waites?


Well I'm a teacher (6 years - university level), still enjoy the bar scene (although I'm more discerning than I used to be) have had a few Isaan girlfriends (all a lot younger than me) and love most aspects of living in Thailand. Although I'm no fan of Thaksin the man, my sympathies are certainly with the Red shirt cause.


Wow that seemed to light the blue touch paper! In the UK it does not matter who sits in Number 10 Downing St as far as the people are concerned. I suspect the same here, we all do our bit to get by and our primary concerns are for our loved ones.

It does not matter which country you look at, the top boys are always feathering their own nest be they Red, Blue, Yellow, Pink polka dots et al. This has stirred up the hornets nest and the comments are some what "interesting"


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

I don't care a dam about who is going to rule Thailand next, as I bet it won't change ANYTHING, that could bring the country in line with its competitors.

In 32 years only China stepped from a Goulag ruling to an over successful country. Singapore boomed up. Luxemburg a country of less 1/2 million people completely changed its economy from steel mills to high tech and world service, Denmark, Norway, Panama, Switzerland , Columbia, have never been better on tracks. They got in common to have leaders whose preoccupations are the future of their countries, not to line up their pockets.

As for the expats in Thailand, it has never been the top of the basket to land and settle here, would be BEFORE or AFTER Taksin. They certainly are not all the same. Would they be WEALTHY, they would not drop to Soi 6, but call for an "escort " in Miami Beach. It's 1000 on both sides, THB in Thailand, $ in USA. As for going to the beach, hotels at 1000 a night too. 1000 THB in Thailand, 1000 $ in the Maldives or Seychelles.

From a distance, 2 bottles of wine might look alike. You may change the label on it. A connoisseur will never be fooled. I got a couple of bottles over 1000 $ a piece, on collection. Can be I would never drink them. I never buy a 1000 THB wine bottle here ( 30 $, which I could buy 10 elsewhere ). Nice cool water goes better.

As to recall what does the article from GREAT JOURNALIST is stating: Farangs are junk, alcoholics, drunkards , sex perverses, and drop outs, right ? ( yes this is what I feel, the natives do feel about me, everyday. indeed, don't know where they being taught that ? ) Maybe the dropouts, they drop here as they "feel home" , then ???

Just open your eyes, and turn around for a full turn, slowly: everything you see has been invented and initially produced by the stupid Farangs, OK ? Or name me ONE, thing. Just one...


This article is pure ignorance! I can't understand why people would even debate whether or not thaksin should be allowed to return, let alone run for office. He is a FUGITIVE of the law, and bilked millions (im sure billions) of baht from the thai economy. He is a criminal. Thats all there is to this story. He is a criminal who stole money from thais and their economy. Period, end of sentence. Let me add he is also a corrupt politician; so why would people want him to return? Pretty moronic.


what a shitload of a story

and TV is posting this article for what? I see lots of income in advertisement for them, but for the rest 0,0 intrest in posting this nonsense


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

Hey you,,I'm not a "sex deviate" and i hate Thaksin, so shut your pie hole

and open your eyes...

WOW!!!! How did you get away with saying that?????? If it had been mne that said that I would have been red lined from here for a week.

This site is not fair.

Thay are Pred.................................................!!!!!!!


I don't believe he said all expats are sexpats. He said there are a lot of sexpats in Thailand .

Yes a lot of sexpats. ( for cheap and poor service ). And few educated pats. Yes. Those go elsewhere. To meet their needs. Law of the market, my dear...


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

Hey you,,I'm not a "sex deviate" and i hate Thaksin, so shut your pie hole

and open your eyes...

I'm not a sex deviate, and I love Thaksin :o


It's one thing to complain about the low quality of expat writers in Thailand, but putting on a demonstration to prove it was over the top. :rolleyes:

LOL.....How true


I loathe Taksin, am no frequenter of bars that double up as brothels (here on Phuket - 99.9% of them).

I believe the writer is being a little disingenuous if he seriously believes the entire expat community dislike Taksin because of Purachai's ridiculous clamp down on bar opening times. Really, what other major city in the world closes it's bars and restaurants at midnight? And those who would welcome the return of the odious Taksin forget how difficult he tried to make life for expats here. Quite likely approved of by the majority of the country's unsophisticated indoctrinated Thai, but certainly not to Thai run businesses such as Language Schools who were fearful of losing their livelihoods should there be a mass exodus of their customers. Rather like throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and the baby in this case (the sex industry) is huge.

Let's be realistic. I agree with the poster who commented along the lines of 'if somebody buys drugs from a dealer, why only arrest the buyer?' This country is the biggest brothel in the world. Any male, including friends of mine who've come to visit me here have all reported being met with sniggers when saying they are going to Thailand. One was embarrassed to have a large box of condoms given him by his local GP when presenting for his vaccinations.

Problem is, as far as I can see, Abbhisit has done virtually nothing to help the mostly, poor, here. In fact I'd be interested to know exactly what he HAS done?

And so voters are left to choose between the sweetly smiling and obviously intelligent but ineffective incumbent, or Taksin's proxy.


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

Some people in some villages love him, others in other villages detest him.

Some expats are here for the booze n broads, no denying that.

Others are just here because they fell in love with the place and often one woman. They have a little family and they make enough to get by and with the lady and children having a improved lifestyle and education in the process.

Certainly there are Sexpats and bar girl mongers, but they are a minority, a very visible one, but a minority none the less. Nightlife in Thailand is far from just Nana, Cowboy, Patong, Patpong, Walking street Patty. Remember, the majority of bars catering to sexpats are Thai owned and operated.

There once was a thriving music scene, blending Thais, and western expats, and more than a few Philipinos, now that has been

ground down to Philipino and Thai cover bands doing Hotel California for the 5,000th time, with the exact same wrong lyrics the band down the street is using. Or insipid duos with horrendously bad backing tracks from internet, doing the same songs every night, 7 nights a week, for people who just let it float by ignored, because it SHOULD be ignored. Or the dance track discos, which are holes for drugs as much as anywhere, but need not pay for quality bands anymore.

Purachai's campaign erased thriving modern culture, not simply sexpat past times. Don't imagine for a minute that most 'quality tourists' come ONLY for 7 nights of shadow puppets, extravaganza shows and elephant rides.

I think more of the long term expats were here to see the vindictiveness of Thaksin and his clique particularly after he won in 2005. Sure the red villagers up north never saw this, their villages voted TRT lockstep and reaped some small benefits, but to do that, those that didn't LOST benefits, clearly being punished, for not voting the TRT party in their neighborhoods.

That for many of us is the scary part about Thaksins return. He has a reputation, based on FACTS, of vindictive abuse to those are as he doesn't favor. Not simply benign neglect, but actively hammering those that didn't back him. The sense is, if you live in the 'wrong area', he is gonna get you.


This article is simple minded at best. Sorry to say this, but life is more complex than some people want it to be. To pigeon hole a person for a particular behavior is a symptom of lazy journalism. So if on a certain day or certain nights one goes to a bar and buys the company of a consort, he or she is a sexpat for ever?? How about the rest of the time? The 99% of the time one is working, traveling, studying, or any other activity is not significant? I have been a traveler, a teacher, a guy who married a Thai and raised a family, an administrator, a volunteer worker but that is all erased because I entered a bar and took a lady home? Idiot.

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