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Violence On Thai Soapies

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Every single time I glance over at the TV when the wife is watching Thai soapies there is allways some violence happening.

Tonight (God knows what soapie it was) some kid was trying to smother a baby with a pillow.

Allways about money. Allways about face and ALLWAYS about some form of violence!

Where is the moral instruction?

Art immitates life? then God help Thailand if you watch Thai soapies.

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How about we move this over to the 'Eastenders' forum………….Same formula, Sad I know, but nothing new. "Pat…....Pat.....……… You cow Pat" only with a Thai accent! (sorry you may need to be English to catch that one)

Edited by Tonto21
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And it makes you wonder why thai people murder thai ppl so much.. they watch tv and think its normal.. Ive never watched 1 soap without anybody fighting or arguing not ONE

As PP said, it is the same with UK soaps. Its a winning formula it seems. People love drama, Same with news media. It is slowly becoming more graphic. People love watching the news to see bad stuff happening. They watch it with a kind of "Jobs Comforter" attitude. Its strange

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And it makes you wonder why thai people murder thai ppl so much.. they watch tv and think its normal.. Ive never watched 1 soap without anybody fighting or arguing not ONE

As PP said, it is the same with UK soaps. Its a winning formula it seems. People love drama, Same with news media. It is slowly becoming more graphic. People love watching the news to see bad stuff happening. They watch it with a kind of "Jobs Comforter" attitude. Its strange

Yes, as in racing car accidents, terrorist attacks etc... People love it.

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I value thai soaps a lot, because of the thai language that I am able to learn by watching them...As for the violence, well I like tarantino's films..so i guess the soaps are pretty tame....But they do have an age indication prior to screening each episode and most of the soaps - later at night are 18+ rated....I only get my thai soaps fix from TGN, that's the only thai channel available here in UAE.

I love thai soaps in which the bad lady is also the sexy lady.!! normally the lead actress is the sexy lady but sometimes the bad lady is too...:jap:

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The violence shown against women surprised me more than anything else.

Oh and the bit where someone is getting shot or beaten sensless, but the glass of whisky in the background is pixellated out.

Edited by Cobalt60
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The violence shown against women surprised me more than anything else.

Oh and the bit where someone is getting shot or beaten sensless, but the glass of whisky in the background is pixellated out.

if it's not the not the crazy violence on the soapies and the lousy script in general - not to mention the house that looks like a hotel -- the standand family lineup - the female vixen -- and so on - but the graphic images on thai news - bodies - car wrecks - murdered bodies on plain view for all to see with the rescue workers pointing to the bullet wounds -- knife entry points- bodies in cars etc -- graphic stuff - even in the news papers - no wonder violence is so readily accepted here - there is no way know that his sort of tv or media exposure would be allowed in the press overseas - so the thai populace accept this as normal and live life accordingly - sad but true --when i first arrived here - many years ago i could not believe what i was seeing - i am now hardened - and accept it as the norm -- life goes on - so be it --

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  • 1 month later...

The beatings, etc. don't bother me so much -- it's not the most extreme, or any more so than Western action films -- but what does bother me a bit would be the violence against women, namely all those rapes in the soap operas. Anyone notice that or have qualms about the message there?

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I've always found that if anything on television (television = a small screen in the corner of the room that shows pictures that someone made up) offends me turning it off usually solves the problem.

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This topic comes up quite often here on TV, usually from newer arrivals thinking they are making some sort of unique observation. Prehistoric people (older ones, like 22 years old) probably complained about violence portrayed in cave paintings. I know many people complained about comic books in the 1950s in the U.S. (Congressional hearings). And don't get me started on Roadrunner v. Coyote.


I think in Mexico, and perhaps some other countries, there is a planned editorial effort to portray a more positive attitude in the TV dramas, especially re: treatment of women. The Thai lakorn, especially those with a historical bent, still perpetuate sakdina and various other cultural uniqueness (multiple wives, violence towards women) perhaps as a way to preserve the status quo and identity?

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I agree the soaps here are, for me as a westerner that is, absolutely ridicules, with all the violance, and especially all the screaming.

But I honestly think that the average viewer knows this is pure entertainment, and not art immitating life.

I do not think watching tv will make you start believe that this is the norm, and killing another human is ok, because they constantly do it on tv.

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Boy, OP, you should do a little homework before you post such unadulterated crappola. Sure there's violence on TV. But none of the shows are glorifying it or making it appear as a good thing. On all Thai soaps, a man who hits a woman is the bad guy. A woman who lies and deceives others to get her way is a bad person. A man who is generous and kind is a good person. A good guy treats women with respect, a bad guy doesn't. A rich girl who treats her poor servant (especially the pretty ones) badly is considered bad. Pretty basic stuff. Soaps aren't supposed to be educational, but pretty much every one of these Thai soaps have these types of basic themes. Unless you're too thick to understand what's really going on.

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I enjoy the violence against women.

You also have woman attack man but most is woman on woman.

Ghost, vampire and demon violence to.

Last night acid throwing!

I failed to see the joke or sarcasm I sincerely hope you tried to display.

Please confirm to a simple soul that you do NOT enjoy violence against women.

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All soapies are the same and should be removed from TV.

Come on..... A did a lady really hang herself on a Thai Kids program like the poster above said? lol I doubt it.

All the screaming and yelling is annoying I have to admit, its like 70% of the show.

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Don't watch it very often, but there only appears to be 2 types

Someone shooting someone or someone in hospital, both of course with lots of screaming at each other.

My Partner assures me there not connected just appears to be more or less the same actors... I still joke about it saying Oh he was the one shot the other day, I get NO NO that is another series. :lol:

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I married my Wife 10 years ago (in thailand). I blame those soaps for her sometimes crazy angry behavior.

I guess it can be a problem with our sub-consious minds.

In America they banned this kind of behavior on the soaps(long time ago).

To me it's truly discusting. I used to think it was funny - but not anymore.

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All soapies are the same and should be removed from TV.

Come on..... A did a lady really hang herself on a Thai Kids program like the poster above said? lol I doubt it.

All the screaming and yelling is annoying I have to admit, its like 70% of the show.

100% sure. Several mates have seen this and worse on kids shows. You start to notice these things when you have your own kids

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All soapies are the same and should be removed from TV.

Come on..... A did a lady really hang herself on a Thai Kids program like the poster above said? lol I doubt it.

All the screaming and yelling is annoying I have to admit, its like 70% of the show.

100% sure. Several mates have seen this and worse on kids shows. You start to notice these things when you have your own kids

I think he meant soaps. I've only once been to a Thai soapie (I was entertaining clients, dear!), and I never saw any violence. And I don't think the Thai channels would show that; if they did, the cigarette after would be pixellated out, along with the lager shandy beforehand.


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Unfortunately the Thai Education system has not realised yet,that violence in the Media,breeds violence in reality,

it is also a means to distract the population,from politics and subdue and control them,and keep them ignorant.

The same as all soaps Worldwide,an Anethetising drug for the masses,which stops them thinking too much.

I Wonder if the Reds watched too many soaps up in the villages,before they went on their Rampage?

Edited by MAJIC
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I married my Wife 10 years ago (in thailand). I blame those soaps for her sometimes crazy angry behavior.

I guess it can be a problem with our sub-consious minds.

In America they banned this kind of behavior on the soaps(long time ago).

To me it's truly discusting. I used to think it was funny - but not anymore.

And that ban in the US has certainly worked, it's now one of the least violent places on earth!


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