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Auctions In Chiangmai


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I went to an auction today, cars, pick-ups and bikes, it's held in the Carrefour car park, (back entrance) I believe about once a month. If like me, you need a new ride and are feed up with the ridicules, unrealistic sticker prices some jokers try to sell their second hand rides for…...and that's private sales, then get yourself up to the back of Carrefour, find the auction office, (out the Carrefour back gate, turn left, next building is the auction office, they are very helpful)

To give you some idea; Honda click, 2010, 3000Km, mint condition……..Reserve price, 21,000 Baht, sold for 23,000 Baht, + Tax and admin fee.

Ford Ranger, 2009, 45000Km, mint condition……. Reservation price, 380,000 Baht, sold for 410,000 Baht +7% tax and an admin fee. This one I had an interest in, I now own a Ford!

If you have the money to buy new or happy just to go with the flow then more power to you, if not, then guys I would recommend looking at the auctions.

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It certainly sounds interesting, but the cynic in me must ask if "mint condition" means they looked good, or was there some proof that they were mechanically sound? Did you have the option of starting the vehicles, driving them a bit, inspecting the engine, drive train, body, etc.?

That being asked, the two examples given do seem like good prices for the vehicles described. Is this a big auction? Can you give us an idea of the number and variety of cars, trucks, big bikes and small bikes auctioned off? Was everything conducted in Thai? How do we find out when the next auction is?

Thanks for the information provided and any additional information you can provide. I'd like to check out one of these auctions.

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You don't have to be Thai to be a member. It become kind of annoying though as they call you every time they are having an auction(many times not in Chiang Mai).

There are the possibilities of getting a good deal there, but you really need to know what you are doing. The auctions are "as-is" and there are no returns. Bring a mechanic, get there early and take the time to go through everything and make sure you know what you are bidding on.

Good luck

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I bought three small motorbikes there last year - all at a good price for the condition. I haven't been since but then you could go the day before and have a thorough look at the bikes. On auction day you had to register and pay a fee (500b I think) but nobody ever contacted me since. Like the OP said, a potentially good way of getting a good vehicle at a realistic price.

BTW, once I got the paperwork for the bikes they were all from the same finance company so it would follow that a lot of these bikes are repos and the finance co is flogging them off to recoup some of their losses.



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Just a quick point guys, I'm not an authority on Thai auctions, I just have some points, facts and observations I made while I went through the process of attending and bidding at a car and bike auction in CM.

To try and answer some of the questions asked; 'heybruce', as for being cynical, yes I think that's a good place to start from when going toa car auction anywhere in the word. Believe me, I had a few reservations. I'll start by saying the whole operation from start to finish was professional and, I think well run, (with free food and soft drinks, sun shade and water fans) as said before the staff were very helpful, some spoke English, and were able to explain how it all worked and costs involved. In fact one guy 'farang' was bidding for a bike, he couldn't keep up with the Thai bid price, so they actually repeated the current bid figure in English for him…..To some good hearted laughter, and yes, he got a bike!

The basic mechanics of the auction are this; the evening before the auction the cars, pick-ups and bikes are lined up for inspection, (The back of Carrefour, in their car park) the vehicles are not open, details of the vehicles, along with a copy of the log book are posted in the window,There is also someone there to hand out a list detailing all vehicles and bikes, along with minimum reserve price for each vehicles.

Bike auction started at 11am, when that finished, a short interval then the cars and pick-ups. At this point the vehicles are open in turn, about 15 minutes before they drive ashort way to go under the hammer, (so now's the time to pull and poke around the vehicle you got your eye on) Not that many vehicle, at my auction, about 40, there were however around 300 bikes up for grabs, and they went, I think very cheap. Numbers vary from auction to auction; I was told this was a small turn out.

Yes 'Pikey' your right, all finance company repos and thefinance co flogging them off to recoup some of their losses.

Points to note; as a farang you can purchase at the auction,no worry's only thing you need to do is register at the auction, you will needto bring; passport, some proof of living here, IE, not be on a tourist visa, Itook a copy of my house book. And you need to deposit 20,000 Baht, (for car andpick-up's…don't know about bikes) refunded if you don't buy anything.

If you are successful you need to either on the day; settle infull….drive away, or pay minimum 10% and pay the balance within 6 days, (cash settle only on day of auction, after that you will need to do a bank transfer)

What's it all going to cost if you win the bid, first the cost of your bid, +7% tax, then admin fee 7,000 Baht and the last thing, if th evehicle has been transported to the auction a flat rate fee of, 3500 Baht

So, what was up for auction; everything from old, to near new. A few examples; Nissan, Big-M, 1994, 974,000Km, reserve price 40,000 Baht……Sold for 42,000 Baht. UP to a Chevrolet Colorado, 2010, 19,000Km, reserve price 390,000 Baht…..Sold for 430,000 Baht, they also had some very nice, near new Civics for sale.

One thing I found, unlike a lot of auctions in the UK, you could see that most of the bidder at this action in CM were from the car trade, so the good news, they will not pay 1 baht over if they can't turn it around and make a good profit, you can afford to pay that bit more as you're not trying to make money on it…………Good luck, and remember, Buyer Beware!

My new car I got last night, 410,000, 2009. Picked it uptoday, I'm well chuffed!




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How can we find out in advance when they are held? For example, is it a certain day every month, or two months, etc?

Good point! Try there web-site; www.union-auction.com. good hunting.

I've only just looked at this site!!! Give them a bell, CM office No; 089 6352511 and just ask them direct.

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what about the books, do you have to run around or do they take care of the name change for you?

I use to go to Manheim auctions in Bangkok but they were very overpriced and the vehicles had problems 25% of the time. Hope this place is better.

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what about the books, do you have to run around or do they take care of the name change for you?

I use to go to Manheim auctions in Bangkok but they were very overpriced and the vehicles had problems 25% of the time. Hope this place is better.

Hi 'KRS1' OK, The book and other things you need to do!

You, (the new owner) must do the name change and number plate change, No big deal.

After you have settled the bill and own the vehicle, youwill be given; a copy of the log book and bill of sale, this will allow you to insure the vehicle, (this being Thailand they will normally insure the vehicle in the previous owners name, as in the log book. Within a month the auction house will forward the log book……………It's up to you to get the name changed, take it, along with the bill of sale to your local transport office. I think it's only a few hundred Baht to change the name.

Now you need to go back to the insurance Co and show them the book, they will change the name on the insurance doc.

Next, number plate, I'll be honest, this is a little bit ofa grey area for me, what I don't understand is, it's not illegal to keep the plate you have on a vehicle, (one registered outside the region you are living in) So why change it. I can never get a simple answer from the Thai. However ifyou do wish to change the plate, you have to take all your docs back the to transport office and do the plate change………………Tell the insurance Co again. Job done.

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The cars are absolutely NOT in "mint-condition". Mint-condition means just like they left the factory. They are not even in "near-mint" condition.

Having been to about 10 of these auctions last year or the year before, 7 @ Carrefour and 3 @ Big C, I would not recommend these to anyone unless you have a well-trusted Thai friend that completely understands the process, doing the bidding for you. Do a search on this forum for other threads dealing with the same subject.

Caveat Emptor!

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The cars are absolutely NOT in "mint-condition". Mint-condition means just like they left the factory. They are not even in "near-mint" condition.

Having been to about 10 of these auctions last year or the year before, 7 @ Carrefour and 3 @ Big C, I would not recommend these to anyone unless you have a well-trusted Thai friend that completely understands the process, doing the bidding for you. Do a search on this forum for other threads dealing with the same subject.

Caveat Emptor!

Hi 'elektritied' ………Not a big fan of the auctions then?

I never used to go toauction in the UK, but here in Thailand, I was sick of being asked for the most ridiculous prices for second hand cars and pick-up. So, I went and laid out howI found the experience.

I agree with you whole heartedly about taking a trusted Thaifriend, (who know cars and the trade) or you need to know what you're looking at and can count in Thai!

I do however take exception that you intimating that I implied the cars are all in mint condition……………Where did I write this? Read my post again, Fact……the pick-up I got was, as were a number of bikes.

It would seem you went to a lot of auctions, what happened? Couldn't understand what was going on, and just decided it was a rip off.

There is one other thing we agree on………………..Buyer Beware!

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Don you know thats actually a blue car you bought? - says so on the windshield.

Ha ha….Yes I do know, do you know why this is on the car? It's because, (I believe the former owner was born on a Friday, (Blue) …Would have liked a blue car, but like most Thai's, feels he must conform and buy's 'Black or silver! I did laugh when I saw it!

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Ok, News flash, I've just found out there is another auction,(same place as in the topic, Carrfour, Super Highway) on the 25th…..That's this Wed, I would assume viewing the evening of 24th.

No bikes, just car and pick-ups.

Please read this topic again for details, phone No, processof signing on to bid……..stuff like that.

One thing guys, if you go….Please 'heads up OK' remember your experience may differ from that of mine. Good luck. I may even go myself Tues night for a look see.

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Just read the buyers rules and it cost 7000 baht in auction fees per vehicle to purchase.

10% Deposit 3 days to pay.

But the 7% appears to be paid for on the sellers behalf as stated in the guidelines along with 1500 baht for the auctioneers fee.

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Just read the buyers rules and it cost 7000 baht in auction fees per vehicle to purchase.

10% Deposit 3 days to pay.

But the 7% appears to be paid for on the sellers behalf as stated in the guidelines along with 1500 baht for the auctioneers fee.

Well you have me at a slight disadvantage, I did not read the buyers rules. However I did go through the process and it doesn't quite turn out the why you have written it. Is it written in English, or did you relyon a Thai friend's interpretation?

Allow me to just reiterate what the fees and outgoings were for the pick-up I bid for; first a deposit of 20,000 Baht, (refundable) needs to be lodged when registering, prior to the auction begins.

Costs; bid price + 7% tax, 7,000 Baht admin fee, 3500 Baht transportation fee, (vehicle to the auction, if applicable)

If you are successful you need to either on the day; settlein full….drive away, or pay minimum 10% and pay the balance within 6 days,(cash settle only on day of auction, after that you will need to do a banktransfer)

'KRS1' I've no doubt you read rules and failing a poor interpretation of what's written, I believe your findings…..However you know, this is Thailand and what may have been the rules, say, 5 years ago, may not be the rules now.This would not be the first time a change in rules does not make it to the published rule book.

I've no axe to grind over this, or point to win, I've written the topic only to inform, just how it happened and the costs to me. :)

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Nice pickup! Good buy, perfect for loading bikes and other toys! My friend bought an older model and loves it.

Thanks for auction write-up. I've been curious but never went myself. Good to know.


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Just read the buyers rules and it cost 7000 baht in auction fees per vehicle to purchase.

10% Deposit 3 days to pay.

But the 7% appears to be paid for on the sellers behalf as stated in the guidelines along with 1500 baht for the auctioneers fee.

Well you have me at a slight disadvantage, I did not read the buyers rules. However I did go through the process and it doesn't quite turn out the why you have written it. Is it written in English, or did you relyon a Thai friend's interpretation?

Allow me to just reiterate what the fees and outgoings were for the pick-up I bid for; first a deposit of 20,000 Baht, (refundable) needs to be lodged when registering, prior to the auction begins.

Costs; bid price + 7% tax, 7,000 Baht admin fee, 3500 Baht transportation fee, (vehicle to the auction, if applicable)

If you are successful you need to either on the day; settlein full….drive away, or pay minimum 10% and pay the balance within 6 days,(cash settle only on day of auction, after that you will need to do a banktransfer)

'KRS1' I've no doubt you read rules and failing a poor interpretation of what's written, I believe your findings…..However you know, this is Thailand and what may have been the rules, say, 5 years ago, may not be the rules now.This would not be the first time a change in rules does not make it to the published rule book.

I've no axe to grind over this, or point to win, I've written the topic only to inform, just how it happened and the costs to me. :)


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My new car I got last night, 410,000, 2009. Picked it uptoday, I'm well chuffed!

Thanks for the writeup. One question: Was it / will it be a hassle to get the car moved to Chiang Mai plates and into your name? I noticed it's got Chachoengsao plates, so it's remarkable to see it make it to a Chiang Mai auction. To get it moved to Chiang Mai, does this require going to the Chachoengsao transport office or can it be done in Chiang Mai?

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My new car I got last night, 410,000, 2009. Picked it uptoday, I'm well chuffed!

Thanks for the writeup. One question: Was it / will it be a hassle to get the car moved to Chiang Mai plates and into your name? I noticed it's got Chachoengsao plates, so it's remarkable to see it make it to a Chiang Mai auction. To get it moved to Chiang Mai, does this require going to the Chachoengsao transport office or can it be done in Chiang Mai?

Hi 'WinnieTheKhwai' Please have a read of post, #13 on this topic, I hope that answers some questions.

This auction deals with finance company repos and the finance Co flogging them off to recoup some of their losses. The vehicles come from allover Thailand.

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Thanks for the writeup. One question: Was it / will it be a hassle to get the car moved to Chiang Mai plates and into your name? I noticed it's got Chachoengsao plates, so it's remarkable to see it make it to a Chiang Mai auction. To get it moved to Chiang Mai, does this require going to the Chachoengsao transport office or can it be done in Chiang Mai?

Hi 'WinnieTheKhwai' Please have a read of post, #13 on this topic, I hope that answers some questions. This auction deals with finance company repos and the finance Co flogging them off to recoup some of their losses. The vehicles come from allover Thailand.

Right, so the question I have is if you can do the name change in Chiang Mai, or that you have to go to the province of registration of the vehicle.

Then as a second step, I would probably also want to change the vehicle to Chiang Mai plates.

Would you say most vehicles are registered in Chiang Mai and nearby provinces, or is it a complete mix of Thailand?

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Thanks for the writeup. One question: Was it / will it be a hassle to get the car moved to Chiang Mai plates and into your name? I noticed it's got Chachoengsao plates, so it's remarkable to see it make it to a Chiang Mai auction. To get it moved to Chiang Mai, does this require going to the Chachoengsao transport office or can it be done in Chiang Mai?

Hi 'WinnieTheKhwai' Please have a read of post, #13 on this topic, I hope that answers some questions. This auction deals with finance company repos and the finance Co flogging them off to recoup some of their losses. The vehicles come from allover Thailand.

Right, so the question I have is if you can do the name change in Chiang Mai, or that you have to go to the province of registration of the vehicle.

Then as a second step, I would probably also want to change the vehicle to Chiang Mai plates.

Would you say most vehicles are registered in Chiang Mai and nearby provinces, or is it a complete mix of Thailand?

Most cars and pick-ups, (at the auction I went too) had Bangkok plates on, but they can come from anywhere in Thailand.

Name and plate change can be done at a local transport office to the new registered address of the vehicle.

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Nice truck, is it running diesel?.....if not, they suck gas like Rosy down in Pattaya.....

The 'as is' clause worries me with anything Thai,especially vehicles, in general they tend to simply run the piss out of everything and then dump it.

Buyer beware,but at the same time there can be good deals to be had at a repo-auction.

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