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I Need Urgent Advice


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Iam renting apartment in Park Lane Jomtien Resort since sept. 2010. (2 bedrooms). Iam living with my wife.

We r vegeterians. 100% raw food. We r not using TV,stove,oven. We r only using juicer,refregerator and split at the night.

And computers.

First month electricity bill was for 2475B (total with the water):


I just payed for it. Didnt really bother to look into the bill....



This was the first time i looked into the nubers. They were saying i used to use 414 kWt in October.....

In Russia - i was using 60-100 kWt/month maximum.



Almost 500 kWt in November. All this month i was asking to show me the meter No cooperation from managment.

And finially - december:


Almost 700 kWt/month!!! (small factory amount). I was mad. I was demanding to show me the meter. Finially they showed it to me:


As u can see on the meter, its 0219,1 kWt total. And everything became clear to me. If u ll se on my last bill - it's not 0219,1 there. its 02191

They just dont placing dot in the number. And they were cheating me 10x every month!

I was trying to explain them something, but they make themselfs dont understand. Finially they said i must change the meter to the new one, so they can write down correct numbers! (:o)

There was nothing i could do - so i agreed. But first i had to payed almot 6000B for december.

Ok. They installed me new meter with 0000.0 in numbers.

January, February, March, April:





Evrything was correct. 4 numbers. Right amount. Right price. Iam Started thinking that everything is gonna be ok.....



On the meter its 0392,7 kWt. They just decided to take 10x from me once again.

There is no chance to explain them anything. They just open laughting on me.

4 of my friends r renting apartments in the same condo. One of them was trying to fight for the same problem. No result.

He even asked for tourist police to come. No result. But we saw a book with all rooms bill.

All thai name apartments paying the right amounts. All forein name - paying 10x more. They do it intentionally.

I have 5 days till my electricitywill be cut off. I really dont wanna pay 8000 Bath. I lost 15 000 last year already.

can someone help me with advice - what to do? Im just shoked now. Iam not ready to pay 30% more rental price now.

I will be grateful to any help.

P.S. sorry for any english mistakes. Not even my second language )))

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Reckon I would move out. A scam like this is not going to make you feel better about where you and your friends live.

I wish i can, but i have rental agreement for a year. (3 more month) I dont wanna lose 2x deposit.

Can anyone confirm that this is not a normal business in Pattaya and its only in Park Lane r charging 10x?

Ad u all pays 500-1000 Bath per month?

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Why don't you and the other people being scammed go and consult a lawyer and take them to court .

Most of the condos r renting for a weeks or a month. People just dont have time to scam.

And u ll be laughting, but other farangs here r just DONT CARE. AT ALL.

I was trying explain them everything. Showed the same info - they dont care.

They r paying 3000-5000 Bath every month and telling THATK U all the time.

They thought that this price is ok. They must be very rich...

Then i just stopped trying explaining, cause my bills were ok for awile(jan-apr). Dont know what to do now thought (

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The 7 is the baht charge per unit of measurement. The utility fee is 3.5 baht per unit of measurement. You knew this electric was charged a 7 baht (per) B4 you signed the lease (or should have).

The 100% mark-up on utility fees is common in Thailand and the mark-up is often more.

The other part of the scam is also void of a remedy.

Expensive lesson learned. You've lost enough time and tranquility as it is. Ride out the lease and move on.

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Ask the electric company to come out and read your meter and then evaluate your bill on how many units you have used and then show them the bill from the condo management company . Then offer that amount to the management company in the presence of the electric company guy .

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I think this is a communication problem and their inability to calculate the bill properly. You must speak with the manager and not the office clerk (who probably did the billing). Get a Thai to speak on your behalf. As a last resort get a lawyer. Demand full restitution.

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Seek legal counsel. I am pretty sure there's several law offices in Pattaya that advertise in the Russian language local press and should be able to assist.

The fact that they have already billed you the 'correct' amount for a few months before reverting to their gouging ways is quite significant. Getting access to that register of payments again and taking some pictures of it, clearly showing the mark-up for non-Thai's would be a good move.

You do need to get fellow renters who are being similarly f*cked over to agree to join you and take it to a lawyer. Unfortunately, maybe more than most are happy to let you stick your neck above the parapet and cash in on your success (if any) without getting involved themselves.

However... in any other country, they could be found liable for overcharging and thus be forced to pay out several thousands. Frankly, even if they were found 'guilty' and asked to pay back what they skimmed off foreign renters, I cannot see that happening in Thailand due to the huge amounts involved. Maybe just do your best to get your bill sorted out but seriously consider moving somewhere else as soon as possible.

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The 7 is the baht charge per unit of measurement. The utility fee is 3.5 baht per unit of measurement. You knew this electric was charged a 7 baht (per) B4 you signed the lease (or should have).

The 100% mark-up on utility fees is common in Thailand and the mark-up is often more.

The other part of the scam is also void of a remedy.

Expensive lesson learned. You've lost enough time and tranquility as it is. Ride out the lease and move on.


I dont care about price per unit. Let it be 7. They changing NUMBER OF UNITS. They writing 1000 against 100.

I think this is a communication problem and their inability to calculate the bill properly. You must speak with the manager and not the office clerk (who probably did the billing). Get a Thai to speak on your behalf. As a last resort get a lawyer. Demand full restitution.

I was talking to everyone in condo. Trust me - they know what they doing. And know it very well. Cause the profit of it is better then to sell guns.

Do i have any chance if i ll find any lawer? Moving out is not an option for the next 3 month.

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Reckon I would move out. A scam like this is not going to make you feel better about where you and your friends live.

I wish i can, but i have rental agreement for a year. (3 more month) I dont wanna lose 2x deposit.

Can anyone confirm that this is not a normal business in Pattaya and its only in Park Lane r charging 10x?

Ad u all pays 500-1000 Bath per month?

If the are charging the Thai residents the correct price then they know how to calculate the bills correctly and it isn't just a simple mistake. With that in mind do you honestly think that if you move out in three months that you are going to get your deposit back?

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Reckon I would move out. A scam like this is not going to make you feel better about where you and your friends live.

I wish i can, but i have rental agreement for a year. (3 more month) I dont wanna lose 2x deposit.

Can anyone confirm that this is not a normal business in Pattaya and its only in Park Lane r charging 10x?

Ad u all pays 500-1000 Bath per month?

If the are charging the Thai residents the correct price then they know how to calculate the bills correctly and it isn't just a simple mistake. With that in mind do you honestly think that if you move out in three months that you are going to get your deposit back?

My realter is another person. Englishman.He was the man who helped me last time(till january). But he cant do nothing today thought. I dont worry about my deposit(2x), but if ill cancell my agreement - i ll lose it for sure

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The 7 is the baht charge per unit of measurement. The utility fee is 3.5 baht per unit of measurement. You knew this electric was charged a 7 baht (per) B4 you signed the lease (or should have).

The 100% mark-up on utility fees is common in Thailand and the mark-up is often more.

The other part of the scam is also void of a remedy.

Expensive lesson learned. You've lost enough time and tranquility as it is. Ride out the lease and move on.


I dont care about price per unit. Let it be 7.

Moving out is not an option for the next 3 month.

You have kinda made my point for me. You don't care about being scammed for a 100% mark-up on the utility fees and you can not move for 3 months. You have no other tenant backing you on this.

I'm sorry, but, there is only one answer here......

You have ZERO chance of any remedy.

Expensive lesson learned. You have lost enough time and tranquility as it is. Ride out the lease and move on.


I pay the normal utility rate. 3.5 baht per unit of measurement (half what you pay). My electric bill is at least 2,000 baht per month. If I were paying 7 baht per unit of measurement my utility bill would be at least 4,000 baht per month.

You have laid out your case professionally ( are you a lawyer? ) and I think I see what you are getting at but in terms of the final bill (and in relation to a normal electric bill for even a miser falang) I just don't see how a 4,000 baht monthly electric bill is not a normal electric bill when a 7 baht per unit of measurement is the foundation of the monthly fee.

Either way

There is no remedy beyond dealing with it and moving on.


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"can someone help me with advice?"

"We r not using TV"

starting watching TV ; it's a great way to take the edge off

"We...only... split at the night."

like to help u with this , but have no idea what it means

"I dont wanna lose 2x deposit"

don't let this influence ur decision ; chances r slim and none u will see any of this money and slim just got on the songtao heading north

"I have 5 days till my electricitywill be cut off."

if ur staying pay the bill ; there's NO winning this one

Edited by jackdawson
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Reckon I would move out. A scam like this is not going to make you feel better about where you and your friends live.

I wish i can, but i have rental agreement for a year. (3 more month) I dont wanna lose 2x deposit.

Can anyone confirm that this is not a normal business in Pattaya and its only in Park Lane r charging 10x?

Ad u all pays 500-1000 Bath per month?

If the are charging the Thai residents the correct price then they know how to calculate the bills correctly and it isn't just a simple mistake. With that in mind do you honestly think that if you move out in three months that you are going to get your deposit back?

I was thinking the exact same thing. There is no guarantee that you will get your bond money back.

I would be pissed off if I was getting ripped off as well but there is no way I would bother with the lawyers and the like for what is probably a couple of hundred bucks.

Not worth the hassle or aggravation and not to mention getting some Thai people offside.

To pursue something in Thailand it has to be really worth it and for a couple of hundred bucks let it rest forget and move out in three months.

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Reckon I would move out. A scam like this is not going to make you feel better about where you and your friends live.

I wish i can, but i have rental agreement for a year. (3 more month) I dont wanna lose 2x deposit.

What makes you think you're going to get your deposit back from these thieves!

Cardinal rule in Thailand...never rent an apartment, condo or house that does not have direct billing from the power/water company to the tenant/renter.

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So, I actually went and read this thing again. I always tell folks to move on because there really is no remedy related to folks being scammed in this country.

OP shows us a photo of his meter. One photo.

OP claims that the kwt is incorrect.

OP posts photos of utility bills that show a consistent monthly stream of kwt readings that match each time but OP claims that the amount of kwt usuage can not be correct.

Condo management already knows that his split (air conditioner) is a POS and nightly usuage of the split is the reason for the "high" kwt figures. Management has zero intention of purchasing new split.

OP gets new meter just in time for the cold season when POS split will not be used at all (very cold high season this year).

High season ends and heat and humidity return.

OP uses the split nightly again. Split is a POS and burns electricity in that cavernous 2 bedroom apartment at alarming rates (or kwt's).

OP doesn't care that he agreed to pay his electric bill based on a 7 baht per unit of measurement rate (100% higher than the actual utility rate).

OP continues to rant and rave and can't seem to get anyone to follow him.

Management laughs at him because they know they are not going to replace the POS split (and they enjoy hearing the sounds and seeing the facial expressions of a Russian pleading his case in English) .

Neighbors don't want to take a position either way because doing so will only prolong the presence of the OP.


I'm not an attorney and I do not play one on TV

probably incorrect in my assessment

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I pay the normal utility rate. 3.5 baht per unit of measurement (half what you pay). My electric bill is at least 2,000 baht per month. If I were paying 7 baht per unit of measurement my utility bill would be at least 4,000 baht per month.

You have laid out your case professionally ( are you a lawyer? ) and I think I see what you are getting at but in terms of the final bill (and in relation to a normal electric bill for even a miser falang) I just don't see how a 4,000 baht monthly electric bill is not a normal electric bill when a 7 baht per unit of measurement is the foundation of the monthly fee.

I think u just dont really know how much power u r using. Most of the poples dont. Even if they studing it in scool.

For example: i have 1000W Juicer. Its a powerfull juicer. I can turn it on for an hour. That means i ll use 1 kWt. 1 kWt for 7 bath = 7 Bath. So my last bill is 7000 hours of my juicer working straight.

Do u think i used it so much?

Refregirator - 100W

Light Lamps - 20W

Computer and monitor - 200W total


There is no way i could spend 1006 kWt/month. So even x3.5 - IS VERY MUCH.

Look on my this year bills. They r perfectly correct.

1000Bath +-200Bath in month - IS MAXIMUM.

If u paying for ur electricity so much - go look at ur meter and begin asking questions.

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So, I actually went and read this thing again. I always tell folks to move on because there really is no remedy related to folks being scammed in this country.

OP shows us a photo of his meter. One photo.

OP claims that the kwt is incorrect.

OP posts photos of utility bills that show a consistent monthly stream of kwt readings that match each time but OP claims that the amount of kwt usuage can not be correct.

Condo management already knows that his split (air conditioner) is a POS and nightly usuage of the split is the reason for the "high" kwt figures. Management has zero intention of purchasing new split.

OP gets new meter just in time for the cold season when POS split will not be used at all (very cold high season this year).

High season ends and heat and humidity return.

OP uses the split nightly again. Split is a POS and burns electricity in that cavernous 2 bedroom apartment at alarming rates (or kwt's).

OP doesn't care that he agreed to pay his electric bill based on a 7 baht per unit of measurement rate (100% higher than the actual utility rate).

OP continues to rant and rave and can't seem to get anyone to follow him.

Management laughs at him because they know they are not going to replace the POS split (and they enjoy hearing the sounds and seeing the facial expressions of a Russian pleading his case in English) .

Neighbors don't want to take a position either way because doing so will only prolong the presence of the OP.


I'm not an attorney and I do not play one on TV

probably incorrect in my assessment

1.OP shows us a photo of his meter. One photo.

How many photos do u need to understand that there r no thousands of kWt there?

2.OP claims that the kwt is incorrect.

Meter is perfectly correct. It showing 219,1 kWT, not 2191 kWt thats shows in my bill

3.OP posts photos of utility bills that show a consistent monthly stream of kwt readings that match each time but OP claims that the amount of kwt usuage can not be correct.

Everything correct - but 10 times bigger.

4.Condo management already knows that his split (air conditioner) is a POS and nightly usuage of the split is the reason for the "high" kwt figures. Management has zero intention of purchasing new split.

OP gets new meter just in time for the cold season when POS split will not be used at all (very cold high season this year).

High season ends and heat and humidity return.

OP uses the split nightly again. Split is a POS and burns electricity in that cavernous 2 bedroom apartment at alarming rates (or kwt's).

The power of air split - is 1-2 Kwt/hour (each models differ). I made example before, so u can count how many month i can use it straight for 8000 Bath. Doesnt matter is it winter or summer.

5.OP doesn't care that he agreed to pay his electric bill based on a 7 baht per unit of measurement rate (100% higher than the actual utility rate).

This condominimum is still under construction. My realtor said the will be reduce to 3.5 per unit in one month. There is nothing i could do about this.

6.OP continues to rant and rave and can't seem to get anyone to follow him.

Management laughs at him because they know they are not going to replace the POS split (and they enjoy hearing the sounds and seeing the facial expressions of a Russian pleading his case in English) .

Neighbors don't want to take a position either way because doing so will only prolong the presence of the OP.


Edited by YuryBalyasnikov
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I pay the normal utility rate. 3.5 baht per unit of measurement (half what you pay). My electric bill is at least 2,000 baht per month. If I were paying 7 baht per unit of measurement my utility bill would be at least 4,000 baht per month.

You have laid out your case professionally ( are you a lawyer? ) and I think I see what you are getting at but in terms of the final bill (and in relation to a normal electric bill for even a miser falang) I just don't see how a 4,000 baht monthly electric bill is not a normal electric bill when a 7 baht per unit of measurement is the foundation of the monthly fee.

I think u just dont really know how much power u r using. Most of the poples dont. Even if they studing it in scool.

For example: i have 1000W Juicer. Its a powerfull juicer. I can turn it on for an hour. That means i ll use 1 kWt. 1 kWt for 7 bath = 7 Bath. So my last bill is 7000 hours of my juicer working straight.

Do u think i used it so much?

Refregirator - 100W

Light Lamps - 20W

Computer and monitor - 200W total


There is no way i could spend 1006 kWt/month. So even x3.5 - IS VERY MUCH.

Look on my this year bills. They r perfectly correct.

1000Bath +-200Bath in month - IS MAXIMUM.

If u paying for ur electricity so much - go look at ur meter and begin asking questions.

I'm assuming that when you write " we only split at night" you are saying that you run the air conditioner at night. Your kwt usuage issues correlate with the hot and humid months. You had normal (?) kwt usuage in Jan, Feb, Mar. The heat and humidity returned in April and I assume you returned to the nightly split usuage ( maybe even day usuage because being Russian you have never experienced heat and humidity like Thailand has in April and May).

You received Aprils bill in May and did not understand that running a bad air conditioner in a big 2 bedroom apartment during the most humid period of the year in Thailand could run up a kwt usuage similiar to a small factory. The Thais in the building probably don't understand this either but the Thais almost never use an air conditioner anyway.

I dont know how well your windows or ceiling are insulated (etc, etc) but my residence is 3rd world construction.


Even though I have modern A/Cs the air escapes easily and I have a normal falang utility bill.

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OP's issue is NOT about the rate (which he has agreed to) nor his electric usage....I think his issue is that the meter's reading is incorrectly written onto his final bill resulting in a greatly inflated bill. Instead of 219.1 - 105.2, they are billing him 2191 - 2052.

If he is right, it is very frustrating to be laughed at, with nobody wanting to help. However, I'd pay a lawyer even if only to act as translator and to go see the management together. Introduce as your friend trying to help you tanslate, no need for your action to be misinterpreted as a "threat" to take legal action (yet). You need to keep your cool and smile all the time and be polite. It really does help to get a native Thai speaker to help you. But you just keep your cool and smile. It comes with practise and having lived here for a number of years, I can now smile effortlessly, even if I am thinking I want to smash someone's face in!

Good luck.

Edited by doggie888888
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I pay the normal utility rate. 3.5 baht per unit of measurement (half what you pay). My electric bill is at least 2,000 baht per month. If I were paying 7 baht per unit of measurement my utility bill would be at least 4,000 baht per month.

You have laid out your case professionally ( are you a lawyer? ) and I think I see what you are getting at but in terms of the final bill (and in relation to a normal electric bill for even a miser falang) I just don't see how a 4,000 baht monthly electric bill is not a normal electric bill when a 7 baht per unit of measurement is the foundation of the monthly fee.

I think u just dont really know how much power u r using. Most of the poples dont. Even if they studing it in scool.

For example: i have 1000W Juicer. Its a powerfull juicer. I can turn it on for an hour. That means i ll use 1 kWt. 1 kWt for 7 bath = 7 Bath. So my last bill is 7000 hours of my juicer working straight.

Do u think i used it so much?

Refregirator - 100W

Light Lamps - 20W

Computer and monitor - 200W total


There is no way i could spend 1006 kWt/month. So even x3.5 - IS VERY MUCH.

Look on my this year bills. They r perfectly correct.

1000Bath +-200Bath in month - IS MAXIMUM.

If u paying for ur electricity so much - go look at ur meter and begin asking questions.

I'm assuming that when you write " we only split at night" you are saying that you run the air conditioner at night. Your kwt usuage issues correlate with the hot and humid months. You had normal (?) kwt usuage in Jan, Feb, Mar. The heat and humidity returned in April and I assume you returned to the nightly split usuage ( maybe even day usuage because being Russian you have never experienced heat and humidity like Thailand has in April and May).

You received Aprils bill in May and did not understand that running a bad air conditioner in a big 2 bedroom apartment during the most humid period of the year in Thailand could run up a kwt usuage similiar to a small factory. The Thais in the building probably don't understand this either but the Thais almost never use an air conditioner anyway.

I dont know how well your windows or ceiling are insulated (etc, etc) but my residence is 3rd world construction.


Even though I have modern A/Cs the air escapes easily and I have a normal falang utility bill.

Last time. It doesnt matter how it works. His power is 1.2 kWt/hour. It cant work for 12 kWt/hour. Nomatter what. If u cant understand it - i give up.

And the most power expensive thing in apartment is not a split(air con). Its a Water heater device in the bathroom. Mine is 4.5 kWt/hour.

Cant recall i spent hours in the bathroom....

Cant talk with u,while u trying to prove me that the sky is green, and the grass is blue.

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So, I actually went and read this thing again. I always tell folks to move on because there really is no remedy related to folks being scammed in this country.

OP shows us a photo of his meter. One photo.

OP claims that the kwt is incorrect.

OP posts photos of utility bills that show a consistent monthly stream of kwt readings that match each time but OP claims that the amount of kwt usuage can not be correct.

Condo management already knows that his split (air conditioner) is a POS and nightly usuage of the split is the reason for the "high" kwt figures. Management has zero intention of purchasing new split.

OP gets new meter just in time for the cold season when POS split will not be used at all (very cold high season this year).

High season ends and heat and humidity return.

OP uses the split nightly again. Split is a POS and burns electricity in that cavernous 2 bedroom apartment at alarming rates (or kwt's).

OP doesn't care that he agreed to pay his electric bill based on a 7 baht per unit of measurement rate (100% higher than the actual utility rate).

OP continues to rant and rave and can't seem to get anyone to follow him.

Management laughs at him because they know they are not going to replace the POS split (and they enjoy hearing the sounds and seeing the facial expressions of a Russian pleading his case in English) .

Neighbors don't want to take a position either way because doing so will only prolong the presence of the OP.


I'm not an attorney and I do not play one on TV

probably incorrect in my assessment

1.OP shows us a photo of his meter. One photo.

How many photos do u need to understand that there r no thousands of kWt there?

2.OP claims that the kwt is incorrect.

Meter is perfectly correct. It showing 219,1 kWT, not 2191 kWt thats shows in my bill

3.OP posts photos of utility bills that show a consistent monthly stream of kwt readings that match each time but OP claims that the amount of kwt usuage can not be correct.

Everything correct - but 10 times bigger.

4.Condo management already knows that his split (air conditioner) is a POS and nightly usuage of the split is the reason for the "high" kwt figures. Management has zero intention of purchasing new split.

OP gets new meter just in time for the cold season when POS split will not be used at all (very cold high season this year).

High season ends and heat and humidity return.

OP uses the split nightly again. Split is a POS and burns electricity in that cavernous 2 bedroom apartment at alarming rates (or kwt's).

The power of air split - is 1-2 Kwt/hour (each models differ). I made example before, so u can count how many month i can use it straight for 8000 Bath. Doesnt matter is it winter or summer.

5.OP doesn't care that he agreed to pay his electric bill based on a 7 baht per unit of measurement rate (100% higher than the actual utility rate).

This condominimum is still under construction. My realtor said the will be reduce to 3.5 per unit in one month. There is nothing i could do about this.

6.OP continues to rant and rave and can't seem to get anyone to follow him.

Management laughs at him because they know they are not going to replace the POS split (and they enjoy hearing the sounds and seeing the facial expressions of a Russian pleading his case in English) .

Neighbors don't want to take a position either way because doing so will only prolong the presence of the OP.


Prastee meenya pozhalosta


I was just showing you how anything can be twisted (even when math is on your side).

It's usually a serious thing when someone accuses a corporation of fraud.

Maybe not much of an issue in this country but the flip side to that is the lack of remedies for wrongs.

good luck to ya

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The electric meter readings on he bills are obviously wrong and the OP is being charged 10X the correct amount.

It looks the same to me on the water meter readings too, nobody uses that much water a month do they???.

Take onionluke advice and call the leccy board to come out and check.

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I know that the sky is blue and the grass is green but I don't know that the photo of the meter is your meter or that the bills are actually yours or even real bills or if you live in the place.

So I am free to speculate on the weather, bad a/cs and your motives.

You are free to offer libelous opinions of any corporation you want.

Prastee meenya pozhalosta

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From the photo it looks like the meter in question is somewhat different to the meters on either side. It may, therefore, be an honest error that has been made by the people reading the meters. Or maybe not. It would be interesting to know whether other people getting high bills have a meter like that of the OP.

Either way, the OP should be contacting the building committee: their details should be on the noticeboard in the lobby. They are the ones who tell the management company what to do and if some sort of scam/error is happening then they are the ones who can instruct the management company to fix it. They can put huge pressure on the management company to sort it out. No individual tenant or owner can put the same pressure on.

Whether or not the committee in that building is any good will depend on who the members are. In that building I would have thought that a fair number of the members will be farang, and they would probably be more motivated to do something than Thai members might be. They may even be paying too much themselves, without knowing it.

My personal opinion of the electricity price is that I only pay the government rate. If a building or unit owner asks for more than the official rate then I just dont live in that unit. End of discussion. There are loads of other condo units around. If more people refused to be ripped-off then there would be a lot less people trying it on. And that applies world-wide, not just here.

As for the other tenants/owners; I am constantly amazed by the way that so many people go through life with no apparent knowledge or understanding of what bills they are paying and how accurate they are. I work on the assumption that every bill I get is probably wrong, and I check them all with no exceptions. This includes restaurant bills and supermarket checkouts and tax bills and bank statements. And over the years I have found that maybe 10% are indeed wrong, or include some item that I never received or didnt want. The figure is increasing year on year.

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Do i have any chance if i ll find any lawer? Moving out is not an option for the next 3 month.

There are a few

Local firms

Khun Visan at Attorney house in north Pattaya road near Fairtex

03841 0241

159/105 M.5

North Pattaya Road

Khun Mu his office is on the corner of south Pattaya road and Soi Bongkot

Mob: 08 198 20056

Also Sunbelt Asia who i see is a advertiser on Thaivisa

Sunbelt Asia Co., Ltd

26th Floor Fortune Town

1 Ratchadapisek Rd


Tel (+66) 02-642-0213

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math is not my strong suit but here ya go anyway

I have one 18,000 btu airconditioner

5.3 kwh

if it were old it probably would runfull during high heat and humidity especially since my place has old windows and no insulation above the ceiling.

5 kwh = 5 X 3.5 (govt rate) = 17.5 baht per hour the A/C is on

17.5 X 8 hours = 140 baht per day

140 baht X 30 days = 4,200 baht

4,200 baht per month for only one air conditioner at the government rate of 3.5 baht per kwh

the 5.3 kwh is from Daikens website and is also labeled to the unit.

FT50FVM / R50BV1


5.30 kW, 18,090 Btu/h

is my math correct??

Just wondering for myself. May have to check my meter also.

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