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I think a Thai girlfriend who understands English might prove to be a bit of a conversation stopper.........:)

Or even more so, the novelty of the Farang boyfriend/husband that understands Thai.....:P

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Good points made regarding the improvement of Food, Service, and Ambiance at the FC. IMO, the biggest problem is that Sunni and her boyfriend/new husband basically don't like Farangs. They know they have a built in hard core group who will frequent the FC regardless so what's the incentive to make needed changes? Their only real competition is Starbeams here in Surin. The demise of the FC started even before the late Martin passed away, Sunni and Martin had basically divorced but due to financial constraints they were forced to try and work together to keep the FC afloat. As Martin's cancer rapidly progressed and Sunni's overall attitude to us Farangs it was simply a matter of time before a lot of regular customers said enough is enough.

Yes, the FC is very much like a clique, especially in the afternoon when the hard core group of regulars take over a few of the tables. A lot of them look like they just rolled out of bed, forgot to brush their teeth or even gave a single though about their dress. These guys don't like change and as long as they get their "locals price" for their beers they are well satisfied. They might acknowledge a stranger, especially if he is a Brit or simply a guy with a stunner on his arm. But as far as going out of their way to make a newcomer welcome, that's a pipe dream. How do I know this you might ask? I have sat with these guys over the past five years on and off and I have seen it for myself, yes I have been guilty of standoffish behavior myself. For me it just to the point of always hearing these guys bitch and moan, get pissed daily and quite frankly that became a real bore.

Now I just pop in for breakfast one or twice a week with my wife. For the guy who is trying to make significant changes to the staff, the owners, the food, the service and the ambiance all I can say is bleddy good luck to you. IMO, you might as well be trying to piss into a hurricane.

Interesting observation... funny thing is several times a week I see some of the same great mates at Star Beams.. so does that mean the SB is the same as FC?


Good points made regarding the improvement of Food, Service, and Ambiance at the FC. IMO, the biggest problem is that Sunni and her boyfriend/new husband basically don't like Farangs. They know they have a built in hard core group who will frequent the FC regardless so what's the incentive to make needed changes? Their only real competition is Starbeams here in Surin. The demise of the FC started even before the late Martin passed away, Sunni and Martin had basically divorced but due to financial constraints they were forced to try and work together to keep the FC afloat. As Martin's cancer rapidly progressed and Sunni's overall attitude to us Farangs it was simply a matter of time before a lot of regular customers said enough is enough.

Yes, the FC is very much like a clique, especially in the afternoon when the hard core group of regulars take over a few of the tables. A lot of them look like they just rolled out of bed, forgot to brush their teeth or even gave a single though about their dress. These guys don't like change and as long as they get their "locals price" for their beers they are well satisfied. They might acknowledge a stranger, especially if he is a Brit or simply a guy with a stunner on his arm. But as far as going out of their way to make a newcomer welcome, that's a pipe dream. How do I know this you might ask? I have sat with these guys over the past five years on and off and I have seen it for myself, yes I have been guilty of standoffish behavior myself. For me it just to the point of always hearing these guys bitch and moan, get pissed daily and quite frankly that became a real bore.

Now I just pop in for breakfast one or twice a week with my wife. For the guy who is trying to make significant changes to the staff, the owners, the food, the service and the ambiance all I can say is bleddy good luck to you. IMO, you might as well be trying to piss into a hurricane.

Interesting observation... funny thing is several times a week I see some of the same great mates at Star Beams.. so does that mean the SB is the same as FC?



At least some people are trying to do something other than bitch about what's wrong. And from what I've been told almost none of you have actually complained to S. about the place, the food or the service.

Vote with your voice, tell S. what's wrong and what's right if there's something you do like about the food, the service and the place it's self.

I happen to agree with most about what's right and what's wrong... the breakfast is the strong point. The old cook is back so the food all around is getting better and because most old customers know her (the cook) the overall feeling is improving too!

So for now things are moving in the right direction.

For those that feel it necessary to drag the past into the discussion I only have this to say to you: breath in - breath out and move on, get over it.

Many people have gone through bad times, isn't that why some people are here in Thailand in the first place, looking for a fresh new start on life?

Sure things got pretty ugly (what's your past look like?) and S. was left with a lot of hospital bills to pay and no insurance and other than the FC, no way to pay the bills either, a lot of stress on anyone's shoulders...

Is S. not entitled to have a relationship with someone (her BF)? Is your partner Gods gift to the world?

I've been told the new menu is almost finished. Just doing the translations into other languages including Thai, maybe taking a little longer than one would hope but then translations do take time and finding the right people can be difficult at the best of times.

If there's anyone who has access to painters out there... you input is needed! PM me or better yet go talk with Sunny I'm sure she would appreciate your help.


Good points made regarding the improvement of Food, Service, and Ambiance at the FC. IMO, the biggest problem is that Sunni and her boyfriend/new husband basically don't like Farangs. They know they have a built in hard core group who will frequent the FC regardless so what's the incentive to make needed changes? Their only real competition is Starbeams here in Surin. The demise of the FC started even before the late Martin passed away, Sunni and Martin had basically divorced but due to financial constraints they were forced to try and work together to keep the FC afloat. As Martin's cancer rapidly progressed and Sunni's overall attitude to us Farangs it was simply a matter of time before a lot of regular customers said enough is enough.

Yes, the FC is very much like a clique, especially in the afternoon when the hard core group of regulars take over a few of the tables. A lot of them look like they just rolled out of bed, forgot to brush their teeth or even gave a single though about their dress. These guys don't like change and as long as they get their "locals price" for their beers they are well satisfied. They might acknowledge a stranger, especially if he is a Brit or simply a guy with a stunner on his arm. But as far as going out of their way to make a newcomer welcome, that's a pipe dream. How do I know this you might ask? I have sat with these guys over the past five years on and off and I have seen it for myself, yes I have been guilty of standoffish behavior myself. For me it just to the point of always hearing these guys bitch and moan, get pissed daily and quite frankly that became a real bore.

Now I just pop in for breakfast one or twice a week with my wife. For the guy who is trying to make significant changes to the staff, the owners, the food, the service and the ambiance all I can say is bleddy good luck to you. IMO, you might as well be trying to piss into a hurricane.

Interesting observation... funny thing is several times a week I see some of the same great mates at Star Beams.. so does that mean the SB is the same as FC?


Thanks... i think this is the first time I have actually understood what you've said (LOL) laugh.gif


to start with MH there's nothing "hostile" in my response. I just simply pointed out that maybe you should have tried saying hello first. And your second story doesn't match your first... however not one of them has ever raised a smile to me or said ''hello'' on any occasion.

Now that you have changed your story one is left wondering what your true motives are.

You have no right to use mine or anyone else's true name without authority... so again... what's your real motive here?

Brian, looks like you spent too much time in the Company of Lawyers....''changed my story''...''what your true motives are''...maybe I should have chosen my words more carefully...had I known I was going to be put before the Judge and Jury on this one.

You obviously read more into my reply to the OP than most...so what is the Question regarding ...'''My motives'' as all I did was answer with a few reasonable points on my personal view of the FC, however I now find myself in an argument with you.

Reading back through the thread and also other Forums on the same subject, I find I am not the first person you have started an argument with on matter, there are many...so we have to ask...what is your motive?

In the first instance I was referring to the group activity, meaning none of them said Hello etc. The one guy alone at first did acknowledge me, but that is about it. There is no story and no motive.

The bottom line is, arguments with you and bullsh*t aside...The majority of former Customers of FC have already voted with their feet...the place is not somewhere we would choose to go anymore.

Now if you ask the question, yet are unable to accept the answers as they are given, what is the point?

Cheers, MH


Living in Prakhonchai, I am not very familiar with the Surin restaurants.

Certainly Patronus makes a valid point regarding Coffee Corner. As an infrequent visitor, I am always made very welcome by the staff - there is a pleasant atmosphere, prices are reasonable, and such food as I have eaten there has always been top quality.

Other estaurant owners should take a look!

shame on you Nick not supporting your mate not often :D

Cameraderie/Friendship - Not detectable. The place is supposed to be ''Farang friendly'' however the most unfriendly aspect is the regular band of Farang who sit at the same table day in day out. I am British, however not one of them has ever raised a smile to me or said ''hello'' on any occasion.

Cheers, MH

Must say i have not been there for a while not getting out so much but will add when i decide to visit i no doubt will be welcomed back with a hello and a smile as i am quite a friendly person , talking about Cameraderie/Friendship what really pisses me off and i know it should not is when i am shopping in big c or Tesco and i see another farang not from the people who sit in the farang connection but other new people i do not know, is when i go to acknowledge them or smile or nod they completely look the other way now i am not that hideous to look at (leaving my self open there )so i guess it goes both ways if you are not going to be friendly to start with do not expect to join in :unsure:

to start with MH there's nothing "hostile" in my response. I just simply pointed out that maybe you should have tried saying hello first. And your second story doesn't match your first... however not one of them has ever raised a smile to me or said ''hello'' on any occasion.

Now that you have changed your story one is left wondering what your true motives are.

You have no right to use mine or anyone else's true name without authority... so again... what's your real motive here?

Brian, looks like you spent too much time in the Company of Lawyers....''changed my story''...''what your true motives are''...maybe I should have chosen my words more carefully...had I known I was going to be put before the Judge and Jury on this one.

You obviously read more into my reply to the OP than most...so what is the Question regarding ...'''My motives'' as all I did was answer with a few reasonable points on my personal view of the FC, however I now find myself in an argument with you.

Reading back through the thread and also other Forums on the same subject, I find I am not the first person you have started an argument with on matter, there are many...so we have to ask...what is your motive?

In the first instance I was referring to the group activity, meaning none of them said Hello etc. The one guy alone at first did acknowledge me, but that is about it. There is no story and no motive.

The bottom line is, arguments with you and bullsh*t aside...The majority of former Customers of FC have already voted with their feet...the place is not somewhere we would choose to go anymore.

Now if you ask the question, yet are unable to accept the answers as they are given, what is the point?

Cheers, MH

ok you win!


I think a Thai girlfriend who understands English might prove to be a bit of a conversation stopper.........:)

Or even more so, the novelty of the Farang boyfriend/husband that understands Thai.....:P


You appear to have missed the point guys. The question was whether the members of FC regular Farang ''Clique'' (as it has been described) who were present at the time, knew that I spoke English...?

The fact that my GF understands and speaks English and I similarly Thai is irrelevant.

On this occasion, there were no other girlfriends there, in fact, no other customers, only the pair of us and the ''Clique'' on the opposite side of the bar.

Then again, the FC having few or no customers is really what this thread is all about, or is there some other motive?

Cheers, MH


Cameraderie/Friendship - Not detectable. The place is supposed to be ''Farang friendly'' however the most unfriendly aspect is the regular band of Farang who sit at the same table day in day out. I am British, however not one of them has ever raised a smile to me or said ''hello'' on any occasion.

Cheers, MH

Must say i have not been there for a while not getting out so much but will add when i decide to visit i no doubt will be welcomed back with a hello and a smile as i am quite a friendly person , talking about Cameraderie/Friendship what really pisses me off and i know it should not is when i am shopping in big c or Tesco and i see another farang not from the people who sit in the farang connection but other new people i do not know, is when i go to acknowledge them or smile or nod they completely look the other way now i am not that hideous to look at (leaving my self open there )so i guess it goes both ways if you are not going to be friendly to start with do not expect to join in :unsure:

When I was racing up and down the isles in BigC entertaining my son in the trolley, pulling wheelies with the trolley, and having great fun as he thoroughly enjoyed himself..........well there were a few who still managed to look the other way........same as usual........:D ..........perhaps rising above the more non conformist farang......:)


I think a Thai girlfriend who understands English might prove to be a bit of a conversation stopper.........:)

Or even more so, the novelty of the Farang boyfriend/husband that understands Thai.....:P


You appear to have missed the point guys. The question was whether the members of FC regular Farang ''Clique'' (as it has been described) who were present at the time, knew that I spoke English...?

The fact that my GF understands and speaks English and I similarly Thai is irrelevant.

On this occasion, there were no other girlfriends there, in fact, no other customers, only the pair of us and the ''Clique'' on the opposite side of the bar.

Then again, the FC having few or no customers is really what this thread is all about, or is there some other motive?

Cheers, MH

I think you are not following a line of thought, the "clique", has been accused of potentially driving customers away......thus the above observations are relevant to possible decline of the popularity of FC........not a reflection on you or your girlfriend

Apologies for the post about BigC.....a little light hearted loosely connected comment

For me, as I have curtailed my drinking now to desert wandering proportions, combined with the fact that my wife is excellent at cooking my favourite dishes, and I enjoy thai food, I find FC carries no draw for me.....I dine out at the soup noodle stalls....:) .



A suggestion for improvement.......have the staff out at the front of the place, smart and alert and greeting customers, showing them to a table, not skulking in the back of the place waiting until people have made their way in, found a seat and look like they require attention...regular customers can lead to a decline in this type of greeting, especially if it is same people same table routine


For me, as I have curtailed my drinking now to desert wandering proportions, combined with the fact that my wife is excellent at cooking my favourite dishes, and I enjoy thai food, I find FC carries no draw for me.....I dine out at the soup noodle stalls....:) .


Ah yes, another convert.

Has it's moments, doesn't it?B)


For me, as I have curtailed my drinking now to desert wandering proportions, combined with the fact that my wife is excellent at cooking my favourite dishes, and I enjoy thai food, I find FC carries no draw for me.....I dine out at the soup noodle stalls....:) .


Ah yes, another convert.

Has it's moments, doesn't it?B)

Everything in moderation.


For me, as I have curtailed my drinking now to desert wandering proportions, combined with the fact that my wife is excellent at cooking my favourite dishes, and I enjoy thai food, I find FC carries no draw for me.....I dine out at the soup noodle stalls....:) .


Ah yes, another convert.

Has it's moments, doesn't it?B)

Everything in moderation.

Agreed, but you must admit there is the major benefit of having your food in front of you before most restaurants would have arrived with the menu.......:).........also I cannot envisage chewing my way through a pork chop when there is the alternative of bite size chunks fried in a garlic suace.......same with a steak.....why?.....you can make lovely beef strips fried in garlic and honey.......why chew through a steak?.......just my preference of course.......and as for bread.....it is a well known fact that it can give you heartburn.......most probably thought it was the beer......:D

I do understand the craving for some foods, but I got fed up with not enjoying the food as much as my memory thought I would

And yes before you ask I still have all my own teeth.......:)

So what would entice me to Farang connection above anywhere else...................a buffet mix of Thai dishes, European food (Minimal),fresh salad and fruit.........eat all you can for 200 baht.....and free water....:)


Agreed, but you must admit there is the major benefit of having your food in front of you before most restaurants would have arrived with the menu.......:).........also I cannot envisage chewing my way through a pork chop when there is the alternative of bite size chunks fried in a garlic suace.......same with a steak.....why?.....you can make lovely beef strips fried in garlic and honey.......why chew through a steak?.......just my preference of course.......and as for bread.....it is a well known fact that it can give you heartburn.......most probably thought it was the beer......:D

I do understand the craving for some foods, but I got fed up with not enjoying the food as much as my memory thought I would

And yes before you ask I still have all my own teeth.......:)

So what would entice me to Farang connection above anywhere else...................a buffet mix of Thai dishes, European food (Minimal),fresh salad and fruit.........eat all you can for 200 baht.....and free water....:)

I concur, some good ideas here.

Good to see that, after all the (petty) arguing, finally it appears there is something constructive developing with regards to this thread and improving the FC, if possible.

Cheers, MH


For me, as I have curtailed my drinking now to desert wandering proportions, combined with the fact that my wife is excellent at cooking my favourite dishes, and I enjoy thai food, I find FC carries no draw for me.....I dine out at the soup noodle stalls....:) .


Ah yes, another convert.

Has it's moments, doesn't it?B)

Everything in moderation.

Agreed, but you must admit there is the major benefit of having your food in front of you before most restaurants would have arrived with the menu.......:).........also I cannot envisage chewing my way through a pork chop when there is the alternative of bite size chunks fried in a garlic suace.......same with a steak.....why?.....you can make lovely beef strips fried in garlic and honey.......why chew through a steak?.......just my preference of course.......and as for bread.....it is a well known fact that it can give you heartburn.......most probably thought it was the beer......:D

I do understand the craving for some foods, but I got fed up with not enjoying the food as much as my memory thought I would

And yes before you ask I still have all my own teeth.......:)

So what would entice me to Farang connection above anywhere else...................a buffet mix of Thai dishes, European food (Minimal),fresh salad and fruit.........eat all you can for 200 baht.....and free water....:)

Great input and suggestions, will forward to Sunny. The other day when I was there most of the dishes ordered that day were European in Flair. The only issue with buffet style is knowing if you're going to have sufficient clients or not to warrant to risk of the amount of foods to be pre-cooked. Maybe having a buffet Friday or something like that to start would work to "test the waters".

Any ideas on that technique?


Great input and suggestions, will forward to Sunny. The other day when I was there most of the dishes ordered that day were European in Flair. The only issue with buffet style is knowing if you're going to have sufficient clients or not to warrant to risk of the amount of foods to be pre-cooked. Maybe having a buffet Friday or something like that to start would work to "test the waters".

Any ideas on that technique?

Well first you must decide on your market, my thought would be to aim at the Thai market alongside the existing Farang market

Ask your current customers if they would like to give a buffet a try, get their input on preferred dishes introduce some of the huge variety of fruits currently available......the 'farang salad bar' perhaps, the farang fruit is currently available plus, those pink fruit, the red hairy things,water melon, durian, grapes,banana, pineapple a whole list of fruit to try for foreigners and loved by most Thai....I don't know the names of many but I tried at least 3 new ones on my recent family visit and enjoyed them all.... give small samples to try encourage participation especially with the one off visitors......make eating at farang connection an experience.......but a relatively healthy experience......

Perhaps think about recruiting a soup noodle stall operate out front for a while to attract Thai local workers.....just a suggestion, make up snack packs of in season fruit for them to take back to work......

Tom yum is cheap and easy to make, rice, and some greens, barbecued chichen legs and thighs, perhaps a pork dish, maybe a green curry, possibly a fish dish,offer a buffet or individualy priced dishes, the buffet would allow eat 'til full and a cross section of tastes, individual should be one off dish no seconds, but cheap to support the buffet.

Most of the above is relatively cheap to supply easily cooked quickly to refresh a favourite dish that is disappearing, also allowing the dishes to be fresh and not standing around too long

perhaps pick out one popular european dish per buffet

And yes you would have to go gently regarding cost and waste but you cannot afford to pinch on quality or run out unless there is a particular favourite that goes extraordinary well

But there are more capable people here to advise you guys ......Just a few thoughts .......good luck


I have deleted several off topic slanderous posts. Keep on that track ,It will be a private conversation with a suspension. Please DO NOT use this forum for your private beefs.


Great input and suggestions, will forward to Sunny. The other day when I was there most of the dishes ordered that day were European in Flair. The only issue with buffet style is knowing if you're going to have sufficient clients or not to warrant to risk of the amount of foods to be pre-cooked. Maybe having a buffet Friday or something like that to start would work to "test the waters".

Any ideas on that technique?

Well first you must decide on your market, my thought would be to aim at the Thai market alongside the existing Farang market

Ask your current customers if they would like to give a buffet a try, get their input on preferred dishes introduce some of the huge variety of fruits currently available......the 'farang salad bar' perhaps, the farang fruit is currently available plus, those pink fruit, the red hairy things,water melon, durian, grapes,banana, pineapple a whole list of fruit to try for foreigners and loved by most Thai....I don't know the names of many but I tried at least 3 new ones on my recent family visit and enjoyed them all.... give small samples to try encourage participation especially with the one off visitors......make eating at farang connection an experience.......but a relatively healthy experience......

Perhaps think about recruiting a soup noodle stall operate out front for a while to attract Thai local workers.....just a suggestion, make up snack packs of in season fruit for them to take back to work......

Tom yum is cheap and easy to make, rice, and some greens, barbecued chichen legs and thighs, perhaps a pork dish, maybe a green curry, possibly a fish dish,offer a buffet or individualy priced dishes, the buffet would allow eat 'til full and a cross section of tastes, individual should be one off dish no seconds, but cheap to support the buffet.

Most of the above is relatively cheap to supply easily cooked quickly to refresh a favourite dish that is disappearing, also allowing the dishes to be fresh and not standing around too long

perhaps pick out one popular european dish per buffet

And yes you would have to go gently regarding cost and waste but you cannot afford to pinch on quality or run out unless there is a particular favourite that goes extraordinary well

But there are more capable people here to advise you guys ......Just a few thoughts .......good luck

Thanks for taking the time to write a wonderful detailed posting, some great idea here too!


Would just like to ask "zzaa09" if he was born anti-social or if he worked at it. Because if he worked at it, then I have to say, GOD YOU ARE GOOD.A real plonker but good. Why do you think that anyone who wants to help another person, has an ulterior motive.I know I may have upset a few people with my original comments on here, and i'm still not convinced that a lot of the regulars want any change, but at least I apologised if I did upset anyone that I didn't know. Back to the topic. As i said i met "brimacthai" last week and we had a good chat, I gave my opinions on what is wrong, and we seemed to be on the same wavelength. I was disappointed that suni did not have any imput, but hopefully she will follow the suggestions made by myself and many other people on here that want her to revitalise the FC. Hopefully over the coming weeks things will improve and then it will become a good place to go again, but that doesn't mean it has to go back to what it was when martin was running it, it can be more successful by changing with the times, moving on and becoming something different.I would love it to become somewhere where everybody can go and enjoy themselves, someone commented that you can't be all things to all people, sorry to disagree, but you have to try to give a whole range of people what they want. For some it has to be an extention of their living room at home, somewhere they can come and relax, maybe read the paper, or watch tv.For others it needs to be somewhere they can come and enjoy some privacy, just by sitting alone without anyone pressuring them to do anything,for some a place to bring their wives or girlfriends and enjoy a meal and a drink, and for others it is somewhere they can go and let their hair down and have a really good time. But it is up to suni to create that atmosphere. Another thing that I think she needs to do ( especially during the football season ) is open later at night. Now I also realise that not everyone likes football, and i would suggest that she could maybe open the upstairs into a sports bar, with big screen tv, comfortable seating, and a small bar. Because it is not just for football, but all other sports that people might like to watch. And people that don't like sport have the option of staying downstairs. Anyway I just hope that everything works out for her, and all the regulars that have frequented the FC over the years, but remember don't be afraid of change, you never know you might just like it.

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