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Wifi Aerials And Wimax Equiptment In Thailand

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I'd like to get hold of an omni-directional and a directional aerial for 2.4Ghz WiFi and wondered if anyone knew of suppliers in Thailand ? I'm not looking for quantities - just 1 of each.

Another alternative is to buy from another country and bring it back to thailand or have it shipped here. Does anyone have any comments on doing this ? Whats the chances or actually receiving something like that (there not massive - it may be up to 1.5 meters in length). Also what sort of taxes might have to be paid on an aerial ?

I know i could also have a go at making these, but i'd like to have a go at getting a professionally made aerial first

Also does anyone know if there is any WiMax equiptment that can be bought in Thailand ? I know it is early days for WiMax and i am not sure about the availability of equitement elsewhere either...


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I know i could also have a go at making these, but i'd like to have a go at getting a professionally made aerial first

One consideration is whether you will be using a USB dongle -- it might not be easy to connect to an external antenna.

You should reconsider trying to make one yourself -- it can be as easy and cheap as a US$3 noodle "scoop" and some duct tape. I went all out and got a US$10 microphone stand for easy positioning. For examples see







I like the idea of using a usb dongle directly in the aerial - no lossy cable to deal with - but which dongle to use - i have a feeling that most usb dongles are not the best radios - but i may be wrong

this sounds allt like some devices that are being touted now - an all in one aerial and radio that just connects to your pc via a ethernet cable - best way to do it and no lossy coax - just cheap cat 5 cable...

still i think that a professionally made antenna may be the best solution - i have a cisco wifi pccard and need to get the right pig tail for it - will try giving bangkokwireless a call and see what their prices are like - someof the prices from us sites are exceedingly reasonable..

will ask them about wimax too..


2.4 ghz is an ism band (industrial, scientific and medical) and is unlicencesed - although there are restrictions and this varies in many countries - how well these would be enforced in thailand would be interesting to find out - (try transmitting on 470MHz near the MI5 buidling in london and you'll soon find out the powers of the UK radio spectrum police) this is not to be confused with the speed that some modern cpu's run at..


Has anyone actually tried buying an aerial via the internet and actually received it in thailand - if so has anyone got some adviced on doing this as there are alot of suppliers outside of thailand that are offerring some exceptional deals...


The Sonos box is a wifi distributed audio amplifier with an internal 4 way hub which operates on the 2.4 Ghz band, It uses mesh networking - I was just wondering if it was Wimax compatible or if you could use any of the parts etc...

The Sonos box is a wifi distributed audio amplifier with an internal 4 way hub which operates on the 2.4 Ghz band, It uses mesh networking - I was just wondering if it was Wimax compatible or if you could use any of the parts etc...

Really doubt it.. I suspect Sonos is operating on current 802.11b networks.. WiMAX is a whole new standard around 802.16


Just been reading about it, The Sonos stuff is similar to 802.11g but with proprietary software.

I'm not too sure but I do remember talking to a company here in Phuket about a wireless connection to their Internet system which they had set up with antennae across the island.


That could be many options of point to point wireless.. I actually hacked some old wireless NIC's I had (before 802.11 standards were about) and fitted a hacked long range antenna that managed about 1.5Km line of sight from my old apartment to my office..

Seems odd that Sonos would be using anything like WiMAX.. WiMAX intended end result on 802.16 is to achive 3 mile type wireless connections..

WiMax operates at 5Ghz (I think)

Any answers to the OP ?

It is indeed in the 5GHz band. You'll have to be careful as i don't beleive that band will be legal to use in Thailand without the correct license. I know it certainly is not here, where we have a WiMax base station and 10 remotes we're unable to use for the same reasons...

Big Big :D

Reconsider making you're omni. I hade a nice (yet ugly) 6Dbi one made from scraps of RG213 and a few N-Type connections - $3 all up, and could have easily extended it to a 12DbI antenna for $1 more. :o

WiMax operates at 5Ghz (I think)

Any answers to the OP ?

It is indeed in the 5GHz band. You'll have to be careful as i don't beleive that band will be legal to use in Thailand without the correct license. I know it certainly is not here, where we have a WiMax base station and 10 remotes we're unable to use for the same reasons...

Big Big :D

Reconsider making you're omni. I hade a nice (yet ugly) 6Dbi one made from scraps of RG213 and a few N-Type connections - $3 all up, and could have easily extended it to a 12DbI antenna for $1 more. :o

Where do you get ur WiMax gear from ?

Take it your in burma - hypothetical quation but if you operate in unlicenced bands in places like burma or thailand they are only going to know if you start interfering with something else and then they have to find you. Of course the consequences could be quite serious - but with the aid of a scanner you can see if there is any kind of activity in the frequencies you want to operate on and so long as you keep power down it shouldnt be too much of a problem should it ?

There is quite a few designs out there for omni and directional antennas - would have a go at an omni as this is pretty straight forward and easy to compare to another reference. Still at 2.4g it is quite a small wavelenght and i dont think there is that much room for deviation also it is hard to check the SWR at that frequency - i dont have the equiptment and want to get the most power kicked out... Still having siad that even a badly made onmi is better than the inbuilt aerial...


Anybody had delaings with http://www.thai-fi.com ?

Just wondered what anyone thought ? Going to drop them an email.

Seems that bkk wireless are a little coy with their prices - trying to get this info out of them isnt straight forward via email...

not a good sign...


Thai-fi is more specialized in setting up hot-spots, not sure about equipment.

I think main problem of Bangkok wireless is that they don't have much stock, and probably are reluctant to give prices before they know how much they have to pay themselves!

I once transferred money to them for an item which ended up unavailable, they proposed me a cheaper alternative which I accepted and they mailed it, along with a wire of the amount I sent them to much.

No problems there...


I just mailed BangkokWireless for information on their products and prices. Looking forward to their answer...

Just like some others here I've been searching the internet for any shops selling wireless equipment, but turned up blank. In Singapore and Malaysia are some stores, but their prices double the prices of Europe and the US.

In January 2006 I'll be needing a lot of equipment, and I'm thinking about ordering it in the US, have it shipped here and import it. As far as I know, this will cost me 10% import tax and 7% VAT. Does anyone have more information on this?


Prasert - be good if we can exchange prices on bkk wiresless and anywhere else we find in thailand - which companies were you considering outside of thailand ?

Before i have found some us companies that are practically giving away aerials that they cant shift...


Pacific Wireless (www.pacwireless.com) has very good antennas for reasonable prices (avg. 50 to 60 USD). I asked for a shipping quote for 40 antennas, which came to almost 700 USD (UPS expedited). That's by plane, I guess by boat will take longer but will be a lot cheaper.

Europe has a hughe amount of online shops for wireless equipment, prices are usually 33% higher than in the US.

The majority of equipment is fabricated in Taiwan and China, but I haven't found any suppliers yet.


Hi prasert

I cant remember the site - but about 6 months ago i was looking at a us sire that was doing some clearance prices on decent looking aerials - they were between 5 and 20 USD - and they would ship for a fair price too - seems that some aerials go out of fashion.

Wonder if youve had a look at alibaba.com - this has alot of asian manufactuers that want to export and they want big orders - many from china too...

if you get any further info would be good to hear - if i get any will post too

recently came across a czech manufactuerer that had some good prices - but i dont think wanted to ship small orders.

Prasert - be good if we can exchange prices on bkk wiresless and anywhere else we find in thailand - which companies were you considering outside of thailand ?

Before i have found some us companies that are practically giving away aerials that they cant shift...

I got an answer from Bangkok Wireless on their prices voor omnidirectional and directional antennas:

8dBi Omni  TB	3950
12dBi Omni	TB	6450
15dBi Omni	TB	7350
12dBi Grid  TB	2950
21dBi Grid  TB	11500
25dBi Grid  TB	13500

I'm a littlebit stunned.....


Agree with you - i got some prices too and they are way over the top - then again they could be farang prices....

8 dBi. Omni directional antenna is 4,250.00 (ORO2408-NF-01)

12 dBi. Omni directional antenna is 6,450.00 (ORO2412-NF-01)

15 dBi. Omni directional antenna is 7,650.00 (ORO2415-NF-01)

MC card to N-Type male low loss cable, 1.5 meters length is 1,810.00

MC card to SMA male low loss cable, 1.5 meters length is 1,660.00

High Gain Grid reflector antenna 28 dBi.

Model : OGR2428-NF-01

PRICE : 7,900.00B



High Gain Semi-grid Antenna 24 dBi. (Made in Taiwan)

Model : OSG2424-NF-01

PRICE: 12,800.00B



High Gain Radome-Enclosed Directional Yaki Antenna 15 Elements

Model : ORY2415-NF-01

PRICE: 3,220.00B



Panel antenna 21 dBi.

Model : OPR2421-NF-01

PRICE: 9,360.00B



Panel antenna 18 dBi.

Model : OPR2418-NF-01

PRICE 7,980.00B

I'm a bit amazed that they actually state one erial is made in taiwan - for that proce i could fly there buy it and still save some money... and thats just 1 aerial...

seems like you got cheaper prices too for the omnis - now i know why they dont state the prices on their web site...

sent an email to thai-fi three days ago but not had a response yet except the read receipt about 3 hours after i sent the email...


Maybe BangkokWireless is giving daily prices? But even in that case, it's much cheaper to order equipment in the US and have it shipped here overseas.

Compare the list from BW to Pacific:

15dBi Grid GD24-15i-NF $39.95

19dBi Grid GD24-19i-NF $46.95

24dBi Grid GD24-24i-NF $54.95

7dBi Omni OD24-7D5 $56.95

9dBi Omni OD24-9D7 $58.95

12dBi Omni OD24-12 $76.95

If you only want 1 or 2 antenna's, shipping might be rather expensive.

They have WiMAX ???

since when did wimax become legal here in Thailand? We are talkin 3.5ghz right? Right in the middle of the satellite radio and TV "C" band which is 3.4 - 4.2 ghz

WiMAX nor 802.11a (5GHz) are legal in Thailand. Only 802.11b and 802.11g can be used without a license. And that is according to my lawyer, who checked the laws on this issue.

WiMAX nor 802.11a (5GHz) are legal in Thailand. Only 802.11b and 802.11g can be used without a license. And that is according to my lawyer, who checked the laws on this issue.

That is what I thought, so how are True doing a test, they have a license? Bit contary to the new NBC policy as this would make them broadcasters not isp's.

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