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444444I would like to know which member really live in Thailand. I raise this question because there seems to be an air of differrance in thought. I believe that since this is a Thai board we should idnetify those whom live here. Mabey evenh ave a section for Thai residents. What say you all?


I live here so put me in that group if you like.

But I cant help thinking that it would be more useful to classify members who are alive and those who are brain-dead.


Perhaps we could mark down whether we lived in the real Thailand, or Bangkok, or Pattaya, or the provinces of the Deep South, or the central Thai plains, or the Golden Triangle.

Perhaps people who made no effort to read or write or speak Thai could be given more limited posting rights, as could people who lived in 'ex-pat ghettos';

we could also restrict access for people who drank in Soi Cowboy, or consorted with escorts.

And I'd also like to get rid of the people who were not proper farang, and the fat bald sex tourists, and the backpackers, and that would leave just you and me. Until I could get rid of you as well...

Or perhaps not.



I live here so put me in that group if you like.

But I cant help thinking that it would be more useful to classify members who are alive and those who are brain-dead.

So which category are you?

I don`t think it is wise to give out personal details on the Internet and in the public domain.

Once the information is established where people live in Thailand, then it will be: what town? What province? What village? And so on.

There is already too much information floating around on the Internet about us as it is.

People information has become big business and I’m not willing to participant with these companies.

Try typing in some of your private details into Google or some specific people search web sites. You may be surprised what data there is about you on there. Also taking into consideration that whatever information a person places about themselves on line, that this may remain there forever.


I was a full time Thai resident until early 2009 when I was officially tranferred to our HK office, thanks to the PAD, for reasons I explained in an other thread. I'm still very closed to my Thai colleagues both personally and professionally as my responsibilities include our Thai operations. My gf of more than 10 years is Thai, I've a house in Bangkok and I spend around one week to 10 days a month in Thailand.

The only reason I'm not still a full Bangkok resident is because of those bloody PAD thugs.

So do I qualify ?


I live here in central BKK so I am an urban person enjoying my urban lifestyle. :boring:


I was a full time Thai resident until early 2009 when I was officially tranferred to our HK office, thanks to the PAD, for reasons I explained in an other thread. I'm still very closed to my Thai colleagues both personally and professionally as my responsibilities include our Thai operations. My gf of more than 10 years is Thai, I've a house in Bangkok and I spend around one week to 10 days a month in Thailand.

The only reason I'm not still a full Bangkok resident is because of those bloody PAD thugs.

So do I qualify ?

Interestingly, that was also a contributing factor to us closing our BKK base of operations...



i live full time in central thailand. Didn't take part in the survey as i had a long break from Thaivisa. I'd be somewhere in the 14.7%



Perhaps we could mark down whether we lived in the real Thailand, or Bangkok, or Pattaya, or the provinces of the Deep South, or the central Thai plains, or the Golden Triangle.

Perhaps people who made no effort to read or write or speak Thai could be given more limited posting rights, as could people who lived in 'ex-pat ghettos';

we could also restrict access for people who drank in Soi Cowboy, or consorted with escorts.

And I'd also like to get rid of the people who were not proper farang, and the fat bald sex tourists, and the backpackers, and that would leave just you and me. Until I could get rid of you as well...

Or perhaps not.



And how many Saints, Do Gooder's, Do Better's, Holy Men, those with a Halo, with Angels wings, those who are simply the best... yep the genuine little Buddha's... agreed, those who live in the real Thailand, in the Sticks, those who make a genuine contribution tpo genuine thai live they should only be considered real people, the rest is just scum, scum that only resembles living being, those gin sots, the drunks with their escorts, filling all these lovely tourist attractions with their messy outtlooks and throwing their dirty money around like fertilizer, Yuck!



I live here so put me in that group if you like.

But I cant help thinking that it would be more useful to classify members who are alive and those who are brain-dead.



Perhaps we could mark down whether we lived in the real Thailand, or Bangkok, or Pattaya, or the provinces of the Deep South, or the central Thai plains, or the Golden Triangle.

Perhaps people who made no effort to read or write or speak Thai could be given more limited posting rights, as could people who lived in 'ex-pat ghettos';

we could also restrict access for people who drank in Soi Cowboy, or consorted with escorts.

And I'd also like to get rid of the people who were not proper farang, and the fat bald sex tourists, and the backpackers, and that would leave just you and me. Until I could get rid of you as well...

Or perhaps not.



And how many Saints, Do Gooder's, Do Better's, Holy Men, those with a Halo, with Angels wings, those who are simply the best... yep the genuine little Buddha's... agreed, those who live in the real Thailand, in the Sticks, those who make a genuine contribution tpo genuine thai live they should only be considered real people, the rest is just scum, scum that only resembles living being, those gin sots, the drunks with their escorts, filling all these lovely tourist attractions with their messy outtlooks and throwing their dirty money around like fertilizer, Yuck!


Oh, the pearls of strong drink...



I am just a mushroom. Nae a mere spore ! Floating in the wind . Searching for a few crumbs and a place to hyde.:unsure:


I live here so put me in that group if you like.

But I cant help thinking that it would be more useful to classify members who are alive and those who are brain-dead.

So which category are you?

I don`t think it is wise to give out personal details on the Internet and in the public domain.

Once the information is established where people live in Thailand, then it will be: what town? What province? What village? And so on.

There is already too much information floating around on the Internet about us as it is.

People information has become big business and I’m not willing to participant with these companies.

Try typing in some of your private details into Google or some specific people search web sites. You may be surprised what data there is about you on there. Also taking into consideration that whatever information a person places about themselves on line, that this may remain there forever.

Ah but is the information true or a bit like the results of the OPs question will be. :rolleyes:


I live here so put me in that group if you like.

But I cant help thinking that it would be more useful to classify members who are alive and those who are brain-dead.

So which category are you?

I don`t think it is wise to give out personal details on the Internet and in the public domain.

Once the information is established where people live in Thailand, then it will be: what town? What province? What village? And so on.

There is already too much information floating around on the Internet about us as it is.

People information has become big business and I'm not willing to participant with these companies.

Try typing in some of your private details into Google or some specific people search web sites. You may be surprised what data there is about you on there. Also taking into consideration that whatever information a person places about themselves on line, that this may remain there forever.

Ah but is the information true or a bit like the results of the OPs question will be. :rolleyes:

Sadly, sometimes real life falls short of the truths that I post on this forum



Lost in Thailand………………….At least for a bit longer!

Hi-So to some….Lo-So to the rest, there label…….not mine.



Must say I don't think it is a good idea. I live in Bangkok,so I'm one of those who might be affected by having my address revealed.

I'm perfectly happy with saying that I live in Bangkok...but that's my choice. I wouldn't be happy if that was revealed without me choosing to reveal it, however.

I don't reveal my name, my street address, or my telehone number however. There's too many people out there who might "cold call" me and want to "sell" me something.

If I do post on this forum, and the topic is something to do with experiences or thoughts about Thailand, I usually try to make sure that the person who asked the question does know that I, in fact, do live in Bangkok. That's only good manners.

But I don't like the idea of where I live (my street address and telephone number especially) being automatically revealed to anyone who looks up my user profile...the fact I live in Bangkok is being revelaed I can accept. At the same time I personally have no complaint about my profile shoing I'm located in Bangkok...but I wouldn't want that information revealed for others on this forum...unlss they choose to reveal it themselves.



I was a full time Thai resident until early 2009 when I was officially tranferred to our HK office, thanks to the PAD, for reasons I explained in an other thread. I'm still very closed to my Thai colleagues both personally and professionally as my responsibilities include our Thai operations. My gf of more than 10 years is Thai, I've a house in Bangkok and I spend around one week to 10 days a month in Thailand.

The only reason I'm not still a full Bangkok resident is because of those bloody PAD thugs.

So do I qualify ?

Interestingly, that was also a contributing factor to us closing our BKK base of operations...


the red shirts cost me an import business. partners pulled the plug.

Still here in the kok and on to other things.



Must say I don't think it is a good idea. I live in Bangkok,so I'm one of those who might be affected by having my address revealed.

I'm perfectly happy with saying that I live in Bangkok...but that's my choice. I wouldn't be happy if that was revealed without me choosing to reveal it, however.

I don't reveal my name, my street address, or my telehone number however. There's too many people out there who might "cold call" me and want to "sell" me something.

If I do post on this forum, and the topic is something to do with experiences or thoughts about Thailand, I usually try to make sure that the person who asked the question does know that I, in fact, do live in Bangkok. That's only good manners.

But I don't like the idea of where I live (my street address and telephone number especially) being automatically revealed to anyone who looks up my user profile...the fact I live in Bangkok is being revelaed I can accept. At the same time I personally have no complaint about my profile shoing I'm located in Bangkok...but I wouldn't want that information revealed for others on this forum...unlss they choose to reveal it themselves.


Streetcowboy's not even my real name!


of 999 Letsby Avenue


When I,m at work, I live outside Thailand.

When I have no work, I live in Thailand.

So how I do fit in 50/50?


It's easy enough to find where I am at any time of year... just ask. I'll tell you precisely where I am and how to find me if anyone wants to know. I can't say I've ever had a problem. I've met some wonderful people over the years and the occasional jerk. They've all been worth the time... even the jerks. I"m in Thailand from November to April and somewhere in North America fishing the rest of the time.


Because i'm not old enough or rich enough to be in thailand full time, does that mean i can't be in your gang? :rolleyes:

Sorry, forgot to say have a job in thailand as well.


You propose this segregation on the basis of difference of thought?

Seig Heil Adolf Kathukid!!!

What say I? How about you bend over and stick your intolerance of others thoughts where the sun don't shine :rolleyes:


You propose this segregation on the basis of difference of thought?

Seig Heil Adolf Kathukid!!!

What say I? How about you bend over and stick your intolerance of others thoughts where the sun don't shine :rolleyes:

I think it would have been useful to read the OP' s post again before going off on your rant, and perhaps considering whether some of the following posts actually echoed his sentiments, or reductio ad absurdum those opinions.

I think the OP proposed that we should identify those of us that lived in Thailand, and that there be a residents-only section of the board.

No doubt, if you felt strongly about it, you could give a false address - or better still, a genuine address at which you did not reside, in order to be part of this exclusive group.

I prefer your suggestion, though; to segregate the forum based on people's thoughts. Perhaps we could have a grumpy and abusive section, a sarcastic and cheeky section, and a special generous and mild-mannered section for Ian. and a kind and helpful section, should anyone fancy a bit of quiet time on their own


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