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Carrying Knives Against Soi Dogs, Not In Urban Areas


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Having read this topic, and the reply's it seems that it'smore about people than dogs, some are dog folk some aren't, personally dogs don't faze me at all, and as such, OK they may bump there gum's, but get bored when I don't react…. that's it. If you're the type that's not comfy around the beasties, they know it, and will push their advantage. You want to use a weapon…..Dumb, so, your scared, Oh yes you are, if you weren't why wouldn't you just walk on? So now you want to attack a dog, with……Well, I just waiting for the reply about cheap RPG's for sale, (purely for protection….) just get over your fear of dogs or seek help. It is your problem, not the dogs, and sorry no hurting animals doesn't make you look hard, just lower on the food chain!

Edited by Tonto21
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here's an idea... why don't you go out when it is not dark, stick a couple of biscuits in your pocket. walk past the dogs in a calm assertive manner. stop. let them smell you. If and when they stop barking feed them the said biscuits. They will remember your scent. Next time you go out at night just walk past them in the same manner.. Never run... let them smell you and all should be ok. just remember be calm and assertive

Caesar Milan

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Having read this topic, and the reply's it seems that it'smore about people than dogs, some are dog folk some aren't, personally dogs don't faze me at all, and as such, OK they may bump there gum's, but get bored when I don't react…. that's it. If you're the type that's not comfy around the beasties, they know it, and will push their advantage. You want to use a weapon…..Dumb, so, your scared, Oh yes you are, if you weren't why wouldn't you just walk on? So now you want to attack a dog, with……Well, I just waiting for the reply about cheap RPG's for sale, (purely for protection….) just get over your fear of dogs or seek help. It is your problem, not the dogs, and sorry no hurting animals doesn't make you look hard, just lower on the food chain!

Yah, my buddy and I are REAL scared about marauding dogs... :whistling::lol:


Brad spent about 15 minutes in terror while talking to his son on the phone. :lol:

Yup, they were real nasty critters...


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