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Farang Die Of Viagra Overdose


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Viagra accelerates the heart and there are increasing reports of deaths from the drug due to heart failure. One has to assume the same thing happened to this fellow. I've heard rumors that over 60 westerners dying monthly from Viagra in the Pattaya area. The numbers in Florida are even more dramatic. The company still swears it is safe and approved by the FDA.

How many misleading, incorrect statements can there be in 1 short post?? :o

First, before a proper autopsy is conducted, one can NOT assume anything regarding this case.

Second, your "rumor" of 60 deaths in Pattaya from Viagra is pure BS.

Third, the drug IS safe when considering the millions of doses consumed.

Fourth, the drug IS approved by the FDA.

Fifth, glad you don't post much. :D

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It's strange for a Doctor to call it heart failure. Heart failure is a progressive chronic disease and not of itself a cause of death.

I reckon that your heart failing (i.e. stopping) is pretty much guaranteed to cause death!

That's not what 'heart failure' means. It means that your heart is not able to work effeciently, not that it stops altogether.

It would appear that the term "heart failure" means different things depending on whether used as a medical term or a layman's term. Clearly, to a layman, heart failure means the heart fails (for whatever reason). But with posters arguing over the precise meaning I decided to look it up and found (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000158.htm - an online medical encyclopaedia)"

"Heart failure, also called congestive heart failure, is a disorder in which the heart loses its ability to pump blood efficiently. The term "heart failure" should not be confused with cardiac arrest, a situation in which the heart actually stops beating."

Yes, this topic does make an easy target, but spare a thought for those involved. Well said tomazbodner.

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Phuket Gazette:

Viagra overdose may have caused Finn’s death

PATONG: -- Pekka Juhani Laakso, 47, from Finland, was yesterday found dead in his room at the Sun, Sea & Sand Hotel on Rat-U-Thit 200 Pi Rd, seemingly from an overdose of Viagra.

Pol Lt Padungpong Sukkaew told the Gazette that he had received a call at 3:30 pm from Preecha Nuwongsri, the hotel’s manager, telling him that a corpse had been found in one of the hotel’s rooms.

The door to the room had had a “Do not disturb” sign posted on it for two days before cleaning staff informed the manager that they suspected something was amiss. Upon investigation, the body was discovered lying on the bed.

The lighting and air conditioning was on and investigating officers found evidence of used Viagra and stomach medicine in a waste bin.

Mr Laakso was estimated to have been dead for about 36 hours when he was found, dressed in a black T-shirt and underwear, his hands still tightly gripping the bedsheets.

A doctor, called from Patong Hospital, said that the death was most likely caused by overdosing on the sexual stimulant, leading to heart failure.

Lt Padungpong said there was no evidence of violence, but police are waiting on results from Patong Hospital to confirm the cause of death. The Finnish Embassy in Bangkok has been informed.

--Phuket Gazette 2005-10-08

What goes up...must come down

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For those who missed the burst of publicity when Viagra was released for "erectile disfunction" the active ingredient was/is part of a heart medication. One of the side effects was a long lasting erection. :D

Far from complaining about this side effect many users say this as a benefit. Pfizer decided to change it's colour and the way it marketed this drug, put the price up and made it's share holders very happy. :o

If in fact this gentleman did take larger than recomended amounts of Viagra, he could well have died of heart failure. Heart failure is what kills most of us, what causes the heart failure is what the medical folk will need to find out.

Remember treat with respect.


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During sex, your heart works harder. Therefore sexual activity may not be advisable for people who have heart problems. Before you start any treatment for erectile dysfunction, ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough to handle the extra strain of having sex. If you are healthy and your heart is strong enough for having sex, taking Viagra is not a hazard. If you take VIAGRA with any nitrate medicine your blood pressure could suddenly drop to an unsafe or life threatening level.

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Some of you people amaze me with your comments when you don't know sh1t. The doctor said it was most likely from a viagra overdose but an autopsy would still have to be performed. You lot don't know what the stomach meds were or if it was genuine viagra or what, and you're making all your own minds up of what happened. The Thai autorities have contacted his embassy and everything seems to be above board so far, so shut up with your stupid comments.

The man is dead and that is sad. I'm sure his family wouldn't be too happy to read the drible you are posting. My condolences to his family and friends.

Im sure his family will say that atleast he went out a way that any man would want to .

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For those who missed the burst of publicity when Viagra was released for "erectile disfunction" the active ingredient was/is part of a heart medication. One of the side effects was a long lasting erection.  :D

Far from complaining about this side effect many users say this as a benefit. Pfizer decided to change it's colour and the way it marketed this drug, put the price up and made it's share holders very happy.  :o

If in fact this gentleman did take larger than recomended amounts of Viagra, he could well have died of heart failure. Heart failure is what kills most of us, what causes the heart failure is what the medical folk will need to find out.

Remember treat with respect.


Prior to Viagra being released it was TESTED here in WALES.(on humans not sheep)

There is a hospital here(looks like a factory unit) that tests new drugs on people.

Anybody can go there,providing they pass the relevent medicals etc. It can be a real moneyspinner if you are willing to take a chance & sign a disclaimer about possible damage to your health afterwards.

I heard that the guys that were on the Viagra Trial developed large callouses on their hands and gave up smoking because they were to embarassed to get out of bed to go to the smoke room. Now they are are all non smoking fitness freaks :D

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my doc told me if i wanted the big V that i should first run up 20 flights of stairs

after that see how i felt and then he would prescribe

to many over weight outta shape unfit guys pop the V then run the marathon and of course pop off

also - doing any sort of nitrates will pop you off as well

by this i mean you finish - permanantly


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I'm not embarressed to say that I suffer from erectile dysfunction, at the ripe old age of 46. (Diagnosed at 43 with this problem).

My UK doctor prescribed Viagra, but only after checking that my heart was ok etc. He made it very clear to me that I should not exceed the proscribed dosage. He also mentioned that Viagra could be a very dangerous, even fatal drug if taken in excess, or by persons with heart problems.

Frankly, I consider these guys who are popping Viagra without a medical check-up, to be plain stupid!! They may well be risking their life by forgoing a medical check-up. And I'm sure many of these guys actualy gain little benefit from taking the drug.

I now take Cialis, which has beneficial 'effects' for up to 24 hours. Also, viagra is great at making 'cricket bats', but leaves one with little sensation. So your GF/wife has great fun, but you get no satisfaction! Cialis seems to povide better sensation than Viagra.

But whatever you think, please consult your doctor before taking any dangerous drugs like Viagra, Cialis or similar!!


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