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WarpSpeed - get a life. Once upon a time you made your first post here, too.

Yeah, but unlike you I didn't start it out with a clearly trolling post or maybe you should avail yourself of the smiley buttons to illustrate your intent since facial expressions don't show on a one dimensional forum and no one knows you here unless you're someone's plant of course.. You cover it now after the fact but we both know that was the real intent behind those comments and I called you on it.. So why don't you get a life, I have one that's very full and I never had to make any post on a Thai forum to have others tell me how to drive here after "decades of driving professionally" paraphrasing of course..

JFYI Many of those who you thanked also answered tongue in cheek but don't expect them to acknowledge the fact, more likely to contest it to further try to shove crow in my face.. They just did it the sneaky Thai way, tactical avoidance where as I'm up front and blunt and that's my charm to those who know me best, they know they get straight no BS answers from me.. The ones who didn't are just too thick to have noticed the troll attempt on your part..

On the other hand I've also been the ONLY person in a long line of people giving a member (especially new ones) support while the entire motoring forum is taking the piss continually harassing so much so that some have left, one of those posters has pretty much stopped posting in this part of the forum now due to it, just take a look at threads by this member who is but one example, here's one to start with and see who the true antagonists in it are.. In fact look at my own threads to see the same treatment I just know the ignorance of the ones antagonizing and give back just as good or ignore them altogether..


However they remain in contact with me through PM's and even emails, hmmmmmmm :rolleyes: I'm such the jerk?

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WarpSpeed - get a life. Once upon a time you made your first post here, too.

Yeah, but unlike you I didn't start it out with a clearly trolling post or maybe you should avail yourself of the smiley buttons to illustrate your intent since facial expressions don't show on a one dimensional forum and no one knows you here unless you're someone's plant of course.. You cover it now after the fact but we both know that was the real intent behind those comments and I called you on it.. So why don't you get a life, I have one that's very full and I never had to make any post on a Thai forum to have others tell me how to drive here after "decades of driving professionally" paraphrasing of course..

JFYI Many of those who you thanked also answered tongue in cheek but don't expect them to acknowledge the fact, more likely to contest it to further try to shove crow in my face.. They just did it the sneaky Thai way, tactical avoidance where as I'm up front and blunt and that's my charm to those who know me best, they know they get straight no BS answers from me.. The ones who didn't are just too thick to have noticed the troll attempt on your part..

On the other hand I've also been the ONLY person in a long line of people giving a member (especially new ones) support while the entire motoring forum is taking the piss continually harassing so much so that some have left, one of those posters has pretty much stopped posting in this part of the forum now due to it, just take a look at threads by this member who is but one example, here's one to start with and see who the true antagonists in it are.. In fact look at my own threads to see the same treatment I just know the ignorance of the ones antagonizing and give back just as good or ignore them altogether..


However they remain in contact with me through PM's and even emails, hmmmmmmm :rolleyes: I'm such the jerk?

Calm down Warpy. :rolleyes:

Oh, your last para is <deleted>.

Serious threads get serious help from those who have the required information too help, along with some fun. :D


Posted 2010-11-16 22:50:37

To start driving in Thailand here is some standard advice, thats what you wanted I think.

1. This is assuming you have a license.

2. If you have not driven in THAILAND and your not sure, at first go slowly.

3. The best place to be is on the left-hand side of the road, although not all foreigners on bicycles know this.

4. As No.3. but be careful because most people on mopeds what they call motorbikes here do not know this either.

5. Adjust your mirrors so you can see all around you but be prepared to look all around you too. Yoga is recommended.

6. As No.5. but don't trust your mirrors too much ! They come from bleeding everywhere, cars, trucks and motorbikes.

7. Once you have experience as in No.2. Auto motors are best because unless your on motorway type roads, your be lucky to get into forth.

8. If you think people are using their horn to honk at you, you are probably passing near a Temple or Shrine.

9. At traffic lights be patience because green is not always a colour they like, especially if their on the phone.

10. As No.8. but be prepared for snail type pull away. i.e. you press an accelerator pedal and it using more fuel.

11. When turning left from a junction look every which way and everywhere as No.6. but go slowly.

12. When turning right as No.11.

13. When turning and facing oncoming traffic when they flash there lights it means

" They are coming through and not going to stop ".

14. No.13. is NOT a joke, I do not know about other countries but in the " UK " it means " I'm here ".

15. Many like to drive fast and sometimes overtake you but then slow down.

16. If you have an accident don't automatically think it not your fault even if it wasn't.

17. Ref :- No16. It is best to have an insurance that covers the cost of repairs to your vehicle even if it wasn't your fault.

18. If the car, truck. whatever is in your name don't assume that you own 100% of it if your married.

19. Pump tyres up yourself to the correct p.s.i. otherwise you will be riding on wheels like solid rock. ( Dangerous ).

20. Never assume your car has been serviced correctly, check it yourself or get someone competent to do so if you can find such a person.

21. addition via (ableguy) If driving in BKK carry a few one hundred baht notes for your friendly police wage collector.

If the vehicle your driving is in a Thai name make sure it has No.1 or 2 insurance at least and tell em your driving and pay any extra premium and carry the copy with you in the vehicle.

To get a Thai driving license straight away is best, never mind why just do it.

Have in the car/truck at least a copy of your passport, it's a requirement.

Your supposed to have a copy of the vehicles book as well, although in 6years I have only been asked once for that.

Don't assume that the way you were taught to drive on the left is going to be the same as the UK, sometimes the situation requires you to drive and position yourself as Thai drivers do on the road, which is just as well sometimes because they understand what you are doing.

I find that most Thai driver are good and considerate, assertive as some mention is OK but with two assertive people it could end up in a crunching sound.

Good luck and drive safely.

Again I can't think of anything else but I'm sure if there is somebody will add on.

Regards K


WarpSpeed - get a life. Once upon a time you made your first post here, too.

Yeah, but unlike you I didn't start it out with a clearly trolling post or maybe you should avail yourself of the smiley buttons to illustrate your intent since facial expressions don't show on a one dimensional forum and no one knows you here unless you're someone's plant of course.. You cover it now after the fact but we both know that was the real intent behind those comments and I called you on it.. So why don't you get a life, I have one that's very full and I never had to make any post on a Thai forum to have others tell me how to drive here after "decades of driving professionally" paraphrasing of course..

JFYI Many of those who you thanked also answered tongue in cheek but don't expect them to acknowledge the fact, more likely to contest it to further try to shove crow in my face.. They just did it the sneaky Thai way, tactical avoidance where as I'm up front and blunt and that's my charm to those who know me best, they know they get straight no BS answers from me.. The ones who didn't are just too thick to have noticed the troll attempt on your part..

On the other hand I've also been the ONLY person in a long line of people giving a member (especially new ones) support while the entire motoring forum is taking the piss continually harassing so much so that some have left, one of those posters has pretty much stopped posting in this part of the forum now due to it, just take a look at threads by this member who is but one example, here's one to start with and see who the true antagonists in it are.. In fact look at my own threads to see the same treatment I just know the ignorance of the ones antagonizing and give back just as good or ignore them altogether..


However they remain in contact with me through PM's and even emails, hmmmmmmm :rolleyes: I'm such the jerk?


Oh no!!! Warpy foaming at the mouth again! When will it stop? **Will somebody please think of the childrennnn!!!!***

Paging Sheryl: Please bring your DSM-IV, paranoid schizophrenia being displayed in the motor forum!!!!!!!

edit: To the OP, you can get 1st class insurance but you will have to pay for the whole year, as kata (I think) mentioned.


WarpSpeed - get a life. Once upon a time you made your first post here, too.

Yeah, but unlike you I didn't start it out with a clearly trolling post or maybe you should avail yourself of the smiley buttons to illustrate your intent since facial expressions don't show on a one dimensional forum and no one knows you here unless you're someone's plant of course.. You cover it now after the fact but we both know that was the real intent behind those comments and I called you on it.. So why don't you get a life, I have one that's very full and I never had to make any post on a Thai forum to have others tell me how to drive here after "decades of driving professionally" paraphrasing of course..

JFYI Many of those who you thanked also answered tongue in cheek but don't expect them to acknowledge the fact, more likely to contest it to further try to shove crow in my face.. They just did it the sneaky Thai way, tactical avoidance where as I'm up front and blunt and that's my charm to those who know me best, they know they get straight no BS answers from me.. The ones who didn't are just too thick to have noticed the troll attempt on your part..

On the other hand I've also been the ONLY person in a long line of people giving a member (especially new ones) support while the entire motoring forum is taking the piss continually harassing so much so that some have left, one of those posters has pretty much stopped posting in this part of the forum now due to it, just take a look at threads by this member who is but one example, here's one to start with and see who the true antagonists in it are.. In fact look at my own threads to see the same treatment I just know the ignorance of the ones antagonizing and give back just as good or ignore them altogether..


However they remain in contact with me through PM's and even emails, hmmmmmmm :rolleyes: I'm such the jerk?


Oh no!!! Warpy foaming at the mouth again! When will it stop? **Will somebody please think of the childrennnn!!!!***

Paging Sheryl: Please bring your DSM-IV, paranoid schizophrenia being displayed in the motor forum!!!!!!!

edit: To the OP, you can get 1st class insurance but you will have to pay for the whole year, as kata (I think) mentioned.

Nope not foaming at the mouth just pointing out who the real jerks are, but then you beat me to it again with your posts once again making my case for me..


WarpSpeed - get a life. Once upon a time you made your first post here, too.

Yeah, but unlike you I didn't start it out with a clearly trolling post or maybe you should avail yourself of the smiley buttons to illustrate your intent since facial expressions don't show on a one dimensional forum and no one knows you here unless you're someone's plant of course.. You cover it now after the fact but we both know that was the real intent behind those comments and I called you on it.. So why don't you get a life, I have one that's very full and I never had to make any post on a Thai forum to have others tell me how to drive here after "decades of driving professionally" paraphrasing of course..

JFYI Many of those who you thanked also answered tongue in cheek but don't expect them to acknowledge the fact, more likely to contest it to further try to shove crow in my face.. They just did it the sneaky Thai way, tactical avoidance where as I'm up front and blunt and that's my charm to those who know me best, they know they get straight no BS answers from me.. The ones who didn't are just too thick to have noticed the troll attempt on your part..

On the other hand I've also been the ONLY person in a long line of people giving a member (especially new ones) support while the entire motoring forum is taking the piss continually harassing so much so that some have left, one of those posters has pretty much stopped posting in this part of the forum now due to it, just take a look at threads by this member who is but one example, here's one to start with and see who the true antagonists in it are.. In fact look at my own threads to see the same treatment I just know the ignorance of the ones antagonizing and give back just as good or ignore them altogether..


However they remain in contact with me through PM's and even emails, hmmmmmmm :rolleyes: I'm such the jerk?

Calm down Warpy. :rolleyes:

Oh, your last para is <deleted>.

Serious threads get serious help from those who have the required information too help, along with some fun. :D

Now who's talking <deleted> :rolleyes: ??


also one important thing to remember is that the larger vehicle always has the right of way...

unless you like me is a Highway Police Volunteer and has HWP sticker in you windshield. Finally found out how to make them yield :lol: :lol: :lol:


Some great advice, so thanks for that.

Particular thanks go to:

transam; katabeachbum; T-Dog; englishinsiam; jcon; fullcave.

Nice one, Wandrinstar, never thought of that - it makes sense when you consider the likes of Australia and India, too. The left-right/right-wrong comments I made were just a throw-away play on words, by the way, aimed at making making the post a little humourous is all and not intended to needle anyone, shame that it did (see below) but your observance is probably spot on the button.

WarpSpeed - get a life. Once upon a time you made your first post here, too.

One further question....If the vehicle owners don't have Class A (comprehensive) insurance, can I organise that even though I'm not the registered owner?

Insurance, yes yo can, but you will have to pay for a full year. Do you know if I can obtain insurance to drive ANY insured vehicle or would I have to be a named driver on each individual vehicles policy? - Thanks.

Most important is a good 3rd party and bailbond, as the compulsory 3rd party covers close to nothing. cars value probably isnt that much money

Thaivisa Insurance should be able to help you out

Posted 2010-11-16 22:50:37

To start driving in Thailand here is some standard advice, thats what you wanted I think.

1. This is assuming you have a license.

2. If you have not driven in THAILAND and your not sure, at first go slowly.

3. The best place to be is on the left-hand side of the road, although not all foreigners on bicycles know this.

4. As No.3. but be careful because most people on mopeds what they call motorbikes here do not know this either.

5. Adjust your mirrors so you can see all around you but be prepared to look all around you too. Yoga is recommended.

6. As No.5. but don't trust your mirrors too much ! They come from bleeding everywhere, cars, trucks and motorbikes.

7. Once you have experience as in No.2. Auto motors are best because unless your on motorway type roads, your be lucky to get into forth.

8. If you think people are using their horn to honk at you, you are probably passing near a Temple or Shrine.

9. At traffic lights be patience because green is not always a colour they like, especially if their on the phone.

10. As No.8. but be prepared for snail type pull away. i.e. you press an accelerator pedal and it using more fuel.

11. When turning left from a junction look every which way and everywhere as No.6. but go slowly.

12. When turning right as No.11.

13. When turning and facing oncoming traffic when they flash there lights it means

" They are coming through and not going to stop ".

14. No.13. is NOT a joke, I do not know about other countries but in the " UK " it means " I'm here ".

15. Many like to drive fast and sometimes overtake you but then slow down.

16. If you have an accident don't automatically think it not your fault even if it wasn't.

17. Ref :- No16. It is best to have an insurance that covers the cost of repairs to your vehicle even if it wasn't your fault.

18. If the car, truck. whatever is in your name don't assume that you own 100% of it if your married.

19. Pump tyres up yourself to the correct p.s.i. otherwise you will be riding on wheels like solid rock. ( Dangerous ).

20. Never assume your car has been serviced correctly, check it yourself or get someone competent to do so if you can find such a person.

21. addition via (ableguy) If driving in BKK carry a few one hundred baht notes for your friendly police wage collector.

If the vehicle your driving is in a Thai name make sure it has No.1 or 2 insurance at least and tell em your driving and pay any extra premium and carry the copy with you in the vehicle.

To get a Thai driving license straight away is best, never mind why just do it.

Have in the car/truck at least a copy of your passport, it's a requirement.

Your supposed to have a copy of the vehicles book as well, although in 6years I have only been asked once for that.

Don't assume that the way you were taught to drive on the left is going to be the same as the UK, sometimes the situation requires you to drive and position yourself as Thai drivers do on the road, which is just as well sometimes because they understand what you are doing.

I find that most Thai driver are good and considerate, assertive as some mention is OK but with two assertive people it could end up in a crunching sound.

Good luck and drive safely.

Again I can't think of anything else but I'm sure if there is somebody will add on.

Regards K

That should be "pinned" Kawasaki but, according to my own experience, flashing headlights in the UK is usually an invitation to another driver (or even pedestrian) to cut-in ahead or cross an intersection etc (ironically the exact opposite of what it means in LOS. I've never understood why Thai drivers flash to say I'm coming through when my vehicle is wanting to join the traffic as I would have assumed that anyway. I genuinely believe the lights as a signal I am giving way or as an invitation to another driver seems to make so much more sense to me and is also quite a nice little courtesy. Flashing lights in the UK can also be used as a salute or a thank-you to another driver as opposed to an "aggressive" gesture or warning. Although, that said, if an oncoming vehicle flashes you when there is no good reason it often is a warning to you that their is a hazard ahead of you or maybe a police check - another example of the light flashing being used for good rather than bad (not sure the police check-point chappies would agree with me :lol:).

Cheers guys.


Insurance, yes yo can, but you will have to pay for a full year. Do you know if I can obtain insurance to drive ANY insured vehicle or would I have to be a named driver on each individual vehicles policy? - Thanks.

Most important is a good 3rd party and bailbond, as the compulsory 3rd party covers close to nothing. cars value probably isnt that much money

Thaivisa Insurance should be able to help you out

Insurance follows vehicle, and there are extremely few 1st class in TH limiting to named drivers

When you come here inspect vehicles and docs, and read Insurance docs. If you r not sure of coverage, I would contact Thaivisa Insurance for advice


Driving in Thailand is simple - it's not really different to downhill-skiing - just think of motorsai as snowboarders, cars as skiiers, and truck/busses as taboggans.

Motorsai are out of control and unpredicable, and generally blissfully unaware of the kind of space other need, nor the mess they make of the road when they lose it.

Trucks/busses have limited manouverability, and are able to carve a path staright through anything that gets in their way, so always get right of way.

Car drivers just have to learn how to negotiate their way through all these alive ;)


Some great advice, so thanks for that.

Particular thanks go to:

transam; katabeachbum; T-Dog; englishinsiam; jcon; fullcave.

Nice one, Wandrinstar, never thought of that - it makes sense when you consider the likes of Australia and India, too. The left-right/right-wrong comments I made were just a throw-away play on words, by the way, aimed at making making the post a little humourous is all and not intended to needle anyone, shame that it did (see below) but your observance is probably spot on the button.

WarpSpeed - get a life. Once upon a time you made your first post here, too.

One further question....If the vehicle owners don't have Class A (comprehensive) insurance, can I organise that even though I'm not the registered owner?

Insurance, yes yo can, but you will have to pay for a full year. Do you know if I can obtain insurance to drive ANY insured vehicle or would I have to be a named driver on each individual vehicles policy? - Thanks.

Most important is a good 3rd party and bailbond, as the compulsory 3rd party covers close to nothing. cars value probably isnt that much money

Thaivisa Insurance should be able to help you out

Posted 2010-11-16 22:50:37

To start driving in Thailand here is some standard advice, thats what you wanted I think.

1. This is assuming you have a license.

2. If you have not driven in THAILAND and your not sure, at first go slowly.

3. The best place to be is on the left-hand side of the road, although not all foreigners on bicycles know this.

4. As No.3. but be careful because most people on mopeds what they call motorbikes here do not know this either.

5. Adjust your mirrors so you can see all around you but be prepared to look all around you too. Yoga is recommended.

6. As No.5. but don't trust your mirrors too much ! They come from bleeding everywhere, cars, trucks and motorbikes.

7. Once you have experience as in No.2. Auto motors are best because unless your on motorway type roads, your be lucky to get into forth.

8. If you think people are using their horn to honk at you, you are probably passing near a Temple or Shrine.

9. At traffic lights be patience because green is not always a colour they like, especially if their on the phone.

10. As No.8. but be prepared for snail type pull away. i.e. you press an accelerator pedal and it using more fuel.

11. When turning left from a junction look every which way and everywhere as No.6. but go slowly.

12. When turning right as No.11.

13. When turning and facing oncoming traffic when they flash there lights it means

" They are coming through and not going to stop ".

14. No.13. is NOT a joke, I do not know about other countries but in the " UK " it means " I'm here ".

15. Many like to drive fast and sometimes overtake you but then slow down.

16. If you have an accident don't automatically think it not your fault even if it wasn't.

17. Ref :- No16. It is best to have an insurance that covers the cost of repairs to your vehicle even if it wasn't your fault.

18. If the car, truck. whatever is in your name don't assume that you own 100% of it if your married.

19. Pump tyres up yourself to the correct p.s.i. otherwise you will be riding on wheels like solid rock. ( Dangerous ).

20. Never assume your car has been serviced correctly, check it yourself or get someone competent to do so if you can find such a person.

21. addition via (ableguy) If driving in BKK carry a few one hundred baht notes for your friendly police wage collector.

If the vehicle your driving is in a Thai name make sure it has No.1 or 2 insurance at least and tell em your driving and pay any extra premium and carry the copy with you in the vehicle.

To get a Thai driving license straight away is best, never mind why just do it.

Have in the car/truck at least a copy of your passport, it's a requirement.

Your supposed to have a copy of the vehicles book as well, although in 6years I have only been asked once for that.

Don't assume that the way you were taught to drive on the left is going to be the same as the UK, sometimes the situation requires you to drive and position yourself as Thai drivers do on the road, which is just as well sometimes because they understand what you are doing.

I find that most Thai driver are good and considerate, assertive as some mention is OK but with two assertive people it could end up in a crunching sound.

Good luck and drive safely.

Again I can't think of anything else but I'm sure if there is somebody will add on.

Regards K

That should be "pinned" Kawasaki but, according to my own experience, flashing headlights in the UK is usually an invitation to another driver (or even pedestrian) to cut-in ahead or cross an intersection etc (ironically the exact opposite of what it means in LOS. I've never understood why Thai drivers flash to say I'm coming through when my vehicle is wanting to join the traffic as I would have assumed that anyway. I genuinely believe the lights as a signal I am giving way or as an invitation to another driver seems to make so much more sense to me and is also quite a nice little courtesy. Flashing lights in the UK can also be used as a salute or a thank-you to another driver as opposed to an "aggressive" gesture or warning. Although, that said, if an oncoming vehicle flashes you when there is no good reason it often is a warning to you that their is a hazard ahead of you or maybe a police check - another example of the light flashing being used for good rather than bad (not sure the police check-point chappies would agree with me :lol:).

Cheers guys.

After reading that list, im nackered.:D


People do drive on the left here but there is an important exception....on Uturn breaks or bridges keep to the right. In other words if there is a road divided by a centre canal and you wish to make a Uturn across the bridgew take the shortest way.

Remember many morcycles do keep left and that part of the road is actually reserved for them....give them space.

Motorcycles in particular are driven by people not well versed in deiver training so they feel they can ignore your signal and go to the left or right of you. They are highly skilled however and can do this riding a bike while talking into a mobile..hit the back of the car in front fall off pick themselves up and continue without missing a word of the conversation.


Rules that serve me well:

1. Focus 100% on your driving. I don't look at girls or look for addresses or even play the radio.

2. Don't move left or right, keep your course, as we say in sailing, without checking twice. Motorbikes are counting on you not changing course.

3. Some people like to tailgate. I slow down and make them pass or make extra room in front of me.

4. give yourself time to adapt. After you drive for awhile you'll "get it" it does have a flow to it and I actually like it now.

5. Constantly scan for dogs. Make up your mind that if one runs out in from of you your going to hit it because the moves you make to avoid it might kill a person on a motorbike or car.


Remember the hard shoulder is for overtaking whenever possible, and the white lines should be inline with the middle of your vehicle at all times. Indicators are hardly used as you do not want to waste the battery, and that includes the use of lights at night time.

Enjoy the drive


also one important thing to remember is that the larger vehicle always has the right of way...

unless you like me is a Highway Police Volunteer and has HWP sticker in you windshield. Finally found out how to make them yield :lol: :lol: :lol:

Never thought of that. I will get a Sticker From the Locall Mom and Pop Shop.They are next to the No Smoking and Tubo stickers., i remenber now.:D


Rules that serve me well:

I don't look at girls

:shock1: Holy crap!! Couldn't get past this to read the rest of your post!! Prey tell what is the purpose of driving :o ??


Remember the hard shoulder is for overtaking whenever possible, and the white lines should be inline with the middle of your vehicle at all times. Indicators are hardly used as you do not want to waste the battery, and that includes the use of lights at night time.

Enjoy the drive

:clap2: :clap2: You did overlook lights in rain driving too though :P ..


Thanks to everyone who's responded. Have to say that I'm still nervous about driving in LOS (maybe that will work to my favour - maybe not).

Just to let you other guys know that the reason I don't respond to any posts by WarpSpeed is that I've put him on "ignore" ....and there he shall stay.

I treat rude boardies the same way I treat rude drivers. I let them pass in order that they may have their guaranteed accident somewhere else.

Each time someone posts on my thread I get a notification. 9 times out of 10 I can't see it cuz its from the Warped-One (you know what it's like to be continually buzzed by an annoying fly? Well, it's a bit like that).

I'm always invited to "view the post anyway" but resist.

I used to train dogs. I was taught early on that the best way to upset a dog is to ignore it. Dogs are pack animals. They need constant verification as to their hierarchy - their place in the pack and their pecking order.

Whilst WarpSpeed paints the lie that he's a maverick, he's actually a canine stereotype who truly and desperately needs petting. The Warped-One needs his ego massaged. He's desperately seeking a pack and having failed to find one to accept him in the real world has joined this virtual one - lo and behold, he found he could be a player in the virtual world even though he was a loser in the real one. Good for him.

But that's not enough. He now wants to work his way up towards becoming the Alpha Male. That's where it all starts to unravel though because, 'scuse me Warpy. I reckon there are plenty guys bigger/fitter/stronger than you, boy, even virtually - ie. relying on the keyboard - so get back in line.

Fact that you've been here longer bears no weight, mate - quite the reverse IMHO.

Quality will always prevail over quantity.

That's the first and last correspondence I will enter into regarding the sad-<deleted>.

Thanks again for all the advice regarding driving in LOS.

I even resisted using any emoticons :lol:


Cpt Fantastic you are dead-on for a new poster. Way to go, and best of luck with the driving. It's easy, just follow the good advice in the thread and you'll be just fine. Thailand is actually a fun place to drive, believe it or not!!! :)

Happy driving!

p.s. If your Merc is an S-Class, drive that beast around all over the place and pay no heed to the naysayers! Just sort out your insurance (~1500 USD/year depending on the year) and you will have a great time on the roads. Highway 1 toward Lampang is particularly fun (and if you want more adventure, take the road from Chiang Rai to Fang, up near the norther border... beautiful and a very nice road.... Best of luck.


Cpt Fantastic you are dead-on for a new poster. Way to go, and best of luck with the driving. It's easy, just follow the good advice in the thread and you'll be just fine. Thailand is actually a fun place to drive, believe it or not!!! :)

Happy driving!

p.s. If your Merc is an S-Class, drive that beast around all over the place and pay no heed to the naysayers! Just sort out your insurance (~1500 USD/year depending on the year) and you will have a great time on the roads. Highway 1 toward Lampang is particularly fun (and if you want more adventure, take the road from Chiang Rai to Fang, up near the norther border... beautiful and a very nice road.... Best of luck.


I've been driven around for ten years in Thailand - never having either the inclination/need/(balls?) to drive myself. I reckon it's time to do so.

I figure it will be simply a case of mixed aggression and compliance (as in pretty much everywhere else). So why do I still feel so nervous?

Bet you that after my next trip I wonder what all the fuss I was making in my head was about.

That's assuming I don't get run over by a truck. LOL.


Thanks to everyone who's responded. Have to say that I'm still nervous about driving in LOS (maybe that will work to my favour - maybe not).

Just to let you other guys know that the reason I don't respond to any posts by WarpSpeed is that I've put him on "ignore" ....and there he shall stay.

I treat rude boardies the same way I treat rude drivers. I let them pass in order that they may have their guaranteed accident somewhere else.

Each time someone posts on my thread I get a notification. 9 times out of 10 I can't see it cuz its from the Warped-One (you know what it's like to be continually buzzed by an annoying fly? Well, it's a bit like that).

I'm always invited to "view the post anyway" but resist.

I used to train dogs. I was taught early on that the best way to upset a dog is to ignore it. Dogs are pack animals. They need constant verification as to their hierarchy - their place in the pack and their pecking order.

Whilst WarpSpeed paints the lie that he's a maverick, he's actually a canine stereotype who truly and desperately needs petting. The Warped-One needs his ego massaged. He's desperately seeking a pack and having failed to find one to accept him in the real world has joined this virtual one - lo and behold, he found he could be a player in the virtual world even though he was a loser in the real one. Good for him.

But that's not enough. He now wants to work his way up towards becoming the Alpha Male. That's where it all starts to unravel though because, 'scuse me Warpy. I reckon there are plenty guys bigger/fitter/stronger than you, boy, even virtually - ie. relying on the keyboard - so get back in line.

Fact that you've been here longer bears no weight, mate - quite the reverse IMHO.

Quality will always prevail over quantity.

That's the first and last correspondence I will enter into regarding the sad-<deleted>.

Thanks again for all the advice regarding driving in LOS.

I even resisted using any emoticons :lol:

Dont be so serious, he Sings" Lord its Hard to be Humble" in all the Bars.



Geez so many people who know me so well.. Sucks to be you and be so wrong.. JFYI Mr. Fantastic (who doesn't do irony so well with a nik like that) :rolleyes::whistling: putting me on ignore won't make me loose any sleep it'll only make you a bit less informed but that's only the path of ignorance not enlightenment and yet you still keep checking my posts :cheesy: good for you..


That should be "pinned" Kawasaki but, according to my own experience, flashing headlights in the UK is usually an invitation to another driver (or even pedestrian) to cut-in ahead or cross an intersection etc (ironically the exact opposite of what it means in LOS.

After reading that list, im nackered.:D

CF It is pinned, the mods were probably fed up with me added bits,:rolleyes: and flashing lights UK yes, that why I make the point it's important for UK drivers to know that, when someone lets me go I use the hazard lights to say thanks , maybe they think what the hells going on but it makes me feel better.:lol::D

WS, tired, good though ain't it.:D


Rules that serve me well:

I don't look at girls

:shock1: Holy crap!! Couldn't get past this to read the rest of your post!! Prey tell what is the purpose of driving :o ??

I don't look at girls " I thought that was a strange thing to say, mine you he is a sailor.:D

:shock1: Holy crap!! Couldn't get past this to read the rest of your post!! Prey tell what is the purpose of driving :o ??

I don't look at girls " I thought that was a strange thing to say, mine you he is a sailor.:D



:shock1: Holy crap!! Couldn't get past this to read the rest of your post!! Prey tell what is the purpose of driving :o ??

I don't look at girls " I thought that was a strange thing to say, mine you he is a sailor.:D


To find a place to park so that the one allready in the car can get into the back seat. :blink:


:shock1: Holy crap!! Couldn't get past this to read the rest of your post!! Prey tell what is the purpose of driving :o ??

I don't look at girls " I thought that was a strange thing to say, mine you he is a sailor.:D


From the expression you have put Trans :huh: I don't believe you don't know the jokes about sailors " Your turn in the barrel Trans " :lol: :lol:


:shock1: Holy crap!! Couldn't get past this to read the rest of your post!! Prey tell what is the purpose of driving :o ??

I don't look at girls " I thought that was a strange thing to say, mine you he is a sailor.:D


To find a place to park so that the one allready in the car can get into the back seat. :blink:



:shock1: Holy crap!! Couldn't get past this to read the rest of your post!! Prey tell what is the purpose of driving :o ??

I don't look at girls " I thought that was a strange thing to say, mine you he is a sailor.:D


From the expression you have put Trans :huh: I don't believe you don't know the jokes about sailors " Your turn in the barrel Trans " :lol: :lol:

Well they are out at sea for quite a while you know :lol: ....

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